Trickle down Econ already working for AT&T, Wells Fargo and Comcast employees...Thanks Donny!

Corporations now pocket an average of about 14%, indefinitely.

What does that even mean?

It means their after-tax income went up by 14% on average.

If At&T made 8 billion taxable profit and paid 2 billion in taxes it pocketed 6 billion. Now lets say they pay 1 billion less in taxes, so now they pocket 7 billion which is 16% more.

That sure isn't what your post said.'re post meant nothing and was based on your imagination.
2018 will be an election year

Democrats will campaign on the tax cuts being for the rich
By November, voters will know if they got pay raises trickling down and how much difference in their pay checks due to tax cuts

The fact is that the rich will get the largest share of the tax cuts. If we were talking about the rate cuts that would be fine. However numerous loopholes were left in that the rich will be able to take advantage of. Trump, Paul Ryan and Corker will get a huge tax cut thanks to the special interest provision that was slipped in. I don't think middle class people will be too happy about that.

What is it the left doesn't understand about people who pay most all of our federal income tax getting the largest tax break? Who should be getting the largest tax break, the people who pay little to nothing in federal income taxes?
now we just wait and see how high the DOW reaches on Jan 2 or 3. Then we all will be laughing at Chucky and his band of wussies who have been predicting the end of the world/we are all gonna die !!!!!
That is what Republicans claimed when there was a increase in jobs. I am sure that everything that happens that is good, you will credit the tax cuts. They will have little effect on the economy.

Keep that thought in mind as our economy grows.

2018 will be an election year

Democrats will campaign on the tax cuts being for the rich
By November, voters will know if they got pay raises trickling down and how much difference in their pay checks due to tax cuts

The fact is that the rich will get the largest share of the tax cuts. If we were talking about the rate cuts that would be fine. However numerous loopholes were left in that the rich will be able to take advantage of. Trump, Paul Ryan and Corker will get a huge tax cut thanks to the special interest provision that was slipped in. I don't think middle class people will be too happy about that.

The fact is that the rich will get the largest share of the tax cuts.

Of course, because they pay the largest share of taxes.

However numerous loopholes were left in that the rich will be able to take advantage of.

OMG!! That's awful!
Any specifics?

Trump, Paul Ryan and Corker will get a huge tax cut thanks to the special interest provision that was slipped in.

What provision?

I don't think middle class people will be too happy about that.

I guess that depends on what it is.
I don't know that there are many companies who ever said they can't afford anything. Salary increases are usually based on many other things than if a company can afford them or not.

This is why pretending that this huge tax cut will actually help employees is laughable

There are more ways to help employees besides pay hikes. Remember that costs of employees go up all the time, particularly those who are covered by a company healthcare plan. Money can be going so a larger employee contribution is not needed, or they may be expanding their employee base. If you read the articles, you see that many of those companies are promising larger charitable contributions, particularly to those charities that are supported by their employees.

Then there is the question whether all companies will see a decrease in corporate taxes. I don't know, just throwing it out there. If the effective tax rate for your company is currently 18%, does it stay that way or is your new effective tax rate 9%? I don't know.

What I do know is that if this tax plan leads to an economic boom, wages will increase naturally.

There are already good paying jobs out there that employers cannot fill. The problem is that workers do not have the technical skills or they cannot move. What do Republicans do about it? They get rid of the deduction for moving expenses. Really smart GOP. But then they had to find a way to pay for those business tax cuts.

Oh sure, those moving write-offs amount to billions.

The left constantly cries about Republicans giving tax breaks to companies that move overseas. But the truth is the only tax break any company gets from moving are moving expenses. Now that Trump got rid of them, you're still complaining.
How Trump's Corporate-Tax Plan Could Send American Jobs Overseas

The tax bill is a giant permission slip for shipping profits overseas

Senate Republicans block bill to end tax breaks for outsourcing

Only idiots trust anything Republicans do. Especially after Iraq, the Bush Tax Cuts, and Trump's GOP.

The bill would take currently untaxed profits of US companies being stored abroad — profits that would normally be taxed at a 35 percent rate upon being brought back to the US — and tax them at new ultra-low rates: 8 percent for profits invested in real estate and other hard assets abroad, and 15.5 percent for profits in cash and stock and other liquid assets..

But it’s an incredibly bad idea regardless. The repatriation provision in the tax bill would effectively reward companies that kept profits abroad rather than pay the 35 percent US corporate tax rate on them.

