“Travis told police Arbery “squared up” like he was going to attack.” So he shot him in the chest.

Under questioning by Jason Sheffield, an attorney for Travis McMichael, Dial said Travis told police he raised his shotgun at Arbery from roughly 90 feet (27 meters) away and told him to stop and get on the ground.

1st thats not what the police report says,

2nd if that’s true they were conducting a citizen’s arrest,, manslaughter, 3 months in jail see ya later
When you posted the police report in response to my inquiry, I explained at that time that the report didn't include the "witness" statements (actually the perpetrators') and that was what I wanted to see if for no other reason than the police report reads like a recitation of what the officer was told by the elder McMichael. I was interested in seeing what the shooter said happened and eventually we did.

And I'm pretty sure that I mentioned as well, that the police report also read to me like a confession.

Lastly, if they were attempting a citizen's arrest then they did it wrong since in actually they committed an armed assault.
Who cares, we have a video of self defense being administered. Wow what a hero Travis is!
You think a video tape which can be interpreted in more than one way carries more weight than an admission by the shooter?
I like the admission. It doesn’t help you
We have the video plus this official explanation from the triggerman of what happened in front of the truck that cannot be seen in the video:
so you agree, Arbery attacked the man with the gun.
Arbery was shot before he touched McMichael by his own admission.

Which is his right. He was running right at him, squared up.
So McMichael was threatened by someone chasing him? Is that what you’re telling me?
A Suspected Serial break in artist that the community was on high alert for. That had a hammer in his hands for a period of time, and also the nite before showed a sign he had a weapon. Was charging at you? Yes good nite
Post a photo of Arbery holding a hammer.....
Release the 4 min video oF him running

Why the fuck are you asking me for evidence to prove you're not hallucinating??


It's your claim, it's on you to prove. You said he was holding a hammer .... post a legit photo of him holding a hammer or you're lying.

Not that anyone here doesn't already know you are.
I did. I’m not clogging up the site with picture of the hammer again.. lol I showed you like 1,900 times ha
You've never posted a photo of Arbery holding a hammer.

Your lies expose the emptiness of your false claims.
Just a hammer in the middle of the road lol hmmm wonder how that got there

You keep mentioning the hammer. It isn’t on any videos. It isn’t mentioned in the three and a half hour preliminary hearing where it could have gotten the McMichaels out on bail. It wasn’t mentioned in any published police reports. So other than the land of imagination. Where did you learn of this hammer? Why is it not mentioned anywhere?
Where is the Four min video?

Here is another video for you.

Let me summarize the lawyers arguments.

Lawyer for Travis. It was self defense. He believed he was right. He had a gut feeling about Ahmad Arbery.

Lawyer for Greg. He is not responsible for what Travis did. He was attempting to keep Arbrey in sight for police.

Lawyer for Roddy. He had no idea the McMichaels were acting unlawfully.

Every lawyer is pointing the finger at the others.

When the two videos are released I think you will be shocked

Odd. The Defense Lawyers don’t mention them. Not during the three and a half hour evidence hearing. And not during closing hoping to get the charges dismissed. Odd that they shared these videos with you but not the court.

When the f did I say I saw the videos?

Well the way you keep going on about these mystery videos and what they will show and how they completely exonerate the McMichaels I guess I assumed you had seen them. But like so much of what you post it is absolute bullshit.

Them not being released raises serious questions
We have the video plus this official explanation from the triggerman of what happened in front of the truck that cannot be seen in the video:
so you agree, Arbery attacked the man with the gun.
Arbery was shot before he touched McMichael by his own admission.

Which is his right. He was running right at him, squared up.
So McMichael was threatened by someone chasing him? Is that what you’re telling me?
A Suspected Serial break in artist that the community was on high alert for. That had a hammer in his hands for a period of time, and also the nite before showed a sign he had a weapon. Was charging at you? Yes good nite
Post a photo of Arbery holding a hammer.....
Release the 4 min video oF him running

Why the fuck are you asking me for evidence to prove you're not hallucinating??


It's your claim, it's on you to prove. You said he was holding a hammer .... post a legit photo of him holding a hammer or you're lying.

Not that anyone here doesn't already know you are.
I did. I’m not clogging up the site with picture of the hammer again.. lol I showed you like 1,900 times ha
You've never posted a photo of Arbery holding a hammer.

Your lies expose the emptiness of your false claims.
Just a hammer in the middle of the road lol hmmm wonder how that got there

You keep mentioning the hammer. It isn’t on any videos. It isn’t mentioned in the three and a half hour preliminary hearing where it could have gotten the McMichaels out on bail. It wasn’t mentioned in any published police reports. So other than the land of imagination. Where did you learn of this hammer? Why is it not mentioned anywhere?
Where is the Four min video?

Here is another video for you.

Let me summarize the lawyers arguments.

Lawyer for Travis. It was self defense. He believed he was right. He had a gut feeling about Ahmad Arbery.

Lawyer for Greg. He is not responsible for what Travis did. He was attempting to keep Arbrey in sight for police.

Lawyer for Roddy. He had no idea the McMichaels were acting unlawfully.

Every lawyer is pointing the finger at the others.

Seems reasonable

Yeah. Greg is saying don’t convict me. It was my son who killed him. He did everything. I was along for the ride. An innocent bystander.

What is hilarious. Roddy’s lawyer. Who by the way has the best chance of prevailing. Roddys Lawyer said that he had no idea the McMichaels were acting illegally. Roddy admits the McMichaels were committing crimes. His lawyer isn’t going to let his client go down on a Life Sentence because of the McMichaels.

And if you think for a minute. Greg and Travis if they were united in their defense would have one legal team to defend them both. Instead Greg’s lawyer is pointing the finger at the son and saying it is totally his fault. Greg knows Travis is going to Prison. Greg is trying to save his own hide.

