Treason At Pearl Harbor.

Aircraft carriers were never able to cover the entire oceans. At best they could cover a bubble of about a hundred miles in every direction from the carrier. That's why most CVEs were attached to convoys, the convoys acted as bait to attract the U-Boats. Only a handful were detached by the USN for hunter-killer groups which concentrated on the milch-cow resupply U-Boats anyway.
You know nothing if you believe that. Yes, because CVEs traveled with the convoys, air cover was possible over the entire ocean. You agree with me.
Aircraft carriers were never able to cover the entire oceans. At best they could cover a bubble of about a hundred miles in every direction from the carrier. That's why most CVEs were attached to convoys, the convoys acted as bait to attract the U-Boats. Only a handful were detached by the USN for hunter-killer groups which concentrated on the milch-cow resupply U-Boats anyway.
Already explained.
You mean the kind of "monsters" who would throw over one hundred thousand innocent Americans into concentration camps? The kind of "monsters" who would send a shipload of Jews who had escaped the Nazis back to their certain death? The kind of "monsters" who would oversee a program of injecting innocent Americans with syphilis in sick experimentation?

Not very familiar with the democrats, are you?
Define “monsters”.

Because those “monsters” killed native Americans, enslaved and discriminated against Black Americans for centuries just to name a couple.

Your assertion that FDR know of and allowed Pearl Harbor to be hit is a lie and based on an idiot who never provided any shred of evidence.
"Concentration camps"

Is that your standard for THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? "Not as bad as the Nazis"? Mine is quite a bit higher.
Not surprised you failed to comprehend.
1) The past is done, you can either whine about what can't be changed or learn from.
2) Judging the way things were going in the USA post PH, there was a probability more Japanese-Americans might have been killed by their fellow citizens.
3) This being a "protective custody" it would have been ideal if their personal belongs and property could have been preserved for them.
4) The DemocRAT POTUS - FDR - was a prime driver of the internment.
Not surprised you failed to comprehend.
1) The past is done, you can either whine about what can't be changed or learn from.
2) Judging the way things were going in the USA post PH, there was a probability more Japanese-Americans might have been killed by their fellow citizens.
3) This being a "protective custody" it would have been ideal if their personal belongs and property could have been preserved for them.
4) The DemocRAT POTUS - FDR - was a prime driver of the internment.
"Protective custody" it certainly was not.

Reparations were justified.
Aircraft carriers were never able to cover the entire oceans. At best they could cover a bubble of about a hundred miles in every direction from the carrier. That's why most CVEs were attached to convoys, the convoys acted as bait to attract the U-Boats. Only a handful were detached by the USN for hunter-killer groups which concentrated on the milch-cow resupply U-Boats anyway.
It was the smaller CVEs that were also used to transport~ferry aircraft and sometimes vehicles (trucks, jeeps, etc.).
The larger CV and CVL operated with the fleet, often in task forces of 2-3 or more carriers.
"Protective custody" it certainly was not.

Reparations were justified.
While it's hard to be certain of alternate paths when looking at historical events, it's likely there would have been more assaults and killings against the Japanese-Americans. Remember this was the era of Jim Crow and KKK and segregation in the USA. Blacks were recruited into 'black only' military units with white officers, same with Japanese-Americans.
Aircraft carriers were never able to cover the entire oceans. At best they could cover a bubble of about a hundred miles in every direction from the carrier. That's why most CVEs were attached to convoys, the convoys acted as bait to attract the U-Boats. Only a handful were detached by the USN for hunter-killer groups which concentrated on the milch-cow resupply U-Boats anyway.

Aircraft carriers were never able to cover the entire oceans. At best they could cover a bubble of about a hundred miles in every direction from the carrier. That's why most CVEs were attached to convoys, the convoys acted as bait to attract the U-Boats. Only a handful were detached by the USN for hunter-killer groups which concentrated on the milch-cow resupply U-Boats anyway.
Operational range was a minimum of 300 miles (F4F range was 800 nautical). That gives a useful search time to refind the carrier. That was limited by the fighter range.

The bombers could go 50% more, but they wouldn't be escorted. So the bubble around the carrier is 300 miles, not 100.
N... there was a probability more Japanese-Americans might have been killed by their fellow citizens.

Somebody somewhere might want to kill you. Are you ok with being thrown into a concentration camp "for your own protection"?
"Protective custody" it certainly was not.

Reparations were justified.
Had the camps not happened, we'd see you all whining about all the Japanese-Americans murdered inside the USA at the time.
Read this, all the way through;


This from Dr. Seuss = 'Cat in the Hat' ~ Jap is a rat
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Kindly, the fact that land-based carriers could not cover the entire ocean from 1942 to 1943 nearly took down Britain in the war because of submarine warfare. Most were killed near the shore, because they were safe in the middle of the ocean for a long time.

You truly don't get the usage of carriers were essential to winning the war.

Keep posting, please.
he isn't arguing they weren't useful he is saying your timeline is wrong.
1,862 died out of a total of 120,00 internees. The death rate for industrial workers was far higher at the time. Only 7 were killed by guards. Remember, this was pre-antibiotics, people died from simple infections and pneumonia.

Bullshit rationalizations for an outrage against everything America stands for is utterly disgraceful.

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