Trial offers a peek into the world of limitless abortion

Tell me this kind of stuff doesn't go on in abortion clinics throughout the country:evil:

In the grand jury report on the case, released in January 2011, many pregnant women were given drugs to induce labor. According to employee Latosha Lewis “one or two babies fell out of patients each night. They dropped on lounge chairs, on the floor, and often in the toilet.”

If “a baby was about to come out, I would take the woman to the bathroom, they would sit on the toilet and basically the baby would fall out and it would be in the toilet and I would be rubbing her back and trying to calm her down for two, three, four hours until Dr. Gosnell comes,” Lewis told the grand jury.

The report continues: “James Johnson, who supposedly cleaned the clinic and bagged its infectious waste, confirmed Lewis’s account. He testified that sometimes patients ‘miscarried or whatever it was’ into the toilet and clogged it.”

“He described how he had to lift the toilet so that someone else – he said it was too disgusting for him – could get the fetuses out of the pipes,” reads the grand jury report.

Johnson is the common-law husband of Elizabeth Hampton, the sister of Gosnell’s wife, Pearl.

Gosnell preferred to have the babies expel “because it made his job easier,” reads the report, which adds, “If fetuses had not precipitated, Gosnell would often have his staff physically push them out of their mothers by pressing in the mother’s abdomens.

Toilet In Abortion Clinic Needed to be Lifted to ?Get the Fetuses Out of the Pipes? | CNS News
I consent everything that LifeSiteNews says. They are anti abortion, of course they will skew things to suit their agenda.

Well, then, it should be easy for you to tell us exactly HOW they are "skewing" things, and what the actual truth is, shouldn't it?

I shall breathlessly await your doing so.

They need to respect the law and stop claiming that abortion causes mental illness and breast cancer, for a start.

It's our truthful response to the lie that increased access to abortion mills is necessary for a woman's good health.
I'm sure the Mother's Day Massacre women felt very healthy after seeing the abortionists:

"Get your women's health right here folks, in the form of greased razor blades shoved into your pregnant uterus! It's good for you! We were just inspected last week so you know we're trustworthy!"
I'm sure the Mother's Day Massacre women felt very healthy after seeing the abortionists:

"Get your women's health right here folks, in the form of greased razor blades shoved into your pregnant uterus! It's good for you! We were just inspected last week so you know we're trustworthy!"

We are not getting a view inside abortion clinics, we are getting a view inside your sick mind.
I'm sure the Mother's Day Massacre women felt very healthy after seeing the abortionists:

"Get your women's health right here folks, in the form of greased razor blades shoved into your pregnant uterus! It's good for you! We were just inspected last week so you know we're trustworthy!"

We are not getting a view inside abortion clinics, we are getting a view inside your sick mind.

Shut up idiot, You pro-abortion, pro-infanticide, baby killers are the ones who are sick:cuckoo:

Get this through your dumb thick head. No one is pro-abortion.

No one wants more abortions. (Though, if some drunk dope planted his seed in you, the world might be better off... know what I mean?)

But you can keep your baby with your idiot genes. That's freedom, dummy. We let people like you have babies or terminate your pregnancy if you want to spare us all a jr you.

For the most part I agree with you in regards to no one wanting more abortions. The exceptions being the psychopathic killers of the world like Kermit Grosnell, the administrators of Planned Parenthood and the leaders of organizations such as NOW and Naral Pro-Choice America.


Hey Immie, do you have any proof the administrators of Planned Parenthood and the leaders of organizations such as NOW and Naral Pro-Choice America want more abortions?

All of these organizations believe in reducing the need for abortion. This means support for improving access to birth control and teaching young people comprehensive sex education.

Yes, they want more abortions. Everybody who argues for abortion claims that if we just had more clinics and fewer laws, everything would be peachy:

" ....they want abortion to be "safe and legal." (The Clintonian "rare" is not heard anymore. In a Philadelphia Inquirer op-ed last month, Kate Michelman of NARAL Pro-Choice America came right out and said that she wants abortion to be "common.")

