Trey Gowdy's next job

He's too political to be a supreme court justice... sadly, he chose that route......

worse thing that ever happened to him was to become a Republican congress is probably too late for him to recover from that stint....

He's finished spending 4 hours a day on the phone fund-raising for the perpetual bet is he becomes a US Attorney. And like everybody who's been in the limelight, gets the bug again in a few years and runs for Governor.
He's too political to be a supreme court justice... sadly, he chose that route......


Yeah, well not all can be as above politics as Marxist kunt Ginsburg..

SCOTUS “Faker” Insults President, Sleeping Through Obama Shows Hilarious Stupidity

worse thing that ever happened to him was to become a Republican congress is probably too late for him to recover from that stint....

Really? He's been one of the best. He's kept you Stalinists snarling and frothing for years.
He's tired of politics. He says he's a better at law then he is at politician.
I have been preaching for years Trey Gowdy for AG.
Then I saw someone one up me with this.
Forget Attorney General, Trump Has New Job For Trey Gowdy, It's Mind-Blowing, Libs Are Furious - Conservative 101
Trey Gowdy for SCOTUS!

That would be awesome. Particularly if he replaced the Marxist kunt Ginsberg.

That you would refer a person as "kunt" for disagreeing with you says a lot about what you are and what you are not, and not anything about what this lady stands for. She was raised to be educated quality. You are providing the contrast of someone who was raised among pigs.

Trey Gowdy's dad has a job waiting for him in the family business.
That you would refer a person as "kunt" for disagreeing with you says a lot about what you are and what you are not, and not anything about what this lady stands for. She was raised to be educated quality. You are providing the contrast of someone who was raised among pigs.

Ginsburg is a vile piece of shit. She sits beside Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Baby Doc in the level of human debris she represents.

That you are a Stalinist, in no way alters the fact that Ginsburg is a Marxist Kunt. One who is over due to join her mentors Stalin and Pol Pot in the deepest pits of hell.

I wish her all the worst.
He's tired of politics. He says he's a better at law then he is at politician.
I have been preaching for years Trey Gowdy for AG.
Then I saw someone one up me with this.
Forget Attorney General, Trump Has New Job For Trey Gowdy, It's Mind-Blowing, Libs Are Furious - Conservative 101
Trey Gowdy for SCOTUS!

That would be awesome. Particularly if he replaced the Marxist kunt Ginsberg.

That you would refer a person as "kunt" for disagreeing with you says a lot about what you are and what you are not, and not anything about what this lady stands for. She was raised to be educated quality. You are providing the contrast of someone who was raised among pigs.

You are trying to talk to these Trump supporters as though they're civilized. They can barely speak the English language. Quit expecting manners or decency from them and you'll no longer be disappointed.

Just take solace in the fact that in 20 years, most of them will be gone. Of course, I'll be pushing 50 by then, sadly, but there's really no alternative. We just have to wait for the old fucks to finally die off.
View attachment 183298

Trey Gowdy's dad has a job waiting for him in the family business.

Apparently, this is what passes for wit amongst the Proggies.

It's also representative of the scorn they hold towards people who do actual work. Keep it up! That attitude is sure to win you tons-o-votes in battleground states!
You are trying to talk to these Trump supporters as though they're civilized. They can barely speak the English language. Quit expecting manners or decency from them and you'll no longer be disappointed.

Just take solace in the fact that in 20 years, most of them will be gone. Of course, I'll be pushing 50 by then, sadly, but there's really no alternative. We just have to wait for the old fucks to finally die off.

You are trying to adopt airs that you and your fellow Stalinists are civilized. You are for the most part barely literate savages seeking to rape an infrastructure you cannot understand

Crawl off to your safe space Comrade, that black hole where no thought shall ever penetrate; you ignorant baboon.
You are in absolutely NO position to judge.
That is the point of this post...contend and judge both the opinions of the posters and their content. As a matter of fact Jew Yoda would completely support my right to free speech.

You portray yourself through your comments as a very filthy person who lacks respect.
As you portray yourself as a thin skinned whiner. To each their own. Speaking of thin skinned...Jew Yoda has that paper thin old lady skin.

I do not understand why you are singling out adherents to the Jewish faith for your vitriol.
I said nothing of her faith specifically. Cohen Gene anyone? It's in the blood...right?
therefore...JEW YODA.