Ummmmm....they kept the profits abroad and paid the US zero. They were planning on keeping the profits abroad, paying the US 0%....forever.

Now we're rewarding taxing them between 8% and 15.5%.
And if Corporations want to keep getting their tax breaks after 2018, they are going to have to pony up to their employees and convince them to vote Republican.
What bonuses? Trump Tax doesn't take effect until the 2019 tax year.
Are you going to answer the question or are you more inclined to deflect by calling my question a lie? Questions cannot be lies because usually a question is uttered in search of an intelligent response. Obviouly you aren't prepared to do that.
What bonuses? Trump Tax doesn't take effect until the 2019 tax year.
Simple good or bad news spurs economic activity.

That's why the economy fell flat even before Obama was sworn in and why it took off with the ELECTION of Donald Trump.

Totally ignorant statement.

The economy was in Great Recession since 2008, before Obama beat out Hillary (Obama also promised expansionary policies like Stimulus and continuation of Bush’s Bail program as a Democratic nominee). Yes there is actual causality to economy beyond people's politico feelings.

Further, the economy has “taken off” 7 years ago with DOW growing by 200%+ (6700 to 18000) and 15 million jobs created while GDP returned to stable (if lackluster) growth that continued through first three Qs of 2007 (2.5% GDP to date)
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Corporations now pocket an average of about 14%, indefinitely.

What does that even mean?

It means their after-tax income went up by 14% on average.

If At&T made 8 billion taxable profit and paid 2 billion in taxes it pocketed 6 billion. Now lets say they pay 1 billion less in taxes, so now they pocket 7 billion which is 16% more.

That sure isn't what your post said.'re post meant nothing and was based on your imagination.

That's exactly what it said, run on off if you don't have a response.
ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut. While you celebrate a few who are looking for public relations, we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months
I would expect a healthy increase......otherwise, we can be certain that trickle down did not happen

ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut.

Bad math.

we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months

What about the higher dividends and higher stock prices? Don't they count?
Dividends are a different topic
We are talking trickling down the tax cuts to employees

There is no reason employers should be telling their workers.......we can't afford pay increases this year

Let's see if they materialize

I don't know that there are many companies who ever said they can't afford anything. Salary increases are usually based on many other things than if a company can afford them or not.

This is why pretending that this huge tax cut will actually help employees is laughable

pretending that this huge tax cut will actually help employees is laughable

Exactly! We should raise taxes on our corporations.
Who cares if we already had the highest rate in the 1st world?
What are they going to do, move and take their jobs and tax payments with them?
We never had a high effective rate. Now we have a giveaway for corporations
2018 will be an election year

Democrats will campaign on the tax cuts being for the rich
By November, voters will know if they got pay raises trickling down and how much difference in their pay checks due to tax cuts

The fact is that the rich will get the largest share of the tax cuts. If we were talking about the rate cuts that would be fine. However numerous loopholes were left in that the rich will be able to take advantage of. Trump, Paul Ryan and Corker will get a huge tax cut thanks to the special interest provision that was slipped in. I don't think middle class people will be too happy about that.

What is it the left doesn't understand about people who pay most all of our federal income tax getting the largest tax break? Who should be getting the largest tax break, the people who pay little to nothing in federal income taxes?
The issue was they were paying historically low rates and now they pay less

Our society suffers in education, healthcare, infrastructure and public programs
Salaries have been slowly trickling upward
With a huge surge in stock prices and now a huge tax cut, you would expect a corporations to make up for a decade of stagnant wage increases

Hasn't materialized yet

You mean companies like AT&T, Boeing, Comcast, Wells Fargo and Fifth Third Bancorp, etc.?
Well......the December jobs report comes out next week

Lets see if those salary numbers jump like they should

These are some of the companies providing bonuses, I don't think the jobs report reflects bonuses. As far as the tax cut, that won't take affect until February if not mistaken. Only thing we should see in the December report is an increase in jobs....which I'm sure you'll be one of the first to claim it's due to seasonal jobs.

ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut. While you celebrate a few who are looking for public relations, we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months
I would expect a healthy increase......otherwise, we can be certain that trickle down did not happen

ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut.

Bad math.

we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months

What about the higher dividends and higher stock prices? Don't they count?

80% of all stocks belong to the wealthy 5% at the top. That’s who’s getting the big tax cuts and the big dividends.

A one-time bonus is puppy shit in comparison to a 14% permanent drop in corporate taxes.