Best of the Web Today: From Roe to Gosnell -

"The long-term impact of burdening and stigmatizing abortion care could be that the most vulnerable women will once again have to risk their health and lives to get what should be a completely safe and common medical procedure."

Why women chose Gosnell -

There's your proof.

Kate Michelman is a president emeritus of NARAL Pro-Choice America
I'm sure the Mother's Day Massacre women felt very healthy after seeing the abortionists:

"Get your women's health right here folks, in the form of greased razor blades shoved into your pregnant uterus! It's good for you! We were just inspected last week so you know we're trustworthy!"

We are not getting a view inside abortion clinics, we are getting a view inside your sick mind.

No, you're getting a view of PP's idea of bringing abortion to third world countries.

They sponsored that. That's the sort of wonderful thing they do for poor, oppressed women in third world countries (and in America, where PP looks the other way, no matter HOW many people report them.)

Get this through your dumb thick head. No one is pro-abortion.

No one wants more abortions. (Though, if some drunk dope planted his seed in you, the world might be better off... know what I mean?)

But you can keep your baby with your idiot genes. That's freedom, dummy. We let people like you have babies or terminate your pregnancy if you want to spare us all a jr you.

For the most part I agree with you in regards to no one wanting more abortions. The exceptions being the psychopathic killers of the world like Kermit Grosnell, the administrators of Planned Parenthood and the leaders of organizations such as NOW and Naral Pro-Choice America.


Hey Immie, do you have any proof the administrators of Planned Parenthood and the leaders of organizations such as NOW and Naral Pro-Choice America want more abortions?

All of these organizations believe in reducing the need for abortion. This means support for improving access to birth control and teaching young people comprehensive sex education.

Really? Maybe you should try reading their propaganda with an open mind. Nothing in it displays any kind of hope for fewer abortions.

And by the way, I am all for comprehensive sex education. The only way to reduce the number of abortions is through informing young adults and changing the hearts of those young adults. You see, we need to portray abortion as the travesty it really is rather than as God's gift to women as PP wants it seen. Of course, "comprehensive sex education" in the minds of PP has nothing to do with teaching the truth about abortion.

Sex education should include the biological aspects of sex that it always has included at least since I was in fifth grade, but it should also teach what abortion is AND alternatives to abortion. It should also teach that abstinence is the only way to avoid unwanted pregnancy AND that it is not abnormal... weird or unnatural to remain abstinent until such time as one is ready to raise a child.

The law of the land also used to allow slavery.

I guess if its "the law", then its perfectly moral.

If the topic is the "morality" of abortions then everyone who is anti-abortion should also be pro universal background checks for the simple reason that guns "abort" the lives of small children. 20 small innocent children's lives were "aborted" in a manner and a timeframe that not even Gosnell could emulate.

I'm not entirely opposed to universal back ground checks, but I just think it would make a lot more sense to lock people up behind bars if they are so dangerous they can't be trusted with owning a firearm.

Fix the real problem: violent criminals being let out of jail, and mentally ill not being in a mental hospital. Then we wouldn't need any "background checks".

But that kind of logic seems to elude libs.

I would be entirely for universal background checks if there was even the slightest chance that such a check would keep guns out of the hands of an individual that was hell bent on committing mass murder or even someone that had not considered it before but suddenly snapped and went off the deep end. UBCs will not stop either thing from happening. UBC's only present a road block in the way of those who would legally obtain guns, basically they are nothing more than a tax on gun ownership.

If the topic is the "morality" of abortions then everyone who is anti-abortion should also be pro universal background checks for the simple reason that guns "abort" the lives of small children. 20 small innocent children's lives were "aborted" in a manner and a timeframe that not even Gosnell could emulate.

I'm not entirely opposed to universal back ground checks, but I just think it would make a lot more sense to lock people up behind bars if they are so dangerous they can't be trusted with owning a firearm.

