Trial offers a peek into the world of limitless abortion

Services Planned Parenthood provides for women:

  • Pap Smears: Can't afford a cervical cancer screening? Planned Parenthood has your back.

  • Pregnancy Testing and Services: The organization helps women who are pregnant or are thinking about becoming pregnant get prenatal care.

  • Diabetes Screening: Depending on location, you can get general health care services like diabetes screening, flu vaccines, or anemia testing at Planned Parenthood.

  • Breast Cancer Screening: The organization provides valuable breast exams and helps women find services they might need.

  • STD Testing, Treatment, and Prevention: Planned Parenthood provides free condoms, HPV vaccines, and STD testing and treatment.

  • Male Infertility Screening and Referral: The organization offers a variety of male sexual health services, like infertility screening, testicular cancer screening, and erectile dysfunction services. Are the congressmen aware of this?

  • Menopause Help: It might not make headlines like abortion services, but Planned Parenthood's health centers offer midlife services to help women deal with menopause.

So why can't PP just do all those services and not abortion?

Only 3% of PP services are abortions - Abby Johnson herself (pro life hero) admitted to that.
Yet lifers want to strip PP of all funding, because they don't care about women.
So you are saying that no one should be given any social security and medicare because all of the money must be given to the Prison-Industrial-Complex to house violent criminals instead?

Thank you for restating your position. So if we enact your position into law who is that gets charged with murder? The doctor would be the obvious choice but isn't the woman equally guilty since she provided the "innocent human life" that was murdered? Are you willing to charge 1 miilion+ women per year with murder? Because just like guns finding their ways into hands of criminals pregnant women will find ways to have abortions. They were happening long before RvW and will continue if it is overturned.

So from a pragmatic standpoint are you willing to clutter the courts and the prisons by incarcerating 1,000,000+ women each and every year? You will have to start executing them in an expedited wholesale manner too since the current total inmate population is only 2.5 million. You will more than double that in just 3 years. It is understand why you need to deprive the elderly of their social security and welfare in order to enact your new order.

Those opposed to privacy rights lack the courage to respond to this, as the logical extrapolation of the OP’s idiotic premise, that abortion is ‘murder,’ is that the state, so empowered, may put doctors and women into prison.

The OP is obviously ignorant of the difference between civil law and criminal law, and the legal requirements for murder, such as the ability to form intent.

That the radical right seeks to empower the state at the expense of citizens’ civil liberties should come as no surprise, of course.

What utter garbage, and every bit of it has been shown to be utter garbage.

Civil rights do not trump human rights. And humanity is not dictated by the state..that's the whole point of human rights. They are apart and above government.

Define "human rights".

Baby killers and totalitarians and psychos in general don't get that. They think that rights only come to us via government, and that nobody has value unless the government recognizes it. That's handy for them because it allows them to use the government to kill.

Your undefined "human rights" of the pre-viable fetus do not override the enumerated rights of the pregnant woman concerned. In essence you are demanding that every pregnant woman be enslaved to your undefined "human rights" until term. What happens if she miscarries? Are you going to charge her with manslaughter since she "negligently failed" to uphold the undefined "human rights" of her fetus?
Right wing SCUM and how they vote for women's rights...


The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013

S. 47 Text – Adobe PDF

Fast Facts: Senate

Senate vote #19, of the 113th Congress, held on February 12th, 2013.

78 senators voted “yea”.
22 senators voted “nay”.
Of the 78 that voted “yea”, 53 were Democrats, 23 were Republicans and 2 were Independents.
ALL 22 that voted “nay” were Republicans.
Result: Bill passed in the Senate. Submitted to the House of Representatives for vote. (1)

Fast Facts: House of Representatives

Roll call #55, on the question of Passage of Senate Bill S. 47, held on February 28th, 2013.