Trump promised raised for the working class. A 1-time bonus of $1000 is a piss-poor substitute for a 14% net revenue increase across the board going to your employer.

If you make $7.50 an hour, a 14% revenue increase based on a 40 hour week is $2,184 a year. That’s what a pissy piece of shit your $1000 bonus really is.
You mean companies like AT&T, Boeing, Comcast, Wells Fargo and Fifth Third Bancorp, etc.?
Well......the December jobs report comes out next week

Lets see if those salary numbers jump like they should

These are some of the companies providing bonuses, I don't think the jobs report reflects bonuses. As far as the tax cut, that won't take affect until February if not mistaken. Only thing we should see in the December report is an increase in jobs....which I'm sure you'll be one of the first to claim it's due to seasonal jobs.

ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut. While you celebrate a few who are looking for public relations, we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months
I would expect a healthy increase......otherwise, we can be certain that trickle down did not happen

ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut.

Bad math.

we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months

What about the higher dividends and higher stock prices? Don't they count?

80% of all stocks belong to the wealthy 5% at the top. That’s who’s getting the big tax cuts and the big dividends.

A one-time bonus is puppy shit in comparison to a 14% permanent drop in corporate taxes.

Trump promised raised for the working class. A 1-time bonus of $1000 is a piss-poor substitute for a 14% net revenue increase across the board going to your employer.

If you make $7.50 an hour, a 14% revenue increase based on a 40 hour week is $2,184 a year. That’s what a pissy piece of shit your $1000 bonus really is.

Plan B, if you don't like a $1000 bonus or you don't like more money due to a decrease in taxes....mail a check to the IRS.
Salaries have been slowly trickling upward
With a huge surge in stock prices and now a huge tax cut, you would expect a corporations to make up for a decade of stagnant wage increases

Hasn't materialized yet

You mean companies like AT&T, Boeing, Comcast, Wells Fargo and Fifth Third Bancorp, etc.?
Well......the December jobs report comes out next week

Lets see if those salary numbers jump like they should

These are some of the companies providing bonuses, I don't think the jobs report reflects bonuses. As far as the tax cut, that won't take affect until February if not mistaken. Only thing we should see in the December report is an increase in jobs....which I'm sure you'll be one of the first to claim it's due to seasonal jobs.

ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut. While you celebrate a few who are looking for public relations, we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months
I would expect a healthy increase......otherwise, we can be certain that trickle down did not happen

ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut.

Bad math.

we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months

What about the higher dividends and higher stock prices? Don't they count?

80% of all stocks belong to the wealthy 5% at the top. That’s who’s getting the big tax cuts and the big dividends.

A one-time bonus is puppy shit in comparison to a 14% permanent drop in corporate taxes.

Trump promised raised for the working class. A 1-time bonus of $1000 is a piss-poor substitute for a 14% net revenue increase across the board going to your employer.

If you make $7.50 an hour, a 14% revenue increase based on a 40 hour week is $2,184 a year. That’s what a pissy piece of shit your $1000 bonus really is.
Well......the December jobs report comes out next week

Lets see if those salary numbers jump like they should

These are some of the companies providing bonuses, I don't think the jobs report reflects bonuses. As far as the tax cut, that won't take affect until February if not mistaken. Only thing we should see in the December report is an increase in jobs....which I'm sure you'll be one of the first to claim it's due to seasonal jobs.

ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut. While you celebrate a few who are looking for public relations, we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months
I would expect a healthy increase......otherwise, we can be certain that trickle down did not happen

ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut.

Bad math.

we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months

What about the higher dividends and higher stock prices? Don't they count?

80% of all stocks belong to the wealthy 5% at the top. That’s who’s getting the big tax cuts and the big dividends.

A one-time bonus is puppy shit in comparison to a 14% permanent drop in corporate taxes.

Trump promised raised for the working class. A 1-time bonus of $1000 is a piss-poor substitute for a 14% net revenue increase across the board going to your employer.

If you make $7.50 an hour, a 14% revenue increase based on a 40 hour week is $2,184 a year. That’s what a pissy piece of shit your $1000 bonus really is.

Plan B, if you don't like a $1000 bonus or you don't like more money due to a decrease in taxes....mail a check to the IRS.

Bullshit. Don’t piss on people and tell them it’s raining. Trump promised raises for all from the corporate tax savings. That was the reason why corporate tax cuts were needed. To give raises to the working men and women.

