Trayvon/zimmerman scenario.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

Zimmerman was in his car driving to Target. Trayvon was on his way home from the store after buying Arizona tea and Skittles for his little brother and talking on his phone via Blood Tooth, with his girl friend. Zimmerman saw a Black man walking in a neighborhood where he looked out of place. Suspiciously “acting like he is on something.” Zimmerman stopped his car and call 911 and told 911 what he was observing. Stating “these ***** always get away.” Then stating “S*** he’s running.” Everyone knows a black man running is “up to no good” and he got out of his car and started following Trayvon after 911 told him not to, pretending to look for an address because he did not know where he was? He caught up with Trayvon and Trayvon asked him “why are you following me” and Zimmerman asked him “what are you doing around here” instead of identifying himself as Neighborhood Watchman. For some reason we do not know Taryvon punches him and he falls to the wet grassy ground, not the side walk because his back was wet and he had grass stains on his back. Trayvon jumps on top of him, pinning his hands down, taking he head in his hands and banging it into the grass, not concrete, causing scrapes on the back of his head. At some point Trayvon sees his gun and screams for help. Or was is Zimmerman screaming for help to bring a witness to his claim of self defense when he shot Trayvon, Zimmerman with his hands, that he claimed Trayvon had pinned down, reached for his gun and shot Trayvon point blank in the chest killing him instead taking his free hands and beating the hell out of this lanky140lb kid. He did not die instantly but Zimmerman claimed he said something like “you got me.” (Is the bastard bragging or what?)
No one saw Trayvon hit Zimmerman. No one saw Zimmerman fall. No one saw Trayvon punching and bashing Zimmerman’s head into the grass, not the concrete. He pinned Zimmerman’s hand down, took his head in his hands and bashed it into the grass, which would have caused scrapes and not clean cuts because the wet grass was not a hard surface., and punching him and reaching for Zimmerman’s gun. Trayvon had to have had at least 6 hands.
If Zimmerman had stayed in this car after calling 911 and continued on to Target, Trayvon would be alive. But Zimmerman was determined that this time this “*** was not getting away.”
Taryvon did nothing wrong but acting like a teenager on the phone with his Blue Tooth with his girlfriend while being black. Obviously Zimmerman did not know he was on the phone because he was not holding it but was holding an Arizona tea and a bag of Skittles. He was probably making jesters and “acting funny” like a teenager talking to his girl.
Zimmerman did not wear anything that identified him as Neighborhood Watch and he did not identify himself as Neighborhood Watch when Trayvon asked him “why are you following me.”Trayvon, feeling his life was threaten, stood his ground and fought for his life. At some point he may have seen the gun or not.
So, did you learn all of this from inside the court room or is it your own set of facts?
Granny says, "Dat's right - more self-defense evidence in George Zimmerman's favor...
Autopsy results show Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 SANFORD, Fla. — WFTV has confirmed that autopsy results show 17-year-old Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles when he died.
The information could support George Zimmerman's claim that Martin beat him up before Zimmerman shot and killed him. The autopsy results come as Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O’Mara continues to go over other evidence in the case. O’Mara wouldn't comment on the autopsy evidence, but WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said it's better for the defense than it is for the prosecution. WFTV has learned that the medical examiner found two injuries on Martin’s body: The fatal gunshot wound and broken skin on his knuckles.

When you compare Trayvon’s non-fatal injury with Zimmerman's bloody head wounds, the autopsy evidence is better for the defense, Sheaffer said. “It goes along with Zimmerman's story that he acted in self-defense, because he was getting beaten up by Trayvon Martin,” Sheaffer said. The injury to Martin’s knuckle also fits with Zimmerman's story that before he shot and killed Martin, Martin had broken his nose and knocked him to the ground, slamming his head on the sidewalk.

But Sheaffer said there could be another explanation for Martin's knuckle injury. “It could be consistent with Trayvon either trying to get away or defend himself,” Sheaffer said. Zimmerman shot and killed the unarmed teenager almost three months ago after calling 911 to report the teenager was acting suspiciously. Zimmerman said Martin threw the first punch and that he opened fire in self-defense after his screams for help went unanswered. The FBI was not able to determine whether it was Zimmerman or Trayvon who could be heard crying out for help in 911 calls.

