Trickle down is really flood down:


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
like when the wealthy are left alone by libcommie govt bureaucrats to invent new products like the ones that got us from the stone age to here.
I actually think capatalist are making a mistake in thinking that the best way to defend the free market system is by defending rich people themselves. A lot of people are scum who happen to exist at all economic levels. Assholes exist everywhere and that includes people who are rich But it is just a fact that by shutting down the free market the economy suffers. The large amount of capital that happens to exist in the hands of the rich simply doesn't gomanywhere unless you allow them to use their money to build businesses.
The large amount of capital that happens to exist in the hands of the rich simply doesn't go anywhere unless you allow them to use their money to build businesses.

well, even if they put it in banks it is used for loans to buy homes cars educations etc etc. These are carefully policed loans that necessarily are self sustaining,.ie. they get paid back, unlike the crippling welfare entitlement programs on which govt wastes our taxed money.
If you watch The Men Who Built America there is one thing that stands out, and that is while the great innovators and industrialists between 1870 and 1930 were amassing incredible fortunes, while literally turning the country into the greatest financial and manufacturing juggernaut on earth, government was almost completely absent. These men barely paid attention to it until leftist rabble rousers came along promising "peace, bread, land".

It was an era of unbelievable human progress, and moonbat leftists began implementing regressive policies which arguably did help achieve better working conditions and wages, but it was by no means achieved only through government coercion. Bed wetters want to act as if FDR was single handedly responsible for these great achievements, or that it was government who spearheaded everything and just gave out money to whomever accomplished it.

None of what exists right now would have happened if not for the ambitions of individuals, and it saddens me to think how much more progress we could have achieved by now if it wasn't for regressive bed wetters interfering every place they can.

Those barons of industry made sure their candidates were elected to office so they could carry on with their abusive grasp on wealth...It was during this period that they fundamentally changed the Founding Fathers position and law on corporations not being individuals....
Those barons of industry made sure their candidates were elected to office so they could carry on with their abusive grasp on wealth...It was during this period that they fundamentally changed the Founding Fathers position and law on corporations not being individuals....
Shh don't tell petey that or he'll yellow his bed sheets again!
dear, do you really think anyone cares what a nut job liberal with his pants down says??

First of all, moontard is incapable of thinking, period. Secondly if she wanted people to care about what she said, she would say something remotely intelligent at least one out of 10 posts. Yet after nearly 48,000 we have yet to see one post worth reading beyond it's capacity to be ridiculed.

dear, do you really think anyone cares what a nut job liberal with his pants down says??

First of all, moontard is incapable of thinking, period. Secondly if she wanted people to care about what she said, she would say something remotely intelligent at least one out of 10 posts. Yet after nearly 48,000 we have yet to see one post worth reading beyond it's capacity to be ridiculed.

Ah man, you still directing traffic in that toilet you call home and that's why you're such a bitch about life?
Amen. And don't overlook their generosity. The rich build Libraries. Hospitals. Schools. Endowments.
Now they leave rather than be taxed to death by liberals that think they are entitled to other people's money.

You do realize that much of the charity of the rich is done as a tax strategy right?
Those barons of industry made sure their candidates were elected to office so they could carry on with their abusive grasp on wealth...It was during this period that they fundamentally changed the Founding Fathers position and law on corporations not being individuals....
Shh don't tell petey that or he'll yellow his bed sheets again!
If he paid attention to the show he was mentioning he would have already known that, and that America was built on booze....
when the wealthy are left alone by libcommie govt bureaucrats and tax collectors to invent new products like the ones that got us from the stone age to here.

Question: Do libcommie bureaucrats and tax collectors speed up or slow down the invention of new products that create and improve our standard of living.
Amen. And don't overlook their generosity. The rich build Libraries. Hospitals. Schools. Endowments.
Now they leave rather than be taxed to death by liberals that think they are entitled to other people's money.

You do realize that much of the charity of the rich is done as a tax strategy right?

none of it really. Warren Buffet, for example, put his money in a foundation so lib commie bureaucrats would not waste it when he does.
when the wealthy are left alone by libcommie govt bureaucrats and tax collectors to invent new products like the ones that got us from the stone age to here.

Question: Do libcommie bureaucrats and tax collectors speed up or slow down the invention of new products that create and improve our standard of living.
best post evah!!
Amen. And don't overlook their generosity. The rich build Libraries. Hospitals. Schools. Endowments.
Now they leave rather than be taxed to death by liberals that think they are entitled to other people's money.

You do realize that much of the charity of the rich is done as a tax strategy right?

none of it really. Warren Buffet, for example, put his money in a foundation so lib commie bureaucrats would not waste it when he does.
And he says the rich should pay more in taxes......he also started life as a millionaire, tough life, eh?
The Rich can afford to throw some crumbs of charity at the rest of America, afterall, this is how they took it from the rest of America:


The widening gap between the green and orange lines is more and more of the fruits of the labor of the American worker going the rich.

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