Trouble For Ted Cruz: Here's Why He Doesn't Meet The Natural Born Citizen Requirement

The business about eligibility is moot.

Still, Cruz likely won't run.

I will be very much surprised in there is a clear Republican candidate for another 12-18 months and it will likely be a dark horse not yet even on the radar. Of course if the horse is female and dark enough then its chances would be enhanced.

Who knows, with all the protections being created for differing gender orientations, it might be possible for an actual horse to run without constitutional challenge.

If they allow a horse's ass, you're a shoo-in.

Yepp, I have the feeling he's running. HenryB - elephant's ass part of the party and such.

But just as a broken clock is right at least two times a day, his statement about a possible dark-horse candidate (that would be the first time since 1940) is not far off - in fact, I've mentioned it at least 5 times in the last two months. He probably stole it from me, since the poor thing is so filled with hate and rage, he barely has time to think for himself.

And then when people call him out for his assholism, he gets all umbraged up and thinks a gang is going to neg him. Delish!!!
Alas, I am drawn into enabling. Doing the job public schools failed to accomplish though they may have tried and were rebuffed.

To understand the relation ship between Mrs. Clinton and the death of Vince Foster one must grasp the meaning of the ancient tale of how Becket came to die. Now that doesn't mean having looked at the cover of a comic book purporting to crib the tale for the language-impaired. It doesn't call for mere sounding out of the words.

So I guess I have to try where others have failed.

Here's a link to the tale.

The Murder of Thomas Becket, 1170

Once you have understood what happened to Becket and who bore responsibility you might be positioned to examine the Clinton/Foster discussion from a position other than abject stupidity.

But probably not.
If I recall correctly, Vincent died because he knew too much.

And your FACTS to back up this claim? Where are they?
I don't think he is eligible.

And Obama birthers cannot state that Cruz is eligible unless they want to directly contradict themselves.

Both had non-citizen fathers
Both had American mothers
Obama was born in a U.S. state
Cruz was born in a foreign country

There's no way to claim Cruz is legitimate while Obama is not.

There's no way to claim Obama is legitimate while Cruz is not.

You know, we already went through this in 1967, when the Nixon campaign was considering doing this to George Romney, who was born in Mexico in 1907, but because both of his parents were Americans, the Nixon team decided to not go the crazy route. And we all know how batshit crazy Nixon was - and even he was not willing to go there.

This tells us how far off the cliff the Right has fallen since 1967.

Obama is eligible. And so is Cruz.
I don't think he is eligible.

And Obama birthers cannot state that Cruz is eligible unless they want to directly contradict themselves.

Both had non-citizen fathers
Both had American mothers
Obama was born in a U.S. state
Cruz was born in a foreign country

There's no way to claim Cruz is legitimate while Obama is not.

This is false. That is to say, you don't rightly understand the matter. Obama had to be born in the United States in order to be a natural-born citizen. Period. His mother did not have the required period of residency in the United States past a certain age at the time of his birth as was required by the law that prevailed at the time of his birth. That's why she stayed in the United States until after he was born in order to secure his U.S. citizenship at birth. The birthers are out of their minds. He was not born abroad.

Cruz's mother, on the other hand had the required period residency in the United States past a certain age under her belt when he was born abroad. So he did not have to be born in the United States in order to be a natural-born citizen, he just needed to be tied to the soil of the nature through her.

The nationality of their fathers, as far as their U.S. citizenship is concerned, is utterly irrelevant. However, had Obama been conceived just a few months earlier, she could have given birth to him in Nigeria with the required period of residency past a certain age under her belt too, and Obama would have been a Nigerian citizen and a natural-born U.S. citizen at the moment of birth.

I don't think he is eligible.

And Obama birthers cannot state that Cruz is eligible unless they want to directly contradict themselves.

Both had non-citizen fathers
Both had American mothers
Obama was born in a U.S. state
Cruz was born in a foreign country

There's no way to claim Cruz is legitimate while Obama is not.