The three and a half hour preliminary hearing is interesting. The GBI investigator goes through the evidence they have, and the loose ends they are tying down. The investigator says it was aggravated assault and murder. The Judge agreed after the hearing denying motions to dismiss and bail there was sufficient evidence to keep this thing moving.

The racism won’t be as big of an issue in the trial. A bit to show motivation. To establish intent for Roddy. During the sentencing phase after the conviction. Travis is getting life without parole.

Roddy. I said he has the best chance. Establishing intent to commit false imprisonment is going to be tough. Honestly that one is the only one I see a coin toss chance at either no bill from the grand jury or Not Guilty in the trial. I honestly think he has a fifty fifty chance.

Travis is screwed. Daddy is screwed. Travis will get life without parole unless he decides to Testify. Then he has about one chance in ten of getting Death. Daddy will get life.

Here is the problem with the Defense and a Jury. If you hold the McMichaels guilty for the Aggravated Assault you have to find them guilty of the Murder. If you find Roddy was a party to this via the chase and effort to block. Then you have to find him guilty of murder too.

Unless the Cops lie or there is prosecutorial misconduct. The McMichaels are going to prison. Roddy might make it out bankrupt and homeless.

Again we will see
Here is another video for you.

Let me summarize the lawyers arguments.

Lawyer for Travis. It was self defense. He believed he was right. He had a gut feeling about Ahmad Arbery.

Lawyer for Greg. He is not responsible for what Travis did. He was attempting to keep Arbrey in sight for police.

Lawyer for Roddy. He had no idea the McMichaels were acting unlawfully.

Every lawyer is pointing the finger at the others.

Seems reasonable

Yeah. Greg is saying don’t convict me. It was my son who killed him. He did everything. I was along for the ride. An innocent bystander.

What is hilarious. Roddy’s lawyer. Who by the way has the best chance of prevailing. Roddys Lawyer said that he had no idea the McMichaels were acting illegally. Roddy admits the McMichaels were committing crimes. His lawyer isn’t going to let his client go down on a Life Sentence because of the McMichaels.

And if you think for a minute. Greg and Travis if they were united in their defense would have one legal team to defend them both. Instead Greg’s lawyer is pointing the finger at the son and saying it is totally his fault. Greg knows Travis is going to Prison. Greg is trying to save his own hide.

The three and a half hour preliminary hearing is interesting. The GBI investigator goes through the evidence they have, and the loose ends they are tying down. The investigator says it was aggravated assault and murder. The Judge agreed after the hearing denying motions to dismiss and bail there was sufficient evidence to keep this thing moving.

The racism won’t be as big of an issue in the trial. A bit to show motivation. To establish intent for Roddy. During the sentencing phase after the conviction. Travis is getting life without parole.

Roddy. I said he has the best chance. Establishing intent to commit false imprisonment is going to be tough. Honestly that one is the only one I see a coin toss chance at either no bill from the grand jury or Not Guilty in the trial. I honestly think he has a fifty fifty chance.

Travis is screwed. Daddy is screwed. Travis will get life without parole unless he decides to Testify. Then he has about one chance in ten of getting Death. Daddy will get life.

Here is the problem with the Defense and a Jury. If you hold the McMichaels guilty for the Aggravated Assault you have to find them guilty of the Murder. If you find Roddy was a party to this via the chase and effort to block. Then you have to find him guilty of murder too.

Unless the Cops lie or there is prosecutorial misconduct. The McMichaels are going to prison. Roddy might make it out bankrupt and homeless.

Again we will see

The Judge listened to the evidence. A three and a half hour Period of questions and answers. The State essentially laid out their case so far, and if there was a chance of getting them out, at least on bail, it was here.

The evidence is damning. Travis’ excuse for shooting absent any first hand knowledge of a crime? His “gut feeling”. A gut feeling is not admissible in court. Facts, truth, and evidence is. A Gut Feeling is not sufficient to effect a Citizens Arrest. A Gut feeling gets you sent to prison.

So Travis is going to prison. I said above that Roddy had a fifty fifty chance. I am going to give you my equally honest assessment of everyones chances.

Odds of Travis going to prison? 98% plus. Unless the police lie, mishandle evidence, or hide evidence the statements and videos are going to be in the record, and that will damn him. His foundation for his defense is simply not going to fly with the Jury. I figure that in this case, a two percent chance that the cops will be caught in a lie, or the prosecutor will withhold some of the Brady Evidence he is supposed to cough up. Most probable of the options for sentencing? Life without Parole.

Greg. 90% plus. The idea he went along and was a sort of good citizen innocent bystander when his son committed the crimes isn’t going to fly. He is in his sixties, so the jury might feel sorry enough to give him a pass, but unlikely. Most probable sentence, Life.

Roddy. As I said, coin toss. I think they can get an indictment against him. Since by his own statement he tried to block AA with his car, it is going to be tricky to explain he thought he was doing the right thing. But it is possible. His best chance is to argue the knows the McMichaels and thought they were good and decent law abiding folks. He had no idea they were in a commission of a crime when he tried to help being a good Neighbor. Here, the Citizens Arrest Reasonable Belief comes into play.

Reasonable Belief is when some one rushes up to you and says that that guy is trying to kill me. You would be reasonable to believe him. Roddy can argue, and the Jury might buy the idea that Roddy was acting on Reasonable Belief. It is his best chance to get out of it. His lawyer seems to be taking that course. It’s all them, he was innocent and did not know they were acting in an unlawful manner.

Roddy’s lawyer knows that the McMichaels committed crimes. Something that has been hard to accept for you.

