Tribal Epistemology

Humans are tribal beings like all animals…but we may quite possibly be the most tribal. The “GREAT EXPERIMENT” has officially failed. Embrace the failure.
You’ve decided this great experiment has failed? What about the war on drugs Reagan launched? Now that was a failure yet we continue his bad policies.
The “right thing to do” is to continue doing things they way we’ve always done it…doing it the way that built the greatest nation on earth in a very short 150 years…doing it the way that has always had people from all over the world envious and wanting to migrate here, doing it the way that has kept all those oppressed blacks from fleeing America and returning to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on. Make sense?
So continue to import and take advantage of immigrants.

And continue to pay women and blacks and Mexican Americans less.

That is how we built this bitch.
I don't know any Republicans who liked McCain. He was selected by the New York Times. I was appalled when he won the nomination. A lot of republicans are just stupid, I guess.
Here’s more proof of group think. You don’t know one republicans who.....? Yes, we know you all agree, on everything.

Today I don’t know one Republican who liked bush. That doesn’t mean you didn’t love him back then.
Conservative media sifted through the emails, stripping individual sentences and phrases out of context and spinning them to look sinister, as though scientists were coordinating and manipulating results.

No fewer than five separate investigations later cleared the scientists of any wrongdoing, but by then, for a large class of right-wing media consumers, it was already settled history, part of shared lore.

“What this fraud, what the uncovering of this hoax, exposes,” he said, “is the corruption that exists between government and academia and science and the media. Science has been corrupted. We know the media has been corrupted for a long time. Academia has been corrupted. None of what they do is real. It’s all lies!”

He called these institutions — government, academia, science, and media — the “Four Corners of Deceit.”

So based on a lie, he got you to swallow this entire thing. Today, you hate Government, Academia, Science and the Media.

Rush/Trump have you all brainwashed.
I don't hate the media, or government, academia or science per se. I am distressed by the
politicized versions those pillars of society have become.

You can't tell me that those institutions that want to be your children's parents, while pushing invidious
messages like we saw in Virginia when Terry McAullife got his butt handed to him for lying to parents
and making them the problem instead of out of control school boards that answered to the DNC.

It took a faux transgender "female" who raped girls and then moved this rapist around to
different school districts in an orchestrated attempt to hide this criminal.
And then the authorities tried to criminalize the father of this girl and Merrick Garland tried to criminalize people that had the guts to speak up about the whole horrible mess in Virginia.

Until the masters in charge stop pretending the shit sandwich they want citizens to enjoy is
good for them, talk of "brainwashing" is pointless and offensive.
I don't hate the media, or government, academia or science per se. I am distressed by the
politicized versions those pillars of society have become.

You can't tell me that those institutions that want to be your children's parents, while pushing invidious
messages like we saw in Virginia when Terry McAullife got his butt handed to him for lying to parents
and making them the problem instead of out of control school boards that answered to the DNC.

Like it took a faux transgender "female" who raped girls and then moved this rapist around to
different school districts in an orchestrated attempt to hide this criminal.
And then tried to criminalize the father of this girl and Merrick Garland tried to criminalize people
that had the guts to speak up about the whole horrible mess in Virginia.

Until the masters in charge stop pretending the shit sandwich they want citizens to enjoy is
good for them, talk of "brainwashing" is pointless and offensive.
I don’t trust scientists when they work for pziser. I don’t trust government not to lie us into a war. I don trust scientists who say global warming is not a problem.

What happened with Virginia?
Rush listeners and Fox viewers can't do it.
Hutch. Isn’t it funny a Republican today would say, “I didn’t know one Republican who liked McCain” when back in 2008 they were trying to make him leader of the free world?

Should we trust the next guy they nominate knowing they’ll try to shove anyone down our throats like him or not?
From now on when a Republican says anything just show them this picture and say explain..

Theyll blame the congress. Or credit the congress when it’s a democratic president.

Or republicans won’t admit Obama wouldn’t even have a deficit if he didn’t have to clean up bush’s mess. Trumps debt self inflicted.
From now on when a Republican says anything just show them this picture and say explain..

Theyll blame the congress. Or credit the congress when it’s a democratic president.

Or republicans won’t admit Obama wouldn’t even have a deficit if he didn’t have to clean up bush’s mess. Trumps debt self inflicted.
Thanks, You could note that two term presidential administrations spend more than one term administrations.
Here’s more proof of group think. You don’t know one republicans who.....? Yes, we know you all agree, on everything.

Today I don’t know one Republican who liked bush. That doesn’t mean you didn’t love him back then.
Yeah, it pretty much does. Ever since Reagan we've had a series of establishment Republicans who were not really liked by conservatives. There are some douchebag RINO "conservatives" who supported them, but no one who actually endorses the free market supported them.
Yeah, it pretty much does. Ever since Reagan we've had a series of establishment Republicans who were not really liked by conservatives. There are some douchebag RINO "conservatives" who supported them, but no one who actually endorses the free market supported them.
You mean like Reagan and trump who both spent like drunken sailors?
Cro magnon man migrated into Europe around 40,000 years ago. Neanderthals were living there startabout 200,000 - 300,000 years ago.
Actually it was the Greeks in 8th century BCE.
The point is Columbus did not discover America.
The only thing he discovered was that there were people already living here.
Columbus invaded this land and it really doesn't matter if we were here for 10,000 years OR for 10 minutes. It's still an invasion.
You live on stolen land, like it or not.
Nothing you can do or say will change that fact.

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