The defense is trying to decide what evidence it wants a judge to keep confidential before the media gets a chance to see it, but WFTV is being told that could happen in the next week or so. In the meantime, there’s new information surfacing about Zimmerman. ABC News said it has obtained Zimmerman's medical report from the day after the killing. According to ABC, the report shows Zimmerman had a broken nose and abrasions on the back of his head.

he got out of his car and started following Trayvon after 911 told him not to, pretending to look for an address because he did not know where he was? He caught up with Trayvon and Trayvon asked him “why are you following me” and Zimmerman asked him “what are you doing around here” instead of identifying himself as Neighborhood Watchman. For some reason we do not know Taryvon punches him and he falls to the wet grassy ground, not the side walk because his back was wet and he had grass stains on his back. Trayvon jumps on top of him, pinning his hands down...
Taryvon did nothing wrong but acting like a teenager on the phone with his Blue Tooth with his girlfriend while being black. .

Your assertion that Zimmerman caught up with Trayvon, rather than Trayvon approaching Zimmerman, is not in evidence (and is contrary to Zimmerman's account and your account of Trayvon speaking first). And, you continue to ignore the fact that Trayvon wasn't long gone by the time the shooting happened.

Then you blow off Trayvon's assault on Zimmerman as "for some reason..." (Because he wanted to teach the cracker a hard lesson.)

You assert that Trayvon was just acting like a harmless teenager. You don't know that, but some things we do know suggest you're wrong. By the girlfriend's account, Zimmerman put on his hoodie when he saw Zimmerman. That's an act of intimidation. According to Zimmerman's police call, Trayvon put a hand in his pants and moved closer to Trayvon, that's an act of intimidation. Trayvon was not acting like an innocent teenager, before the assault, let alone while committing assault.

There's nothing to prevent Trayvon from casing the neighborhood while he's talking to his girlfriend. Or, do you think teenage burglars don't have girlfriends? Even if Zimmerman was wrong as per your pure speculation, Zimmerman's error didn't cause Trayvon to die. Trayvon's assault caused Trayvon to die.

If Trayvon wasn't a punk, he would have been home with nothing to say but "I saw a goofy white guy staring at me." And, a non-shitbrained dad would have replied "Well, you're not from this neighborhood and we've had a rash of crimes. It didn't help that you had a hoodie."
has anyone changed their minds since medical reports have shown Trayvon's knicles were damaged and George had black eyes and a broken nose?
has anyone changed their minds since medical reports have shown Trayvon's knicles were damaged and George had black eyes and a broken nose?

Why would that change anyone's mind? All it shows is that the two were in an altercation, the question should be: Who started the altercation? Who could have avoided the altercation? Was necessary forced used in that altercation? In my opinion, if Zimmerman would have taken the advice of the dispatcher and stayed in his vehicle and observed while on the phone and keeping his distance, we wouldn't even be discussing the incident now.
Just heard the latest report. Martin was high on pot. Which makes sense according to the way he was acting. The interview with the eye witness was pretty informative too. He saw Zimmerman sceraming for help while the "black guy in the hoodie was pounding him MMA style". His words. The prosecution's claim that it was Zimmerman's fault because he shouldn't have been out there in the first place is going to go nowhere.

Zimmerman was in his car driving to Target. Trayvon was on his way home from the store after buying Arizona tea and Skittles for his little brother and talking on his phone via Blood Tooth, with his girl friend. Zimmerman saw a Black man walking in a neighborhood where he looked out of place. Suspiciously “acting like he is on something.” Zimmerman stopped his car and call 911 and told 911 what he was observing. Stating “these ***** always get away.” Then stating “S*** he’s running.” Everyone knows a black man running is “up to no good” and he got out of his car and started following Trayvon after 911 told him not to, pretending to look for an address because he did not know where he was? He caught up with Trayvon and Trayvon asked him “why are you following me” and Zimmerman asked him “what are you doing around here” instead of identifying himself as Neighborhood Watchman. For some reason we do not know Taryvon punches him and he falls to the wet grassy ground, not the side walk because his back was wet and he had grass stains on his back. Trayvon jumps on top of him, pinning his hands down, taking he head in his hands and banging it into the grass, not concrete, causing scrapes on the back of his head. At some point Trayvon sees his gun and screams for help. Or was is Zimmerman screaming for help to bring a witness to his claim of self defense when he shot Trayvon, Zimmerman with his hands, that he claimed Trayvon had pinned down, reached for his gun and shot Trayvon point blank in the chest killing him instead taking his free hands and beating the hell out of this lanky140lb kid. He did not die instantly but Zimmerman claimed he said something like “you got me.” (Is the bastard bragging or what?)
No one saw Trayvon hit Zimmerman. No one saw Zimmerman fall. No one saw Trayvon punching and bashing Zimmerman’s head into the grass, not the concrete. He pinned Zimmerman’s hand down, took his head in his hands and bashed it into the grass, which would have caused scrapes and not clean cuts because the wet grass was not a hard surface., and punching him and reaching for Zimmerman’s gun. Trayvon had to have had at least 6 hands.
If Zimmerman had stayed in this car after calling 911 and continued on to Target, Trayvon would be alive. But Zimmerman was determined that this time this “*** was not getting away.”
Taryvon did nothing wrong but acting like a teenager on the phone with his Blue Tooth with his girlfriend while being black. Obviously Zimmerman did not know he was on the phone because he was not holding it but was holding an Arizona tea and a bag of Skittles. He was probably making jesters and “acting funny” like a teenager talking to his girl.
Zimmerman did not wear anything that identified him as Neighborhood Watch and he did not identify himself as Neighborhood Watch when Trayvon asked him “why are you following me.”Trayvon, feeling his life was threaten, stood his ground and fought for his life. At some point he may have seen the gun or not.

