Trivia.......Who is buried in Grants Tomb?


Man o’ War is considered one of the greatest race horses. He won 20 out of his 21 races.

What was the name of the only horse to ever defeat Man o’ War?
Man o’ War is considered one of the greatest race horses. He won 20 out of his 21 races. What was the name of the only horse to ever defeat Man o’ War?
I'll bet it was an upset.

The only horse to defeat Man ‘o War was named Upset.
After that, Upset became a term to denote long shot victory
Seriously, does anyone have an answer?
/----/ No one is buried in Grant's Tomb. One is buried in a grave and entombed in a tomb. BTW Grant and his wife are entombed in Grants tomb.

Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner

The answer is No one. Grant and his wife are in a tomb, they are not buried.
/—-/ Thank you, now it’s my turn. Who was the first president our country?
Don’t remember his name, but know it wasn’t Washington
Some dude under the Articles of Confederation
July 4 1826 marked the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
It also marked a key historical event (s)

What was it ?
Seriously, does anyone have an answer?
/----/ No one is buried in Grant's Tomb. One is buried in a grave and entombed in a tomb. BTW Grant and his wife are entombed in Grants tomb.

Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner

The answer is No one. Grant and his wife are in a tomb, they are not buried.
/—-/ Thank you, now it’s my turn. Who was the first president our country?
Don’t remember his name, but know it wasn’t Washington
Some dude under the Articles of Confederation
/—-/ John Hason. George Washington was our 8th President.
Better question..."what was buried in Grant's legacy"? US Grant was elected on the backs of tens of thousands of Southern citizens who were murdered by rapists, pillagers and insane Union generals like Sherman. The media loved him so nobody cared that the Grant administration was the most corrupt in U.S. history.
Better question..."what was buried in Grant's legacy"? US Grant was elected on the backs of tens of thousands of Southern citizens who were murdered by rapists, pillagers and insane Union generals like Sherman. The media loved him so nobody cared that the Grant administration was the most corrupt in U.S. history.
Grants legacy?

Winning the battles of Ft Donnelson, Shiloh, Vicksburg, Wilderness and Petersburg and forcing Bobby Lee to surrender
Better question..."what was buried in Grant's legacy"? US Grant was elected on the backs of tens of thousands of Southern citizens who were murdered by rapists, pillagers and insane Union generals like Sherman. The media loved him so nobody cared that the Grant administration was the most corrupt in U.S. history.
Grants legacy?

Winning the battles of Ft Donnelson, Shiloh, Vicksburg, Wilderness and Petersburg and forcing Bobby Lee to surrender
Telling his generals to make the Shenandoah Valley of Va a wasteland so that a crow would have to pack a lunch. Ordering or justifying the burning of Atlanta. Justifying maniacs like general (beast) Butler to turn southern women into whores during the occupation of New Orleans. Grant used the same convoluted screwed up logic during his administration and it turned into the most corrupt administration in US history
Seriously, does anyone have an answer?

I don't know but I'll take a guess...
1) General Grant?
2) General Lee?
3) Aunt Jemimah?

The correct answer is nobody is buried there
It is a tomb. The Grants are interred above ground not buried.


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After Lincoln’s death, so many people named their dog Fido after Lincoln’s dog that Fido became synonymous with dog.

I have read that Fido is from Latin for "faithful". But that's all Greek to me.

And speaking of Latin and Greek, I've read where President James Garfield, "was ambidextrous and could write in Greek with one hand and in Latin with the other at the same time!"

About James Buchanan...
Buchanan holds the record of being the only bachelor to be president, although he may not have been truly single. There was a lot of speculation about his sexuality and close relationship with Alabama Senator William Rufus King. The two lived together for more than 10 years, despite being rich enough to have their own homes. Andrew Jackson called them "Miss Nancy and Aunt Fancy" behind their backs. When King left for France in 1844, Buchanan wrote: “I am now ‘solitary and alone,’ having no companion in the house with me. I have gone a wooing several gentlemen, but have not succeeded with any one of them.”​
And Donald Trump compares rather favorably to this description of what folks thought of John Taylor...
Everyone pretty much hated him. He was expelled from his own party during his presidency, his entire cabinet (minus one person) resigned over his policies, and he was the first president who faced impeachment. One newspaper editor called him a "poor, miserable, despised imbecile" and The New York Times called him "the most unpopular public man that had ever held any office in the United States" in his own obituary! Upon his death, Lincoln didn't issue a mourning proclamation and flags were not placed at half-mast.​

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