Trouble For Ted Cruz: Here's Why He Doesn't Meet The Natural Born Citizen Requirement

No the case is not closed. Obama is a statutory dual Citizen like Cruz. A natural born Citizen can't be a dual Citizen at birth. There is a reason the founders inserted the natural born Citizen clause as the good Constitutional scholar stated in the video's I posted, to prevent dual allegiances.

He was never a dual citizen, ever. He never had a british passport or a british birth certificate. You are living in an utter fantasy land.

Maybe one day your brain will grow back three times, to make up for what you lost. You poor racist sob, you. Tsk, tsk.

You know you are like kryptonite when even hard-core Righties are avoiding you or laughing at you.

I personally pity you.

The United States does not recognize dual citizenship in any event.
Another lie. The U.S. does recognize dual citizenship. Stop obfuscating!

Is Dual Citizenship Allowed in the United States?
Is Dual Citizenship Allowed in the United States? | Legal Language Services

Dual Citizenship in the United States

Dual citizenship had previously been banned in the United States, but the US Supreme Court struck down most laws forbidding dual citizenship in 1967.
You are deflecting, and doing it badly.

You stated that Obama's mother didn't meet residency requirements.

Please explain why an American woman who was born in Wichita, Kansas would need to be concerned with residency requirements.

Deflecting?! Doing it badly?!


I just gave you the law verbatim. She would have to be concerned about those requirements if she were pregnant and planning to leave the country. Are you suggesting that it's not important for one to make sure that one passes one's citizenship onto one's offspring born abroad? What? You would have your child to be born a foreign citizen that would then have to be naturalized later? What's wrong with you?


The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, reconstituted Section 201 as Section 301, which slightly altered the respective residency requirements again.

(a) The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:

. . . (7) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States, who prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than ten years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years.

(b) Any person who is a national and citizen of the United States at birth under paragraph (7) of subsection (a), shall lose his nationality and citizenship unless he shall come to the United States prior to attaining the age of twenty-three years and shall immediately following any such coming be continuously physically present in the United State(s) for at least five years: Provided, That such physical presence follows the attainment of the age of fourteen years and precedes the age of twenty-eight years.

This is the law that prevailed at the time of Obama's birth as well. Obama's mother was only 19 years old when he was born, nearly four months shy of 5 years of U.S. residency past year fourteenth birthday. Do the math. She could not have left the country and passed her citizenship down to him. That's why she remained behind in the U.S. until after he was born!

But she didn't leave the country, ergo, it is moot.

I never said she did. Unlike Cruz's mother, I said she didn't have the necessary period of residency under her belt to have birthed him abroad and passed her citizenship down to him, as you very well know. It was pertinent to the original point.

YOU asked me what I was talking about as if I didn't know what I was talking about, isn't that right?

YOU asked why she would have been concerned about that as if I didn't know what I was talking about, isn't that right?

So I told you why. Caught with you pants down around your ankles, looking like a damn fool and trying to deflect: "Deflecting," you stupidly replied.

Now you say it's moot.

So why did you challenge my observation in the first place, jackass?

You're moot.
Deflecting?! Doing it badly?!


I just gave you the law verbatim. She would have to be concerned about those requirements if she were pregnant and planning to leave the country. Are you suggesting that it's not important for one to make sure that one passes one's citizenship onto one's offspring born abroad? What? You would have your child to be born a foreign citizen that would then have to be naturalized later? What's wrong with you?


This is the law that prevailed at the time of Obama's birth as well. Obama's mother was only 19 years old when he was born, nearly four months shy of 5 years of U.S. residency past year fourteenth birthday. Do the math. She could not have left the country and passed her citizenship down to him. That's why she remained behind in the U.S. until after he was born!

But she didn't leave the country, ergo, it is moot.

I never said she did. Unlike Cruz's mother, I said she didn't have the necessary period of residency under her belt to have birthed him abroad and passed her citizenship down to him, as you very well know. It was pertinent to the original point.

YOU asked me what I was talking about as if I didn't know what I was talking about, isn't that right?

YOU asked why she would have been concerned about that as if I didn't know what I was talking about, isn't that right?

So I told you why. Caught with you pants down around your ankles, looking like a damn fool and trying to deflect: "Deflecting," you stupidly replied.

Now you say it's moot.

So why did you challenge my observation in the first place, jackass?

You're moot.

Uh, I am the last person you quoted and I never said you were deflecting. Go look again. I think you meant Synthaholic.

Now, whose pants are around his ankles, again?


I graciously accept your concession for this little fuck-up of yours. It's ok, we're all human. It's all good.
So long as bringing up either:

1. Obama's place of birth (conception, hatching, whatever)
2. Anything concerning the Palin family (other than Michael)

is to incite spasms of hate from the left then threads like this will proliferate.
So long as bringing up either:

1. Obama's place of birth (conception, hatching, whatever)
2. Anything concerning the Palin family (other than Michael)

is to incite spasms of hate from the left then threads like this will proliferate.

