Triple homicide caught on surveillance video in Chicago.....Warning, very cold executions

Wait...Democrats killing democrats in democrat controlled areas where they voted straight ticket democrat..........
Ok, I'm trying hard but I fail to see the dilemma here?
Kinda like abortions. We humans hate the idea of killing children but with abortions in the US it is mostly Negro children (future welfare queens and criminals) getting killed. So what is the down side?
Republicans wouldn't know how to run a big city. They can run Mayberry oh sure. That's easy. Or Hooterville. But not Dallas.
Giuliani ran NYC pretty damn well. During his tenure and that of Bloomberg it became one of the safest major cities in the country. It decayed back to the Dinkins days as soon as De Blasio took over.
Maybe if the Democrats hadn't invented the Klan...
Yes, as with the separate water fountains, the Klan was one of America's answers to the problem.

Let's blame it all on the left until some American decides to waste his/her time on proving otherwise!
Wait...Democrats killing democrats in democrat controlled areas where they voted straight ticket democrat..........
Ok, I'm trying hard but I fail to see the dilemma here?
In the big cities it's mostly the 'right people' getting shot.
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So gun control supporters what new measure of gun control would have stop this shooting in gun control Chicago?
Dealing with America's racism problem before it grew to unmanageable proportions.

But don't think you fool anybody to thinking that you wanted an answer. Your mission in life, and that of your fellow ilk, is to aggravate the situation further by the use of a greater police state presence.

Does it have to escalate to the point at which black men start blowing white children's brains out with their guns?

Is there no chance for people of different skin colour in America to find some common ground on rights and freedoms?
Miami, Fort Worth, Mesa.

You don't hear much about cities run by Republicans. It's the high crime cities that make the news.
Miami has some very dangerous spots. They certainly haven't solved crime.

There were a total of 750 violent crimes reported in the city for every 100,000 people in 2020, well above the national average that year of 399 per 100,000 people.

I make fun of Detroit because it was 1990 per 100,000 last time I checked.

But 750 is a lot worse than 399 per. Why aren't your Republican leaders doing better? How come their cities aren't 399 per capita? My guess is you'll start giving the same excuses I give for Detroit.
Miami has some very dangerous spots. They certainly haven't solved crime.

There were a total of 750 violent crimes reported in the city for every 100,000 people in 2020, well above the national average that year of 399 per 100,000 people.

I make fun of Detroit because it was 1990 per 100,000 last time I checked.

But 750 is a lot worse than 399 per. Why aren't your Republican leaders doing better? How come their cities aren't 399 per capita? My guess is you'll start giving the same excuses I give for Detroit.
Sometimes it's better not to start something that you can't finish. In order to actually reduce crime we must attack drug use. Of course this won't fly with the millions of drug users in this country.

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No place, no city can offer economic opportunity if it has high crime. The two simply cannot exist together. High crime causes economic opportunity to leave.

Remember, Mesa doesn't have systemic problems like Detroit does. No ghettos.
Now if this is true Mesa violent crime rate This equates to a rate of 400 per 100,000 is pretty damn good.
According to the website, the most dangerous city in Arizona is Tucson. The city had a violent crime rate of 802 per 100,000 people. The website explains: "Tucson, Arizona's second most populous city, is the most dangerous city in the state.
What are they doing better/different in Mesa?

Republican John Giles is the mayor of Mesa — once named the most conservative city in the country. But you've likely seen him on your TV campaigning for Democrats, most notably Sen. Mark Kelly and gubernatorial hopeful Katie Hobbs.

Why it matters: Giles is part of a small but vocal group of Republican leaders bucking their party to support Democrats over Trump-backed candidates who claim, without evidence, that the 2020 election was stolen.
Sometimes it's better not to start something that you can't finish. In order to actually reduce crime we must attack drug use. Of this won't fly with the millions of drug users in this country.
Find a country that has been successful on dealing with drugs and drug use, and then start by accepting that that country knows more than America on finding solutions to the problem.

That's a place at which to start that makes it easy!

We'll all just agree to ignore the fact that that country leans toward socialist solutions.
Sometimes it's better not to start something that you can't finish. In order to actually reduce crime we must attack drug use. Of course this won't fly with the millions of drug users in this country.

Or stop treating drug use as if it's a crime. We legalized pot in Michigan. None of the negatives they said would happen have happened.

I found this

Virginia Beach topped the list of safest large U.S. cities, followed by Honolulu, Henderson and El Paso.

In response to Republicans saying "the safest big cities are Republican run". If they are, chances are they don't have a lot of poverty. Chances are, they don't have nor have they ever had ghettos. In other words, they have economic opportunities. So of course they won't have as high of crime as say, Detroit would.

Every police department in every city is "tough on crime". I looked into Mesa, AZ. The cops were bragging about why their crime is so low. Bullshit. They aren't doing it any differently than cops in Detroit. Except for Detroit cops have to deal with much worse people.

And if cops aren't doing a good job in our major cities, maybe they need to be defunded? LOL.