You made a basic error in the sentence. He did not know that Trayvon was black at the start.

If you can't get that basic fact right, the rest of your post is a waste of bandwidth.
...and he got out of his car and started following Trayvon after 911 told him not to

You do not know this to be the case. We know Zimmerman responded "Okay" when the 911 operator suggested he didn't need to follow Martin. There is no evidence to suggest he followed Martin anyway. He may have, he many not have. In fact, it is entirely possible that Zimmerman took that advice and returned to his vehicle, and was later confronted by Martin. You simply don't know...I don't one does except Zimmerman.

Implying you're sure about this aspect of what happened is disingenuous at best.
The case is racing into Duke LaCrosse territory. Zimmerman is clearly innocent. There hasn't been one shred of inculpatory evidence that's come out. All those who think he's guilty have is that at some point, Zimmerman was following Martin. That's not good enough. Zimmerman had just as much right to be out as Martin did. He had a right to use the walkways. Even if he was going in the same direction as this teen pothead.
In my opinion, if Zimmerman would have taken the advice of the dispatcher and stayed in his vehicle and observed while on the phone and keeping his distance, we wouldn't even be discussing the incident now.

How do you KNOW he didn't take that advice, hung up the phone, and while returning to his vehicle was confronted and attacked by Martin? I'm not saying that's the case but it is possible. What evidence do you have that Zimmerman followed Martin after the 911 operator suggested he not do so?
...and he got out of his car and started following Trayvon after 911 told him not to

You do not know this to be the case. We know Zimmerman responded "Okay" when the 911 operator suggested he didn't need to follow Martin. There is no evidence to suggest he followed Martin anyway. He may have, he many not have. In fact, it is entirely possible that Zimmerman took that advice and returned to his vehicle, and was later confronted by Martin. You simply don't know...I don't one does except Zimmerman.

Implying you're sure about this aspect of what happened is disingenuous at best.

What we can be sure of is the dispatcher's own words when he said "you don't need to do that" which is NOT an order not to follow Martin no matter how you explain it.
...and he got out of his car and started following Trayvon after 911 told him not to

You do not know this to be the case. We know Zimmerman responded "Okay" when the 911 operator suggested he didn't need to follow Martin. There is no evidence to suggest he followed Martin anyway. He may have, he many not have. In fact, it is entirely possible that Zimmerman took that advice and returned to his vehicle, and was later confronted by Martin. You simply don't know...I don't one does except Zimmerman.

Implying you're sure about this aspect of what happened is disingenuous at best.

What we can be sure of is the dispatcher's own words when he said "you don't need to do that" which is NOT an order not to follow Martin no matter how you explain it.

That is true, which is why I used the word "suggested". My point is that even if the operator had ORDERED Zimmerman to not follow Martin, there is no evidence that he didn't abide by that request, only to be later confronted by the teen. I don't know if that's the case but I'm not going to state as fact that Zimmerman followed Martin as so many others have, despite a complete lack of supporting evidence.
In my opinion, if Zimmerman would have taken the advice of the dispatcher and stayed in his vehicle and observed while on the phone and keeping his distance, we wouldn't even be discussing the incident now.

How do you KNOW he didn't take that advice, hung up the phone, and while returning to his vehicle was confronted and attacked by Martin? I'm not saying that's the case but it is possible. What evidence do you have that Zimmerman followed Martin after the 911 operator suggested he not do so?

I don't have any "evidence", but it is pretty apparent to even the dullards among us that this whole confrontation could have been avoided if Zimmerman would have kept his distance and stayed in his truck while letting the proper authorities handle the matter. What were the guidelines of Zimmerman's community watch group?
"South Florida's law enforcement agencies tell their sanctioned Citizens on Patrol volunteer programs, as well as local neighborhood watches: Report suspicious activity to 911. Don't play police officer. Don't pursue.