If convicted of the Murder. There are three sentences possible. Life. Life without parole. Death. I don’t think the prosecutor is going to push for Death very hard. Not because he doesn’t want to see the offender on death row. But because there are a ton of restrictions on what kind of trial, lawyer, and instructions for the juries that can be given during a Death Penalty Trial that do not exist for Life without Parole.

I still honestly believe that Roddy has a fifty fifty chance, but he is the only one with any sliver of hope to get out of this without prison.

Oh, and the argument that AA was stealing stuff from the workers? Think for a minute. You leave your stuff at the job site. You come back the next day and find a saw missing. You might not file a police report, but you damn sure would not leave tools there ever again.

When I had guys out to the house repairing Hurricane Damage, in an isolated rural area, with very few neighbors, they still locked their tools into a trailer, put a hitch lock on the trailer to keep it from being drug away. And they ran a chain through the wheels to keep them from turning. They did all this after insuring that the trailer was in view of one of my cameras.

Now if the workers came back the next morning, and found the tool storage broken into and damaged, they would have called the cops. Unless they were illegal aliens, and were afraid of the police. In which case it might be the first time in History that you were on the side of the Illegals.
Here is another video for you.

Let me summarize the lawyers arguments.

Lawyer for Travis. It was self defense. He believed he was right. He had a gut feeling about Ahmad Arbery.

Lawyer for Greg. He is not responsible for what Travis did. He was attempting to keep Arbrey in sight for police.

Lawyer for Roddy. He had no idea the McMichaels were acting unlawfully.

Every lawyer is pointing the finger at the others.

Seems reasonable

Yeah. Greg is saying don’t convict me. It was my son who killed him. He did everything. I was along for the ride. An innocent bystander.

What is hilarious. Roddy’s lawyer. Who by the way has the best chance of prevailing. Roddys Lawyer said that he had no idea the McMichaels were acting illegally. Roddy admits the McMichaels were committing crimes. His lawyer isn’t going to let his client go down on a Life Sentence because of the McMichaels.

And if you think for a minute. Greg and Travis if they were united in their defense would have one legal team to defend them both. Instead Greg’s lawyer is pointing the finger at the son and saying it is totally his fault. Greg knows Travis is going to Prison. Greg is trying to save his own hide.

The three and a half hour preliminary hearing is interesting. The GBI investigator goes through the evidence they have, and the loose ends they are tying down. The investigator says it was aggravated assault and murder. The Judge agreed after the hearing denying motions to dismiss and bail there was sufficient evidence to keep this thing moving.

The racism won’t be as big of an issue in the trial. A bit to show motivation. To establish intent for Roddy. During the sentencing phase after the conviction. Travis is getting life without parole.

Roddy. I said he has the best chance. Establishing intent to commit false imprisonment is going to be tough. Honestly that one is the only one I see a coin toss chance at either no bill from the grand jury or Not Guilty in the trial. I honestly think he has a fifty fifty chance.

Travis is screwed. Daddy is screwed. Travis will get life without parole unless he decides to Testify. Then he has about one chance in ten of getting Death. Daddy will get life.

Here is the problem with the Defense and a Jury. If you hold the McMichaels guilty for the Aggravated Assault you have to find them guilty of the Murder. If you find Roddy was a party to this via the chase and effort to block. Then you have to find him guilty of murder too.

Unless the Cops lie or there is prosecutorial misconduct. The McMichaels are going to prison. Roddy might make it out bankrupt and homeless.

Again we will see

The Judge listened to the evidence. A three and a half hour Period of questions and answers. The State essentially laid out their case so far, and if there was a chance of getting them out, at least on bail, it was here.

The evidence is damning. Travis’ excuse for shooting absent any first hand knowledge of a crime? His “gut feeling”. A gut feeling is not admissible in court. Facts, truth, and evidence is. A Gut Feeling is not sufficient to effect a Citizens Arrest. A Gut feeling gets you sent to prison.

So Travis is going to prison. I said above that Roddy had a fifty fifty chance. I am going to give you my equally honest assessment of everyones chances.

Odds of Travis going to prison? 98% plus. Unless the police lie, mishandle evidence, or hide evidence the statements and videos are going to be in the record, and that will damn him. His foundation for his defense is simply not going to fly with the Jury. I figure that in this case, a two percent chance that the cops will be caught in a lie, or the prosecutor will withhold some of the Brady Evidence he is supposed to cough up. Most probable of the options for sentencing? Life without Parole.

Greg. 90% plus. The idea he went along and was a sort of good citizen innocent bystander when his son committed the crimes isn’t going to fly. He is in his sixties, so the jury might feel sorry enough to give him a pass, but unlikely. Most probable sentence, Life.

Roddy. As I said, coin toss. I think they can get an indictment against him. Since by his own statement he tried to block AA with his car, it is going to be tricky to explain he thought he was doing the right thing. But it is possible. His best chance is to argue the knows the McMichaels and thought they were good and decent law abiding folks. He had no idea they were in a commission of a crime when he tried to help being a good Neighbor. Here, the Citizens Arrest Reasonable Belief comes into play.

Reasonable Belief is when some one rushes up to you and says that that guy is trying to kill me. You would be reasonable to believe him. Roddy can argue, and the Jury might buy the idea that Roddy was acting on Reasonable Belief. It is his best chance to get out of it. His lawyer seems to be taking that course. It’s all them, he was innocent and did not know they were acting in an unlawful manner.

Roddy’s lawyer knows that the McMichaels committed crimes. Something that has been hard to accept for you.

If convicted of the Murder. There are three sentences possible. Life. Life without parole. Death. I don’t think the prosecutor is going to push for Death very hard. Not because he doesn’t want to see the offender on death row. But because there are a ton of restrictions on what kind of trial, lawyer, and instructions for the juries that can be given during a Death Penalty Trial that do not exist for Life without Parole.