That was some wonderful butthurt you just displayed. Excellent, most excellent. I think your shock therapy is beginning to bear some fruit. Progress!!!
So suddenly Marx-O-crats are concerned about where anyone was born?

Really? you even know who the OP is?


You don't really expect him to actually inform himself before spewing venom, now do you?

He's like a pre-programmed puppet. Pull an arm and he says "Obama-rats"!!!

That is all he is capable of. I have never even once seen him actually lay out a well-founded argument about anything, ever.

And he still has yet to explain where he sources the quotes in his sig lie. Oh sorry, sig line.
So long as bringing up either:

1. Obama's place of birth (conception, hatching, whatever)
2. Anything concerning the Palin family (other than Michael)

is to incite spasms of hate from the left then threads like this will proliferate.

That was some wonderful butthurt you just displayed. Excellent, most excellent. I think your shock therapy is beginning to bear some fruit. Progress!!!

Oh, I really do believe either of the above can set off liberal rage bordering on clinical insanity and I do appreciate your rapid confirmation.

Meanwhile, I met a kindergarten teacher today who is in need. The primary bully in her class has been removed for therapy leaving two young toadies sore in need of a leader. They may be along shortly to seek your assistance. I took the liberty of giving them a link out of kindness rather than out a sense of enabling.
So long as bringing up either:

1. Obama's place of birth (conception, hatching, whatever)
2. Anything concerning the Palin family (other than Michael)

is to incite spasms of hate from the left then threads like this will proliferate.

That was some wonderful butthurt you just displayed. Excellent, most excellent. I think your shock therapy is beginning to bear some fruit. Progress!!!

Oh, I really do believe either of the above can set off liberal rage bordering on clinical insanity and I do appreciate your rapid confirmation.

Meanwhile, I met a kindergarten teacher today who is in need. The primary bully in her class has been removed for therapy leaving two young toadies sore in need of a leader. They may be along shortly to seek your assistance. I took the liberty of giving them a link out of kindness rather than out a sense of enabling.

Ahhh, Henry. A hero in his own mind.
I am distressed that Pogo forgot to thank you for taking him for his walk and especially letting him off the leash for a few minutes:


  • $toad.jpg
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I am distressed that Pogo forgot to thank you for taking him for his walk and especially letting him off the leash for a few minutes:

Thank you for the additional material to "thank" at a later date.

Always nice to have affection returned, albeit a bit slowly. And a special pat on the head for having overcome the obsession for the use of gutter language! Now we shall hope the effect is not just temporary.
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He was never a dual citizen, ever. He never had a british passport or a british birth certificate. You are living in an utter fantasy land.

Maybe one day your brain will grow back three times, to make up for what you lost. You poor racist sob, you. Tsk, tsk.

You know you are like kryptonite when even hard-core Righties are avoiding you or laughing at you.

I personally pity you.

Actually, he was born with dual citizenship under American and British law: an American citizen at birth by the soil and the blood of the nation and a British citizen via the law of the blood through his father under British law. Kenya gained it's independence in 1963. That's another reason why the birther nonsense about Obama, born in 1961, ever being a Kenyan citizen is so silly. Also, he was apparently an Indonesian citizen after being adopted by his Indonesian stepfather.

But none of that has any bearing whatsoever on the status of his U.S. citizenship. None! The United States does not recognize dual citizenship in any event. Period! And a minor cannot lose or renounce his U.S. citizenship.

It's just more irrelevant silliness from the birthers.

You can call it de facto dual citizenship, but he never had a british passport, a british ID card of a british BC. That alone makes the argument moot.

And yes, birthers are batshit crazy. And the sun is hot and there is no air in space.

Okay, but just same, even if he had all those things, it wouldn't have mattered. It didn't matter before 1967 because he was a minor. A minor cannot do anything whatsoever to lose his citizenship, and the United States does not officially recognize dual citizenship. And since 1967, as long as an adult does not officially renounce his U.S. citizenship, he can have those things now too without damaging the status of his American citizenship.
Actually, he was born with dual citizenship under American and British law: an American citizen at birth by the soil and the blood of the nation and a British citizen via the law of the blood through his father under British law. Kenya gained it's independence in 1963. That's another reason why the birther nonsense about Obama, born in 1961, ever being a Kenyan citizen is so silly. Also, he was apparently an Indonesian citizen after being adopted by his Indonesian stepfather.

But none of that has any bearing whatsoever on the status of his U.S. citizenship. None! The United States does not recognize dual citizenship in any event. Period! And a minor cannot lose or renounce his U.S. citizenship.

