Trial offers a peek into the world of limitless abortion

Hey Pope turzovka, do only liberal and progressive women have abortions?

No, do you violate any principles or rules you preach? Or is it just Christians who have to be perfect or else they are total frauds?

The truth is years ago the only women who had safe abortions were the wealthy. Poor little girls died before they could legally have an abortion performed by a doctor in a clinical setting. They were forced to have backroom abortions by hacks, or perform them on themselves with a coat hanger. UNLESS they were the daughters of the opulent, then Priscilla would be 'off on a European vacation' for the neighbors consumption, while having a doctor perform a safe abortion elsewhere.

Whatever “the truth is” I am surely not taking your biased lean on it. I suspect the truth is, most people did not consider abortions back then because it was not an option in their minds. And I strongly, strongly suspect within a few months after having given birth, they were eternally grateful they did not end the life of the child now before their eyes.

Your stupid argument is just that. Don’t like heroine, don’t inject it. Don’t like being with a hooker, don’t seek one out. I am protecting an innocent life, you don’t seem to care.

You sure like to spew from the mouth whatever your brain imagines. How many Catholic services are there that willingly care for pregnant mothers and their children? How many tens of thousands of couples would gladly adopt the child the moment its born? I guess it’s too much to ask someone like you. You’d rather let a few butchers run wild and kill babies on guerneys just so you can pretend all is well in your world.

You want to dictate, then YOU have to step up to the plate. You right wingers never THINK of the all ramifications and consequences.

We don’t agree what you term as “thinking,” that much is certain.

Irony abounds with you right wing 'less government' hacks. Because you view women as possessions that are not smart enough to decide for themselves, their uterus should be the property of the state.

How many more leftist clichés can you come up with in one post? Possessions? Oh my. You really are beyond redemption on this.

Protecting an innocent life? A non viable egg is not a person. Is an IUD a 'baby' killer too?

You object to being accused of viewing women as possessions that are not smart enough to decide for themselves. THEN YOU DECIDE FOR HER, and tell us she will like it...

Hey Pope turzovka, did you ever read the BIBLE?

Numbers 5:27-28

27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse. 28 If, however, the woman has not made herself impure, but is clean, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children.
I have never heard or read ANYONE 'gush with enthusiasm for abortion'.

[ame=]Barack Obama Promises to Sign FOCA - YouTube[/ame]

Does your tiny little pea brain ever wonder why that video is so heavily edited? WHERE is the 'gushing'???????????

Obama is the most radical pro-abortion in American history

[ame=]President Obama: 'I Don't Want Them Punished With A Baby' - YouTube[/ame]
Not to trivilize it, but when the anti-choice folks essentially terrorize physicians who perform abortions at facilities, as opposed to regular old obgyn's who discreetly treat our daughters who have insurance, I have difficulty in accepting their complaints about "oh the treatment is horrible." Yes, and w/o Roe it would be even worse.
I have to wonder, do liberals feel anything when they see pictures of aborted fetuses? Is there any disgust?

Seriously, you libs should look at photos of choppped up fetuses, because that is actually what you are defending.

Its almost like you people have the same mentality of Nazis who murdered Jews for fun, or slave traders that sold humans like cattle. "They're not human" was the excuse then, as it is now for liberals and dead fetuses.

That's exactly how the radical right sees women. They are owned and should be controlled. You have no right to say what a woman does with her own body any more than I should have control over YOUR body.

Obama is the most radical pro-abortion in American history

That's really a silly thing to say and you really have nothing with which to back it up.

There are a lot of us who voted for a liberal and got a moderate.

Maybe you've forgotten that abortion is the law of the land.
I have to wonder, do liberals feel anything when they see pictures of aborted fetuses? Is there any disgust?

Seriously, you libs should look at photos of choppped up fetuses, because that is actually what you are defending.

Its almost like you people have the same mentality of Nazis who murdered Jews for fun, or slave traders that sold humans like cattle. "They're not human" was the excuse then, as it is now for liberals and dead fetuses.

Do you nutters ever THINK before you write?

It surely doesn't seem like it.

Mind your own business.

That's exactly how the radical right sees women. They are owned and should be controlled. You have no right to say what a woman does with her own body any more than I should have control over YOUR body.

Obama is the most radical pro-abortion in American history

That's really a silly thing to say and you really have nothing with which to back it up.

There are a lot of us who voted for a liberal and got a moderate.

Maybe you've forgotten that abortion is the law of the land.

The law of the land also used to allow slavery.

I guess if its "the law", then its perfectly moral.
I have to wonder, do liberals feel anything when they see pictures of aborted fetuses? Is there any disgust?

Seriously, you libs should look at photos of choppped up fetuses, because that is actually what you are defending.

