Trial offers a peek into the world of limitless abortion

Baby killers and totalitarians and psychos in general ...

... are pro-lifers. Hence why we laugh at moral lectures from them. What's next, Al Qaeda giving me moral lectures on how to be peaceful?

Why haven't you moved to one of the many pro-life paradises on this planet? You know, either an islamic republic or 3rd world hellhole. You'd fit in well in an islamic republic, being the brand of morality you espouse is identical to the islamicists, always raging about the evils of western liberalism.
I consent everything that LifeSiteNews says. They are anti abortion, of course they will skew things to suit their agenda.

Well, then, it should be easy for you to tell us exactly HOW they are "skewing" things, and what the actual truth is, shouldn't it?

I shall breathlessly await your doing so.

They need to respect the law and stop claiming that abortion causes mental illness and breast cancer, for a start.

Why? Because you don't want to believe it? Your opinions and wishes on the subject have exactly nothing to do with whether or not it's true.
At least Islamic men kill their own women. They don't knock them up then drag them to fake doctors to violate and kill them for them.

If they did, I'm sure there'd be a Planned Parenthood goon there to take care of things.

I'm sure the Mother's Day Massacre women felt very healthy after seeing the abortionists:

"Get your women's health right here folks, in the form of greased razor blades shoved into your pregnant uterus! It's good for you! We were just inspected last week so you know we're trustworthy!"

We are not getting a view inside abortion clinics, we are getting a view inside your sick mind.

I guess you haven't bothered to listen to any of the testimony in that trial.
Hey Immie, do you have any proof the administrators of Planned Parenthood and the leaders of organizations such as NOW and Naral Pro-Choice America want more abortions?

All of these organizations believe in reducing the need for abortion. This means support for improving access to birth control and teaching young people comprehensive sex education.

Really? Maybe you should try reading their propaganda with an open mind. Nothing in it displays any kind of hope for fewer abortions.

And by the way, I am all for comprehensive sex education. The only way to reduce the number of abortions is through informing young adults and changing the hearts of those young adults. You see, we need to portray abortion as the travesty it really is rather than as God's gift to women as PP wants it seen. Of course, "comprehensive sex education" in the minds of PP has nothing to do with teaching the truth about abortion.

Sex education should include the biological aspects of sex that it always has included at least since I was in fifth grade, but it should also teach what abortion is AND alternatives to abortion. It should also teach that abstinence is the only way to avoid unwanted pregnancy AND that it is not abnormal... weird or unnatural to remain abstinent until such time as one is ready to raise a child.


Still no proof eh Immie? You continue to make wild emotional accusations and have NOTHING? Calling women's organizations psychopathic killers. That is sick Immie.

Yea, conservatives are all for women's rights; the right to open and close their legs when men say so. Of course conservatives believe women deserve rights, just as long as women don't have any say what those rights should be. And when women create organizations like Planned Parenthood, NOW and Naral Pro-Choice America, you right wingers demonize these organizations and try to shut them down. Planned Parenthood services helps prevent more than 684,000 unintended pregnancies each year. Only 3% of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services.

Here is one of your evil demons Immie...

Services Planned Parenthood provides for women:

  • Pap Smears: Can't afford a cervical cancer screening? Planned Parenthood has your back.

  • Pregnancy Testing and Services: The organization helps women who are pregnant or are thinking about becoming pregnant get prenatal care.

  • Diabetes Screening: Depending on location, you can get general health care services like diabetes screening, flu vaccines, or anemia testing at Planned Parenthood.

  • Breast Cancer Screening: The organization provides valuable breast exams and helps women find services they might need.

  • STD Testing, Treatment, and Prevention: Planned Parenthood provides free condoms, HPV vaccines, and STD testing and treatment.

  • Male Infertility Screening and Referral: The organization offers a variety of male sexual health services, like infertility screening, testicular cancer screening, and erectile dysfunction services. Are the congressmen aware of this?

  • Menopause Help: It might not make headlines like abortion services, but Planned Parenthood's health centers offer midlife services to help women deal with menopause.

Our Clients

Planned Parenthood provides sexual and reproductive health care, education, and information to nearly five million women, men, and adolescents worldwide each year.

Nearly three million women and men in the United States annually visit Planned Parenthood affiliate health centers for trusted health care services and information.

Eighty-two percent of Planned Parenthood health care clients in the U.S. are age 20 and older.

