Tribal Epistemology

I agree.
The irony is that as economies grow with new tech, meaningful and substantive career availability shrinks. Either we have a cash economy or we have efficiency. We, (civilization), simply will not survive with the have nots circulating through various subsistence level employment opportunities in service of the haves.
This weakness was highlighted clearly during Covid and the recent resulting inflationary pressure. A modest 4-5% rise in food prices sent demand at food banks soaring.
1/6 was a wake up call. The disgruntled masses are at a tipping point where even modest pressure can cause further chaos.
As long as our system is focused solely on the extraction of wealth from consumers, we will be in a death spiral. There needs to be some equilibrium that allows comfort and economic security for everyone. If that means sacrificing tech efficiency for wider opportunity, then let’s do it.
We all have choices. Who I feel bad for are manufacturing workers who’s jobs went overseas. They didn’t see that coming. I guess it was a good time to do it because a lot of them had pensions coming.

You and I see what’s going on. For years I made $50k give or take $10k and you can’t raise a family that way. Especially when the longest job I ever had was 5 years. Thank god I didn’t have a wife and family. So anyone lower middle class who has a kid, must really want to have one. 2? Forget about it.

Now also keep in mind I graduated college with zero debt and purchased my condo on a lake within a year of graduating. So I never had to deal with paying off a student debt before starting a family. Today’s 30 year olds are dealing with that too.

So we see the natural outcome is our population is shrinking. And to me, that’s a good thing. Too many humans on planet earth now.
Information is evaluated based not on evidence or a common understanding of the world, but on whether it supports the tribe’s values and goals. “Good for our side” and “true” begin to blur into one.

Humans are tribal beings like all animals…but we may quite possibly be the most tribal. The “GREAT EXPERIMENT” has officially failed. Embrace the failure.
Humans are tribal beings like all animals…but we may quite possibly be the most tribal. The “GREAT EXPERIMENT” has officially failed. Embrace the failure.
If living with black people means we have to put up with what the black communities has to put up with, I may agree with you.

And it can be socially done in a non racist way. You just don’t have any low income housing in your community and have your police racially profiled on the dl. Not racially, but on the look out for scum.

Then the only black people in your community are guys like Herman Cain, Obama and Ben Carson.
If living with black people means we have to put up with what the black communities has to put up with, I may agree with you.

And it can be socially done in a non racist way. You just don’t have any low income housing in your community and have your police racially profiled on the dl. Not racially, but on the look out for scum.

Then the only black people in your community are guys like Herman Cain, Obama and Ben Carson.
Tribalism has little to do with skin color…it’s more about ideology, philosophy, religion and values.
That “melting pot” bullshit has finally caught up to us…we’re just too different, our nation has lost its way, it’s identity.
Tribalism has little to do with skin color…it’s more about ideology, philosophy, religion and values.
That “melting pot” bullshit has finally caught up to us…we’re just too different, our nation has lost its way, it’s identity.
Well consider this my friend. You and I will be dead soon. The kids being born today won’t see it that way in 20 years.
Tribalism has little to do with skin color…it’s more about ideology, philosophy, religion and values.
That “melting pot” bullshit has finally caught up to us…we’re just too different, our nation has lost its way, it’s identity.
I think one of the things that makes America great is you don’t have to believe in god here and you’re free to say it.

And I think us atheists and theists do just fine living together. I’m an atheist and I’m certainly not causing any problems for the people around me. But I’m sure you’ll say I am by voting for democrats.
Well consider this my friend. You and I will be dead soon. The kids being born today won’t see it that way in 20 years.
The tribalism instinct can’t be overcome in a generation or two…if ever.
When people behave too differently, believe too differently, speak too differently and look too different you will have tribalism. It’s here to stay.
The tribalism instinct can’t be overcome in a generation or two…if ever.
When people behave too differently, believe too differently, speak too differently and look too different you will have tribalism. It’s here to stay.
My nephew had good black friends in high school. Went to the same college. Do they still hang out? No.

Same back in my day I had a black friend in college eventually he made black friends. The reason we stopped being friends was because every other sentence out of his mouth was “why because I’m black?”