286 representatives voted “yea”.
138 representatives voted “noe”.
Of the 286 “yeas”, 199 were Democrats, 87 were Republicans. (No independents.)
All 138 that voted “noe” were Republicans.
Of the 138 that voted “noe”, 10 were women.
Result: Bill passed in the House of Representatives. Submitted to the President of The United States for signature. (2)

The bill was signed into law by president Barack Obama on March 7th, 2013. (3)

How dare you criticize anyone for violence? When you are sitting there in your chair in front of your computer and endorsing the killing of 1.21 million children every single year.


You see THAT is how you scum bags try to highjack the conversation. They are not "children" you moron, no matter what label you want to put on a non-viable egg.

No they're apes but someday maybe after they pass through the birth canal they will evolve into human beings, right? Isn't that what your limited mental capacity thinks about them?


What an idiot you prove yourself to be.

So you are saying that no one should be given any social security and medicare because all of the money must be given to the Prison-Industrial-Complex to house violent criminals instead?

Thank you for restating your position. So if we enact your position into law who is that gets charged with murder? The doctor would be the obvious choice but isn't the woman equally guilty since she provided the "innocent human life" that was murdered? Are you willing to charge 1 miilion+ women per year with murder? Because just like guns finding their ways into hands of criminals pregnant women will find ways to have abortions. They were happening long before RvW and will continue if it is overturned.

So from a pragmatic standpoint are you willing to clutter the courts and the prisons by incarcerating 1,000,000+ women each and every year? You will have to start executing them in an expedited wholesale manner too since the current total inmate population is only 2.5 million. You will more than double that in just 3 years. It is understand why you need to deprive the elderly of their social security and welfare in order to enact your new order.

Those opposed to privacy rights lack the courage to respond to this, as the logical extrapolation of the OP’s idiotic premise, that abortion is ‘murder,’ is that the state, so empowered, may put doctors and women into prison.

The OP is obviously ignorant of the difference between civil law and criminal law, and the legal requirements for murder, such as the ability to form intent.

That the radical right seeks to empower the state at the expense of citizens’ civil liberties should come as no surprise, of course.

What utter garbage, and every bit of it has been shown to be utter garbage.

Civil rights do not trump human rights. And humanity is not dictated by the state..that's the whole point of human rights. They are apart and above government.

Baby killers and totalitarians and psychos in general don't get that. They think that rights only come to us via government, and that nobody has value unless the government recognizes it. That's handy for them because it allows them to use the government to kill.

You again failed to respond to the question:

“Those opposed to privacy rights lack the courage to respond to this, as the logical extrapolation of the OP’s idiotic premise, that abortion is ‘murder,’ is that the state, so empowered, may put doctors and women into prison.”

Yes or no: do you advocate placing doctors and women in prison for the ‘crime’ of abortion?

If the answer is ‘no’ then you concede that abortion is not ‘murder,’ one cannot make the argument that abortion is ‘murder’ and not follow through with advocating prosecution, conviction, and imprisonment.
"The world with unlimited abortion..."

Hmm...well, that would have been pretty much the period of the first humanoid to walk the planet to the late 1860's, as far as the people in present day USA are concerned.
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How dare you criticize anyone for violence? When you are sitting there in your chair in front of your computer and endorsing the killing of 1.21 million children every single year.


You see THAT is how you scum bags try to highjack the conversation. They are not "children" you moron, no matter what label you want to put on a non-viable egg.

No they're apes but someday maybe after they pass through the birth canal they will evolve into human beings, right? Isn't that what your limited mental capacity thinks about them?


What an idiot you prove yourself to be.


No you little fucking asshole, the women is the 'ape' in your moronic brain. She is just a vessel. Her role is to be subservient to men. She has no life, no career, no ability to make decisions that effect her life. YOU will make it for her, and she must THANK you for being so kind.

Eat shit Immie
Services Planned Parenthood provides for women:

  • Pap Smears: Can't afford a cervical cancer screening? Planned Parenthood has your back.

  • Pregnancy Testing and Services: The organization helps women who are pregnant or are thinking about becoming pregnant get prenatal care.

  • Diabetes Screening: Depending on location, you can get general health care services like diabetes screening, flu vaccines, or anemia testing at Planned Parenthood.