One in five women in the U.S. has visited a Planned Parenthood health center at least once in her life.

Our Work

Planned Parenthood health centers focus on prevention: 71 percent of our clients receive services to prevent unintended pregnancy.

Planned Parenthood services help prevent more than 684,000 unintended pregnancies each year.

Planned Parenthood provides 585,000 Pap tests and nearly 640,000 breast exams each year, critical services in detecting cancer.

Planned Parenthood provides nearly 4.5 million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

Three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services.

Planned Parenthood affiliates provide educational programs to more than one million young people and adults each year.

I suspect you think somewhere in there is proof that PP doesn't promote and in fact wants to reduce the number of abortions? I have to tell you, I don't see it nor have I in any of their literature and believe me I have looked... hopefully.

You (Planned Parenthood and you since you have identified yourself as one of them) make a fortune off abortion. You make a fortune off unfortunate women who end up pregnant and wanting an abortion... oh yeah, you make a fortune off women who chose abortion for nothing more than convenience sake. By your own admission (through the Alan Guttmacher Institute) 97% of all abortions in the US are made for convenience sake. They publish those numbers in an annual "abortion slides" presentation on the net. Less than one percent are chosen for the health of the mother and another one percent are chosen due to rape, besides that abortion is chosen as a convenient means of birth control... and that is sick, my friend.

I think comparing abortionists and PP to psychopathic killers is highly appropriate.

Here is the latest abortion statistics presentation by Guttmacher. They have taken out the slide that stated that less than 3% of all abortions were for either the mother's health, rape or fetal abnormality. I wonder why they took that out? Oh, wait, no I don't wonder why. I know why. That statistic shot holes the size of Texas in their claim that abortion was an necessity for the health of women. Page 12 is the closest they come now to proving that they are deceiving the world when they claim it is a medical necessity. However, if you will note, everyone of the reasons listed on page 12 (Most Important Reasons Given) are for convenience sake.

Last edited:
Really? Maybe you should try reading their propaganda with an open mind. Nothing in it displays any kind of hope for fewer abortions.

And by the way, I am all for comprehensive sex education. The only way to reduce the number of abortions is through informing young adults and changing the hearts of those young adults. You see, we need to portray abortion as the travesty it really is rather than as God's gift to women as PP wants it seen. Of course, "comprehensive sex education" in the minds of PP has nothing to do with teaching the truth about abortion.

Sex education should include the biological aspects of sex that it always has included at least since I was in fifth grade, but it should also teach what abortion is AND alternatives to abortion. It should also teach that abstinence is the only way to avoid unwanted pregnancy AND that it is not abnormal... weird or unnatural to remain abstinent until such time as one is ready to raise a child.


Still no proof eh Immie? You continue to make wild emotional accusations and have NOTHING? Calling women's organizations psychopathic killers. That is sick Immie.

Yea, conservatives are all for women's rights; the right to open and close their legs when men say so. Of course conservatives believe women deserve rights, just as long as women don't have any say what those rights should be. And when women create organizations like Planned Parenthood, NOW and Naral Pro-Choice America, you right wingers demonize these organizations and try to shut them down. Planned Parenthood services helps prevent more than 684,000 unintended pregnancies each year. Only 3% of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services.

Here is one of your evil demons Immie...

Services Planned Parenthood provides for women:

  • Pap Smears: Can't afford a cervical cancer screening? Planned Parenthood has your back.

  • Pregnancy Testing and Services: The organization helps women who are pregnant or are thinking about becoming pregnant get prenatal care.

  • Diabetes Screening: Depending on location, you can get general health care services like diabetes screening, flu vaccines, or anemia testing at Planned Parenthood.

  • Breast Cancer Screening: The organization provides valuable breast exams and helps women find services they might need.

  • STD Testing, Treatment, and Prevention: Planned Parenthood provides free condoms, HPV vaccines, and STD testing and treatment.

  • Male Infertility Screening and Referral: The organization offers a variety of male sexual health services, like infertility screening, testicular cancer screening, and erectile dysfunction services. Are the congressmen aware of this?

  • Menopause Help: It might not make headlines like abortion services, but Planned Parenthood's health centers offer midlife services to help women deal with menopause.

Our Clients

Planned Parenthood provides sexual and reproductive health care, education, and information to nearly five million women, men, and adolescents worldwide each year.