Also, Republicans like to blame us liberals for letting violent criminals out. Does Mesa, AZ toss them in jail and throw away the key or something?
Giuliani ran NYC pretty damn well. During his tenure and that of Bloomberg it became one of the safest major cities in the country. It decayed back to the Dinkins days as soon as De Blasio took over.
They did get tough on crime. The guys who would squeegy your car on the corner and then damage your car if you didn't give them money, those guys were run off. I wonder where they went?

It was funny when Bloomberg said he was going to run as a Democrat, the first thing Trump brought up was Stop and Frisk. LOL. As if he objected to the practice.

But Trump knew Stop and Frisk would not make him popular running as a Democrat.

So there is some truth to what you are saying. Republicans would get tougher on crime. Even go so far as to pass a controversial policy like stop and frisk

In Floyd v. City of New York, decided on August 12, 2013, US District Court Judge Shira Scheindlin ruled that stop-and-frisk had been used in an unconstitutional manner and directed the police to adopt a written policy to specify where such stops are authorized.

The practice is not unconstitutional, but a judge ruled in 2013 that New York City’s stop-and-frisk program was carried out in a manner that violated the U.S. Constitution.

city police violated the U.S. Constitution in the way that it carried out its stop-and-frisk program, calling it “a form of racial profiling” of young black and Hispanic men.

“Terry stops,” referring to Terry v. Ohio, in which the U.S. Supreme Court in 1968 ruled that a police officer can stop and frisk individuals where there is a reasonable basis for suspicion.)

So Rudy was effective but was violating the constitution.
In the executive summary of her opinion, Scheindlin wrote that there were 4.4 million stops made by New York City police between January 2004 and June 2012, and 83 percent of them were made of blacks and Hispanics — even though those racial groups represented 52 percent of the city’s population in 2010.

During trial, 12 plaintiffs testified about 19 of those stops and the judge said she found that 14 of the 19 stops constituted an unconstitutional stop or unconstitutional frisk.

So it may be easier to lower crime rates when you don't worry about breaking laws or violating rights.
It's the behaviors that result from drug manufacture, distribution, and use that are the problem. :omg:
Well yea. When it's a crime, you're going to have criminals selling it and you're going to make criminals out of the people using it.

You should see us all standing in line waiting for pot. I used to go to a friends house to buy my weed. He wasn't paying any taxes. And someone could rob him. Chances are he wouldn't even call the police. So by legalizing it, the state gets it's taxes and crime over week practically doesn't exist anymore.

Or you had how many guys like me who sold weed? I would buy a pound for $1600 and sell it for $3200. Some of the losers who would come over for weed. I'm surprised no one ever broke in and stole my pound. But it happened all the time.

My buddy had 5 grow houses. I don't know if he still does. The last time I talked to him, he had a crew come in and cut all his crop and bag it up. $50,000 worth of weed sitting in two big duffel bags. One of the girls (he saw her on camera) when no one was looking ran upstairs to the bathroom. She came back down after 1 minute and went back to work. He figured out she ran upstairs and unlocked the bathroom window. Later that night her boyfriend broke in and took the bags.

Now that he's not growing, she doesn't have him to steal from. And he wouldn't have to kill her for stealing $50K from him.

When's the last time someone got murdered over a pount of tobacco? Exactly! LOL
Parolee ‘brutally, coldly’ shot 4 people at Portage Park bar, standing over some as they lay wounded and firing again: prosecutors

These videos always show how quickly things can go to shit, and how little some people value life.

Shooter (Samuel Parsons Salas) was convicted of murder and home invasion in 2009 and just got out on parole this year.


He could be one of Obama's sons.
LOL...and democrats do?
Well we do it every year. Been doing it for years.

It's up to you guys to convince residents in "democratically run cities" to vote Republican. Let's discuss why they don't want you. Most people in "democratically run cities" are good people. The people who vote care about crime, family, jobs, etc. Why won't they vote for Republicans?
Well we do it every year. Been doing it for years.

It's up to you guys to convince residents in "democratically run cities" to vote Republican. Let's discuss why they don't want you. Most people in "democratically run cities" are good people. The people who vote care about crime, family, jobs, etc. Why won't they vote for Republicans?

I guess if you wanna call what dems are doing "running" a city.
Seems to me it's more like destroying cities than running them.
The problem with dem voters is they want to keep the free shit flowing,I mean how do you compete with that?
When a city offers money and other perks the homeless and other scum flood their cities,just look at the state California is in.
Me being Conservative want nothing to do with living in a city ran by liberals,y'all can keep em.
Dealing with America's racism problem before it grew to unmanageable proportions.

But don't think you fool anybody to thinking that you wanted an answer. Your mission in life, and that of your fellow ilk, is to aggravate the situation further by the use of a greater police state presence.

Does it have to escalate to the point at which black men start blowing white children's brains out with their guns?

Is there no chance for people of different skin colour in America to find some common ground on rights and freedoms?
Weak minds see racism everywhere in everything even when it doesn't exist.

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