"They're told not to intervene, only to report suspicious activity," said Broward sheriff's spokeswoman Veda Coleman-Wright. "They're prohibited from carrying weapons." "
You do not know this to be the case. We know Zimmerman responded "Okay" when the 911 operator suggested he didn't need to follow Martin. There is no evidence to suggest he followed Martin anyway. He may have, he many not have. In fact, it is entirely possible that Zimmerman took that advice and returned to his vehicle, and was later confronted by Martin. You simply don't know...I don't one does except Zimmerman.

Implying you're sure about this aspect of what happened is disingenuous at best.

What we can be sure of is the dispatcher's own words when he said "you don't need to do that" which is NOT an order not to follow Martin no matter how you explain it.

That is true, which is why I used the word "suggested". My point is that even if the operator had ORDERED Zimmerman to not follow Martin, there is no evidence that he didn't abide by that request, only to be later confronted by the teen. I don't know if that's the case but I'm not going to state as fact that Zimmerman followed Martin as so many others have, despite a complete lack of supporting evidence.

LOL, it's quite OBVIOUS that Zimmerman followed Martin! Did you see that diagram of where his truck was and where the confrontation happened? Here's some supporting evidence from the transcript of the 911 call:
911 dispatcher:

Are you following him? [2:24]


Yeah. [2:25]

911 dispatcher:


We don’t need you to do that. [2:26]


OK. [2:28]"
...this whole confrontation could have been avoided if Zimmerman would have kept his distance and stayed in his truck

Okay, fine, but that's a very different thing from stating with certainty that Zimmerman followed Martin after the 911 suggested he not do so. That's the point I was trying make.'s quite OBVIOUS that Zimmerman followed Martin!

You first said he followed Martin AFTER being asked not to by the 911 operator. Are you standing by that statement, or just the fact the Zimmerman followed Martin before speaking to the operator? That's a major difference when considering guilt or innocence.
...this whole confrontation could have been avoided if Zimmerman would have kept his distance and stayed in his truck

Okay, fine, but that's a very different thing from stating with certainty that Zimmerman followed Martin after the 911 suggested he not do so. That's the point I was trying make.

I will put the important points in bold. Let's explore this:
Are you following him? [2:24]


Yeah. [2:25]

911 dispatcher:


We don’t need you to do that. [2:26]


OK. [2:28]

911 dispatcher:

Alright, sir, what is your name? [2:34]


George. He ran.

911 dispatcher:

Alright, George, what’s your last name?



911 dispatcher:

What’s the phone number you’re calling from?



911 dispatcher:

Alright, George, we do have them on the way. Do you want to meet with the officer when they get out there?



911 dispatcher:

Alright, where are you going to meet with them at?


Um, if they come in through the gate, tell them to go straight past the clubhouse and, uh, straight past the clubhouse and make a left and then go past the mailboxes you’ll see my truck. [3:10]

911 dispatcher:

Alright, what address are you parked in front of? [3:21]


Um, I don’t know. It’s a cut-through so I don’t know the address. [3:25]

911 dispatcher:

OK, do you live in the area?


Yeah, yeah, I live here.

911 dispatcher:

OK, what’s your apartment number?


It’s a home. It’s 1950 – oh, c rap, I don’t want to give it out – I don’t know where this kid is [inaudible] [3:40]

911 dispatcher:

OK, do you just want to meet with them at the mailboxes then? [3:42]


Yeah, that’s fine. [3:43]

911 dispatcher:

Alright, George, I’ll let them know you’ll meet them at …


Could you have them call me and I’ll tell them where I’m at?

911 dispatcher:

OK, that’s no problem.


My number … you’ve got it?

911 dispatcher:

Yeah, I’ve got it. 435-2400?


Yeah, you got it.

911 dispatcher:

OK, no problem. I’ll let them know to call you when they’re in the area. [4:02]



911 dispatcher:

You’re welcome.

Call ends 4:07's quite OBVIOUS that Zimmerman followed Martin!

You first said he followed Martin AFTER being asked not to by the 911 operator. Are you standing by that statement, or just the fact the Zimmerman followed Martin before speaking to the operator? That's a major difference when considering guilt or innocence.

Read that transcript and look at the timeline of the call. I don't think that his following or not following the advice of the dispatcher is the "major difference" between guilt or innocence. For me, it's the fact that he followed the kid and when the kid tried to avoid him, he got out of his truck to follow the kid and wound up having a fatal confrontation with him. He didn't even follow the guidelines of his Neighborhood Watch group...............

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