Nearly three million women and men in the United States annually visit Planned Parenthood affiliate health centers for trusted health care services and information.

Eighty-two percent of Planned Parenthood health care clients in the U.S. are age 20 and older.

One in five women in the U.S. has visited a Planned Parenthood health center at least once in her life.

Our Work

Planned Parenthood health centers focus on prevention: 71 percent of our clients receive services to prevent unintended pregnancy.

Planned Parenthood services help prevent more than 684,000 unintended pregnancies each year.

Planned Parenthood provides 585,000 Pap tests and nearly 640,000 breast exams each year, critical services in detecting cancer.

Planned Parenthood provides nearly 4.5 million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

Three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services.

Planned Parenthood affiliates provide educational programs to more than one million young people and adults each year.

I suspect you think somewhere in there is proof that PP doesn't promote and in fact wants to reduce the number of abortions? I have to tell you, I don't see it nor have I in any of their literature and believe me I have looked... hopefully.

You (Planned Parenthood and you since you have identified yourself as one of them) make a fortune off abortion. You make a fortune off unfortunate women who end up pregnant and wanting an abortion... oh yeah, you make a fortune off women who chose abortion for nothing more than convenience sake. By your own admission (through the Alan Guttmacher Institute) 97% of all abortions in the US are made for convenience sake. They publish those numbers in an annual "abortion slides" presentation on the net. Less than one percent are chosen for the health of the mother and another one percent are chosen due to rape, besides that abortion is chosen as a convenient means of birth control... and that is sick, my friend.

I think comparing abortionists and PP to psychopathic killers is highly appropriate.

Here is the latest abortion statistics presentation by Guttmacher. They have taken out the slide that stated that less than 3% of all abortions were for either the mother's health, rape or fetal abnormality. I wonder why they took that out? Oh, wait, no I don't wonder why. I know why. That statistic shot holes the size of Texas in their claim that abortion was an necessity for the health of women. Page 12 is the closest they come now to proving that they are deceiving the world when they claim it is a medical necessity. However, if you will note, everyone of the reasons listed on page 12 (Most Important Reasons Given) are for convenience sake.


Irrelevant Immie. I never said most abortions were done for medical reasons. They are done BECAUSE THE WOMAN DECIDES, NOT YOU. It is NOT YOUR vagina. It is NOT YOUR uterus. It is not the property of you, your right wing scum, or the state.
Right wing SCUM and how they vote for women's rights...


The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013

S. 47 Text – Adobe PDF

Fast Facts: Senate

Senate vote #19, of the 113th Congress, held on February 12th, 2013.

78 senators voted “yea”.
22 senators voted “nay”.
Of the 78 that voted “yea”, 53 were Democrats, 23 were Republicans and 2 were Independents.
ALL 22 that voted “nay” were Republicans.
Result: Bill passed in the Senate. Submitted to the House of Representatives for vote. (1)

Fast Facts: House of Representatives

Roll call #55, on the question of Passage of Senate Bill S. 47, held on February 28th, 2013.

286 representatives voted “yea”.
138 representatives voted “noe”.
Of the 286 “yeas”, 199 were Democrats, 87 were Republicans. (No independents.)
All 138 that voted “noe” were Republicans.
Of the 138 that voted “noe”, 10 were women.
Result: Bill passed in the House of Representatives. Submitted to the President of The United States for signature. (2)

The bill was signed into law by president Barack Obama on March 7th, 2013. (3)
Still no proof eh Immie? You continue to make wild emotional accusations and have NOTHING? Calling women's organizations psychopathic killers. That is sick Immie.

Yea, conservatives are all for women's rights; the right to open and close their legs when men say so. Of course conservatives believe women deserve rights, just as long as women don't have any say what those rights should be. And when women create organizations like Planned Parenthood, NOW and Naral Pro-Choice America, you right wingers demonize these organizations and try to shut them down. Planned Parenthood services helps prevent more than 684,000 unintended pregnancies each year. Only 3% of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services.

Here is one of your evil demons Immie...

Services Planned Parenthood provides for women:

  • Pap Smears: Can't afford a cervical cancer screening? Planned Parenthood has your back.

  • Pregnancy Testing and Services: The organization helps women who are pregnant or are thinking about becoming pregnant get prenatal care.

  • Diabetes Screening: Depending on location, you can get general health care services like diabetes screening, flu vaccines, or anemia testing at Planned Parenthood.

