Troubled waters

It's been warming over the last 10,000 years.
It has been cooling for the last 6000 years, right up to the industrial revolution.

"Over the past 150 years, global warming has more than undone the global cooling that occurred over the past six millennia, according to a major study published June 30 in Nature Research's Scientific Data, "Holocene global mean surface temperature, a multi-method reconstruction approach." The findings show that the millennial-scale global cooling began approximately 6,500 years ago when the long-term average global temperature topped out at around 0.7°C warmer than the mid-19th century. Since then, accelerating greenhouse gas emissions have contributed to global average temperatures that are now surpassing 1°C above the mid-19th century."


"Ocean Warming Faster Now Than in 10,000 Years​

Pacific Ocean waters warmed 15 times faster in the last six decades than they did over the last ten millennia."

Ocean Warming Faster Now Than in 10,000 Years

Should we blame socialism?

Does capitalism make us crazy? | MR Online
No, I did not say that, these people said that. Two degrees yet cannot read with any comprehension. LOL

"Four researchers of Northern Arizona University's School of Earth and Sustainability (SES) led the study, with Regents' professor Darrell Kaufman as lead author and associate professor Nicholas McKay as co-author, along with assistant research professors Cody Routson and Michael Erb. The team worked in collaboration with scientists from research institutions all over the world to reconstruct the global average temperature over the Holocene Epoch -- the period following the Ice Age and beginning about 12,000 years ago.

"Before global warming, there was global cooling," said Kaufman. "Previous work has shown convincingly that the world naturally and slowly cooled for at least 1,000 years prior to the middle of the 19th century, when the global average temperature reversed course along with the build-up of greenhouse gases. This study, based on a major new compilation of previously published paleoclimate data, combined with new statistical analyses, shows more confidently than ever that the millennial-scale global cooling began approximately 6,500 years ago."

No, I did not say that, these people said that. Two degrees yet cannot read with any comprehension. LOL

"Four researchers of Northern Arizona University's School of Earth and Sustainability (SES) led the study, with Regents' professor Darrell Kaufman as lead author and associate professor Nicholas McKay as co-author, along with assistant research professors Cody Routson and Michael Erb. The team worked in collaboration with scientists from research institutions all over the world to reconstruct the global average temperature over the Holocene Epoch -- the period following the Ice Age and beginning about 12,000 years ago.

"Before global warming, there was global cooling," said Kaufman. "Previous work has shown convincingly that the world naturally and slowly cooled for at least 1,000 years prior to the middle of the 19th century, when the global average temperature reversed course along with the build-up of greenhouse gases. This study, based on a major new compilation of previously published paleoclimate data, combined with new statistical analyses, shows more confidently than ever that the millennial-scale global cooling began approximately 6,500 years ago."

So what you are saying is that you believe CO2 saved the planet from plunging into a glacial cycle?
LOL!!! OMG!!!

Can you please show us how we get these "accurate" temperature readings from 7,000 BC?


A previously unknown pattern of multiple bottom-simulating reflections (BSRs) occurs on high-resolution reflection seismic data in the Danube deep-sea fan, associated with acoustic features indicating free gas. Our study provides evidence that this pattern is developed in relation with the architecture of distinct channel–levee systems of the Danube fan. Channel–levee systems hosting multiple BSRs act as relatively sealed gas-bearing systems whose top is situated above the base of the gas hydrate stability zone (BGHSZ). Inside these systems, free gas accumulates below the BGHSZ under a combined lithological, structural and stratigraphical control.
The uppermost BSR marks the current equilibrium BGHSZ, for a gas composition of more than 99% methane. Model-derived depths of the BGHSZ for different gas compositions and pressure–temperature conditions show that multiple BSRs would correspond to the BGHSZ either for (1) layers of gas hydrates with high contents of heavy hydrocarbons or hydrogen sulphide, or (2) stable climatic episodes with temperatures between glacial values and the present-day conditions. As the gas hydrate compositions required by hypothesis (1) are in sharp contradiction with the general background of the gas composition in the study area, we suggest that multiple BSRs are most probably relics of former positions of the BGHSZ, corresponding to successive steps of climate warming. In this case, they can provide sea-bottom paleotemperature values for these episodes, and hence they are potential new proxies for deciphering past climate conditions.



We summarize the applications of molecular proxies in paleoclimatology. Marine molecular records especially are proving to be of value but certain environmentally persistent compounds can also be measured in lake sediments, loess deposits and ice cores. The fundamentals of this approach are the molecular parameters, the compound abundances and carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen isotopic contents which can be derived by the analysis of sediment extracts. These afford proxy measures which can be interpreted in terms of the conditions which control climate and also reflect its operation.
We discuss two types of proxy; those of terrigenous and those of aquatic origin, and exemplify their application in the study of marine sediments through the medium of ten case studies based in the Atlantic, Mediterranean and Pacific Oceans, and in Antarctica. The studies are mainly for periods in the present, the Holocene and particularly the last glacial/interglacial, but they also include one study from the Cretaceous. The terrigenous proxies, which are measures of continental vegetation, are based on higher plant leaf wax compounds, i.e. long-chain (circa C30) hydrocarbons, alcohols and acids. They register the relative contributions of C3 vs. C4 type plants to the vegetation in the source areas. The two marine proxies are measures of sea surface temperatures (SST). The longer established one, (U37K′) is based on the relative abundances of C37 alkenones photosynthesized by unicellular algae, members of the Haptophyta. The newest proxy (TEX86) is based on C86 glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) synthesized in the water column by some of the archaeal microbiota, the Crenarchaeota.