Its almost like you people have the same mentality of Nazis who murdered Jews for fun, or slave traders that sold humans like cattle. "They're not human" was the excuse then, as it is now for liberals and dead fetuses.

Do you nutters ever THINK before you write?

It surely doesn't seem like it.

Mind your own business.

What a surprise, you can't answer the question.
Not to trivilize it, but when the anti-choice folks essentially terrorize physicians who perform abortions at facilities, as opposed to regular old obgyn's who discreetly treat our daughters who have insurance, I have difficulty in accepting their complaints about "oh the treatment is horrible." Yes, and w/o Roe it would be even worse.

How could it be worse? We have legal back alley abortions. The most disgusting pigs the human race has ever come up with go into the abortion industry where they are able to do whatever they want to women and babies, perfectly legally, because THERE IS NO OVERSIGHT. You retards are so afraid of what you might see that you refuse to see anything at all. You know women and children are being killed...but because abortion is so precious to you, you refuse to do anything about it or suffer any criticism.

You're scum of the earth.
Your "question" was answered further up in this thread but what you and other froot loops don't GET is that this really is not your business.

You're just a Peeping Tom who wants to control women.
Not to trivilize it, but when the anti-choice folks essentially terrorize physicians who perform abortions at facilities, as opposed to regular old obgyn's who discreetly treat our daughters who have insurance, I have difficulty in accepting their complaints about "oh the treatment is horrible." Yes, and w/o Roe it would be even worse.

How could it be worse? We have legal back alley abortions. The most disgusting pigs the human race has ever come up with go into the abortion industry where they are able to do whatever they want to women and babies, perfectly legally, because THERE IS NO OVERSIGHT. You retards are so afraid of what you might see that you refuse to see anything at all. You know women and children are being killed...but because abortion is so precious to you, you refuse to do anything about it or suffer any criticism.

You're scum of the earth.

If you meddlers get your way, this is how all abortions will be.


That's exactly how the radical right sees women. They are owned and should be controlled. You have no right to say what a woman does with her own body any more than I should have control over YOUR body.

Obama is the most radical pro-abortion in American history

That's really a silly thing to say and you really have nothing with which to back it up.

There are a lot of us who voted for a liberal and got a moderate.

Maybe you've forgotten that abortion is the law of the land.

The law of the land also used to allow slavery.

I guess if its "the law", then its perfectly moral.

If the topic is the "morality" of abortions then everyone who is anti-abortion should also be pro universal background checks for the simple reason that guns "abort" the lives of small children. 20 small innocent children's lives were "aborted" in a manner and a timeframe that not even Gosnell could emulate.
Not to trivilize it, but when the anti-choice folks essentially terrorize physicians who perform abortions at facilities, as opposed to regular old obgyn's who discreetly treat our daughters who have insurance, I have difficulty in accepting their complaints about "oh the treatment is horrible." Yes, and w/o Roe it would be even worse.

How could it be worse? We have legal back alley abortions. The most disgusting pigs the human race has ever come up with go into the abortion industry where they are able to do whatever they want to women and babies, perfectly legally, because THERE IS NO OVERSIGHT. You retards are so afraid of what you might see that you refuse to see anything at all. You know women and children are being killed...but because abortion is so precious to you, you refuse to do anything about it or suffer any criticism.

You're scum of the earth.

That is the exception rather than the rule. Prove that there is "no oversight" of abortion clinics nationwide.
Your "question" was answered further up in this thread but what you and other froot loops don't GET is that this really is not your business.

You're just a Peeping Tom who wants to control women.

Technically speaking aren't they "Probing Toms" instead? :D
Not to trivilize it, but when the anti-choice folks essentially terrorize physicians who perform abortions at facilities, as opposed to regular old obgyn's who discreetly treat our daughters who have insurance, I have difficulty in accepting their complaints about "oh the treatment is horrible." Yes, and w/o Roe it would be even worse.

How could it be worse? We have legal back alley abortions. The most disgusting pigs the human race has ever come up with go into the abortion industry where they are able to do whatever they want to women and babies, perfectly legally, because THERE IS NO OVERSIGHT. You retards are so afraid of what you might see that you refuse to see anything at all. You know women and children are being killed...but because abortion is so precious to you, you refuse to do anything about it or suffer any criticism.

You're scum of the earth.

Well, I could call you the scum of the earth for seekign to make rape victims give birth, but unlike you, I'm not a asshole.

But, what I did say, is that I have a hard time accepting your outrage, when your actions in opposing abortion justify the very means of making them more inhumane and medically well done.
Mainstream media and especially pro-abortion liberal opinionists are desperate to control the narrative on the horrific abortionist, Kermit Gosnell.


Get this through your dumb thick head. No one is pro-abortion.