  • Breast Cancer Screening: The organization provides valuable breast exams and helps women find services they might need.

  • STD Testing, Treatment, and Prevention: Planned Parenthood provides free condoms, HPV vaccines, and STD testing and treatment.

  • Male Infertility Screening and Referral: The organization offers a variety of male sexual health services, like infertility screening, testicular cancer screening, and erectile dysfunction services. Are the congressmen aware of this?

  • Menopause Help: It might not make headlines like abortion services, but Planned Parenthood's health centers offer midlife services to help women deal with menopause.

Our Clients

Planned Parenthood provides sexual and reproductive health care, education, and information to nearly five million women, men, and adolescents worldwide each year.

Nearly three million women and men in the United States annually visit Planned Parenthood affiliate health centers for trusted health care services and information.

Eighty-two percent of Planned Parenthood health care clients in the U.S. are age 20 and older.

One in five women in the U.S. has visited a Planned Parenthood health center at least once in her life.

Our Work

Planned Parenthood health centers focus on prevention: 71 percent of our clients receive services to prevent unintended pregnancy.

Planned Parenthood services help prevent more than 684,000 unintended pregnancies each year.

Planned Parenthood provides 585,000 Pap tests and nearly 640,000 breast exams each year, critical services in detecting cancer.

Planned Parenthood provides nearly 4.5 million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

Three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services.

Planned Parenthood affiliates provide educational programs to more than one million young people and adults each year.

I suspect you think somewhere in there is proof that PP doesn't promote and in fact wants to reduce the number of abortions? I have to tell you, I don't see it nor have I in any of their literature and believe me I have looked... hopefully.

You (Planned Parenthood and you since you have identified yourself as one of them) make a fortune off abortion. You make a fortune off unfortunate women who end up pregnant and wanting an abortion... oh yeah, you make a fortune off women who chose abortion for nothing more than convenience sake. By your own admission (through the Alan Guttmacher Institute) 97% of all abortions in the US are made for convenience sake. They publish those numbers in an annual "abortion slides" presentation on the net. Less than one percent are chosen for the health of the mother and another one percent are chosen due to rape, besides that abortion is chosen as a convenient means of birth control... and that is sick, my friend.

I think comparing abortionists and PP to psychopathic killers is highly appropriate.

Here is the latest abortion statistics presentation by Guttmacher. They have taken out the slide that stated that less than 3% of all abortions were for either the mother's health, rape or fetal abnormality. I wonder why they took that out? Oh, wait, no I don't wonder why. I know why. That statistic shot holes the size of Texas in their claim that abortion was an necessity for the health of women. Page 12 is the closest they come now to proving that they are deceiving the world when they claim it is a medical necessity. However, if you will note, everyone of the reasons listed on page 12 (Most Important Reasons Given) are for convenience sake.


Irrelevant Immie. I never said most abortions were done for medical reasons. They are done BECAUSE THE WOMAN DECIDES, NOT YOU. It is NOT YOUR vagina. It is NOT YOUR uterus. It is not the property of you, your right wing scum, or the state.


One is not required to justify the exercising of a fundamental right, the burden rests with the state to prove justification with regard to restricting a right.
Right wing SCUM and how they vote for women's rights...


The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013

S. 47 Text – Adobe PDF

Fast Facts: Senate

Senate vote #19, of the 113th Congress, held on February 12th, 2013.

78 senators voted “yea”.
22 senators voted “nay”.
Of the 78 that voted “yea”, 53 were Democrats, 23 were Republicans and 2 were Independents.
ALL 22 that voted “nay” were Republicans.
Result: Bill passed in the Senate. Submitted to the House of Representatives for vote. (1)

Fast Facts: House of Representatives

Roll call #55, on the question of Passage of Senate Bill S. 47, held on February 28th, 2013.

286 representatives voted “yea”.
138 representatives voted “noe”.
Of the 286 “yeas”, 199 were Democrats, 87 were Republicans. (No independents.)
All 138 that voted “noe” were Republicans.
Of the 138 that voted “noe”, 10 were women.
Result: Bill passed in the House of Representatives. Submitted to the President of The United States for signature. (2)

The bill was signed into law by president Barack Obama on March 7th, 2013. (3)

How dare you criticize anyone for violence? When you are sitting there in your chair in front of your computer and endorsing the killing of 1.21 million children every single year.