Fix the real problem: violent criminals being let out of jail, and mentally ill not being in a mental hospital. Then we wouldn't need any "background checks".

But that kind of logic seems to elude libs.

We are in danger of wandering off topic here but there is a need to check the record and look at sane solutions. It was under the Reagan administration that the mentally ill were "freed" from mental institutions given that he slashed their funding. (He was not alone in this but he was instrumental.) Secondly violent criminals are freed to make room for non violent pot smokers which suits the Prison-Industrial-Complex to a tee. It is much cheaper to house non-violent inmates. It was Nixon who started the phony War On Drugs and we are still paying the price. So to address your points you need to support legalizing marijuana which will free up room in prisons for violent offenders and funding to care for the mentally ill. If you want to take this any further we will need to start another thread.

So abortion is legal, pot smoking is illegal and violent and crazy people are allowed to own guns. The use of universal background checks will resolve the latter problem while legalizing pot will solve the 2nd.

So where do you want to go as far as abortion is concerned? Should it be legal or illegal?

Or we could just build more prisons to actually house all criminals for the full time they are supposed to be in prison, as well as mental hospitals for the crazies. We can start by using all welfare funds, as well as any funds used for corporate and bank bailouts.

Thought I made my opinion on abortion rather clear. Abortion on demand is abhorrant, ending an innocent human life via violent means is murder.
I'm not entirely opposed to universal back ground checks, but I just think it would make a lot more sense to lock people up behind bars if they are so dangerous they can't be trusted with owning a firearm.

Fix the real problem: violent criminals being let out of jail, and mentally ill not being in a mental hospital. Then we wouldn't need any "background checks".

But that kind of logic seems to elude libs.

We are in danger of wandering off topic here but there is a need to check the record and look at sane solutions. It was under the Reagan administration that the mentally ill were "freed" from mental institutions given that he slashed their funding. (He was not alone in this but he was instrumental.) Secondly violent criminals are freed to make room for non violent pot smokers which suits the Prison-Industrial-Complex to a tee. It is much cheaper to house non-violent inmates. It was Nixon who started the phony War On Drugs and we are still paying the price. So to address your points you need to support legalizing marijuana which will free up room in prisons for violent offenders and funding to care for the mentally ill. If you want to take this any further we will need to start another thread.

So abortion is legal, pot smoking is illegal and violent and crazy people are allowed to own guns. The use of universal background checks will resolve the latter problem while legalizing pot will solve the 2nd.

So where do you want to go as far as abortion is concerned? Should it be legal or illegal?

Or we could just build more prisons to actually house all criminals for the full time they are supposed to be in prison, as well as mental hospitals for the crazies. We can start by using all welfare funds, as well as any funds used for corporate and bank bailouts.

So you are saying that no one should be given any social security and medicare because all of the money must be given to the Prison-Industrial-Complex to house violent criminals instead?

Thought I made my opinion on abortion rather clear. Abortion on demand is abhorrant, ending an innocent human life via violent means is murder.

Thank you for restating your position. So if we enact your position into law who is that gets charged with murder? The doctor would be the obvious choice but isn't the woman equally guilty since she provided the "innocent human life" that was murdered? Are you willing to charge 1 miilion+ women per year with murder? Because just like guns finding their ways into hands of criminals pregnant women will find ways to have abortions. They were happening long before RvW and will continue if it is overturned.

So from a pragmatic standpoint are you willing to clutter the courts and the prisons by incarcerating 1,000,000+ women each and every year? You will have to start executing them in an expedited wholesale manner too since the current total inmate population is only 2.5 million. You will more than double that in just 3 years. It is understandable why you need to deprive the elderly of their social security and welfare in order to enact your new order.
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I see the baby killers have successfully derailed yet another thread that exposes the bloody and perverted underbelly of legal abortion.

Well done, scum.
No, do you violate any principles or rules you preach? Or is it just Christians who have to be perfect or else they are total frauds?