  • Breast Cancer Screening: The organization provides valuable breast exams and helps women find services they might need.

  • STD Testing, Treatment, and Prevention: Planned Parenthood provides free condoms, HPV vaccines, and STD testing and treatment.

  • Male Infertility Screening and Referral: The organization offers a variety of male sexual health services, like infertility screening, testicular cancer screening, and erectile dysfunction services. Are the congressmen aware of this?

  • Menopause Help: It might not make headlines like abortion services, but Planned Parenthood's health centers offer midlife services to help women deal with menopause.

So why can't PP just do all those services and not abortion?

Only 3% of PP services are abortions - Abby Johnson herself (pro life hero) admitted to that.
Yet lifers want to strip PP of all funding, because they don't care about women.

We dont know what percentage of PPs services are abortion because we dont know how many abortions they perform.

Also, they lump in a lot of non-abortion services with the abortions themselves. So when you pay $1000 for your abortion, they write up about $900 towards other services, so they can pretend they aren't making a lot of money off of killing babies and women.

At the end of the day, the ones who hate women and children are the ones who claim killing children is good for them, and killing women is "women's health".
so why can't pp just do all those services and not abortion?

only 3% of pp services are abortions - abby johnson herself (pro life hero) admitted to that.
Yet lifers want to strip pp of all funding, because they don't care about women.

we dont know what percentage of pps services are abortion because we dont know how many abortions they perform.

Also, they lump in a lot of non-abortion services with the abortions themselves. So when you pay $1000 for your abortion, they write up about $900 towards other services, so they can pretend they aren't making a lot of money off of killing babies and women.

At the end of the day, the ones who hate women and children are the ones who claim killing children is good for them, and killing women is "women's health".

prove it...
Services Planned Parenthood provides for women:

  • Pap Smears: Can't afford a cervical cancer screening? Planned Parenthood has your back.

  • Pregnancy Testing and Services: The organization helps women who are pregnant or are thinking about becoming pregnant get prenatal care.

  • Diabetes Screening: Depending on location, you can get general health care services like diabetes screening, flu vaccines, or anemia testing at Planned Parenthood.

  • Breast Cancer Screening: The organization provides valuable breast exams and helps women find services they might need.

  • STD Testing, Treatment, and Prevention: Planned Parenthood provides free condoms, HPV vaccines, and STD testing and treatment.

  • Male Infertility Screening and Referral: The organization offers a variety of male sexual health services, like infertility screening, testicular cancer screening, and erectile dysfunction services. Are the congressmen aware of this?

  • Menopause Help: It might not make headlines like abortion services, but Planned Parenthood's health centers offer midlife services to help women deal with menopause.

So why can't PP just do all those services and not abortion?

Only 3% of PP services are abortions - Abby Johnson herself (pro life hero) admitted to that.
Yet lifers want to strip PP of all funding, because they don't care about women.

You're acting as if no one else provides those other services, which is total horse shit.

If having all those other services is SO important to you, and abortion is just a small fraction of it, when why not just have them drop abortion and then no one would care about the other stuff being funded?

It must be because pro-abortionists don't care about women, all they care about is killing their babies.
only 3% of pp services are abortions - abby johnson herself (pro life hero) admitted to that.
Yet lifers want to strip pp of all funding, because they don't care about women.

we dont know what percentage of pps services are abortion because we dont know how many abortions they perform.

Also, they lump in a lot of non-abortion services with the abortions themselves. So when you pay $1000 for your abortion, they write up about $900 towards other services, so they can pretend they aren't making a lot of money off of killing babies and women.

At the end of the day, the ones who hate women and children are the ones who claim killing children is good for them, and killing women is "women's health".

prove it...

So if PP hands out 97 condoms and does one abortion, that's 3% of their services.
only 3% of pp services are abortions - abby johnson herself (pro life hero) admitted to that.
Yet lifers want to strip pp of all funding, because they don't care about women.

we dont know what percentage of pps services are abortion because we dont know how many abortions they perform.

