Tribal Epistemology

Progs are the ones ruining the poor and middle class people. You see endless taxes on the same. And more started all the time. Those who play the poverty game though get "paid". Privileged jobs get "paid". Biden is trying to tax the rich at 20%. He will get 360 billion dollars over 10 years. That is 36 Billion dollars a year. Biden has blown that just in the last month on his gifts to other nations like Ukraine. The Federal Income Tax is just one of hundreds and hundreds of taxes at all levels.
What? I thought it's you guys who want to make poor people who currently pay no taxes pay taxes rather than raise taxes on rich people?

Your party wants to raise taxes on the rich which renders everything you said horseshit.
I don’t hate anyone or any group with the only exception being the purveyors of the disinformation who deliberately and recklessly rile up otherwise good folks who’s only sin is maybe not knowing any better. All just to add some weight to their own dwindling grasp on power. It’s sick and destructive to our society.
Don't blame them. They want America to be a certain way. It works better for them if we do it their way. Blame the dummies who fall for their bullshit.

Yes the rich owns both parties but clearly the GOP is the party who defends the rich the most. Even though Trump put a slight twist on his message to the poor and middle class. Acted like he cared about them and most of them truly believe him. But let's be honest. The poor and middle class got raises, and corporations just jacked up the prices. And the rich got richer.

For example, they said illegals were bringing down wages. That's true. But right now all the companies who used to hire illegals say they can't find enough workers. And they refuse to raise what they pay any higher. So what are we to do? Seems like right now we need more immigrants. So illegal or legal, immigrants are needed supposedly if you ask corporations, and they will bring wages down. But right now, companies can't find enough help. So how comes wages aren't continuing to go up? Interesting.
Or don’t want to. Many of them now believe wholeheartedly that they are at war for the very soul of America. Any hopes of America as a whole returning to it’s collective senses is rapidly overwhelmed under constant tsunami waves of counterproductive misinformation.
It's weird. Every 4 or 8 years the masses vote Republicans into power and their policies are very unpopular so they get voted out and then 4 or 8 years later people forget and vote them back in. So Republicans never have to change.

The whole system is fucked up. The left has to appeal to the far left and the right is kissing the far rights ass. They aren't appealing to us in the middle.
I don’t hate anyone or any group with the only exception being the purveyors of the disinformation who deliberately and recklessly rile up otherwise good folks who’s only sin is maybe not knowing any better. All just to add some weight to their own dwindling grasp on power. It’s sick and destructive to our society.
That sounds like you're talking about yourself.
Obama wanted to change America for the better. For poor people and middle class. Republicans only seem to care about improving the country for rich people, as if America isn't already great for us.

Trump's slogan should be MAGA. Make America Greater Again for Rich People. That should be every Republicans montra.

We know what the Kenyan wanted to do but typical of leftism, the reality was quite the opposite.
It's weird. Every 4 or 8 years the masses vote Republicans into power and their policies are very unpopular so they get voted out and then 4 or 8 years later people forget and vote them back in. So Republicans never have to change.

The whole system is fucked up. The left has to appeal to the far left and the right is kissing the far rights ass. They aren't appealing to us in the middle.

There is no far right and you’re not in the middle. You’re clearly a leftist that buys into everything you’re told.
Bobo, you shouldn't that you on the left?

I'm a lefty but there is no far right? You're so brainwashed you don't know how dumb you sound.

Sorry leftists, the so called far right used to be the religious right. They have very little sway these days. You nuts have gone so far left anybody who supports lower taxes, the constitution and less government is now the so called far right.
I wonder who let them back.
Obama...this was before Trump was a election
Of course. Trump became president.
They were back before Trump took over...Obama did that for show...he always did things for show...hey did you see where Hunter and Joe got 3 million bucks from Russia for nothing?....
Sorry leftists, the so called far right used to be the religious right. They have very little sway these days. You nuts have gone so far left anybody who supports lower taxes, the constitution and less government is now the so called far right.
Are you kidding they got Trump elected. Just because they didn't deliver him a second term, don't you dare turn your back on the religious right. You're kidding yourself. The only reason Trump lost was mail in voting. Everyone got a ballot because of the pandemic. That won't happen again so the religious right will deliver for Republicans again this midterm and 2024.

Seriously, are you kidding me? Republicans have made the religious right so happy. Under Trump's rule they have successfully cut back on abortion rights. They are happier than ever are you kidding????

You don't even realize what a con that "less government" montra is. In other words make government powerless to regulate corporations who you worship?
Bobo, you shouldn't that you on the left?

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Wasn't Bob Hope a Republican?


In a very funny scene from a long time ago, American icon and comedian extraordinaire Bob Hope asked a doctor to explain what a zombie was.

“A zombie has no will of his own,” the doctor responded. “You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes, following orders, not knowing what they do, not caring.”

Then Hope deadpanned, “You mean like Democrats?”
What? I thought it's you guys who want to make poor people who currently pay no taxes pay taxes rather than raise taxes on rich people?

Your party wants to raise taxes on the rich which renders everything you said horseshit.
We don't want taxes raised, period. We want the parasites in Congress to cut spending.
Hahahaha….NOBODY here believes you are middle spectrum…You are a far left whackadoodle.
That's funny because when I talk to my conservative friends they always say, "you're not a liberal" and I say "no, but I'm more liberal than you"
So then you don't care about debt? Because Congress can't cut us out of the hole we are in.

When you have a son who is always on the verge of bankruptcy, you don't cure the problem by giving him a blank check. Congress doesn't need more money. It needs to control it's spending.

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