Transgender teen: 'My death needs to mean something'

Some people are born hermaphroditic or close to it. In that case surgery and medicine is the right answer if they want it but anyone operating or gender bending a teenager needs to be thrown in prison.
They have to live with contributing to their daughter's death. Beautiful and intelligent girl.

The only people who have to live with contributing to this child's death are those that indulged his delusions that he was female. His rejection of his own gender should have been traced back to its roots with more vigor; not merely assigned some quack-diagnosis as "gender dysphoria" from a cult-owned erstwhile "scientific" outfit called the American Psychological Association (APA).

This boy died because society indulged him in his delusions and confused thusly, he decided his parents or whoever was against this sick ruse were "wrong" and that he "could never be happy as a boy".

This is a blatant attempt to strum the heartstrings of the ignorant and uninformed. Get informed about how and why children reject their own gender. It has more to do with "I don't like my gender's treatment in society/at home/etc." than it does with "I'm born in the wrong body". How could a child "know" they were born in the wrong body? Many LGBT cultests claim this is so before a child is even old enough to tie their own shoelaces!

I thought I was a bird for years. Tried to strap cardboard wings on myself as a young child and tried to jump off the roof. Thank goodness my parents caught me in time and stopped me. Now I look back and see the error in my thinking. I can see in a mirror that I'm not a bird. That boy could have seen in a mirrior that he was not a girl.

He lacked the proper psychological guidance and THAT is why he is dead. Thanks to today's APA...

Here's another one lining up to hack off his genitals and become an incontinent, sexually-numb depressed person (statistically the trend after "gender reassignment sugery/playing God") Boy Drugged By Lesbian Parents To Be A Girl US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Look at the boy's body language. His is an issue more of "my gender doesn't matter" than it is " I was born in the wrong body". He was born in the wrong home and jurisdiction of the APA...
Maybe it's my own personal ignorance but I have never heard of a transgender person until the last five years or so. It seems like a manufactured movement of some sort. It's pretty disturbing.

As far as the kid - I think it's just a tragedy. There's no lesson to be learned from this, it's just unfortunate.
Maybe it's my own personal ignorance but I have never heard of a transgender person until the last five years or so. It seems like a manufactured movement of some sort. It's pretty disturbing.

As far as the kid - I think it's just a tragedy. There's no lesson to be learned from this, it's just unfortunate.
Here's the lesson to learn: The serenity prayer.

God, give me grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.

There is wisdom is this prayer even for those that do not beleive in God.
When I was a baby my parents played Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and Michael Savage next to my crib while I slept. I wasn't allowed to wear pink or play with my sisters dolls.

I have more man in me than all the men in California combined.
When I was a baby my parents played Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and Michael Savage next to my crib while I slept. I wasn't allowed to wear pink or play with my sisters dolls.

I have more man in me than all the men in California combined.

When I was little I played with cap guns and army men. All my dolls got operated on.

Imagine what would be done today?
So sad that her parents didn't accept her and she felt so isolated.

I wish she has reached out to others.

Why do people keep calling him a girl?
The personality inside that boy's body was female and responded to being recognized as female.
Yes the physical body is 100% male.
Nobody is denying that.

What ppl don't all get is how can the person inside not be okay wirh be
So sad that her parents didn't accept her and she felt so isolated.

I wish she has reached out to others.

Why do people keep calling him a girl?
The personality inside that boy's body was female and responded to being recognized as female.
Yes the physical body is 100% male.
Nobody is denying that.

What ppl don't all get is how can the person inside not be okay wirh be
It's the brain that does the thinking, not the body. He was ill. An illness that is embraced by many today. His parents didn't embrace it so he decided to punish them and kill himself because he wasn't getting his way. Sad, certainly, for his parents.
So sad that her parents didn't accept her and she felt so isolated.

I wish she has reached out to others.

Why do people keep calling him a girl?
The personality inside that boy's body was female and responded to being recognized as female.
Yes the physical body is 100% male.
Nobody is denying that.

What ppl don't all get is how can the person inside not be okay wirh be
It's the brain that does the thinking, not the body. He was ill. An illness that is embraced by many today. His parents didn't embrace it so he decided to punish them and kill himself because he wasn't getting his way. Sad, certainly, for his parents.
He was not much different than Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold.
So sad that her parents didn't accept her and she felt so isolated.

I wish she has reached out to others.

Why do people keep calling him a girl?
The personality inside that boy's body was female and responded to being recognized as female.
Yes the physical body is 100% male.
Nobody is denying that.

What ppl don't all get is how can the person inside not be okay wirh be
It's the brain that does the thinking, not the body. He was ill. An illness that is embraced by many today. His parents didn't embrace it so he decided to punish them and kill himself because he wasn't getting his way. Sad, certainly, for his parents.
He was not much different than Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold.

I think he was. His "inner turmoil" was his badge of honor, his suicide was a swan song. Theirs was a dark emptiness and sadness the went unnoticed and unattended.
The personality inside that boy's body was female and responded to being recognized as female.
Yes the physical body is 100% male.

Nobody is denying that.

What ppl don't all get is how can the person inside not be okay wirh be

There is a technical term for that. It's called "delusion". Like I said, I was certain I was a bird inside a human's body as a child. Thank goodness society and my parents resisted that "certainty" I had and pulled me off the roof with my cardboard wings before I really harmed my body with the confusion in my mind...
Very sad a mentally disturbed teen walks onto the freeway and is struck by a truck driver, I feel bad for the truck driver, this is going to be with him along time.

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