I still honestly believe that Roddy has a fifty fifty chance, but he is the only one with any sliver of hope to get out of this without prison.

Oh, and the argument that AA was stealing stuff from the workers? Think for a minute. You leave your stuff at the job site. You come back the next day and find a saw missing. You might not file a police report, but you damn sure would not leave tools there ever again.

When I had guys out to the house repairing Hurricane Damage, in an isolated rural area, with very few neighbors, they still locked their tools into a trailer, put a hitch lock on the trailer to keep it from being drug away. And they ran a chain through the wheels to keep them from turning. They did all this after insuring that the trailer was in view of one of my cameras.

Now if the workers came back the next morning, and found the tool storage broken into and damaged, they would have called the cops. Unless they were illegal aliens, and were afraid of the police. In which case it might be the first time in History that you were on the side of the Illegals.

Was the video released? If not the lawyers probably see a huge pay day,, more time wrongfully locked up the bigger the settlement
Here is another video for you.

Let me summarize the lawyers arguments.

Lawyer for Travis. It was self defense. He believed he was right. He had a gut feeling about Ahmad Arbery.

Lawyer for Greg. He is not responsible for what Travis did. He was attempting to keep Arbrey in sight for police.

Lawyer for Roddy. He had no idea the McMichaels were acting unlawfully.

Every lawyer is pointing the finger at the others.

Seems reasonable

Yeah. Greg is saying don’t convict me. It was my son who killed him. He did everything. I was along for the ride. An innocent bystander.

What is hilarious. Roddy’s lawyer. Who by the way has the best chance of prevailing. Roddys Lawyer said that he had no idea the McMichaels were acting illegally. Roddy admits the McMichaels were committing crimes. His lawyer isn’t going to let his client go down on a Life Sentence because of the McMichaels.

And if you think for a minute. Greg and Travis if they were united in their defense would have one legal team to defend them both. Instead Greg’s lawyer is pointing the finger at the son and saying it is totally his fault. Greg knows Travis is going to Prison. Greg is trying to save his own hide.

The three and a half hour preliminary hearing is interesting. The GBI investigator goes through the evidence they have, and the loose ends they are tying down. The investigator says it was aggravated assault and murder. The Judge agreed after the hearing denying motions to dismiss and bail there was sufficient evidence to keep this thing moving.

The racism won’t be as big of an issue in the trial. A bit to show motivation. To establish intent for Roddy. During the sentencing phase after the conviction. Travis is getting life without parole.

Roddy. I said he has the best chance. Establishing intent to commit false imprisonment is going to be tough. Honestly that one is the only one I see a coin toss chance at either no bill from the grand jury or Not Guilty in the trial. I honestly think he has a fifty fifty chance.

Travis is screwed. Daddy is screwed. Travis will get life without parole unless he decides to Testify. Then he has about one chance in ten of getting Death. Daddy will get life.

Here is the problem with the Defense and a Jury. If you hold the McMichaels guilty for the Aggravated Assault you have to find them guilty of the Murder. If you find Roddy was a party to this via the chase and effort to block. Then you have to find him guilty of murder too.

Unless the Cops lie or there is prosecutorial misconduct. The McMichaels are going to prison. Roddy might make it out bankrupt and homeless.

Again we will see

The Judge listened to the evidence. A three and a half hour Period of questions and answers. The State essentially laid out their case so far, and if there was a chance of getting them out, at least on bail, it was here.

The evidence is damning. Travis’ excuse for shooting absent any first hand knowledge of a crime? His “gut feeling”. A gut feeling is not admissible in court. Facts, truth, and evidence is. A Gut Feeling is not sufficient to effect a Citizens Arrest. A Gut feeling gets you sent to prison.

So Travis is going to prison. I said above that Roddy had a fifty fifty chance. I am going to give you my equally honest assessment of everyones chances.

Odds of Travis going to prison? 98% plus. Unless the police lie, mishandle evidence, or hide evidence the statements and videos are going to be in the record, and that will damn him. His foundation for his defense is simply not going to fly with the Jury. I figure that in this case, a two percent chance that the cops will be caught in a lie, or the prosecutor will withhold some of the Brady Evidence he is supposed to cough up. Most probable of the options for sentencing? Life without Parole.

Greg. 90% plus. The idea he went along and was a sort of good citizen innocent bystander when his son committed the crimes isn’t going to fly. He is in his sixties, so the jury might feel sorry enough to give him a pass, but unlikely. Most probable sentence, Life.

Roddy. As I said, coin toss. I think they can get an indictment against him. Since by his own statement he tried to block AA with his car, it is going to be tricky to explain he thought he was doing the right thing. But it is possible. His best chance is to argue the knows the McMichaels and thought they were good and decent law abiding folks. He had no idea they were in a commission of a crime when he tried to help being a good Neighbor. Here, the Citizens Arrest Reasonable Belief comes into play.

Reasonable Belief is when some one rushes up to you and says that that guy is trying to kill me. You would be reasonable to believe him. Roddy can argue, and the Jury might buy the idea that Roddy was acting on Reasonable Belief. It is his best chance to get out of it. His lawyer seems to be taking that course. It’s all them, he was innocent and did not know they were acting in an unlawful manner.

Roddy’s lawyer knows that the McMichaels committed crimes. Something that has been hard to accept for you.

If convicted of the Murder. There are three sentences possible. Life. Life without parole. Death. I don’t think the prosecutor is going to push for Death very hard. Not because he doesn’t want to see the offender on death row. But because there are a ton of restrictions on what kind of trial, lawyer, and instructions for the juries that can be given during a Death Penalty Trial that do not exist for Life without Parole.

I still honestly believe that Roddy has a fifty fifty chance, but he is the only one with any sliver of hope to get out of this without prison.