It's just more irrelevant silliness from the birthers.

You can call it de facto dual citizenship, but he never had a british passport, a british ID card of a british BC. That alone makes the argument moot.

And yes, birthers are batshit crazy. And the sun is hot and there is no air in space.

and the United States does not officially recognize dual citizenship. .
M.D. Rawlings, stop your continous lies that the U.S. does not officially recognize dual citizenship. It does and here is confirmation of it:

US Dual Citizenship

Dual Citizenship: The U.S. government allows dual citizenship. United States law recognizes U.S. Dual Citizenship, but the U.S. government does not encourage it is as a matter of policy due to the problems that may arise from it. It is important to understand that a foreign citizen does NOT lose his or her citizenship when becoming a U.S. citizen. An individual that becomes a U.S. citizen through naturalization may keep his or her original citizenship. However, as some countries do not recognize dual citizenship, it is important to consider it carefully before applying for U.S. citizenship
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(all but the relevant part snipped)

I keep clicking on your stuff in hopes that you've finally found a link for those quotes in your sig line that I asked you for a source on, like a week ago.

Don't tease me bro...
McGarrett Talks Ignorant Smack Again

He was never a dual citizen, ever. He never had a british passport or a british birth certificate. You are living in an utter fantasy land.

Maybe one day your brain will grow back three times, to make up for what you lost. You poor racist sob, you. Tsk, tsk.

You know you are like kryptonite when even hard-core Righties are avoiding you or laughing at you.

I personally pity you.

The United States does not recognize dual citizenship in any event.
Another lie. The U.S. does recognize dual citizenship. Stop obfuscating!

Is Dual Citizenship Allowed in the United States?
Is Dual Citizenship Allowed in the United States? | Legal Language Services

Dual Citizenship in the United States

Dual citizenship had previously been banned in the United States, but the US Supreme Court struck down most laws forbidding dual citizenship in 1967.

I've been nice to you. you're way out of line.

Don't call me a liar again.

I said that the United States does not recognize dual citizenship; I didn't say anything about the United States formally forbidding it . . . as long as one does not renounce one's citizenship in the process of acquiring another aboard . . . as some countries require. Snap out of it. The United States has no control over what other nations might do in terms of citizenship and nationality, and minors cannot lose or renounce their U.S. citizenship.

And these are just the kind of legal subtleties that are lost on those with just enough knowledge to make them dangerous, and this is especially true of birthers who argue that there are more than two kinds of citizenship under constitutional law, persons who don't grasp the fact that it is they who would undermined the purpose of the Natural Born Citizen Clause if they had their way.

The Supreme Court's rulings are of no consequence whatsoever with regard to what matters . . . or did you not pick that up in that very same article you cited? We're you asleep?

However, the US government remained disdainful of dual citizenship for some time. To this day, candidates for US citizenship through naturalization are forced to renounce their previous citizenship at the United States naturalization ceremony.

The renouncing of one's previous citizenship is part of the oath that new US citizens must take, and failing to honor that oath could result in the loss of citizenship in the United States.

. . . People who have held dual citizenship since birth or childhood — or who became citizens of another country after becoming a US citizen and were not asked to renounce their previous citizenship — can remain dual citizens in the United States.

Congress has the prerogative to demand that one renounce previous allegiances before one becomes a naturalized citizen of the United States, and currently it does demand that. But it doesn't have to.

The Supreme Court has never so much as laid a glove on that prerogative, though it has come close due to the attempts of a handful of leftist lunatics on the Bench. Should it ever do such a thing, Congress would tell the Court to go to hell. You don't have an inkling as to how serious a breach of the separation of powers such a judicial action would be, do you? The ramifications relative to the peoples' national sovereignty . . . staggering! The Court already did more than enough damage in that respect in Wong Kim Ark (By the way, you don't understand what happened there either.) and tried to do even more damage during the leftist Warren years, but sanity prevailed.

The only thing that Congress no longer demands of U.S. citizens who acquire citizenship from other countries abroad, as a result of case law, is that they upon return renounce it. That's all your talking about. That's all this article adds up to: legal subtleties that elude you.

Naturalized citizens are required to renounce any former allegiances to this very day before they become U.S. citizens, and neither Congress nor the State department officially recognizes any citizenship conferred by foreign countries on U.S. citizens abroad . . . unless, once again, one renounces one's U.S. citizenship in the process of acquiring another. Make no mistake about it: renounce your citizenship abroad and Customs, at the direction of the State Department in accordance with the statutory commands of Congress, will require you to get a visa. Otherwise, such conferrals have absolutely no legally binding impact on U.S. citizenship. None! Zip! As far as Congress is concerned, an American citizen, natural-born or naturalized, is not a citizen of any other country in the world.