Environmental variables such as temperature and salinity cannot be directly measured for the past. Such variables do, however, influence the chemistry and biology of the marine sedimentary record in a measurable way. Reconstructing the past environment is therefore possible by ‘proxy’. Such proxy reconstruction uses chemical and biological observations to assess two aspects of Earth’s climate system – the physics of ocean–atmosphere circulation, and the chemistry of the carbon cycle. Early proxies made use of faunal assemblages, stable isotope fractionation of oxygen and carbon, and the degree of saturation of biogenically produced organic molecules. These well-established tools have been complemented by many new proxies. For reconstruction of the physical environment, these include proxies for ocean temperature (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, δ44Ca) and ocean circulation (Cd/Ca, radiogenic isotopes, 14C, sortable silt). For reconstruction of the carbon cycle, they include proxies for ocean productivity (231Pa/230Th, U concentration); nutrient utilization (Cd/Ca, δ15N, δ30Si); alkalinity (Ba/Ca); pH (δ11B); carbonate ion concentration (foraminiferal weight, Zn/Ca); and atmospheric CO2 (δ11B, δ13C). These proxies provide a better understanding of past climate, and allow climate–model sensitivity to be tested, thereby improving our ability to predict future climate change. Proxy research still faces challenges, however, as some environmental variables cannot be reconstructed and as the underlying chemistry and biology of most proxies is not well understood. Few proxies have been applied to pre-Pleistocene times – another challenge for future research. Only by solving such challenges will proxies provide a full understanding of the range of possible climate variability on Earth and of the mechanisms causing this variability.



[1] Two sediment cores from the western Arabian Sea, NIOP905 and 74KL, were analyzed to determine sea surface temperature (SST) variations over the last 23 kyr. Two organic molecular SST proxies were used, the well-established U37K′ based on long-chain unsaturated ketones synthesized by haptophyte algae and the newly proposed TEX86 derived from the membrane lipids of Crenarchaeota. Comparison of NIOP905 and 74KL core top data with present-day SST (0–10 m) values indicates that both proxies yield temperatures similar to local annual mean SSTs. However, TEX86 and U37K′ SST down-core records derived from the same cores differ in magnitude and phasing. The alkenone SST record of NIOP905 shows small changes in SST (∼0.5°C) over the last 23 kyr, while that of core 74KL shows a ∼2°C increase from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (23–19 calendar (cal) kyr B.P.) through the Holocene (the last 11.5 cal kyr B.P.) synchronous with changes in the Northern Hemisphere. In contrast, the TEX86 records of both cores show a large increase in SST from 22°–23°C in the LGM to 28°–30°C during Termination I (19–11.5 cal kyr B.P.), decreasing to present-day annual means of ∼26°C. A cold phase between 14.5 and 12 cal kyr B.P. that may correspond to the Antarctic cold reversal is also observed. This implies a Southern Hemisphere control on tropical SST reconstructed by the TEX86, possibly related to SW monsoon. Our results suggest that the application of both TEX86 and U37K′ give different but complementary information on SST developments in past marine environments.

We have accurate water temperature readings from 7,000 BC? Really??
It's appears possible such information can be determined:

Oceans heating up faster now than in the past 10,000 years, says new study

"If the latest research is correct, our oceans are heating up much faster now than they have in the past 10,000 years.

"This is one of the conclusions that is drawn from a recently published paper in Science.

"The researchers (Yair Rosenthal, Braddock Linsley, and Delia Oppo) cleverly traveled back in time to explore how ocean temperatures have changed.

"Comparison of those temperatures to today's helped them quantify the impact that human greenhouse gas emissions are having on the planet.

"The story begins in a remote location in the western equatorial Pacific. Using sediments along the Makassar Straight and the Flores Sea in Indonesia, the researchers extracted benthic foraminifera, which are small creatures that live near or at the bottom of the ocean waters. The chemical signatures in the shells of these creatures can provide valuable information about the ocean temperature in the recent or long past."
So, again. You got nothing and nothing with any degree of accuracy on deep ocean temperatures in 7,000 BC

Here's another Abstract



A previously unknown pattern of multiple bottom-simulating reflections (BSRs) occurs on high-resolution reflection seismic data in the Danube deep-sea fan, associated with acoustic features indicating free gas. Our study provides evidence that this pattern is developed in relation with the architecture of distinct channel–levee systems of the Danube fan. Channel–levee systems hosting multiple BSRs act as relatively sealed gas-bearing systems whose top is situated above the base of the gas hydrate stability zone (BGHSZ). Inside these systems, free gas accumulates below the BGHSZ under a combined lithological, structural and stratigraphical control.
The uppermost BSR marks the current equilibrium BGHSZ, for a gas composition of more than 99% methane. Model-derived depths of the BGHSZ for different gas compositions and pressure–temperature conditions show that multiple BSRs would correspond to the BGHSZ either for (1) layers of gas hydrates with high contents of heavy hydrocarbons or hydrogen sulphide, or (2) stable climatic episodes with temperatures between glacial values and the present-day conditions. As the gas hydrate compositions required by hypothesis (1) are in sharp contradiction with the general background of the gas composition in the study area, we suggest that multiple BSRs are most probably relics of former positions of the BGHSZ, corresponding to successive steps of climate warming. In this case, they can provide sea-bottom paleotemperature values for these episodes, and hence they are potential new proxies for deciphering past climate conditions.

Nothing about ocean temperature in here

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