Oh, and the argument that AA was stealing stuff from the workers? Think for a minute. You leave your stuff at the job site. You come back the next day and find a saw missing. You might not file a police report, but you damn sure would not leave tools there ever again.

When I had guys out to the house repairing Hurricane Damage, in an isolated rural area, with very few neighbors, they still locked their tools into a trailer, put a hitch lock on the trailer to keep it from being drug away. And they ran a chain through the wheels to keep them from turning. They did all this after insuring that the trailer was in view of one of my cameras.

Now if the workers came back the next morning, and found the tool storage broken into and damaged, they would have called the cops. Unless they were illegal aliens, and were afraid of the police. In which case it might be the first time in History that you were on the side of the Illegals.

Was the video released? If not the lawyers probably see a huge pay day,, more time wrongfully locked up the bigger the settlement

This miracle video that shows AA flinging tools hither and yon? If that was the case why did Travis tell investigators that he had a gut feeling? Why didn’t his lawyer show the video to get the cop to admit it would appear as though AA was actively involved in a crime? Why didn’t Greg’s Attorney? Or Roddy’s to get the charges dismissed. The foundation is that he was actively involved in attempting to illegally imprison AA. If AA was chucking evidence charges dismissed that day. It would not be illegal imprisonment and no foundation for murder.

Three lawyers with excellent reasons to introduce the video or at least get the cop on the record about it. All three instead choose malpractice. That is what the State BAR would call it.
But the biggest reason is that after the first shot, we see Arbery for seconds, basically entirely in left profile, and extremely grainy. You think we are going to pick out a 2 inch hole in his shirt based on the quality of footage we have is absurd.
funny, he lost no strength until the last shot. or didn't you see that either?

stick no hammer
chest holes with no blood.

you have real issues prosecuting.
Nope. The suspects did the job of prosecuting for us. They admitted they illegally pursued and attempted to arrest the man putting him in fear of his life and admitted to shooting him before Arbery ever touched them.

Some crackpot theory that Arbery wasn’t shot because there was no blood in the grainy cell phone footage is about as weak as you could possibly get.
no law against pursuit. so you're wrong there. They never said arrest. They called the cops to do that. you forgot that fact didn't you? of course you did, you hate facts.

White T-shirt no blood for almost two minutes and you claim he was shot in the chest prior to the kill shot. I laugh.
Two minutes? From where do you get 2 minutes? The entire physical altercation lasts about 10 seconds.

The amount of time that AA!s front of shirt is visible in the video during the altercation can’t be more than a second. Anyway, They know the order the wounds were inflicted. And they have the shirt. Surely no one but a complete racist idiot would argue there is no blood from the first shot.
first shot was the wrist. when he grabbed the gun. watch the video.
Liar. Travis says the first shot was to the chest. What on Earth makes a loser like you think you know better than the guy who shot him??
You know we have a video right lol
You mean the video where you can't see the first shot?
But the biggest reason is that after the first shot, we see Arbery for seconds, basically entirely in left profile, and extremely grainy. You think we are going to pick out a 2 inch hole in his shirt based on the quality of footage we have is absurd.
funny, he lost no strength until the last shot. or didn't you see that either?

stick no hammer
chest holes with no blood.

you have real issues prosecuting.
Nope. The suspects did the job of prosecuting for us. They admitted they illegally pursued and attempted to arrest the man putting him in fear of his life and admitted to shooting him before Arbery ever touched them.

Some crackpot theory that Arbery wasn’t shot because there was no blood in the grainy cell phone footage is about as weak as you could possibly get.
no law against pursuit. so you're wrong there. They never said arrest. They called the cops to do that. you forgot that fact didn't you? of course you did, you hate facts.

White T-shirt no blood for almost two minutes and you claim he was shot in the chest prior to the kill shot. I laugh.
Two minutes? From where do you get 2 minutes? The entire physical altercation lasts about 10 seconds.

The amount of time that AA!s front of shirt is visible in the video during the altercation can’t be more than a second. Anyway, They know the order the wounds were inflicted. And they have the shirt. Surely no one but a complete racist idiot would argue there is no blood from the first shot.
first shot was the wrist. when he grabbed the gun. watch the video.
Liar. Travis says the first shot was to the chest. What on Earth makes a loser like you think you know better than the guy who shot him??
You know we have a video right lol
You mean the video where you can't see the first shot?
There is 4 additional mins to the follow or arbery.. where is it?
We have the video plus this official explanation from the triggerman of what happened in front of the truck that cannot be seen in the video:
so you agree, Arbery attacked the man with the gun.
Arbery was shot before he touched McMichael by his own admission.

Which is his right. He was running right at him, squared up.
So McMichael was threatened by someone chasing him? Is that what you’re telling me?
A Suspected Serial break in artist that the community was on high alert for. That had a hammer in his hands for a period of time, and also the nite before showed a sign he had a weapon. Was charging at you? Yes good nite
Post a photo of Arbery holding a hammer.....
Release the 4 min video oF him running

Why the fuck are you asking me for evidence to prove you're not hallucinating??


It's your claim, it's on you to prove. You said he was holding a hammer .... post a legit photo of him holding a hammer or you're lying.

Not that anyone here doesn't already know you are.
I did. I’m not clogging up the site with picture of the hammer again.. lol I showed you like 1,900 times ha
You've never posted a photo of Arbery holding a hammer.

Your lies expose the emptiness of your false claims.
Just a hammer in the middle of the road lol hmmm wonder how that got there
You mean the stick in the middle of the road?