Cruz, for example, is not a citizen of Canada as far as Congress is concerned. He is a citizen of the United States. Period. End of story. And if and when he runs for the presidency, make no mistake about, birther, he will do so as a natural-born citizen backed by the Constitution, by Congress and by the State Department . . . in that order, just like George Romney (born in Mexico), Lowell Weicker (born in France) and John McCain (born in Panama) ran for the presidency and were backed by the same. All, except McCain, technically, were duly born abroad of U.S. citizens, citizens at the moment of birth by statute, that is to say, constitutionally natural-born citizens.

(By the way, the Panama Canal Zone was never a territorial possession of the United States for constitutional purposes! I know that many of you labor under that misunderstanding of things. It was never anything more than an unincorporated territory perpetually leased by the United States from Panama at the discretion of the United States. It was and has always been Panamanian soil, residing outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United for constitutional purposes. The only jurisdiction that the United States ever exerted over the Zone was administrative. Anyone born there of U.S. citizens had to be covered under the congressional decree of jus sanguinus in order to be a citizen at birth (a natural-born citizen), just like anyone else born abroad of U.S. citizens anywhere else in the world.

Technically, McCain, at the time of his birth, was not covered.

Prufrock's Lair: Righting the Confusion of Citizenship and Nationality: The Facts, The Myths and Other Riddles

Prufrock's Lair: Was Senator John McCain a U.S. Citizen at Birth?)

There, now you have more to scream about it.
You can call it de facto dual citizenship, but he never had a british passport, a british ID card of a british BC. That alone makes the argument moot.

And yes, birthers are batshit crazy. And the sun is hot and there is no air in space.

and the United States does not officially recognize dual citizenship. .
M.D. Rawlings, stop your continous lies that the U.S. does not officially recognize dual citizenship. It does and here is confirmation of it:

US Dual Citizenship

Dual Nationality

Dual Citizenship: The U.S. government allows dual citizenship. United States law recognizes U.S. Dual Citizenship, but the U.S. government does not encourage it is as a matter of policy due to the problems that may arise from it. It is important to understand that a foreign citizen does NOT lose his or her citizenship when becoming a U.S. citizen. An individual that becomes a U.S. citizen through naturalization may keep his or her original citizenship. However, as some countries do not recognize dual citizenship, it is important to consider it carefully before applying for U.S. citizenship

Claptrap! Ignorance! Bull! Trash talk! Gibberish! Nonsense!
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Actually, he was born with dual citizenship under American and British law: an American citizen at birth by the soil and the blood of the nation and a British citizen via the law of the blood through his father under British law. Kenya gained it's independence in 1963. That's another reason why the birther nonsense about Obama, born in 1961, ever being a Kenyan citizen is so silly. Also, he was apparently an Indonesian citizen after being adopted by his Indonesian stepfather.

But none of that has any bearing whatsoever on the status of his U.S. citizenship. None! The United States does not recognize dual citizenship in any event. Period! And a minor cannot lose or renounce his U.S. citizenship.

It's just more irrelevant silliness from the birthers.

You can call it de facto dual citizenship, but he never had a british passport, a british ID card of a british BC. That alone makes the argument moot.

And yes, birthers are batshit crazy. And the sun is hot and there is no air in space.

A minor cannot do anything whatsoever to lose his citizenship,.
Yet another lie by M.D. Rawlings. Yes, a minor can do something to renounce their citizenship. A avenue is there authorized by the U.S. State Department. Here is confirmation from the State Departments website:

Renunciation of U.S. Nationality

Renunciation of U.S. Nationality


Citizenship is a status that is personal to the U.S. citizen. Therefore parents may not renounce the citizenship of their minor children. Similarly, parents/legal guardians may not renounce the citizenship of individuals who are mentally incompetent. Minors seeking to renounce their U.S. citizenship must demonstrate to a consular officer that they are acting voluntarily and that they fully understand the implications/consequences attendant to the renunciation of U.S. citizenship.
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and the United States does not officially recognize dual citizenship. .
M.D. Rawlings, stop your continous lies that the U.S. does not officially recognize dual citizenship. It does and here is confirmation of it:

US Dual Citizenship

Dual Nationality

Dual Citizenship: The U.S. government allows dual citizenship. United States law recognizes U.S. Dual Citizenship, but the U.S. government does not encourage it is as a matter of policy due to the problems that may arise from it. It is important to understand that a foreign citizen does NOT lose his or her citizenship when becoming a U.S. citizen. An individual that becomes a U.S. citizen through naturalization may keep his or her original citizenship. However, as some countries do not recognize dual citizenship, it is important to consider it carefully before applying for U.S. citizenship

Claptrap! Ignorance! Bull! Trash talk! Gibberish! Nonsense!

Read it again......................The U.S. government allows dual citizenship. United States law recognizes U.S. Dual Citizenship

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