Also, they lump in a lot of non-abortion services with the abortions themselves. So when you pay $1000 for your abortion, they write up about $900 towards other services, so they can pretend they aren't making a lot of money off of killing babies and women.

At the end of the day, the ones who hate women and children are the ones who claim killing children is good for them, and killing women is "women's health".

prove it...

I've proven it a dozen times. We don't even need to go further than this...many states provide zero stats on abortion to the CDC, and even in the states where they do volunteer information, they aren't honest. We know this because they are repeatedly CAUGHT helping women lie about their circumstances. If they do that, they'll lie about fetal age, and coplications, and sheer numbers, as well.
we dont know what percentage of pps services are abortion because we dont know how many abortions they perform.

Also, they lump in a lot of non-abortion services with the abortions themselves. So when you pay $1000 for your abortion, they write up about $900 towards other services, so they can pretend they aren't making a lot of money off of killing babies and women.

At the end of the day, the ones who hate women and children are the ones who claim killing children is good for them, and killing women is "women's health".

prove it...

I've proven it a dozen times. We don't even need to go further than this...many states provide zero stats on abortion to the CDC, and even in the states where they do volunteer information, they aren't honest. We know this because they are repeatedly CAUGHT helping women lie about their circumstances. If they do that, they'll lie about fetal age, and coplications, and sheer numbers, as well.

Or to put it another way, if you want someone to arrogantly demand that you "prove it" after they and their comrades have gone to great effort to make proof impossible to obtain, look no further than leftists.
So why can't PP just do all those services and not abortion?

Only 3% of PP services are abortions - Abby Johnson herself (pro life hero) admitted to that.
Yet lifers want to strip PP of all funding, because they don't care about women.

You're acting as if no one else provides those other services, which is total horse shit.

If having all those other services is SO important to you, and abortion is just a small fraction of it, when why not just have them drop abortion and then no one would care about the other stuff being funded?

It must be because pro-abortionists don't care about women, all they care about is killing their babies.

They won't get rid of their abortion services. Women want abortions. PP provides them.
we dont know what percentage of pps services are abortion because we dont know how many abortions they perform.

Also, they lump in a lot of non-abortion services with the abortions themselves. So when you pay $1000 for your abortion, they write up about $900 towards other services, so they can pretend they aren't making a lot of money off of killing babies and women.

At the end of the day, the ones who hate women and children are the ones who claim killing children is good for them, and killing women is "women's health".

prove it...

I've proven it a dozen times. We don't even need to go further than this...many states provide zero stats on abortion to the CDC, and even in the states where they do volunteer information, they aren't honest. We know this because they are repeatedly CAUGHT helping women lie about their circumstances. If they do that, they'll lie about fetal age, and coplications, and sheer numbers, as well.

You have no proof. So without any proof, all you really are providing is a look inside your sick and twisted mind.
prove it...

I've proven it a dozen times. We don't even need to go further than this...many states provide zero stats on abortion to the CDC, and even in the states where they do volunteer information, they aren't honest. We know this because they are repeatedly CAUGHT helping women lie about their circumstances. If they do that, they'll lie about fetal age, and coplications, and sheer numbers, as well.

You have no proof. So without any proof, all you really are providing is a look inside your sick and twisted mind.

It's a scam, and it has been proven. It's just that baby killers don't care. They don't care if women die, so long as babies die too. They don't care if women are exploited and long as babies are killed.
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I've proven it a dozen times. We don't even need to go further than this...many states provide zero stats on abortion to the CDC, and even in the states where they do volunteer information, they aren't honest. We know this because they are repeatedly CAUGHT helping women lie about their circumstances. If they do that, they'll lie about fetal age, and coplications, and sheer numbers, as well.

You have no proof. So without any proof, all you really are providing is a look inside your sick and twisted mind.

It's a scam, and it has been proven. It's just that baby killers don't care. They don't care if people die, so long as babies die too. They don't care if women are exploited and long as babies are killed.


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