I assume it was from a tree.
Def not a stick , hammer he stole
Nope. Stick. There before Arbery got there. You’re hallucinating.
Sticks look like hammers? Lol
No, they look like sticks. Like the stick in the video.
It looks like a hammer.. hammer time.. where do you think he would sell that? Or was it a weapon?
Who wants to buy a stick?
But the biggest reason is that after the first shot, we see Arbery for seconds, basically entirely in left profile, and extremely grainy. You think we are going to pick out a 2 inch hole in his shirt based on the quality of footage we have is absurd.
funny, he lost no strength until the last shot. or didn't you see that either?

stick no hammer
chest holes with no blood.

you have real issues prosecuting.
Nope. The suspects did the job of prosecuting for us. They admitted they illegally pursued and attempted to arrest the man putting him in fear of his life and admitted to shooting him before Arbery ever touched them.

Some crackpot theory that Arbery wasn’t shot because there was no blood in the grainy cell phone footage is about as weak as you could possibly get.
no law against pursuit. so you're wrong there. They never said arrest. They called the cops to do that. you forgot that fact didn't you? of course you did, you hate facts.

White T-shirt no blood for almost two minutes and you claim he was shot in the chest prior to the kill shot. I laugh.
Two minutes? From where do you get 2 minutes? The entire physical altercation lasts about 10 seconds.

The amount of time that AA!s front of shirt is visible in the video during the altercation can’t be more than a second. Anyway, They know the order the wounds were inflicted. And they have the shirt. Surely no one but a complete racist idiot would argue there is no blood from the first shot.
first shot was the wrist. when he grabbed the gun. watch the video.
Liar. Travis says the first shot was to the chest. What on Earth makes a loser like you think you know better than the guy who shot him??
You know we have a video right lol
You mean the video where you can't see the first shot?
There is 4 additional mins to the follow or arbery.. where is it?
Asked and answered.
A Suspected Serial break in artist that the community was on high alert for. That had a hammer in his hands for a period of time, and also the nite before showed a sign he had a weapon. Was charging at you? Yes good nite
The homeowner release video footage of at least 3 other groups of people stopping and coming onto that property to take a look, including a group of children and a white couple who were taking a look at dusk or after dark.

Why weren't they on high alert due to their alleged trespassing? Why weren't they chased down with guns?
Yes they were and they finally caught the one stealing
Liar, none were caught stealing. And Larry English, the homeowner with videos of anyone in the house, said nothing was taken.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
But the biggest reason is that after the first shot, we see Arbery for seconds, basically entirely in left profile, and extremely grainy. You think we are going to pick out a 2 inch hole in his shirt based on the quality of footage we have is absurd.
funny, he lost no strength until the last shot. or didn't you see that either?

stick no hammer
chest holes with no blood.

you have real issues prosecuting.
Nope. The suspects did the job of prosecuting for us. They admitted they illegally pursued and attempted to arrest the man putting him in fear of his life and admitted to shooting him before Arbery ever touched them.

Some crackpot theory that Arbery wasn’t shot because there was no blood in the grainy cell phone footage is about as weak as you could possibly get.
no law against pursuit. so you're wrong there. They never said arrest. They called the cops to do that. you forgot that fact didn't you? of course you did, you hate facts.

White T-shirt no blood for almost two minutes and you claim he was shot in the chest prior to the kill shot. I laugh.
Two minutes? From where do you get 2 minutes? The entire physical altercation lasts about 10 seconds.

The amount of time that AA!s front of shirt is visible in the video during the altercation can’t be more than a second. Anyway, They know the order the wounds were inflicted. And they have the shirt. Surely no one but a complete racist idiot would argue there is no blood from the first shot.
first shot was the wrist. when he grabbed the gun. watch the video.
Liar. Travis says the first shot was to the chest. What on Earth makes a loser like you think you know better than the guy who shot him??
You know we have a video right lol
You mean the video where you can't see the first shot?
There is 4 additional mins to the follow or arbery.. where is it?
In the hands of the police.
We have the video plus this official explanation from the triggerman of what happened in front of the truck that cannot be seen in the video:
so you agree, Arbery attacked the man with the gun.
Arbery was shot before he touched McMichael by his own admission.

Which is his right. He was running right at him, squared up.
So McMichael was threatened by someone chasing him? Is that what you’re telling me?
A Suspected Serial break in artist that the community was on high alert for. That had a hammer in his hands for a period of time, and also the nite before showed a sign he had a weapon. Was charging at you? Yes good nite
Post a photo of Arbery holding a hammer.....
Release the 4 min video oF him running

Why the fuck are you asking me for evidence to prove you're not hallucinating??


It's your claim, it's on you to prove. You said he was holding a hammer .... post a legit photo of him holding a hammer or you're lying.

Not that anyone here doesn't already know you are.
I did. I’m not clogging up the site with picture of the hammer again.. lol I showed you like 1,900 times ha
You've never posted a photo of Arbery holding a hammer.

Your lies expose the emptiness of your false claims.
Just a hammer in the middle of the road lol hmmm wonder how that got there
You mean the stick in the middle of the road?

I assume it was from a tree.
Def not a stick , hammer he stole
Nope. Stick. There before Arbery got there. You’re hallucinating.
Sticks look like hammers? Lol
No, they look like sticks. Like the stick in the video.
It looks like a hammer.. hammer time.. where do you think he would sell that? Or was it a weapon?
Who wants to buy a stick?
Hammer? I see a hammer so doesn’t Candace Owens and Joel Patrick two black ppl
But the biggest reason is that after the first shot, we see Arbery for seconds, basically entirely in left profile, and extremely grainy. You think we are going to pick out a 2 inch hole in his shirt based on the quality of footage we have is absurd.
funny, he lost no strength until the last shot. or didn't you see that either?

stick no hammer
chest holes with no blood.

you have real issues prosecuting.
Nope. The suspects did the job of prosecuting for us. They admitted they illegally pursued and attempted to arrest the man putting him in fear of his life and admitted to shooting him before Arbery ever touched them.