I suspect you think somewhere in there is proof that PP doesn't promote and in fact wants to reduce the number of abortions? I have to tell you, I don't see it nor have I in any of their literature and believe me I have looked... hopefully.

You (Planned Parenthood and you since you have identified yourself as one of them) make a fortune off abortion. You make a fortune off unfortunate women who end up pregnant and wanting an abortion... oh yeah, you make a fortune off women who chose abortion for nothing more than convenience sake. By your own admission (through the Alan Guttmacher Institute) 97% of all abortions in the US are made for convenience sake. They publish those numbers in an annual "abortion slides" presentation on the net. Less than one percent are chosen for the health of the mother and another one percent are chosen due to rape, besides that abortion is chosen as a convenient means of birth control... and that is sick, my friend.

I think comparing abortionists and PP to psychopathic killers is highly appropriate.

Here is the latest abortion statistics presentation by Guttmacher. They have taken out the slide that stated that less than 3% of all abortions were for either the mother's health, rape or fetal abnormality. I wonder why they took that out? Oh, wait, no I don't wonder why. I know why. That statistic shot holes the size of Texas in their claim that abortion was an necessity for the health of women. Page 12 is the closest they come now to proving that they are deceiving the world when they claim it is a medical necessity. However, if you will note, everyone of the reasons listed on page 12 (Most Important Reasons Given) are for convenience sake.


Irrelevant Immie. I never said most abortions were done for medical reasons. They are done BECAUSE THE WOMAN DECIDES, NOT YOU. It is NOT YOUR vagina. It is NOT YOUR uterus. It is not the property of you, your right wing scum, or the state.


One is not required to justify the exercising of a fundamental right, the burden rests with the state to prove justification with regard to restricting a right.

Maybe you should point to where in the constitution there is such a thing as a right to an abortion? Hell, there is not even a right to privacy which is actually a contrived "right" that liberal justices used to justify their own cowardice when they decided Roe in the first place.

As the case of the Boston Bomber, Dzhokar Tsarneav, has proven, we don't even have one of the most basic rights that we all thought we had all along. That being the right not to incriminate ourselves and the right to having an attorney present when questioned by authorities.

There is no such thing as a right to kill innocent human beings and yes, no matter what the killers want you to think, those are definitely human beings and the most innocent of human beings at that.

Right wing SCUM and how they vote for women's rights...


The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013

S. 47 Text – Adobe PDF

Fast Facts: Senate

Senate vote #19, of the 113th Congress, held on February 12th, 2013.

78 senators voted “yea”.
22 senators voted “nay”.
Of the 78 that voted “yea”, 53 were Democrats, 23 were Republicans and 2 were Independents.
ALL 22 that voted “nay” were Republicans.
Result: Bill passed in the Senate. Submitted to the House of Representatives for vote. (1)

Fast Facts: House of Representatives

Roll call #55, on the question of Passage of Senate Bill S. 47, held on February 28th, 2013.

286 representatives voted “yea”.
138 representatives voted “noe”.
Of the 286 “yeas”, 199 were Democrats, 87 were Republicans. (No independents.)
All 138 that voted “noe” were Republicans.
Of the 138 that voted “noe”, 10 were women.
Result: Bill passed in the House of Representatives. Submitted to the President of The United States for signature. (2)

The bill was signed into law by president Barack Obama on March 7th, 2013. (3)

How dare you criticize anyone for violence? When you are sitting there in your chair in front of your computer and endorsing the killing of 1.21 million children every single year.


You see THAT is how you scum bags try to highjack the conversation. They are not "children" you moron, no matter what label you want to put on a non-viable egg.
They are human life, and you don't have the right to take it. Regardless of what the (bad) law says. Law used to say you could kill your slaves, too. But it was still wrong.
The wsj article that I've been quoting so much actually addresses the way the baby killers have hijacked the language in order to hide the truth...and also touches on the stupid non-science that the killers cite (it's a parasite, it's not really human, and so on and so forth....) It's just killers doing what they do; justifying their crimes.

In the end, nobody is ever fooled, and they earn their places at the bottom of the deepest pit (or before a judge that will demand payment for the lives they have destroyed) for their trouble.
How dare you criticize anyone for violence? When you are sitting there in your chair in front of your computer and endorsing the killing of 1.21 million children every single year.