Whatever “the truth is” I am surely not taking your biased lean on it. I suspect the truth is, most people did not consider abortions back then because it was not an option in their minds. And I strongly, strongly suspect within a few months after having given birth, they were eternally grateful they did not end the life of the child now before their eyes.

Your stupid argument is just that. Don’t like heroine, don’t inject it. Don’t like being with a hooker, don’t seek one out. I am protecting an innocent life, you don’t seem to care.

You sure like to spew from the mouth whatever your brain imagines. How many Catholic services are there that willingly care for pregnant mothers and their children? How many tens of thousands of couples would gladly adopt the child the moment its born? I guess it’s too much to ask someone like you. You’d rather let a few butchers run wild and kill babies on guerneys just so you can pretend all is well in your world.

We don’t agree what you term as “thinking,” that much is certain.

How many more leftist clichés can you come up with in one post? Possessions? Oh my. You really are beyond redemption on this.

Protecting an innocent life? A non viable egg is not a person. Is an IUD a 'baby' killer too?

You object to being accused of viewing women as possessions that are not smart enough to decide for themselves. THEN YOU DECIDE FOR HER, and tell us she will like it...

Hey Pope turzovka, did you ever read the BIBLE?

Numbers 5:27-28

27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse. 28 If, however, the woman has not made herself impure, but is clean, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children.

Why are you here? To cherry pick the questions or remarks that you can handle only?

Which sends me back to "Why are you here?" You danced around a lot of challenges of mine or simply avoided them altogether.

A fertilized egg is a human being according my Church and that is all you need to know if you truly want to be obedient to the one true God.

Artificial contraception is a sin, but the Catholic Church does provide for sinners. It is called confession. Pope John Paul II allowed for some concessions on contraception by formally telling all priests not to be too hard on those in confession who repeatedly confess the sin of artificial contraception. It is not to be deemed mortal or grounds for excommunication or anything of the like. It is to be relegated to the condition of "invincible ignorance." You may want to familiarize yourself with that term for other applications.

I do not decide for women what is right or moral, God does. And Jesus established HIS Church to do the same. Read Matthew 16 and you will understand. The same with Matthew 18. The Church has ruled since time immemorial that abortion is a grave sin. Your interpretation of the Numbers passage is totally false, albeit the one hopeful straw you and yours somehow cling to.

Don't ask me if I read the Bible. You have found one of maybe a handful of passages in all of Scripture you are willing to try to adhere to. All the rest you have no use for. We are not fooled by your duplicitous ways, and surely God is not.

I guess the Catholic Church makes their own rules. Because the Bible tells us when a fetus becomes a living being.

Many people think that a human being is created at the time of conception but this belief is not supported by the bible. The fact that a living sperm penetrates a living ovum resulting in the formation of a living fetus does not mean that the fetus is a living human being. According to the bible, a fetus is not a living person with a soul until after drawing its first breath.

After God formed man in Genesis 2:7, He “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”. Although the man was fully formed by God in all respects, he was not a living being until after taking his first breath.

In Job 33:4, it states: “The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.”

Again, to quote Ezekiel 37:5&6, “Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the Lord.”

In Exodus 21:22 it states that if a man causes a woman to have a miscarriage, he shall be fined; however, if the woman dies then he will be put to death. It should be apparent from this that the aborted fetus is not considered a living human being since the resulting punishment for the abortion is nothing more than a fine; it is not classified by the bible as a capital offense.

According to the bible, destroying a living fetus does not equate to killing a living human being even though the fetus has the potential of becoming a human being. One can not kill something that has not been born and taken a breath.
The bible does support it.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

Jeremiah 1:5
We are in danger of wandering off topic here but there is a need to check the record and look at sane solutions. It was under the Reagan administration that the mentally ill were "freed" from mental institutions given that he slashed their funding. (He was not alone in this but he was instrumental.) Secondly violent criminals are freed to make room for non violent pot smokers which suits the Prison-Industrial-Complex to a tee. It is much cheaper to house non-violent inmates. It was Nixon who started the phony War On Drugs and we are still paying the price. So to address your points you need to support legalizing marijuana which will free up room in prisons for violent offenders and funding to care for the mentally ill. If you want to take this any further we will need to start another thread.