Some crackpot theory that Arbery wasn’t shot because there was no blood in the grainy cell phone footage is about as weak as you could possibly get.
no law against pursuit. so you're wrong there. They never said arrest. They called the cops to do that. you forgot that fact didn't you? of course you did, you hate facts.

White T-shirt no blood for almost two minutes and you claim he was shot in the chest prior to the kill shot. I laugh.
Two minutes? From where do you get 2 minutes? The entire physical altercation lasts about 10 seconds.

The amount of time that AA!s front of shirt is visible in the video during the altercation can’t be more than a second. Anyway, They know the order the wounds were inflicted. And they have the shirt. Surely no one but a complete racist idiot would argue there is no blood from the first shot.
first shot was the wrist. when he grabbed the gun. watch the video.
Liar. Travis says the first shot was to the chest. What on Earth makes a loser like you think you know better than the guy who shot him??
You know we have a video right lol
You mean the video where you can't see the first shot?
There is 4 additional mins to the follow or arbery.. where is it?
Asked and answered.
A Suspected Serial break in artist that the community was on high alert for. That had a hammer in his hands for a period of time, and also the nite before showed a sign he had a weapon. Was charging at you? Yes good nite
The homeowner release video footage of at least 3 other groups of people stopping and coming onto that property to take a look, including a group of children and a white couple who were taking a look at dusk or after dark.

Why weren't they on high alert due to their alleged trespassing? Why weren't they chased down with guns?
Yes they were and they finally caught the one stealing
Liar, none were caught stealing. And Larry English, the homeowner with videos of anyone in the house, said nothing was taken.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
It wasn’t his equipment it was the construction workers
But the biggest reason is that after the first shot, we see Arbery for seconds, basically entirely in left profile, and extremely grainy. You think we are going to pick out a 2 inch hole in his shirt based on the quality of footage we have is absurd.
funny, he lost no strength until the last shot. or didn't you see that either?

stick no hammer
chest holes with no blood.

you have real issues prosecuting.
Nope. The suspects did the job of prosecuting for us. They admitted they illegally pursued and attempted to arrest the man putting him in fear of his life and admitted to shooting him before Arbery ever touched them.

Some crackpot theory that Arbery wasn’t shot because there was no blood in the grainy cell phone footage is about as weak as you could possibly get.
no law against pursuit. so you're wrong there. They never said arrest. They called the cops to do that. you forgot that fact didn't you? of course you did, you hate facts.

White T-shirt no blood for almost two minutes and you claim he was shot in the chest prior to the kill shot. I laugh.
Two minutes? From where do you get 2 minutes? The entire physical altercation lasts about 10 seconds.

The amount of time that AA!s front of shirt is visible in the video during the altercation can’t be more than a second. Anyway, They know the order the wounds were inflicted. And they have the shirt. Surely no one but a complete racist idiot would argue there is no blood from the first shot.
first shot was the wrist. when he grabbed the gun. watch the video.
Liar. Travis says the first shot was to the chest. What on Earth makes a loser like you think you know better than the guy who shot him??
You know we have a video right lol
You mean the video where you can't see the first shot?
There is 4 additional mins to the follow or arbery.. where is it?
In the hands of the police.
Yes the bias police that took over the case after 2 DA said Justifiable homicide
But the biggest reason is that after the first shot, we see Arbery for seconds, basically entirely in left profile, and extremely grainy. You think we are going to pick out a 2 inch hole in his shirt based on the quality of footage we have is absurd.
funny, he lost no strength until the last shot. or didn't you see that either?

stick no hammer
chest holes with no blood.

you have real issues prosecuting.
Nope. The suspects did the job of prosecuting for us. They admitted they illegally pursued and attempted to arrest the man putting him in fear of his life and admitted to shooting him before Arbery ever touched them.

Some crackpot theory that Arbery wasn’t shot because there was no blood in the grainy cell phone footage is about as weak as you could possibly get.
no law against pursuit. so you're wrong there. They never said arrest. They called the cops to do that. you forgot that fact didn't you? of course you did, you hate facts.

White T-shirt no blood for almost two minutes and you claim he was shot in the chest prior to the kill shot. I laugh.
Two minutes? From where do you get 2 minutes? The entire physical altercation lasts about 10 seconds.

The amount of time that AA!s front of shirt is visible in the video during the altercation can’t be more than a second. Anyway, They know the order the wounds were inflicted. And they have the shirt. Surely no one but a complete racist idiot would argue there is no blood from the first shot.
first shot was the wrist. when he grabbed the gun. watch the video.
Liar. Travis says the first shot was to the chest. What on Earth makes a loser like you think you know better than the guy who shot him??
You know we have a video right lol
You mean the video where you can't see the first shot?
There is 4 additional mins to the follow or arbery.. where is it?
In the hands of the police.
Yes the bias police that took over the case after 2 DA said Justifiable homicide

What about the original officers investigating who thought they had enough to arrest. Were they biased against the McMichaels too?
But the biggest reason is that after the first shot, we see Arbery for seconds, basically entirely in left profile, and extremely grainy. You think we are going to pick out a 2 inch hole in his shirt based on the quality of footage we have is absurd.
funny, he lost no strength until the last shot. or didn't you see that either?

stick no hammer
chest holes with no blood.

you have real issues prosecuting.
Nope. The suspects did the job of prosecuting for us. They admitted they illegally pursued and attempted to arrest the man putting him in fear of his life and admitted to shooting him before Arbery ever touched them.

Some crackpot theory that Arbery wasn’t shot because there was no blood in the grainy cell phone footage is about as weak as you could possibly get.
no law against pursuit. so you're wrong there. They never said arrest. They called the cops to do that. you forgot that fact didn't you? of course you did, you hate facts.

