Troops on the ground in Ukraine

Russia knew what to do with Nazis encroaching in their backyard then....and they know what to do about Nazis encroaching in their backyard now. Let's hope they are as successful this time as they were then. Luckily they have a better leader than they did then. A FAR batter one.
Thank you for letting us all know that you are a Russki plant!
Russia knew what to do with Nazis encroaching in their backyard then....and they know what to do about Nazis encroaching in their backyard now. Let's hope they are as successful this time as they were then. Luckily they have a better leader than they did then. A FAR batter one.

You are exactly right! Thank you for posting!:thup:
For America...

This is no time for the idiot-Isolationism of the Far Right...

Appeasement didn't work in 1938...

Appeasement will not work in 2022...


Western arms-assistance to the Ukrainians has shown the Russian Bear to be a very sickly thing indeed...

Going hat-in-hand to the Chinese and the Iranians for replenishment systems and ammunition...

Time to keep up the pressure on the Russians...

They have a fine Army... the second-best in Ukraine... and they're now resorting to Afghani and other Muslim mercs to make up the manpower shortfall...

As to Putin's earlier threat to use tactical nuclear battlefield nukes... to Hell with him and his threats... don't try it... punk...
Reports indicate Vladmir Putin has bombed a hospital run by Doctors Without Borders, drone bombed a wedding and a school bus full of children, carried out a strategic blockade and starved the population...oh, I'm sorry, those are all things Obama did when he was President.
Reports indicate Vladmir Putin has bombed a hospital run by Doctors Without Borders, drone bombed a wedding and a school bus full of children, carried out a strategic blockade and starved the population...oh, I'm sorry, those are all things Obama did when he was President.
That has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not Putin should be stopped by the West aiding Ukraine.
That has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not Putin should be stopped by the West aiding Ukraine.
True, but it does expose you and other Americans who support this stupid war as hypocrites.
True, but it does expose you and other Americans who support this stupid war as hypocrites.
The "Isolationist Hair Shirt Complaints Against America" department is down the hall... second door to the right... :itsok:

This is the time to stop Ivan... not after he's overrun Eastern Europe again... but now... during the early going... hypocrisy is irrelevant.

To Hell with Putin... ditto for his minions... ditto for chicken$hit Westerners who make excuses for him or serve as his Useful Idiots to try to weaken our resolve.
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The "Isolationist Hair Shirt Complaints Against America" department is down the hall... second door to the right... :itsok:

This is the time to stop Ivan... not after he's overrun Eastern Europe again... but now... during the early going... hypocrisy is irrelevant.

To Hell with Putin... ditto for his minions... ditto for chicken$hit Westerners who make excuses for him or serve as his Useful Idiots to try to weaken our resolve.
I’ve exposed you as a hypocrite and all you have is ridicule for me. You lose!

You need to think deeper. Russia has a huge nuclear arsenal that can kill us all. You may want to die for the corrupt nation of Ukraine that Americans have no national interest in, but intelligent people don’t.
I’ve exposed you as a hypocrite and all you have is ridicule for me. You lose!
You haven't exposed jack-$hit, fool.

Now... go back to Moscow and resume your proper place with your nose up Putin's backside.

You need to think deeper.
No need, in dealing with you and other chicken$hit types who lack the ball$ to stand-up against Russian aggression in Eastern Europe.
Russia has a huge nuclear arsenal that can kill us all.
Yes. They can kill us all twenty times over. We only have enough to kill all of them eighteen times over. I'm worried. :auiqs.jpg:
You may want to die for the corrupt nation of Ukraine that Americans have no national interest in,
I - and most Americans and most Europeans - our cousins - are willing to stand up against renewed Russian aggression in Europe.

Unlike the gutless nutless pansies who shrink from their duty as Men and who channel the Ghost of Neville Chamberlain.

but intelligent people don’t.
Intelligent people know that there is a time for pacifism and that there is a time to take a stand against naked aggression like that against Ukraine.

Besides... Ukraine has had a change of government since its Wild West Corruption Days, and its People are willing to fight and die for their country.

That's good enough for me... and good enough for most Americans - and most of the rest of NATO.

Hell... even Finland and Sweden have had enough of your Russian a$$hole buddies... and have abandoned a decades-old neutrality and are coming on-board with NATO.

Nice try, Tvaritch.

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So much of biden's stooopidity is self inflicted

Speaking to reporters from the Associated Press, NBC News, and other members of the Pentagon press pool, the official said that the contingent of troops is led by Brigadier General Garrick Harmon, the US defense attache to Kiev.

Why is this a problem?

This has been known forever.
You haven't exposed jack-$hit, fool.

Now... go back to Moscow and resume your proper place with your nose up Putin's backside.

No need, in dealing with you and other chicken$hit types who lack the ball$ to stand-up against Russian aggression in Eastern Europe.

Yes. They can kill us all twenty times over. We only have enough to kill all of them eighteen times over. I'm worried. :auiqs.jpg:

I - and most Americans and most Europeans - our cousins - are willing to stand up against renewed Russian aggression in Europe.

Unlike the gutless nutless pansies who shrink from their duty as Men and who channel the Ghost of Neville Chamberlain.

Intelligent people know that there is a time for pacifism and that there is a time to take a stand against naked aggression like that against Ukraine.

Besides... Ukraine has had a change of government since its Wild West Corruption Days, and its People are willing to fight and die for their country.

That's good enough for me... and good enough for most Americans - and most of the rest of NATO.

Hell... even Finland and Sweden have had enough of your Russian a$$hole buddies... and have abandoned a decades-old neutrality and are coming on-board with NATO.

Nice try, Tvaritch.

Yeah yeah same old bull shit from dumb warmongers.

Everyone who wants peace and opposes this US PROVOKED WAR is a traitor. Dumb in the extreme, yet this derision and contempt for all wanting peace and non-intervention occurs with every war pushed by the state.

Stop being a dupe for the crooked State.
So much of biden's stooopidity is self inflicted

Speaking to reporters from the Associated Press, NBC News, and other members of the Pentagon press pool, the official said that the contingent of troops is led by Brigadier General Garrick Harmon, the US defense attache to Kiev.

Since the Left whined about aid to our allies being misappropriated in the past, it would make sense to have someone making sure our deliveries are getting into the right hands, yes?

A small number of U.S. military forces inside Ukraine have recently begun doing onsite inspections to ensure that Ukrainian troops are properly accounting for the Western-provided weapons they receive, a senior U.S. defense official told Pentagon reporters Monday.
Yeah yeah same old bull shit from dumb warmongers.

Everyone who wants peace and opposes this US PROVOKED WAR is a traitor. Dumb in the extreme, yet this derision and contempt for all wanting peace and non-intervention occurs with every war pushed by the state.

Stop being a dupe for the crooked State.
Thank you for your feedback, Neville Chamberlain...
Thank you for your feedback, Neville Chamberlain...

Good column. You may find it enlightening.

So, now we’re in a full-blown ground war with Russia; a war that was concocted, instigated, funded, guided, and micromanaged by Washington. A war that—by any objective standard—is Washington’s war as much as Iraq and Afghanistan were Washington’s wars. The difference this time is that our enemy can not only defend himself, but has the wherewithal to reduce the continental United States to smoldering heap of rubble. We are reminded of a comment Putin made recently that seems to have slipped-by the media unnoticed. He said:

“We will defend our land with all the forces and resources we have, and we will do everything we can to ensure the safety of our people.”

We hope that someone on the Biden team is smart enough to figure out what that means.

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