Abortion has nothing to do with the issue that was just raised, does it?
Mainstream media and especially pro-abortion liberal opinionists are desperate to control the narrative on the horrific abortionist, Kermit Gosnell.
Ignoring the fact that he is not the exception, but increasingly the rule among abortionists, “pro-choice” media is trying to segregate this case, to isolate the public from the broader truth—that Gosnell is the natural consequence of rabid pro-abortion advocacy.
So the Associated Press, along with HuffPo and other mainstream media outlets are claiming that the poor women who went to the “elegant man” (aka Gosnell) had no choice. They bemoan that Gosnell’s workers had “few options” (because most of Philly’s employed choose jobs where they brutally cut people’s spinal cords and toss around their lifeless bodies like play objects). And they accuse the prolife movement, who has always pushed for abortion clinic regulations and enforcement, of somehow creating Gosnell’s situation. NARAL lamented Gosnell was a “peek into the world before Roe”. No. It’s a peek into the world of limitless abortion (as championed by NARAL, Planned Parenthood, NOW, and other rabidly pro-abortion groups), with no regard for the lives of women and children."

"Philadelphia, which doesn’t record or publish any data on abortion in its city, has no idea who is seeking abortions. In other states/cities that actually track this vital data (like Georgia), college students in attempts to hide who they are, often list themselves as poor or needing financial aid when seeking abortions, which grossly exaggerates the genuine “poverty” status of those having abortions. Even if every patient who went to Gosnell were poor, do we know the repeat abortion rate of his victims? Do we know if they remained trapped in the cycle of poverty? Do we know how many were on Medicaid? Marcotte and her abortion cohorts can make up stuff all they want, but they can’t conjure a reality where abortion magically cures poverty or strengthens women shackled by circumstances unimproved by killing the life within them."

In fact, mainstream media doesn’t talk about another seedy Philly abortionist, Soleiman M. Soli, who closed his doors (in November 2010) instead of fighting a newly invigorated PA Department of Health after the Gosnell discovery. As reported by The Inquirer back in March 2011 (and covered by Soli had medications in his clinic that were expired for over 30 years, no recovery room, no admitting privileges at an area hospital, stored aborted baby parts in exam-room cabinets and the list went on and on. Unsurprisingly, the same Board of Medicine that chose to ignore Kermit Gosnell’s butchery of poor black women in his 1972 supercoil illegal abortion experiment gone awry turned their backs on Soli’s repeated violations, too. Even as an OB/GYN he was embroiled in numerous lawsuits for harming women in his care, one case ending in a $35 million settlement. Gosnell was, and is not, alone in preying on women. Where were the abortion activists when women were being harmed by Soli for three decades? Silent and complicit."

Poor Excuses for a Butcher: Gosnell is the Typical Abortionist |

Sorry, but the real truth is that most people who are pro-choice do not support any late term abortion other than to save the life of the mother. Yes, there are a number of absolutists who support even this sick form of murder. They are a lot like those who want all abortion banned, even in the case of incest, rape, or if the mother's life is in danger.

The problem with people who's beliefs lie on the fringes of reality is that are incapable of seeing reality.
Unfortunately, most of the people who support abortion (and they are the fringe element, which is why the courts had to step in and create the law....there was no public support for it then, and there's limited support now) refuse to require meaningful oversight of the industry. They perpetuate lies about the "safety" and the incidence of abortion, and allow the abortion industry to oversee itself.

Which is, of course, insane, and why abuses are the norm and not the exception.
Services Planned Parenthood provides for women:

  • Pap Smears: Can't afford a cervical cancer screening? Planned Parenthood has your back.

  • Pregnancy Testing and Services: The organization helps women who are pregnant or are thinking about becoming pregnant get prenatal care.

  • Diabetes Screening: Depending on location, you can get general health care services like diabetes screening, flu vaccines, or anemia testing at Planned Parenthood.

  • Breast Cancer Screening: The organization provides valuable breast exams and helps women find services they might need.

  • STD Testing, Treatment, and Prevention: Planned Parenthood provides free condoms, HPV vaccines, and STD testing and treatment.

  • Male Infertility Screening and Referral: The organization offers a variety of male sexual health services, like infertility screening, testicular cancer screening, and erectile dysfunction services. Are the congressmen aware of this?

  • Menopause Help: It might not make headlines like abortion services, but Planned Parenthood's health centers offer midlife services to help women deal with menopause.

So why can't PP just do all those services and not abortion?

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