Same thing happened to my nephew. So little has changed.

I just realized what changed. Those black college freshman were taught crt.
I think one of the things that makes America great is you don’t have to believe in god here and you’re free to say it.

And I think us atheists and theists do just fine living together. I’m an atheist and I’m certainly not causing any problems for the people around me. But I’m sure you’ll say I am by voting for democrats.
Make no mistake about it…ALL the fringe factions like yourself see America moving in the right direction for yourselves…you all say “America is great!” as it moves further and further from it’s foundation and core principles. The problem is; as it becomes a better fit for you it becomes a worst fit for those who love all things America at its core.
Make no mistake about it…ALL the fringe factions like yourself see America moving in the right direction for yourselves…you all say “America is great!” as it moves further and further from it’s foundation and core principles. The problem is; as it becomes a better fit for you it becomes a worst fit for those who love all things America at its core.
Sorry if gay marriage makes it worse for you. Sorry if everyone else in America looks at corporate America and sees 90% of all the executives and board members are white men. Yes, breaking up that good old boys network will make things worse for white guys like me and you but it’s the right thing to do. And sorry if undoing the unfair tax schemes you passed will make things worse for you but it’s the right thing to do.
Sorry if gay marriage makes it worse for you. Sorry if everyone else in America looks at corporate America and sees 90% of all the executives and board members are white men. Yes, breaking up that good old boys network will make things worse for white guys like me and you but it’s the right thing to do. And sorry if undoing the unfair tax schemes you passed will make things worse for you but it’s the right thing to do.
You see…that’s the thing, you and your Change America coalition think America is rigged to work against you and your beliefs AND IT IS. America was made the greatest nation on the globe because of this “good old boys network” you speak of….because of these things you call “unfair tax schemes”… just don’t get it.
You are that guy working at Amazon who hates Amazons business model because it doesn’t quite fit perfectly for you….you badmouth Jeff Bezos, you think he should change the business model of the greatest company on earth to better suit you.
Sorry if gay marriage makes it worse for you. Sorry if everyone else in America looks at corporate America and sees 90% of all the executives and board members are white men. Yes, breaking up that good old boys network will make things worse for white guys like me and you but it’s the right thing to do. And sorry if undoing the unfair tax schemes you passed will make things worse for you but it’s the right thing to do.

And sorry if making you pay for public schools makes things worse for you
All you have to do is take a good look around…NOT ONE of your blue cities or states operating under Dem ideology is safe, clean, productive and united….What makes you think Dem ideology works?
Sorry if gay marriage makes it worse for you. Sorry if everyone else in America looks at corporate America and sees 90% of all the executives and board members are white men. Yes, breaking up that good old boys network will make things worse for white guys like me and you but it’s the right thing to do. And sorry if undoing the unfair tax schemes you passed will make things worse for you but it’s the right thing to do.
The “right thing to do” is to continue doing things they way we’ve always done it…doing it the way that built the greatest nation on earth in a very short 150 years…doing it the way that has always had people from all over the world envious and wanting to migrate here, doing it the way that has kept all those oppressed blacks from fleeing America and returning to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on. Make sense?
You see…that’s the thing, you and your Change America coalition think America is rigged to work against you and your beliefs AND IT IS. America was made the greatest nation on the globe because of this “good old boys network” you speak of….because of these things you call “unfair tax schemes”… just don’t get it.
You are that guy working at Amazon who hates Amazons business model because it doesn’t quite fit perfectly for you….you badmouth Jeff Bezos, you think he should change the business model of the greatest company on earth to better suit you.
Amazon is ruining America. Anti trust laws are as American as apple pie
All you have to do is take a good look around…NOT ONE of your blue cities or states operating under Dem ideology is safe, clean, productive and united….What makes you think Dem ideology works?
Well build your little town up to a metropolis and show us you can do better. When you build up a town that usually means building low income houses so the people who work at your subway or Arby’s have someplace to live.

Why don’t you control any big major manufacturing cities?

Name those red cities doing better

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