White T-shirt no blood for almost two minutes and you claim he was shot in the chest prior to the kill shot. I laugh.
Two minutes? From where do you get 2 minutes? The entire physical altercation lasts about 10 seconds.

The amount of time that AA!s front of shirt is visible in the video during the altercation can’t be more than a second. Anyway, They know the order the wounds were inflicted. And they have the shirt. Surely no one but a complete racist idiot would argue there is no blood from the first shot.
first shot was the wrist. when he grabbed the gun. watch the video.
Liar. Travis says the first shot was to the chest. What on Earth makes a loser like you think you know better than the guy who shot him??
You know we have a video right lol
You mean the video where you can't see the first shot?
There is 4 additional mins to the follow or arbery.. where is it?
In the hands of the police.
Yes the bias police that took over the case after 2 DA said Justifiable homicide

What about the original officers investigating who thought they had enough to arrest. Were they biased against the McMichaels too?
What stopped them?
But the biggest reason is that after the first shot, we see Arbery for seconds, basically entirely in left profile, and extremely grainy. You think we are going to pick out a 2 inch hole in his shirt based on the quality of footage we have is absurd.
funny, he lost no strength until the last shot. or didn't you see that either?

stick no hammer
chest holes with no blood.

you have real issues prosecuting.
Nope. The suspects did the job of prosecuting for us. They admitted they illegally pursued and attempted to arrest the man putting him in fear of his life and admitted to shooting him before Arbery ever touched them.

Some crackpot theory that Arbery wasn’t shot because there was no blood in the grainy cell phone footage is about as weak as you could possibly get.
no law against pursuit. so you're wrong there. They never said arrest. They called the cops to do that. you forgot that fact didn't you? of course you did, you hate facts.

White T-shirt no blood for almost two minutes and you claim he was shot in the chest prior to the kill shot. I laugh.
Two minutes? From where do you get 2 minutes? The entire physical altercation lasts about 10 seconds.

The amount of time that AA!s front of shirt is visible in the video during the altercation can’t be more than a second. Anyway, They know the order the wounds were inflicted. And they have the shirt. Surely no one but a complete racist idiot would argue there is no blood from the first shot.
first shot was the wrist. when he grabbed the gun. watch the video.
Liar. Travis says the first shot was to the chest. What on Earth makes a loser like you think you know better than the guy who shot him??
You know we have a video right lol
You mean the video where you can't see the first shot?
There is 4 additional mins to the follow or arbery.. where is it?
In the hands of the police.
Yes the bias police that took over the case after 2 DA said Justifiable homicide

What about the original officers investigating who thought they had enough to arrest. Were they biased against the McMichaels too?
What stopped them?

The second Prosecutor got the file about five minutes before. He said they were not flight risks and it needed more investigation. He then said it appeared as a justifiable homicide but warranted more investigation and then passed the case to a third DA who called in the GBI. If his determination was final there would have been no third DA.

The third DA reviewed the case with the GBI including all video and went to the Judge and got the warrants.

We know what evidence exists. The GBI laid it out in court for three and a half hours. We know what the defense strategies are. They tried them to get the charges dismissed.

I honestly told you I think the only one with a chance is Roddy. Why can’t you be honest? Does a White guy getting prison for murdering a black cause you that much indigestion?
But the biggest reason is that after the first shot, we see Arbery for seconds, basically entirely in left profile, and extremely grainy. You think we are going to pick out a 2 inch hole in his shirt based on the quality of footage we have is absurd.
funny, he lost no strength until the last shot. or didn't you see that either?

stick no hammer
chest holes with no blood.

you have real issues prosecuting.
Nope. The suspects did the job of prosecuting for us. They admitted they illegally pursued and attempted to arrest the man putting him in fear of his life and admitted to shooting him before Arbery ever touched them.

Some crackpot theory that Arbery wasn’t shot because there was no blood in the grainy cell phone footage is about as weak as you could possibly get.
no law against pursuit. so you're wrong there. They never said arrest. They called the cops to do that. you forgot that fact didn't you? of course you did, you hate facts.

White T-shirt no blood for almost two minutes and you claim he was shot in the chest prior to the kill shot. I laugh.
Two minutes? From where do you get 2 minutes? The entire physical altercation lasts about 10 seconds.

The amount of time that AA!s front of shirt is visible in the video during the altercation can’t be more than a second. Anyway, They know the order the wounds were inflicted. And they have the shirt. Surely no one but a complete racist idiot would argue there is no blood from the first shot.
first shot was the wrist. when he grabbed the gun. watch the video.
Liar. Travis says the first shot was to the chest. What on Earth makes a loser like you think you know better than the guy who shot him??
You know we have a video right lol
You mean the video where you can't see the first shot?
There is 4 additional mins to the follow or arbery.. where is it?
In the hands of the police.
Yes the bias police that took over the case after 2 DA said Justifiable homicide

What about the original officers investigating who thought they had enough to arrest. Were they biased against the McMichaels too?
What stopped them?

The second Prosecutor got the file about five minutes before. He said they were not flight risks and it needed more investigation. He then said it appeared as a justifiable homicide but warranted more investigation and then passed the case to a third DA who called in the GBI. If his determination was final there would have been no third DA.

The third DA reviewed the case with the GBI including all video and went to the Judge and got the warrants.

We know what evidence exists. The GBI laid it out in court for three and a half hours. We know what the defense strategies are. They tried them to get the charges dismissed.

I honestly told you I think the only one with a chance is Roddy. Why can’t you be honest? Does a White guy getting prison for murdering a black cause you that much indigestion?
The video shows clear clearly a man standing there legally with a gun a man standing there illegally discharging his gun in self-defense if you want to change those laws or you are in the wrong country

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