Tribal Epistemology

Nope, mostly progs are.
You're the guy who started a gofundme page seeking donations for Steve Bannon's fake wall scam. You really don't think you're falling for this shit?

That you aren't the slightest bit embarrassed about this is quite telling.
Actually it was the Greeks in 8th century BCE.
The point is Columbus did not discover America.
The only thing he discovered was that there were people already living here.
Columbus invaded this land and it really doesn't matter if we were here for 10,000 years OR for 10 minutes. It's still an invasion.
You live on stolen land, like it or not.
Nothing you can do or say will change that fact.
No, it wasn't actually the greeks in the 8th century BC. There were already people there when the greeks arrived.

The point of all this quibbling about who discovered America is just so douchenozzles like you can claim white men are evil. It's all horseshit. The indians living in mexico and Florida when Columbus arrived in the West Indies were not the original inhabitants. They took the land from someone else. The "Native" Americans were no more innocent than Columbus.

Bottom liner: you're a fucking moron.
No, it wasn't actually the greeks in the 8th century BC. There were already people there when the greeks arrived.

The point of all this quibbling about who discovered America is just so douchenozzles like you can claim white men are evil. It's all horseshit. The indians living in mexico and Florida when Columbus arrived in the West Indies were not the original inhabitants. They took the land from someone else. The "Native" Americans were no more innocent than Columbus.

Bottom liner: you're a fucking moron.
Here’s more proof of group think. You don’t know one republicans who.....? Yes, we know you all agree, on everything.

Today I don’t know one Republican who liked bush. That doesn’t mean you didn’t love him back then.
The asshole who accuses all Republicans of having the same attitude about McCain is accusing them of group think?

Is it possible for you to be anymore hypocritical or downright stupid?
You're the guy who started a gofundme page seeking donations for Steve Bannon's fake wall scam. You really don't think you're falling for this shit?

That you aren't the slightest bit embarrassed about this is quite telling.
No, that isn't what my GoFundMe page was about.

Information is evaluated based not on evidence or a common understanding of the world, but on whether it supports the tribe’s values and goals. “Good for our side” and “true” begin to blur into one.

Your article's title:

"Donald Trump and the rise of tribal epistemology"​

Epistemology is not related to tribalism. The article is written by either an ignoramous or a demagogue.
Well build your little town up to a metropolis and show us you can do better. When you build up a town that usually means building low income houses so the people who work at your subway or Arby’s have someplace to live.

Why don’t you control any big major manufacturing cities?

Name those red cities doing better
Core Americans are all about quality of life….they don’t like living on top of each other like cockroaches….they like to live among likeminded people, polite people, clean people….basically everything not found in disgusting blue shitholes full of unAmerican filth.
You mean like Reagan and trump who both spent like drunken sailors?
Yes. Not like that fiscally conservative and sensible Joe Biden.

There were only two things that stopped Joe Depends from creating the Marianas trench of senseless, endless, destructive, generational economic slavery through the doomed multi trillion dollar grab bag
and Santa's wish list. The Build Back Better scheme.

Or as that Nazi Klaus Schwab called it The Great Reset.
A multi trillion dollar plan to institute socialist policies that no one asked for.
An actual reordering of society...that no one asked for.

So destructive Joe Biden actually whispered it's name like he was calling forth
Holy angels when he talked about it in press conferences.....NOT KIDDING.
Joe would lean into the microphone and whisper the words Build Back Better
as if God was speaking through this messed up bag of shit!

....Thanks Joe Mancin and Krysten Sinema!
And thank you for reminding me what a dangerous dick you are. Or would be if you had any power
to institute your idiocy at all. But how could you? You are such a moron.
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