Treason At Pearl Harbor.

Ah, a magical reader of alternate realities! :rolleyes:

Fucking idiotic.
And you appear as a "fucking idiotic" who thinks history can be changed.

Explaining why and how something happened isn't the same as endorsing it.

Examining alternate paths of past events is part of the analysis and learning process. :rolleyes:
You know nothing if you believe that. Yes, because CVEs traveled with the convoys, air cover was possible over the entire ocean. You agree with me.
You've proven over and over again that you either don't know history or believe in conspiracy theories over hard evidence. Air cover was possible OVER CONVOYS anywhere in the Atlantic. U-Boats could cruise for days on the surface and never see a plane.
Operational range was a minimum of 300 miles (F4F range was 800 nautical). That gives a useful search time to refind the carrier. That was limited by the fighter range.

The bombers could go 50% more, but they wouldn't be escorted. So the bubble around the carrier is 300 miles, not 100.
There is a big differnce between range and radius. Radius is fuel to get there, back, have useful search time and an emergency reserve of at least thirty minutes of fuel. At best combat radius was about one third of listed range, usually it was limited to one quarter. ASW patrols were rarely, if ever, escorted.
Bullshit rationalizations for an outrage against everything America stands for is utterly disgraceful.
It's not a rationalization, it is factual. As was the fact that interning Japanese nationals living in the USA was both legal and the proper thing to do. Americans of Japanese descent who were citizens were another matter entirely. It was both illegal and immoral to intern them unless they were the minor children of resident aliens.
"Most of the relocated people were citizens of the United States, who had been born and raised in America and were thoroughly American in their beliefs and behavior. They considered themselves to be loyal citizens of their country, with little or no allegiance to Japan, which most of them had never visited. They were incarcerated because some government officials and military commanders suspected them of sympathy with a wartime enemy, even though no hard evidence was ever produced that any of them had acted disloyally against the United States."


"That, in short, the entire "Japanese Problem" has been magnified out of its true proportion, largely because of the physical characteristics of the people; that it is no more serious that the problems of the German, Italian, and Communistic portions of the United States population, and, finally that it should be handled on the basis of the individual, regardless of citizenship, and not on a racial basis."

"That, in short, the entire "Japanese Problem" has been magnified out of its true proportion, largely because of the physical characteristics of the people; that it is no more serious that the problems of the German, Italian, and Communistic portions of the United States population, and, finally that it should be handled on the basis of the individual, regardless of citizenship, and not on a racial basis."
German and Italian were confined also some for much longer than the Japanese,
The big problem with history written by the victors is that everything else, such as the truth, becomes a "conspiracy theory." But the truth of the matter is that FDR knew well in advance when the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor. Making all of the servicemen who died in the attack suckers. If I were a ghost of any of those killed there, I wouldn't have the least interest in any "honor" you may pay me and the others who died. I would be more interested in JUSTICE! Such as by having the real story come out. I will show you a number of websites that show that FDR knew well in advance what the Japanese were planning on doing and when. The first two bring up what cryptographers themselves had to say. This first one is from a letter written by somebody named Lietwiler to Parke. The really telling part of it is it speaking of the Japanese naval code. It says, "By November 16, 1941 (Manila time) Lietweiler informed Parke that he was "reading enough current traffic to keep two translators very busy." Here is the website.

Pearl Harbor Document: Letter from Leitweiler to Parke | Robert B. Stinnett

Pearl Harbor Document: Letter from Leitweiler to Parke: The...

Obviously, it was in FDR's best interest to keep this information as secret as possible. And it is still being kept secret. For any cryptographers back then, it was in their best interest to shut up about the matter. In this next website it speaks of another cryptographer named William Friedman. Though what he had to say came from what his wife had to say on the matter. Probably after his death. I would assume it is what happened when they both heard about the 'surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor. He paced back and forth in their home and muttered to himself repeatedly, "But they knew, they knew, they knew." Here is the website that speaks of it and other matters.

Eighty Years of Lies: President... - CovertAction Magazine

This next website posts a quote that was stated by an army board of inquiry in 1944. It says, "...everything that the Japanese were planning to do was known to the United States..." Here is the website.

Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies

Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies

Here is another website for you on the matter.

81 Years After Pearl Harbor, We... - The Free Thought Project

Pearl Harbor Document: Letter from Leitweiler to Parke | Robert B. Stinnett

FDR desperately needed the USA to join WWII because unemployment averaged 25% until Hitler conquered France.

Wilson and FDR would both be down in Dante's 9th Circle
They say without evidence

What they say is ignorant opinion and nothing more

Yeah, no evidence. Except for the names, dates, places, documents, a conclusion reached by a Navy Court of Inquiry and the Army Pearl Harbor Board in 1944, a statement by one cryptographer and the recollection of the widow of another, etc. How about you quit wasting my time and stop replying to me.

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