Transgender woman banned from Idaho store

Women generally have a problem with men using the women's restroom.

But will quickly use the men's room to moment it seems necessary.

Maybe it's just me, but I've never walked into the men's room. I suppose I was never that desperate. Or too uptight. I really don't want to go in the men's room.

I've seen a transgendered wo/man (not sure what to call her/him) and really struggled not to break out laughing. I felt pretty bad about finding it so funny. No one called him out on it. But I wasn't the only one trying not to laugh.

I have had a number of transgendered friends. One was truly transgendered. Drop dead gorgeous. Unless you knew her so well, that she would tell you, no one would ever know. She would be horrified to see a man in a women's rest room or dressing room. Jennifer would be the first woman to slam a high heel into the guy's head. Two others were just deranged. One was an ex-marine from the Viet Nam war who felt that becoming a woman was paying some kind of pennace for killing so many people. The other was just deranged. HE was a motorcycle mechanic who dressed as a woman, had tit implants and usually badly needed a shave. I consider those types gay cross dressers who are confused as to what the word transgendered means.

Now, though, we have a different breed of crazy. Men who want to attack women in a place where they have less chance of discovery who are taking full advantage of laws created to make it easier for them to carry out their attacks. Some stores recognize this and don't allow girls the use of the dressing rooms or rest rooms unless they have a parent with them. If a woman is vulnerable, a child is more so. The murder of the little girl in the women's rest room in Las Vegas changed everything.
It's pretty simple, if you have mommy parts, use the women's room. If you have daddy parts, use the men's restroom. Mommy parts, women's room. Daddy parts, men's room.

Any questions?

Glad I could be of some assistance.

Maybe that is how "rooms" should be labeled from not on....then there is no confusion about who is expected to go were. It would also not be based on if you are male, female or transgendered. It would be based on the plumbing.

danglie bits to the right, no danglie bits to the left.

I agree with the above... no transgendered "female" is going to stand up to pee.
You should be forced to deny reality

Only a bigot would not deny reality.

The world must change to accommodate the insane.

Here is the reality. Anyone who has known a TRULY transgendered person knows this. A transgendered male to female would NEVER stand up to urinate. If they believe themselves to be women, they are more comfortable stated whether or not their surgery was completed.

The women who complained here were lucky, this wasn't someone who was transgendered. It was Norman Bates wearing his mother's dress.

"The world must change to accommodate the insane." long as they keep winning elections.....

I think that would be better stated if it said, "the world must change to accomodate political correctness". It seems we are all being forced to accept liberal views or be ostracized. You know... that is liberal tolerance at its finest.

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Being born the way one is comes from nature, not choice.

Not being able to accept and cope with how one was born is psychological, not physical, and at least to some degree choice, albeit at an existential level, is involved.

The trouble is that our cultures and societies do not develop individuals that are complete within themselves and have to look for completion in the exterior world. This is illusory, of course, since the 'external' can only exist through our senses and perceptions, which are internal.

We can feel sympathy and sorrow for these persons fixated on their sexual identity, but that is not the same as saying we have to agree with them.
The trouble is that we are adjusting the entirety of the people to accommodate a few deranged individuals. We could give civil rights like this to people who believe they were abducted by aliens too. Provide taxpayer paid visits to the desert so they can meet the mothership. Anyone who challenges this absurdity can be punished for being a bigot.
They'll still call you a hateful bigot for refusing to deny reality

Your reasoning is in trouble. If 'they' are the majority, what is 'reality'?

'Reality' is a human concept, thought, word. It does not exist of itself. When the majority believes something true, it is socially true. When the individual truly decides something is true, it does not matter what society says.
There seems to be some kind of dichotomy as to what is the majority. The majority is not transgendered. The majority of men who dress like women aren't transgendered. The transgendered make up a fraction of a fraction of the whole nation. There are far, FAR more men who are willing to dress like women if it allows them access to places where men are prohibited. Sometimes it can be as innocent as an exhibitionist in the women's locker room at the gym. He just wants to see how women react to his bare dick. Sometimes it can mean an actual attack.
There seems to be some kind of dichotomy as to what is the majority. The majority is not transgendered. The majority of men who dress like women aren't transgendered. The transgendered make up a fraction of a fraction of the whole nation. There are far, FAR more men who are willing to dress like women if it allows them access to places where men are prohibited. Sometimes it can be as innocent as an exhibitionist in the women's locker room at the gym. He just wants to see how women react to his bare dick. Sometimes it can mean an actual attack.

It does seem male sexuality is far more bizarre than female and more dangerously perverse.
It's pretty simple, if you have mommy parts, use the women's room. If you have daddy parts, use the men's restroom. Mommy parts, women's room. Daddy parts, men's room.

Any questions?

Glad I could be of some assistance.

Maybe that is how "rooms" should be labeled from not on....then there is no confusion about who is expected to go were. It would also not be based on if you are male, female or transgendered. It would be based on the plumbing.

danglie bits to the right, no danglie bits to the left.

Can you imagine the signs:eek:
Being born the way one is comes from nature, not choice.

Not being able to accept and cope with how one was born is psychological, not physical, and at least to some degree choice, albeit at an existential level, is involved.

The trouble is that our cultures and societies do not develop individuals that are complete within themselves and have to look for completion in the exterior world. This is illusory, of course, since the 'external' can only exist through our senses and perceptions, which are internal.