It was just another political lie to give benefits to the wealthy while pretending to help the middle class.
You mean companies like AT&T, Boeing, Comcast, Wells Fargo and Fifth Third Bancorp, etc.?
Well......the December jobs report comes out next week

Lets see if those salary numbers jump like they should

These are some of the companies providing bonuses, I don't think the jobs report reflects bonuses. As far as the tax cut, that won't take affect until February if not mistaken. Only thing we should see in the December report is an increase in jobs....which I'm sure you'll be one of the first to claim it's due to seasonal jobs.

ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut. While you celebrate a few who are looking for public relations, we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months
I would expect a healthy increase......otherwise, we can be certain that trickle down did not happen

ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut.

Bad math.

we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months

What about the higher dividends and higher stock prices? Don't they count?

80% of all stocks belong to the wealthy 5% at the top. That’s who’s getting the big tax cuts and the big dividends.

A one-time bonus is puppy shit in comparison to a 14% permanent drop in corporate taxes.

Trump promised raised for the working class. A 1-time bonus of $1000 is a piss-poor substitute for a 14% net revenue increase across the board going to your employer.

If you make $7.50 an hour, a 14% revenue increase based on a 40 hour week is $2,184 a year. That’s what a pissy piece of shit your $1000 bonus really is.
These are some of the companies providing bonuses, I don't think the jobs report reflects bonuses. As far as the tax cut, that won't take affect until February if not mistaken. Only thing we should see in the December report is an increase in jobs....which I'm sure you'll be one of the first to claim it's due to seasonal jobs.

ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut. While you celebrate a few who are looking for public relations, we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months
I would expect a healthy increase......otherwise, we can be certain that trickle down did not happen

ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut.

Bad math.

we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months

What about the higher dividends and higher stock prices? Don't they count?

80% of all stocks belong to the wealthy 5% at the top. That’s who’s getting the big tax cuts and the big dividends.

A one-time bonus is puppy shit in comparison to a 14% permanent drop in corporate taxes.

Trump promised raised for the working class. A 1-time bonus of $1000 is a piss-poor substitute for a 14% net revenue increase across the board going to your employer.

If you make $7.50 an hour, a 14% revenue increase based on a 40 hour week is $2,184 a year. That’s what a pissy piece of shit your $1000 bonus really is.

Plan B, if you don't like a $1000 bonus or you don't like more money due to a decrease in taxes....mail a check to the IRS.

Bullshit. Don’t piss on people and tell them it’s raining. Trump promised raises for all from the corporate tax savings. That was the reason why corporate tax cuts were needed. To give raises to the working men and women.

It was just another political lie to give benefits to the wealthy while pretending to help the middle class.

So I'm guessing that means you won't be returning any additional funds to the IRS.
2018 will be an election year

Democrats will campaign on the tax cuts being for the rich
By November, voters will know if they got pay raises trickling down and how much difference in their pay checks due to tax cuts

The fact is that the rich will get the largest share of the tax cuts. If we were talking about the rate cuts that would be fine. However numerous loopholes were left in that the rich will be able to take advantage of. Trump, Paul Ryan and Corker will get a huge tax cut thanks to the special interest provision that was slipped in. I don't think middle class people will be too happy about that.

What is it the left doesn't understand about people who pay most all of our federal income tax getting the largest tax break? Who should be getting the largest tax break, the people who pay little to nothing in federal income taxes?
The issue was they were paying historically low rates and now they pay less

Our society suffers in education, healthcare, infrastructure and public programs

So how did education, healthcare, infrastructure and public programs become the liability of the wealthy? When did they sign on to that?
ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut.

Bad math.

we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months

What about the higher dividends and higher stock prices? Don't they count?
Dividends are a different topic
We are talking trickling down the tax cuts to employees

There is no reason employers should be telling their workers.......we can't afford pay increases this year

Let's see if they materialize

I don't know that there are many companies who ever said they can't afford anything. Salary increases are usually based on many other things than if a company can afford them or not.

This is why pretending that this huge tax cut will actually help employees is laughable

pretending that this huge tax cut will actually help employees is laughable

Exactly! We should raise taxes on our corporations.
Who cares if we already had the highest rate in the 1st world?
What are they going to do, move and take their jobs and tax payments with them?
We never had a high effective rate. Now we have a giveaway for corporations

We never had a high effective rate.

It's awful when corporations write off their expenses. Just awful!

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