So abortion is legal, pot smoking is illegal and violent and crazy people are allowed to own guns. The use of universal background checks will resolve the latter problem while legalizing pot will solve the 2nd.

So where do you want to go as far as abortion is concerned? Should it be legal or illegal?

Or we could just build more prisons to actually house all criminals for the full time they are supposed to be in prison, as well as mental hospitals for the crazies. We can start by using all welfare funds, as well as any funds used for corporate and bank bailouts.

So you are saying that no one should be given any social security and medicare because all of the money must be given to the Prison-Industrial-Complex to house violent criminals instead?

Thought I made my opinion on abortion rather clear. Abortion on demand is abhorrant, ending an innocent human life via violent means is murder.

Thank you for restating your position. So if we enact your position into law who is that gets charged with murder? The doctor would be the obvious choice but isn't the woman equally guilty since she provided the "innocent human life" that was murdered? Are you willing to charge 1 miilion+ women per year with murder? Because just like guns finding their ways into hands of criminals pregnant women will find ways to have abortions. They were happening long before RvW and will continue if it is overturned.

So from a pragmatic standpoint are you willing to clutter the courts and the prisons by incarcerating 1,000,000+ women each and every year? You will have to start executing them in an expedited wholesale manner too since the current total inmate population is only 2.5 million. You will more than double that in just 3 years. It is understand why you need to deprive the elderly of their social security and welfare in order to enact your new order.

Those opposed to privacy rights lack the courage to respond to this, as the logical extrapolation of the OP’s idiotic premise, that abortion is ‘murder,’ is that the state, so empowered, may put doctors and women into prison.

The OP is obviously ignorant of the difference between civil law and criminal law, and the legal requirements for murder, such as the ability to form intent.

That the radical right seeks to empower the state at the expense of citizens’ civil liberties should come as no surprise, of course.
Galatians 1:15 But when God, who set me apart from my mother's womb and called me by his grace, was pleased...

Psalm 139:15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.Psalm 139:16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
For the most part I agree with you in regards to no one wanting more abortions. The exceptions being the psychopathic killers of the world like Kermit Grosnell, the administrators of Planned Parenthood and the leaders of organizations such as NOW and Naral Pro-Choice America.


Hey Immie, do you have any proof the administrators of Planned Parenthood and the leaders of organizations such as NOW and Naral Pro-Choice America want more abortions?

All of these organizations believe in reducing the need for abortion. This means support for improving access to birth control and teaching young people comprehensive sex education.

Really? Maybe you should try reading their propaganda with an open mind. Nothing in it displays any kind of hope for fewer abortions.

And by the way, I am all for comprehensive sex education. The only way to reduce the number of abortions is through informing young adults and changing the hearts of those young adults. You see, we need to portray abortion as the travesty it really is rather than as God's gift to women as PP wants it seen. Of course, "comprehensive sex education" in the minds of PP has nothing to do with teaching the truth about abortion.

Sex education should include the biological aspects of sex that it always has included at least since I was in fifth grade, but it should also teach what abortion is AND alternatives to abortion. It should also teach that abstinence is the only way to avoid unwanted pregnancy AND that it is not abnormal... weird or unnatural to remain abstinent until such time as one is ready to raise a child.


Still no proof eh Immie? You continue to make wild emotional accusations and have NOTHING? Calling women's organizations psychopathic killers. That is sick Immie.

Yea, conservatives are all for women's rights; the right to open and close their legs when men say so. Of course conservatives believe women deserve rights, just as long as women don't have any say what those rights should be. And when women create organizations like Planned Parenthood, NOW and Naral Pro-Choice America, you right wingers demonize these organizations and try to shut them down. Planned Parenthood services helps prevent more than 684,000 unintended pregnancies each year. Only 3% of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services.