They are as ethical, decent, knowledgeable, and kind as any other people of any other faith.
Jew Yoda seems like a very ethical too!

Please find a system of faith and ethics for yourself, as you seem lacking.
I will email Jew Yoda immediately for suggestions.
You are trying to talk to these Trump supporters as though they're civilized. They can barely speak the English language. Quit expecting manners or decency from them and you'll no longer be disappointed.

Just take solace in the fact that in 20 years, most of them will be gone. Of course, I'll be pushing 50 by then, sadly, but there's really no alternative. We just have to wait for the old fucks to finally die off.

You are trying to adopt airs that you and your fellow Stalinists are civilized. You are for the most part barely literate savages seeking to rape an infrastructure you cannot understand

Crawl off to your safe space Comrade, that black hole where no thought shall ever penetrate; you ignorant baboon.

Isn't it the right-wingers who are sucking Putin's dick these days? Interesting ...

I'm an independent, btw. Nice of you you to make assumptions though.
View attachment 183298

Trey Gowdy's dad has a job waiting for him in the family business.

Apparently, this is what passes for wit amongst the Proggies.

It's also representative of the scorn they hold towards people who do actual work. Keep it up! That attitude is sure to win you tons-o-votes in battleground states!

View attachment 183306

Ouch Baby
by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

He's tired of politics. He says he's a better at law then he is at politician.
I have been preaching for years Trey Gowdy for AG.
Then I saw someone one up me with this.
Forget Attorney General, Trump Has New Job For Trey Gowdy, It's Mind-Blowing, Libs Are Furious - Conservative 101
Trey Gowdy for SCOTUS!

That would be awesome. Particularly if he replaced the Marxist kunt Ginsberg.

That you would refer a person as "kunt" for disagreeing with you says a lot about what you are and what you are not, and not anything about what this lady stands for. She was raised to be educated quality. You are providing the contrast of someone who was raised among pigs.

You are trying to talk to these Trump supporters as though they're civilized. They can barely speak the English language. Quit expecting manners or decency from them and you'll no longer be disappointed.

Just take solace in the fact that in 20 years, most of them will be gone. Of course, I'll be pushing 50 by then, sadly, but there's really no alternative. We just have to wait for the old fucks to finally die off.

Sadly. You are probably right. In twenty years, I'll be in my 80's, God willing. I was raised decently in Jersey so many years ago. It's horrifying to see this happening to my country so many years down the road. I took part in the Vietnam protests, was a marshal guarding the steps of the U.S. Capitol during one of the largest protests ever seen in D.C. I froze my ass off protesting Nixon's second inauguration. The only thing that I can say is that you must keep on fighting for objective good, for moral justice, and for the good of the United States of America long after I am gone, and then, as you get older, you will have to hand the same challenge down to the next generation because these challenges never seem to end. Is the end utopia? Maybe? But the challenge to our moral character as humans always will be there.
View attachment 183298

Trey Gowdy's dad has a job waiting for him in the family business.

Apparently, this is what passes for wit amongst the Proggies.

It's also representative of the scorn they hold towards people who do actual work. Keep it up! That attitude is sure to win you tons-o-votes in battleground states!

This imbecile Marxist who ignorantly adopted the moniker of a deeply religious Christian, Isaac Newton; whilst continuously spewing hatred and bigotry against Christians, failed to actually read who Harold "Trey" Gowdy is.

Son of a prominent Medical Doctor.

Like most leftists, this shit bum is an ignorant troll.
You are in absolutely NO position to judge.
That is the point of this post...contend and judge both the opinions of the posters and their content. As a matter of fact Jew Yoda would completely support my right to free speech.

You portray yourself through your comments as a very filthy person who lacks respect.
As you portray yourself as a thin skinned whiner. To each their own. Speaking of thin skinned...Jew Yoda has that paper thin old lady skin.

I do not understand why you are singling out adherents to the Jewish faith for your vitriol.
I said nothing of her faith specifically. Cohen Gene anyone? It's in the blood...right?
therefore...JEW YODA.

They are as ethical, decent, knowledgeable, and kind as any other people of any other faith.
Jew Yoda seems like a very ethical too!