This is false. That is to say, you don't rightly understand the matter. Obama had to be born in the United States in order to be a natural-born citizen. Period. His mother did not have the required period of residency in the United States past a certain age at the time of his birth as was required by the law that prevailed at the time of his birth. That's why she stayed in the United States until after he was born in order to secure his U.S. citizenship at birth. The birthers are out of their minds. He was not born abroad.

Cruz's mother, on the other hand had the required period residency in the United States past a certain age under her belt when he was born abroad. So he did not have to be born in the United States in order to be a natural-born citizen, he just needed to be tied to the soil of the nature through her.

The nationality of their fathers, as far as their U.S. citizenship is concerned, is utterly irrelevant. However, had Obama been conceived just a few months earlier, she could have given birth to him in Nigeria with the required period of residency past a certain age under her belt too, and Obama would have been a Nigerian citizen and a natural-born U.S. citizen at the moment of birth.

Not true on Cruz's part. He is a statutory Citizen but not a natural born Citizen. Rep. John Bingham of Ohio, considered the father of the 14th Amendment, confirms that understanding and the construction the framers used in regards to birthright and jurisdiction while speaking on civil rights of citizens in the House on March 9, 1866:

" ... I find no fault with the introductory clause [S 61 Bill], which is simply declaratory of what is written in the Constitution, that every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents (plural, meaning two) not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen..."

ALL statutory citizens are born with a tie to another nation by birthplace and/or blood, but NEVER is that the case with any natural born citizens who are only American born to two U.S. citizen parents within U.S. jurisdiction ensuring sole allegiance to the United States.

Hey, Steve, I threw you a riddle in the above concerning the phrase not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty.

Have you figured it out yet?

Cruz was born in Canada, yet he has been a U.S. citizen since his birth, right?

Cruz's U.S. citizenship at birth was predicated on his mother's citizenship—one parent right?

Cruz has had dual citizenship since birth, yet that does not constitute an act of renunciation, right?

A child cannot renounce his U.S. citizenship, right? Only an adult can do that, right?

The 14th Amendment and Rep. John Bingham refer to one born at the very least within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, right?

(Though make no mistake about, the jurisdiction of the United States for constitutional purposes of citizenship/nationality includes the congressional prerogative of jus sanguinus as attached to the blood of the soil!)

Finally, the congressional law of jus sanguinis in force when Rep. John Bingham made that statement in 1866:

Revised Statutes Act of 1855, Section 1:

All children heretofore born or hereafter born out of the limits and jurisdiction of the United States, whose fathers were or may be at the time of their birth citizens thereof, are declared to be citizens of the United States; but the rights of citizenship shall not descend to children whose fathers never resided in the United States.

(Note that unlike previous statute, which required that both parents be U.S. citizens and that the father be a U.S. resident at some time or another before the child's birth, only the father had to be a citizen.)

Prufrock's Lair: A Compendium of the Statutory History of Jus Sanguinis

One parent, the father, not two, right?

So nothing you're saying makes any sense, does it? Nothing jives. Everything's incongruent. Confused. Doesn't add up. A mess. Right?


What kind of baby would be born of parents (plural) on American soil and, therefore, within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, yet, just like his parents, would not owe his allegiance to the United States at birth either? Remember this was before Wong Kim Ark.

All this considered, when Obama capitulates and returns Alaska to Russia, should people born in Alaska be ineligible to run for president in Russia? Assuming, of course Russia were operating under the same once-upon-a-time constitution as The U.S.

Purely hypothetical, of course, well except for the potential of having a wimpish "leader" commit such an act of treason on a moment's notice.
All this considered, when Obama capitulates and returns Alaska to Russia, should people born in Alaska be ineligible to run for president in Russia? Assuming, of course Russia were operating under the same once-upon-a-time constitution as The U.S.

Purely hypothetical, of course, well except for the potential of having a wimpish "leader" commit such an act of treason on a moment's notice.