No one wants more abortions. (Though, if some drunk dope planted his seed in you, the world might be better off... know what I mean?)

But you can keep your baby with your idiot genes. That's freedom, dummy. We let people like you have babies or terminate your pregnancy if you want to spare us all a jr you.

For the most part I agree with you in regards to no one wanting more abortions. The exceptions being the psychopathic killers of the world like Kermit Grosnell, the administrators of Planned Parenthood and the leaders of organizations such as NOW and Naral Pro-Choice America.


That's exactly how the radical right sees women. They are owned and should be controlled. You have no right to say what a woman does with her own body any more than I should have control over YOUR body.

Obama is the most radical pro-abortion in American history

That's really a silly thing to say and you really have nothing with which to back it up.

There are a lot of us who voted for a liberal and got a moderate.

Maybe you've forgotten that abortion is the law of the land.

The law of the land also used to allow slavery.

I guess if its "the law", then its perfectly moral.

Unless, of course, the law of the land states something like, "A marriage is between one man and one woman".

Hey Pope turzovka, do only liberal and progressive women have abortions?

No, do you violate any principles or rules you preach? Or is it just Christians who have to be perfect or else they are total frauds?

Whatever “the truth is” I am surely not taking your biased lean on it. I suspect the truth is, most people did not consider abortions back then because it was not an option in their minds. And I strongly, strongly suspect within a few months after having given birth, they were eternally grateful they did not end the life of the child now before their eyes.

Your stupid argument is just that. Don’t like heroine, don’t inject it. Don’t like being with a hooker, don’t seek one out. I am protecting an innocent life, you don’t seem to care.

You sure like to spew from the mouth whatever your brain imagines. How many Catholic services are there that willingly care for pregnant mothers and their children? How many tens of thousands of couples would gladly adopt the child the moment its born? I guess it’s too much to ask someone like you. You’d rather let a few butchers run wild and kill babies on guerneys just so you can pretend all is well in your world.

We don’t agree what you term as “thinking,” that much is certain.

Irony abounds with you right wing 'less government' hacks. Because you view women as possessions that are not smart enough to decide for themselves, their uterus should be the property of the state.

How many more leftist clichés can you come up with in one post? Possessions? Oh my. You really are beyond redemption on this.

Protecting an innocent life? A non viable egg is not a person. Is an IUD a 'baby' killer too?

You object to being accused of viewing women as possessions that are not smart enough to decide for themselves. THEN YOU DECIDE FOR HER, and tell us she will like it...

Hey Pope turzovka, did you ever read the BIBLE?

Numbers 5:27-28

27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse. 28 If, however, the woman has not made herself impure, but is clean, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children.

Why are you here? To cherry pick the questions or remarks that you can handle only?

Which sends me back to "Why are you here?" You danced around a lot of challenges of mine or simply avoided them altogether.

A fertilized egg is a human being according my Church and that is all you need to know if you truly want to be obedient to the one true God.

Artificial contraception is a sin, but the Catholic Church does provide for sinners. It is called confession. Pope John Paul II allowed for some concessions on contraception by formally telling all priests not to be too hard on those in confession who repeatedly confess the sin of artificial contraception. It is not to be deemed mortal or grounds for excommunication or anything of the like. It is to be relegated to the condition of "invincible ignorance." You may want to familiarize yourself with that term for other applications.

I do not decide for women what is right or moral, God does. And Jesus established HIS Church to do the same. Read Matthew 16 and you will understand. The same with Matthew 18. The Church has ruled since time immemorial that abortion is a grave sin. Your interpretation of the Numbers passage is totally false, albeit the one hopeful straw you and yours somehow cling to.

Don't ask me if I read the Bible. You have found one of maybe a handful of passages in all of Scripture you are willing to try to adhere to. All the rest you have no use for. We are not fooled by your duplicitous ways, and surely God is not.
That's exactly how the radical right sees women. They are owned and should be controlled. You have no right to say what a woman does with her own body any more than I should have control over YOUR body.

That's really a silly thing to say and you really have nothing with which to back it up.

There are a lot of us who voted for a liberal and got a moderate.

Maybe you've forgotten that abortion is the law of the land.

The law of the land also used to allow slavery.

I guess if its "the law", then its perfectly moral.

Unless, of course, the law of the land states something like, "A marriage is between one man and one woman".


Another area where government should have no say.

Who you choose to marry is no one's business as long as you're both consenting adults.
A fertilized egg is a human being according my Church and that is all you need to know if you truly want to be obedient to the one true God.

What about other people's churches?

There is not "one true god". There are literally dozens of "one true gods". Everybody has got their own "one true god" and you don't have the right to to denigrate all those other "one true gods" in favor of your own.

Believe whatever you want to believe. Who cares?

But, that's all it is - your belief.

Mind your own business.

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