Trouble For Ted Cruz: Here's Why He Doesn't Meet The Natural Born Citizen Requirement

No, you didn't. You answered as a coward would, afraid to say what is really on his mind.

But you know what's "really on his mind"? What are you, the Amazing fucking Kreskin?

Actually it's unfair of either of us to expect a public school example - or possible public school dropout - to have ever heard of Becket.

Even more wrong, on the off chance he/she/it had heard rumors of Becket to have any comprehension of the meaning of the tale and how it applies in spades in this particular instance.

T'was my bad in the first place to exceed his/her/its previously demonstrated limitations.
No, you didn't. You answered as a coward would, afraid to say what is really on his mind.

But you know what's "really on his mind"? What are you, the Amazing fucking Kreskin?

Actually it's unfair of either of us to expect a public school example - or possible public school dropout - to have ever heard of Becket.

Even more wrong, on the off chance he/she/it had heard rumors of Becket to have any comprehension of the meaning of the tale and how it applies in spades in this particular instance.

T'was my bad in the first place to exceed his/her/its previously demonstrated limitations.

I will be "thanking" you for this very soon, buddy. Always appreciate for the good material you provide for which you can be "thanked"!
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Alas, I am drawn into enabling. Doing the job public schools failed to accomplish though they may have tried and were rebuffed.

To understand the relation ship between Mrs. Clinton and the death of Vince Foster one must grasp the meaning of the ancient tale of how Becket came to die. Now that doesn't mean having looked at the cover of a comic book purporting to crib the tale for the language-impaired. It doesn't call for mere sounding out of the words.

So I guess I have to try where others have failed.

Here's a link to the tale.

The Murder of Thomas Becket, 1170

Once you have understood what happened to Becket and who bore responsibility you might be positioned to examine the Clinton/Foster discussion from a position other than abject stupidity.

But probably not.
I am quite aware of the tale of his demise.

Still doesn't hide your cowardliness.

Still incapable of a YES / NO answer.

You would make an excellent GOP politician, you got the slimy factor just right.
I will be "thanking" you for this very soon, buddy. Always appreciate for the good material you provide for which you can be "thanked"!


Me and my good buddy will bombard you with neg rep. Right out of the glory days of CB radio!

NEVER would I ask anyone to do such a thing. Alas, what IS a bully without at least one toady?

Cute thing is that all plays back to the Becket discussion and how it relates to who might or might seek the Marx-O-Crat nod for 2016 and how that might actually be won.
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Libs, ashamed of their failure to vet their candidate, try to turn it against others.


They think they're good at it.

Almost as good as they are at restoring employment.

But not quite.

Finally, a conservative sees the truth about Cruz.

The idea that a man, born a subject of Queen Elizabeth II, within one of her realms, is a natural born citizen of the USA, is laughable.
I find your conclusions contradict your statements and your thread title.

Which one are you endorsing?

Cruz IS qualified to be POTUS?

Or, Cruz IS NOT qualified to be POTUS?

He’s qualified in accordance with the Constitution.

He’s not qualified as a consequence of his reactionaryism and advocacy of failed conservative fiscal dogma.

Where is there an ideological test to become president? Yeah, nowhere. Cruz espouses the successful policies of Ronald Reagan, not the failed policies of Barack Obama.
As for the OP, it is total bullshit. Cruz is a native born American citizen.

Why are you deflecting? The OP said natural, not native.
I don't think he is eligible.

And Obama birthers cannot state that Cruz is eligible unless they want to directly contradict themselves.

Both had non-citizen fathers
Both had American mothers
Obama was born in a U.S. state
Cruz was born in a foreign country

There's no way to claim Cruz is legitimate while Obama is not.
The business about eligibility is moot.

Still, Cruz likely won't run.

I will be very much surprised in there is a clear Republican candidate for another 12-18 months and it will likely be a dark horse not yet even on the radar. Of course if the horse is female and dark enough then its chances would be enhanced.

Who knows, with all the protections being created for differing gender orientations, it might be possible for an actual horse to run without constitutional challenge.
He’s qualified in accordance with the Constitution.

He’s not qualified as a consequence of his reactionaryism and advocacy of failed conservative fiscal dogma.

Where is there an ideological test to become president? Yeah, nowhere. Cruz espouses the successful policies of Ronald Reagan, not the failed policies of Barack Obama.
As for the OP, it is total bullshit. Cruz is a native born American citizen.

Why are you deflecting? The OP said natural, not native.
Correct. Here is a good chart on the different types of Citizen:

The business about eligibility is moot.

Still, Cruz likely won't run.

I will be very much surprised in there is a clear Republican candidate for another 12-18 months and it will likely be a dark horse not yet even on the radar. Of course if the horse is female and dark enough then its chances would be enhanced.

Who knows, with all the protections being created for differing gender orientations, it might be possible for an actual horse to run without constitutional challenge.

If they allow a horse's ass, you're a shoo-in.
Where is there an ideological test to become president? Yeah, nowhere. Cruz espouses the successful policies of Ronald Reagan, not the failed policies of Barack Obama.
As for the OP, it is total bullshit. Cruz is a native born American citizen.

Why are you deflecting? The OP said natural, not native.
Correct. Here is a good chart on the different types of Citizen:


So anchor baby Michelle Malkin is a native born, while Cruz is not on that chart since he was not born in the U.S.
The business about eligibility is moot.

Still, Cruz likely won't run.

I will be very much surprised in there is a clear Republican candidate for another 12-18 months and it will likely be a dark horse not yet even on the radar. Of course if the horse is female and dark enough then its chances would be enhanced.

Who knows, with all the protections being created for differing gender orientations, it might be possible for an actual horse to run without constitutional challenge.

If they allow a horse's ass, you're a shoo-in.

Beg as you might, no, I will not consider you for a cabinet position. A horse's ass as a president twice in a row would be bad enough for the country without an elementary school dropout as Secretary of State.
Alas, I am drawn into enabling. Doing the job public schools failed to accomplish though they may have tried and were rebuffed.

To understand the relation ship between Mrs. Clinton and the death of Vince Foster one must grasp the meaning of the ancient tale of how Becket came to die. Now that doesn't mean having looked at the cover of a comic book purporting to crib the tale for the language-impaired. It doesn't call for mere sounding out of the words.

So I guess I have to try where others have failed.

Here's a link to the tale.

The Murder of Thomas Becket, 1170

Once you have understood what happened to Becket and who bore responsibility you might be positioned to examine the Clinton/Foster discussion from a position other than abject stupidity.

But probably not.
If I recall correctly, Vincent died because he knew too much.
Foster died of another-inflicted act of suicide.


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If I recall correctly, Vincent died because he knew too much.

That was a common point of discussion at the time. The speculation surrounded how the death could have been a suicide given the weapon and nature of the injury. Nobody was ever brought to trial. The parallels to the chilling Becket story allude to the death of the churchman in his own church at the hands of multiple assassins who were NOT hired or directed by the King. Rather, they heard the King's expressed desire that he be rid of the "turbulent priest" and chose to curry favour with him by doing the killing. The suspicion falls not on any American Royalty; rather on overzealous supporters of a Royal anxious to gain favour, perhaps political position. The type of supporter, willing to do anything for their cult leader, without regard for morality or law whether common or constitutional.

Queen's English spellings used because it so pisses off liberals. Nothing more should be read into it.
Finally, a conservative sees the truth about Cruz.

The idea that a man, born a subject of Queen Elizabeth II, within one of her realms, is a natural born citizen of the USA, is laughable.

Get used to hearing it and saying it, old man.

President Cruz!

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