Ahhh, the fresh smell of RW-Hough butthurt during the noon hour!!!

Quick, run for your lives, directly to the FEMA death camps!!!

I don't think he is eligible.

And Obama birthers cannot state that Cruz is eligible unless they want to directly contradict themselves.

Both had non-citizen fathers
Both had American mothers
Obama was born in a U.S. state
Cruz was born in a foreign country

There's no way to claim Cruz is legitimate while Obama is not.

This is false. That is to say, you don't rightly understand the matter. Obama had to be born in the United States in order to be a natural-born citizen. Period. His mother did not have the required period of residency in the United States past a certain age at the time of his birth as was required by the law that prevailed at the time of his birth. That's why she stayed in the United States until after he was born in order to secure his U.S. citizenship at birth. The birthers are out of their minds. He was not born abroad.

Cruz's mother, on the other hand had the required period residency in the United States past a certain age under her belt when he was born abroad. So he did not have to be born in the United States in order to be a natural-born citizen, he just needed to be tied to the soil of the nature through her.

The nationality of their fathers, as far as their U.S. citizenship is concerned, is utterly irrelevant. However, had Obama been conceived just a few months earlier, she could have given birth to him in Nigeria with the required period of residency past a certain age under her belt too, and Obama would have been a Nigerian citizen and a natural-born U.S. citizen at the moment of birth.

What are you talking about? His mother was an American born in America. No need for residency periods.
Of course there is: Obama was born in Hawaii, so he's a native born citizen - the purest form! :lol:

Admirable faith!

Of the sort that sends one to The North Pole to visit his uncle Santa.

Of the sort that believes he can eat Easter Bunny eggs for breakfast.

Of the sort that can see a fumbling surfer wannabe as walking on water.

Admirble! Especially when it's done in a club as an improv act.

Prufrock's Lair: Who Are the Real Conspirators?

Prufrock's Lair: A House of Cards: the Case Against the Birther Movement
Thing is, most who question where Our Kenyan President was conceived, hatched or even born ferchrissake, don't give a rat's ass. The continued questioning comes simply from the joy of observing the feeding frenzy it produces. Kind of like throwing chum in the water to watch the sharks wear themselves out.

The term "Our Kenyan President" seems to run a close second. Maybe we need a poll as to which works best?
I don't think he is eligible.

And Obama birthers cannot state that Cruz is eligible unless they want to directly contradict themselves.

Both had non-citizen fathers
Both had American mothers
Obama was born in a U.S. state
Cruz was born in a foreign country

There's no way to claim Cruz is legitimate while Obama is not.

This is false. That is to say, you don't rightly understand the matter. Obama had to be born in the United States in order to be a natural-born citizen. Period. His mother did not have the required period of residency in the United States past a certain age at the time of his birth as was required by the law that prevailed at the time of his birth. That's why she stayed in the United States until after he was born in order to secure his U.S. citizenship at birth. The birthers are out of their minds. He was not born abroad.

Cruz's mother, on the other hand had the required period residency in the United States past a certain age under her belt when he was born abroad. So he did not have to be born in the United States in order to be a natural-born citizen, he just needed to be tied to the soil of the nature through her.

The nationality of their fathers, as far as their U.S. citizenship is concerned, is utterly irrelevant. However, had Obama been conceived just a few months earlier, she could have given birth to him in Nigeria with the required period of residency past a certain age under her belt too, and Obama would have been a Nigerian citizen and a natural-born U.S. citizen at the moment of birth.

What are you talking about? His mother was an American born in America. No need for residency periods.

Another who doesn't know the law. But Cruz was not born in America! Dude.

This was the prevailing congressional statutory decree of jus sanguinus at the time of Cruz's birth:

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, reconstituted Section 201 as Section 301, which slightly altered the respective residency requirements again:

(a) The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:

. . . (7) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States, who prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than ten years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years.

