Trial offers a peek into the world of limitless abortion

You see THAT is how you scum bags try to highjack the conversation. They are not "children" you moron, no matter what label you want to put on a non-viable egg.

No they're apes but someday maybe after they pass through the birth canal they will evolve into human beings, right? Isn't that what your limited mental capacity thinks about them?


What an idiot you prove yourself to be.


No you little fucking asshole, the women is the 'ape' in your moronic brain. She is just a vessel. Her role is to be subservient to men. She has no life, no career, no ability to make decisions that effect her life. YOU will make it for her, and she must THANK you for being so kind.

Eat shit Immie

You're full of shit as usual.

She made her choice when she decided to have sex. Every woman has the right to chose. You simply want to give her the right to chose to kill... by the way, no one should have the right to chose to kill.

You think that your little bit of "goodness" at PP makes up for all the horrors committed by the psychopathic killers you promote and endore. Guess your mother never taught you that two wrongs don't make a right nor that a little bit of goodness does not wipe out a hell of a lot of immorality.

PP is an institution that promotes the indiscriminate killing of innocent human beings. You happen to be an accessory to those killings. Bet you are proud of yourself too.

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