Here is one of your evil demons Immie...

Services Planned Parenthood provides for women:

  • Pap Smears: Can't afford a cervical cancer screening? Planned Parenthood has your back.

  • Pregnancy Testing and Services: The organization helps women who are pregnant or are thinking about becoming pregnant get prenatal care.

  • Diabetes Screening: Depending on location, you can get general health care services like diabetes screening, flu vaccines, or anemia testing at Planned Parenthood.

  • Breast Cancer Screening: The organization provides valuable breast exams and helps women find services they might need.

  • STD Testing, Treatment, and Prevention: Planned Parenthood provides free condoms, HPV vaccines, and STD testing and treatment.

  • Male Infertility Screening and Referral: The organization offers a variety of male sexual health services, like infertility screening, testicular cancer screening, and erectile dysfunction services. Are the congressmen aware of this?

  • Menopause Help: It might not make headlines like abortion services, but Planned Parenthood's health centers offer midlife services to help women deal with menopause.

Our Clients

Planned Parenthood provides sexual and reproductive health care, education, and information to nearly five million women, men, and adolescents worldwide each year.

Nearly three million women and men in the United States annually visit Planned Parenthood affiliate health centers for trusted health care services and information.

Eighty-two percent of Planned Parenthood health care clients in the U.S. are age 20 and older.

One in five women in the U.S. has visited a Planned Parenthood health center at least once in her life.

Our Work

Planned Parenthood health centers focus on prevention: 71 percent of our clients receive services to prevent unintended pregnancy.

Planned Parenthood services help prevent more than 684,000 unintended pregnancies each year.

Planned Parenthood provides 585,000 Pap tests and nearly 640,000 breast exams each year, critical services in detecting cancer.

Planned Parenthood provides nearly 4.5 million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

Three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services.

Planned Parenthood affiliates provide educational programs to more than one million young people and adults each year.
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Or we could just build more prisons to actually house all criminals for the full time they are supposed to be in prison, as well as mental hospitals for the crazies. We can start by using all welfare funds, as well as any funds used for corporate and bank bailouts.

So you are saying that no one should be given any social security and medicare because all of the money must be given to the Prison-Industrial-Complex to house violent criminals instead?

Thought I made my opinion on abortion rather clear. Abortion on demand is abhorrant, ending an innocent human life via violent means is murder.
Thank you for restating your position. So if we enact your position into law who is that gets charged with murder? The doctor would be the obvious choice but isn't the woman equally guilty since she provided the "innocent human life" that was murdered? Are you willing to charge 1 miilion+ women per year with murder? Because just like guns finding their ways into hands of criminals pregnant women will find ways to have abortions. They were happening long before RvW and will continue if it is overturned.

So from a pragmatic standpoint are you willing to clutter the courts and the prisons by incarcerating 1,000,000+ women each and every year? You will have to start executing them in an expedited wholesale manner too since the current total inmate population is only 2.5 million. You will more than double that in just 3 years. It is understand why you need to deprive the elderly of their social security and welfare in order to enact your new order.

Those opposed to privacy rights lack the courage to respond to this, as the logical extrapolation of the OP’s idiotic premise, that abortion is ‘murder,’ is that the state, so empowered, may put doctors and women into prison.

The OP is obviously ignorant of the difference between civil law and criminal law, and the legal requirements for murder, such as the ability to form intent.

That the radical right seeks to empower the state at the expense of citizens’ civil liberties should come as no surprise, of course.

What utter garbage, and every bit of it has been shown to be utter garbage.

Civil rights do not trump human rights. And humanity is not dictated by the state..that's the whole point of human rights. They are apart and above government.

Baby killers and totalitarians and psychos in general don't get that. They think that rights only come to us via government, and that nobody has value unless the government recognizes it. That's handy for them because it allows them to use the government to kill.
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