(b) Any person who is a national and citizen of the United States at birth under paragraph (7) of subsection (a), shall lose his nationality and citizenship unless he shall come to the United States prior to attaining the age of twenty-three years and shall immediately following any such coming be continuously physically present in the United State(s) for at least five years: Provided, That such physical presence follows the attainment of the age of fourteen years and precedes the age of twenty-eight years.

Anymore questions? I got all the answers right here: Prufrock's Lair: Righting the Confusion of Citizenship and Nationality: The Facts, The Myths and Other Riddles

Psst, Statistikhengst. Do you want to take that thank you you gave Synthaholic away now or later? If you take it away now, I'll strike this question from my post, and no one else will have to know. It will be our little secrete. :badgrin:
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Thing is, most who question where Our Kenyan President was conceived, hatched or even born ferchrissake, don't give a rat's ass. The continued questioning comes simply from the joy of observing the feeding frenzy it produces. Kind of like throwing chum in the water to watch the sharks wear themselves out.

The term "Our Kenyan President" seems to run a close second. Maybe we need a poll as to which works best?

LOL! Okay.
Where is there an ideological test to become president? Yeah, nowhere. Cruz espouses the successful policies of Ronald Reagan, not the failed policies of Barack Obama.
As for the OP, it is total bullshit. Cruz is a native born American citizen.

Why are you deflecting? The OP said natural, not native.
Correct. Here is a good chart on the different types of Citizen:


More nonsense. There is but two kinds of citizens and only two kinds of citizens under the Constitution: natural-born citizens and naturalized citizens. Period.

Nice chart. Too bad it's all wrong. Do the bithers have their own centralized graphic and print department know? :lol:
What's the problem Steve? Ted Cruz's skin just not white enough for ya?

Race has nothing to do with upholding the US Constitution. Article 2 Section 1 must not be continued to be subverted like it has with Obama. You see Grampa, if, prior to 1934 naturalization law, Ted Cruz would not have been born a U.S. citizen, how could he possible be a natural born citizen today? PLease answer.

Why would he have not been born a citizen prior to 1934?

Is John McCain a natural-born citizen?
Why are you deflecting? The OP said natural, not native.
Correct. Here is a good chart on the different types of Citizen:


More nonsense. There is but two kinds of citizens and only two kinds of citizens under the Constitution: natural-born citizens and naturalized citizens. Period.

Nice chart. Too bad it's all wrong. Do the bithers have their own centralized graphic and print department know? :lol:

Birthers: the gift that just keeps giving.

This is false. That is to say, you don't rightly understand the matter. Obama had to be born in the United States in order to be a natural-born citizen. Period. His mother did not have the required period of residency in the United States past a certain age at the time of his birth as was required by the law that prevailed at the time of his birth. That's why she stayed in the United States until after he was born in order to secure his U.S. citizenship at birth. The birthers are out of their minds. He was not born abroad.

Cruz's mother, on the other hand had the required period residency in the United States past a certain age under her belt when he was born abroad. So he did not have to be born in the United States in order to be a natural-born citizen, he just needed to be tied to the soil of the nature through her.

The nationality of their fathers, as far as their U.S. citizenship is concerned, is utterly irrelevant. However, had Obama been conceived just a few months earlier, she could have given birth to him in Nigeria with the required period of residency past a certain age under her belt too, and Obama would have been a Nigerian citizen and a natural-born U.S. citizen at the moment of birth.

Not true on Cruz's part. He is a statutory Citizen but not a natural born Citizen. Rep. John Bingham of Ohio, considered the father of the 14th Amendment, confirms that understanding and the construction the framers used in regards to birthright and jurisdiction while speaking on civil rights of citizens in the House on March 9, 1866:

" ... I find no fault with the introductory clause [S 61 Bill], which is simply declaratory of what is written in the Constitution, that every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents (plural, meaning two) not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen..."

ALL statutory citizens are born with a tie to another nation by birthplace and/or blood, but NEVER is that the case with any natural born citizens who are only American born to two U.S. citizen parents within U.S. jurisdiction ensuring sole allegiance to the United States.