We can feel sympathy and sorrow for these persons fixated on their sexual identity, but that is not the same as saying we have to agree with them

Or to be expected to conform to their psychological whims. It's a big world. If we are expected to accomodate the should they. If you are so tramatized as a transgender having to use the men's ( or ladies) room...then hold it until you get home.
Women generally have a problem with men using the women's restroom.

I have never heard of this. Men using the women's restroom? Never heard of it. I've seen where, when there is a big crowd, like a concert or sports event, and a long line for the ladies' room while the men's room is empty, women will use the men’s'. Never heard of the reverse.

As far as the transgender issue: probably should go to the Supreme Court and let them decide. This is a King Solomon issue.
Nothing more unnerving and creepy then a man dressed as a woman approaching you while you are alone and vulnerable...especially when you don't know their motives. If people can't understand why a woman would have a problem with this, they have a lot to learn. I was approached by a man in drag in a parking lot once...he was trying to get me to give him money for food and the bus. Very aggressive and totally had no problem invading your personal space.

Yikes! Worst that ever happened to me was a charming toddler that crawled under the cubicle at a lingerie store. I think I was still blushing a week later. I'm not sure who was more embarrassed, me or his mother.

That was somewhat innocent but still kind of upsetting. Those stories sound so traumatic.

At least she was embarrassed. I had a woman bring her 10/12 year old son into the woman's locker room at the high school swimming pool...where he was then gawking at the teenage girls taking a shower. Dipshit was astonished that anyone should have a problem with this...when her son was "too young" to be expected to hang out in the men's locker room alone. Society is churning out the self absorbed, who only care about what they want and feel...not for the others they share the planet with. It's annoying.
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It's pretty simple, if you have mommy parts, use the women's room. If you have daddy parts, use the men's restroom. Mommy parts, women's room. Daddy parts, men's room.

Any questions?

Glad I could be of some assistance.

Maybe that is how "rooms" should be labeled from not on....then there is no confusion about who is expected to go were. It would also not be based on if you are male, female or transgendered. It would be based on the plumbing.

danglie bits to the right, no danglie bits to the left.

Can you imagine the signs:eek:
LOL not a bad idea!
Being born the way one is comes from nature, not choice.

Not being able to accept and cope with how one was born is psychological, not physical, and at least to some degree choice, albeit at an existential level, is involved.

The trouble is that our cultures and societies do not develop individuals that are complete within themselves and have to look for completion in the exterior world. This is illusory, of course, since the 'external' can only exist through our senses and perceptions, which are internal.

We can feel sympathy and sorrow for these persons fixated on their sexual identity, but that is not the same as saying we have to agree with them

Or to be expected to conform to their psychological whims. It's a big world. If we are expected to accomodate the should they. If you are so tramatized as a transgender having to use the men's ( or ladies) room...then hold it until you get home.

That might be the rational approach, but by your own terms, a traumatized person will not necessarily be rational.
Being born the way one is comes from nature, not choice.

Not being able to accept and cope with how one was born is psychological, not physical, and at least to some degree choice, albeit at an existential level, is involved.

The trouble is that our cultures and societies do not develop individuals that are complete within themselves and have to look for completion in the exterior world. This is illusory, of course, since the 'external' can only exist through our senses and perceptions, which are internal.

We can feel sympathy and sorrow for these persons fixated on their sexual identity, but that is not the same as saying we have to agree with them

Or to be expected to conform to their psychological whims. It's a big world. If we are expected to accomodate the should they. If you are so tramatized as a transgender having to use the men's ( or ladies) room...then hold it until you get home.

That might be the rational approach, but by your own terms, a traumatized person will not necessarily be rational.

Sure they can. There are certain things that a person knows about themselves prior to leaving the house. For me it's that I don't like riding in crowded elevators,or being in confined spaces. Knowing this about myself...I make adjustments. I don't expect others to adjust for me. Simple.
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Or to be expected to conform to their psychological whims. It's a big world. If we are expected to accomodate the should they. If you are so tramatized as a transgender having to use the men's ( or ladies) room...then hold it until you get home.

That might be the rational approach, but by your own terms, a traumatized person will not necessarily be rational.

Sure they can. There are certain things that a person knows about themselves prior to leaving the house. For me it's that I don't like riding in crowded elevators,or being in confined spaces. Knowing this about myself...I make adjustments. I don't expect others to adjust for me. Simple.

They can, but will they? Anyway, it is true that we do not have to join another's reality, especially if we are convinced it is not healthy even for them for us to accommodate it.

This whole issue illustrates how and why we live in a neurotic society, and how that neurosis is transmitted to nearly everyone.
It's pretty simple, if you have mommy parts, use the women's room. If you have daddy parts, use the men's restroom. Mommy parts, women's room. Daddy parts, men's room.

Any questions?

Glad I could be of some assistance.

Maybe that is how "rooms" should be labeled from not on....then there is no confusion about who is expected to go were. It would also not be based on if you are male, female or transgendered. It would be based on the plumbing.

danglie bits to the right, no danglie bits to the left.

I agree with the above... no transgendered "female" is going to stand up to pee.

That kind of sign is absolutely clear. It does not delve into self described feelings of gender.

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