Tribal Epistemology

I don't really see many dissimilarities with Bern and AOC. AOC is a lot smarter of the two. Bernie's probably not a horrible guy to be around. In 1976 and 1980 the US voted out Keynes and Galbraith in favor of monetarism and Feldman, or to put it more broadly (and over simplistically) we voted to run the banking system for the wealthy instead of workers.

I disagree with you about the middle class really suffering. BUT we have successfully defunding soc sec and medicare. But the progressives were in on that too.

PS, I agree completely with you, however, on the very rich avoiding taxes. Most pay a fraction of their income in taxes that the middle class, and the poor for that matter, have to pay. (although the poor often have no income beyond public assistance)

I'm all for Manchin and a "surcharge" but I don't think it's remotely constitutional to tax anyone on unrealized cap gains.

How much do you make? How many kids do you have? Are you saving enough for retirement and helping your kids with school? If you are, you are the exception not the norm.

Median household income was $67,521 in 2020, a decrease of 2.9 percent from the 2019 median of $69,560. Let's call it $70K

Half the people make more, half the people make less. Let's talk about the houses that make less.

As for their differences, look them up.

Also interesting

In 1970, the first year covered by earlier Pew Research Center analyses, the median income of upper-income households was 2.2 times the income of middle-income households and 6.3 times the income of lower-income households. These income ratios increased to 2.4 and 7.3 in 2016, respectively.
You cannot base econ well being on income ... or savings. For example, college was better supported before, but state taxes were cut, and even now community college is largely "free," and kids can live at home ... and even take time off from school to work full time.

Cars last longer, (and better) houses are bigger, as are TV's, which really are cheaper.

But I agree completely that because of the changes in the federal reserve, we have allowed a new gilded age for the 1% and more so the .1%. But the DEMS IN THE HOUSE KILLED NEW TAXES ON THEM just last year.
You cannot base econ well being on income ... or savings. For example, college was better supported before, but state taxes were cut, and even now community college is largely "free," and kids can live at home ... and even take time off from school to work full time.

Cars last longer, (and better) houses are bigger, as are TV's, which really are cheaper.

But I agree completely that because of the changes in the federal reserve, we have allowed a new gilded age for the 1% and more so the .1%. But the DEMS IN THE HOUSE KILLED NEW TAXES ON THEM just last year.
I think we can and should base our econ well being on how much we are making and saving. Are you kidding? If cost of living is through the roof and you can't save, and won't ever be able to retire, that's taking a huge step back from how things were for people in the 70's, 80's and 90's. And if you take cuts to your social security, that means you don't have it as good.

Car's last longer? No they don't. In the 70's my cousin purchased a GTO, took it apart and put it together in his yard by himself. A boy. You can't do that with cars today. They have computers now you are forced to go to a repair shop because they have computers you couldn't possibly have.

I love telling this story. When I was 17 my dad had a job lined up for me at Ford. I'm 51 now. I would have retired with a 30 year pension when I was 47. Instead, I'm 51, making $100K a year, no kids, not a lot of bills, no debt, and I'm going to have to work till I'm 62. And I have a college degree. Compare me to my dad who didn't even graduate high school but went to work for the big 3. Seems like he had it better than me. And it seems like if I would have went to work for a union I could have retired 15 years sooner.
Fine teach it. But what do you want to do about it? We killed indians, enslaves black people, etc. Yes, it's an argument you are always going to hear. And your grandkids will hear the same argument. At what point should they move on and forget about it?
Never. We will never stop bringing awareness to this issue.
This is an excerpt from Christopher Columbus' journal.
And the Christians, with their horses and swords and pikes began to carry out massacres and strange cruelties against them. They attacked the towns and spared neither the children nor the aged nor pregnant women nor women in childbed, not only stabbing them and dismembering them but cutting them to pieces as if dealing with sheep in the slaughter house. They laid bets as to who, with one stroke of the sword, could split a man in two or could cut off his head or spill out his entrails with a single stroke of the pike. They took infants from their mothers’ breasts, snatching them by the legs and pitching them head first against the crags or snatched them by the arms and threw them into the rivers, roaring with laughter and saying as the babies fell into the water, “Boil there, you offspring of the devil!”
Christians did this.
How does that make you feel? It should disgust you, and it shouldn't be a case of get over it, because it is still going on in North America.

This is why we will never stop. The only way to get us to stop is for you to treat us like you treat each other.
Never. We will never stop bringing awareness to this issue.
This is an excerpt from Christopher Columbus' journal.

Christians did this.
How does that make you feel? It should disgust you, and it shouldn't be a case of get over it, because it is still going on in North America.

This is why we will never stop. The only way to get us to stop is for you to treat us like you treat each other.
What's your point? People were cruel in those days, and that includes the native Americans.

Of all the North American Indian tribes, the seventeenth-century Iroquois are the most renowned for their cruelty towards other human beings. Scholars know that they ruthlessly tortured war prisoners and that they were cannibals; in the Algonquin tongue the word Mohawk actually means "flesh-eater." There is even a story that the Indians in neighboring Iroquois territory would flee their homes upon sight of just a small band of Mohawks. Ironically, the Iroquois were not alone in these practices. There is ample evidence that most, if not all, of the Indians of northeastern America engaged in cannibalism and torture—there is documentation of the Huron, Neutral, and Algonquin tribes each exhibiting the same behavior. This paper will examine these atrocities, search through several possible explanations, and ultimately reveal that the practices of cannibalism and torture in the Iroquois were actually related.
The point is whatever we did, we stopped doing.
You didn't.
You are still trying to exterminate us, but we are still here.
Best of luck in stopping me, if that is your goal.
ROFL! I have never tried to exterminate anyone.

Who is "us?"

Are you one of the ones who practiced cannibalism?
Why do you assholes think everything is about you? Its not about you. Its about people who think like you. Your people have been trying to exterminate my people for centuries.
You failed. We are still here.
Allow me to quote:

You are still trying to exterminate us, but we are still here.
What do I think that has anything to do with exterminating you?

You really do have a persecution complex.
Yes pushing lies is the problem with the media. Where you falter is..... that media has learned it can make more money pushing lies & propaganda by stirring the pot, keep the hate flowing rake in the dollars. And it is absolutely 100% not one sided.
Then how do you explain the way they have been covering for Biden for the last 14 months? The fact is that the media is composed of a bunch of partisan prog apparatchiks. Their motives are purely ideological. They don't care if they lose money so long as they can push their prog agenda.
Never. We will never stop bringing awareness to this issue.
This is an excerpt from Christopher Columbus' journal.

Christians did this.
How does that make you feel? It should disgust you, and it shouldn't be a case of get over it, because it is still going on in North America.

This is why we will never stop. The only way to get us to stop is for you to treat us like you treat each other.
I agree people who don't know history are doomed to repeat the mistakes people in the past made. Like how Republicans don't realize the rise of Trump looks a lot like the rise of Hitler right down to Trump's January Beer Hall Putsch.

And Americans don't realize that Republicans pulled the same shit in 2000. In 2000 they started the Brooks Brother Riots to stop the Florida recount. A lot of people forget all that went down in 2000. So then Trump tries to pull it again and a lot of people don't see it. If they knew history, they'd see he was trying to pull a coup.

You can teach our violent history but I think blacks are doing themselves a dis service isolating themselves together when they get to college. I thought you went to college to get away from the black community. Unless those blacks are going to help you find a job after college, I suggest you stop being such racists when young white men are trying to get along, you stop getting along. Dummies.
Stalin told Time Magazine he was gonna use the KGB to break America into "a million pieces" because it's a tribal country not based on bloodline. Putin is doing that right now!

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