Hey, Steve, I threw you a riddle in the above concerning the phrase not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty.

Have you figured it out yet?

Cruz was born in Canada, yet he has been a U.S. citizen since his birth, right?

Cruz's U.S. citizenship at birth was predicated on his mother's citizenship—one parent right?

Cruz has had dual citizenship since birth, yet that does not constitute an act of renunciation, right?

A child cannot renounce his U.S. citizenship, right? Only an adult can do that, right?

The 14th Amendment and Rep. John Bingham refer to one born at the very least within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, right?

(Though make no mistake about, the jurisdiction of the United States for constitutional purposes of citizenship/nationality includes the congressional prerogative of jus sanguinus as attached to the blood of the soil!)

Finally, the congressional law of jus sanguinis in force when Rep. John Bingham made that statement in 1866:

Revised Statutes Act of 1855, Section 1:

All children heretofore born or hereafter born out of the limits and jurisdiction of the United States, whose fathers were or may be at the time of their birth citizens thereof, are declared to be citizens of the United States; but the rights of citizenship shall not descend to children whose fathers never resided in the United States.

(Note that unlike previous statute, which required that both parents be U.S. citizens and that the father be a U.S. resident at some time or another before the child's birth, only the father had to be a citizen.)

Prufrock's Lair: A Compendium of the Statutory History of Jus Sanguinis

One parent, the father, not two, right?

So nothing you're saying makes any sense, does it? Nothing jives. Everything's incongruent. Confused. Doesn't add up. A mess. Right?


What kind of baby would be born of parents (plural) on American soil and, therefore, within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, yet, just like his parents, would not owe his allegiance to the United States at birth either? Remember this was before Wong Kim Ark.


Wong Kim Ark was affirmed a citizen via 14th Amendment, not Article 2 Section 1, the only Constitutional clause where the term is specifically mentioned. He is not a natural born Citizen. Statutory Citizen and Natural Born Citizen are not the same thing. The 14th Amendment does not address the "natural born citizen" issue, only citizenship. Citizenship and eligibility are two distinct and separate issues. The Supreme Court of the United States has never applied the term "natural born citizen" to any other category than "those born in the country of parents who are citizens thereof". The requirement for a "natural born citizen" was to prevent anyone with a reason to have divided loyalties from being President. Listen real good to this Constitutional scholar explain natural born Citizen is in 6 minutes. He taught constitutional law, common law, and other subjects for nearly 30 years at five different American Bar Association approved law schools. Prior to his academic career, he served as a Trial Attorney and a Special Assistant United States Attorney with the United States Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. and Kansas City, Missouri. Today he is engaged in a general practice with a concentration in constitutional strategy, litigation, and appeals.

He holds the J.D. degree (cum laude) from Harvard and the B.S. degree in Political Science from the University of Oregon from which he graduated Phi Beta Kappa. He is an active member of the bar of Virginia. He is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, the United States Court of Claims, and the United States Courts of Appeals for the Sixth, Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, District of Columbia and Federal Circuits. His constitutional practice has taken him into federal district courts in Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Montana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia and the state courts of Idaho, Texas and North Dakota.

Part 1.
[ame=]Natural Born Citizen? - YouTube[/ame]

Part 2.
[ame=]Natural Born Citizen? Part II - YouTube[/ame]
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This is false. That is to say, you don't rightly understand the matter. Obama had to be born in the United States in order to be a natural-born citizen. Period. His mother did not have the required period of residency in the United States past a certain age at the time of his birth as was required by the law that prevailed at the time of his birth. That's why she stayed in the United States until after he was born in order to secure his U.S. citizenship at birth. The birthers are out of their minds. He was not born abroad.

Cruz's mother, on the other hand had the required period residency in the United States past a certain age under her belt when he was born abroad. So he did not have to be born in the United States in order to be a natural-born citizen, he just needed to be tied to the soil of the nature through her.