Please find a system of faith and ethics for yourself, as you seem lacking.
I will email Jew Yoda immediately for suggestions.

As previously mentioned, and as "eloquently" illustrated by this post, Trump supporters are, by and large, ignorant savages. They're actually quite similar to the Islamic fundamentalists in their manner of thinking.

"Anyone who isn't like me is living life incorrectly and must be punished/subjugated/made to conform"

"I should be allowed to say whatever hateful shit I want, and if you try to stop me, then you are an oppressor"

"Any sign of compromise from the opposition is WEAKNESS that I must immediately try to take advantage of"

Trump supporters and Islamic fundamentalists are basically cut from the same cloth. It's hilarious to me that they don't see it.
You are in absolutely NO position to judge.
That is the point of this post...contend and judge both the opinions of the posters and their content. As a matter of fact Jew Yoda would completely support my right to free speech.

You portray yourself through your comments as a very filthy person who lacks respect.
As you portray yourself as a thin skinned whiner. To each their own. Speaking of thin skinned...Jew Yoda has that paper thin old lady skin.

I do not understand why you are singling out adherents to the Jewish faith for your vitriol.
I said nothing of her faith specifically. Cohen Gene anyone? It's in the blood...right?
therefore...JEW YODA.

They are as ethical, decent, knowledgeable, and kind as any other people of any other faith.
Jew Yoda seems like a very ethical too!

Please find a system of faith and ethics for yourself, as you seem lacking.
I will email Jew Yoda immediately for suggestions.

You obviously have a mental sickness that I cannot help you with. Perhaps seeking help from a priest, minister, rabbi, imam, monk, or a mental-health professional will be of assistance.
That is the point of this post...contend and judge both the opinions of the posters and their content. As a matter of fact Jew Yoda would completely support my right to free speech.


Don't kid yourself. That Marxist kunt actively seeks to put an end to the 1st Amendment. Ending civil rights is the primary goal of the Marxist democrats.

I must agree with Lysistrata that your Antisemitic positions render the points you are attempting to make ineffective.

Ginsburg is gutter filth, a Marxist who has worked diligently to destroy the United States Constitution and leave the once free republic in ashes. There is nothing good I will ever say about the kunt. She stands beside Adolf Hitler as one of the most evil people in history.

Her having Jewish heritage (as you noted she is a radical Atheist) has nothing to do with it. That she is a Marxist has everything to do with it, she clings to the dream of Lenin.
That is the point of this post...contend and judge both the opinions of the posters and their content. As a matter of fact Jew Yoda would completely support my right to free speech.


Don't kid yourself. That Marxist kunt actively seeks to put an end to the 1st Amendment. Ending civil rights is the primary goal of the Marxist democrats.

I must agree with Lysistrata that your Antisemitic positions render the points you are attempting to make ineffective.

Ginsburg is gutter filth, a Marxist who has worked diligently to destroy the United States Constitution and leave the once free republic in ashes. There is nothing good I will ever say about the kunt. She stands beside Adolf Hitler as one of the most evil people in history.

Her having Jewish heritage (as you noted she is a radical Atheist) has nothing to do with it. That she is a Marxist has everything to do with it, she clings to the dream of Lenin.
Yes she is...a lefty Marxist gutter tramp. Our country has been infiltrated by these Marxist vermin.
That is the point of this post...contend and judge both the opinions of the posters and their content. As a matter of fact Jew Yoda would completely support my right to free speech.


Don't kid yourself. That Marxist kunt actively seeks to put an end to the 1st Amendment. Ending civil rights is the primary goal of the Marxist democrats.

I must agree with Lysistrata that your Antisemitic positions render the points you are attempting to make ineffective.

Ginsburg is gutter filth, a Marxist who has worked diligently to destroy the United States Constitution and leave the once free republic in ashes. There is nothing good I will ever say about the kunt. She stands beside Adolf Hitler as one of the most evil people in history.

Her having Jewish heritage (as you noted she is a radical Atheist) has nothing to do with it. That she is a Marxist has everything to do with it, she clings to the dream of Lenin.

You are incredibly full of shit. A person who would call another person a "kunt" shows his lack of knowledge, and his stupidity, lack of breeding, and misogyny. And go look up what "marxism is," you ignorant soul.

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