The nationality of their fathers, as far as their U.S. citizenship is concerned, is utterly irrelevant. However, had Obama been conceived just a few months earlier, she could have given birth to him in Nigeria with the required period of residency past a certain age under her belt too, and Obama would have been a Nigerian citizen and a natural-born U.S. citizen at the moment of birth.

What are you talking about? His mother was an American born in America. No need for residency periods.

Another who doesn't know the law. But Cruz was not born in America! Dude.

This was the prevailing congressional statutory decree of jus sanguinus at the time of Cruz's birth:

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, reconstituted Section 201 as Section 301, which slightly altered the respective residency requirements again:

(a) The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:

. . . (7) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States, who prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than ten years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years.

(b) Any person who is a national and citizen of the United States at birth under paragraph (7) of subsection (a), shall lose his nationality and citizenship unless he shall come to the United States prior to attaining the age of twenty-three years and shall immediately following any such coming be continuously physically present in the United State(s) for at least five years: Provided, That such physical presence follows the attainment of the age of fourteen years and precedes the age of twenty-eight years.

Anymore questions? I got all the answers right here: Prufrock's Lair: Righting the Confusion of Citizenship and Nationality: The Facts, The Myths and Other Riddles

Psst, Statistikhengst. Do you want to take that thank you you gave Synthaholic away now or later? If you take it away now, I'll strike this question from my post, and no one else will have to know. It will be our little secrete. :badgrin:

You are deflecting, and doing it badly.

You stated that Obama's mother didn't meet residency requirements.

Please explain why an American woman who was born in Wichita, Kansas would need to be concerned with residency requirements.
I don't think he is eligible.

And Obama birthers cannot state that Cruz is eligible unless they want to directly contradict themselves.

Both had non-citizen fathers
Both had American mothers
Obama was born in a U.S. state
Cruz was born in a foreign country

There's no way to claim Cruz is legitimate while Obama is not.

This is false. That is to say, you don't rightly understand the matter. Obama had to be born in the United States in order to be a natural-born citizen. Period. His mother did not have the required period of residency in the United States past a certain age at the time of his birth as was required by the law that prevailed at the time of his birth. That's why she stayed in the United States until after he was born in order to secure his U.S. citizenship at birth. The birthers are out of their minds. He was not born abroad.

Cruz's mother, on the other hand had the required period residency in the United States past a certain age under her belt when he was born abroad. So he did not have to be born in the United States in order to be a natural-born citizen, he just needed to be tied to the soil of the nature through her.

The nationality of their fathers, as far as their U.S. citizenship is concerned, is utterly irrelevant. However, had Obama been conceived just a few months earlier, she could have given birth to him in Nigeria with the required period of residency past a certain age under her belt too, and Obama would have been a Nigerian citizen and a natural-born U.S. citizen at the moment of birth.

What are you talking about? His mother was an American born in America. No need for residency periods.
This is false. That is to say, you don't rightly understand the matter. Obama had to be born in the United States in order to be a natural-born citizen. Period. His mother did not have the required period of residency in the United States past a certain age at the time of his birth as was required by the law that prevailed at the time of his birth. That's why she stayed in the United States until after he was born in order to secure his U.S. citizenship at birth. The birthers are out of their minds. He was not born abroad.

Cruz's mother, on the other hand had the required period residency in the United States past a certain age under her belt when he was born abroad. So he did not have to be born in the United States in order to be a natural-born citizen, he just needed to be tied to the soil of the nature through her.

The nationality of their fathers, as far as their U.S. citizenship is concerned, is utterly irrelevant. However, had Obama been conceived just a few months earlier, she could have given birth to him in Nigeria with the required period of residency past a certain age under her belt too, and Obama would have been a Nigerian citizen and a natural-born U.S. citizen at the moment of birth.

What are you talking about? His mother was an American born in America. No need for residency periods.
Don't be a dumbass:

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