True Blood Actor Allegedly Left Over Show’s Gay Plot Line

Reading the Bible, I'm still trying to figure out why Satan was the bad guy, exactly.

God drowned every baby in the world, then fried every baby in Sodom and Gomorrah, then killed all the first born babies in Egypt. And Satan hasn't even shown up in the story yet.

IN fact, when Satan does show up (after God has slaughtered a shitload more people, including killing a bunch of kids for making fun of a bald guy!) he finally does kill some people- ON A BET WITH GOD THAT GOD TOTALLY APPROVES OF. (This would be the Book of Job, the best argument for Atheism in the Bible.)

And all of that doesn't matter in the world of secular common sense which tells us that child abuse and inappropriate sexualizing of children is unacceptable.
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Well duh.
It might be acting, but the kissing and embracing is really occurring, or did you think all this time it's some sort of computer generated avatars that are kissing ?

Oh, noes, kissing and embracing.

Man, I love watching homophobes freak out. It's fucking hilarious.

I would like to know when a big black dick is tearing up your gay ass and pulls it out and it's all covered in poop if it is good form for the homo that just got his butt hammered to turn around and suck the feces off the big black dick?

Good question ay?

1) Sorry, I'm straight. So please don't include me in your slash-fic.
2) We were talking about acting in a PG-13 or maybe R- rated show, so it's not like the sex is going to be that graphic.
3) What you are describing sounds more like rape than sex. ANd it would be bad no matter who the 'recipient" is.
4) ON that point, 38% of women engage in anal sex and 99% do oral sex. So is it the "Putting it in the wrong hole" thing that bugs you, or is it the 'Ick, two dudes!" thing that has you worked up. I'm guessing the latter.
Reading the Bible, I'm still trying to figure out why Satan was the bad guy, exactly.

God drowned every baby in the world, then fried every baby in Sodom and Gomorrah, then killed all the first born babies in Egypt. And Satan hasn't even shown up in the story yet.

IN fact, when Satan does show up (after God has slaughtered a shitload more people, including killing a bunch of kids for making fun of a bald guy!) he finally does kill some people- ON A BET WITH GOD THAT GOD TOTALLY APPROVES OF. (This would be the Book of Job, the best argument for Atheism in the Bible.)

And all of that doesn't matter in the world of secular common sense which tells us that child abuse and inappropriate sexualizing of children is unacceptable.

Well, when you apply some common sense, secular or otherwise, let me know.

You are the one who tried to rationalize your homophobia with mentioning Satan, not I.

Here's the thing. Despite a pretty religious upbringing, by the age of 11 or so, I knew what all the naughty bits were, what the slang words for them were and how they were used. Which is probably a good thing, it made puberty less of a shock.

I think a lot of you wingnuts actually forget what it was like when you were kids.
In case you all missed the underlying theme and operation going on with the LGBT cult in all these seemingly-unrelated actions, promotion of gay themes in media etc. It's the purposeful replacement of mainstream morality, on both secular common-sense and religious fronts, with a religion of self-indulgent/degenerate dogma. It's also known as "satanism". One of the main promoters of GLAAD in Hollywood was deeply involved in sorcery and IMHO never left it. The speciality of this particular type of sorcery is the manipulation of perception and human awareness.

And in all of this, children and their rights to be protected almost never enter the conversation. They are like an afterthought, chattel, collateral damage...

Silhouette, I would excitedly welcome the opportunity to hear you explain just exactly what the fuck you think you know about "Satanism".

And don't give me any of that weak Laveyan trash. Discuss something hardcore like O9A. Something Sinister. Something magnificently criminal.
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Isaiah Washington, Greys Anatomy star claimed nobody in Hollywood would touch him after he uttered an anti-gay slur backstage at the 2007 Golden Globe Awards.

And now for the actual story.

In the show's third season, Washington became a central figure in a widely reported backstage controversy. In October 2006, rumors surfaced that Washington had insulted co-star T. R. Knight with a homophobic slur. Shortly after the details of the argument became public, Knight publicly disclosed that he was gay. The situation seemed somewhat resolved when Washington issued a statement, apologizing for his "unfortunate use of words during the recent incident on-set".[1]

The controversy later resurfaced when the cast appeared at the Golden Globes in January 2007. While being interviewed on the red carpet prior to the awards, Washington joked, "I love gay. I wanted to be gay. Please let me be gay".[2] After the show won Best Drama, Washington, in response to press queries as to any conflicts backstage, said, "I never called T.R. a faggot".[3] However, in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Knight said that "everybody heard him".

After being rebuked by his studio, Touchstone Television (now ABC Studios), Washington issued a statement apologizing at length for using the epithet in an argument with Patrick Dempsey. On January 30, 2007, a source told People magazine that Washington was scheduled to return to the Grey's Anatomy set as early as that Thursday for the first time since entering "executive counseling" after making the comments at the Golden Globes.

He got fired for insulting his co-star, who was a bigger deal on the show than he was.

well he is still working....he is a regular the TV show "The 100"....
Isaiah Washington, Greys Anatomy star claimed nobody in Hollywood would touch him after he uttered an anti-gay slur backstage at the 2007 Golden Globe Awards.

And now for the actual story.

In the show's third season, Washington became a central figure in a widely reported backstage controversy. In October 2006, rumors surfaced that Washington had insulted co-star T. R. Knight with a homophobic slur. Shortly after the details of the argument became public, Knight publicly disclosed that he was gay. The situation seemed somewhat resolved when Washington issued a statement, apologizing for his "unfortunate use of words during the recent incident on-set".[1]

The controversy later resurfaced when the cast appeared at the Golden Globes in January 2007. While being interviewed on the red carpet prior to the awards, Washington joked, "I love gay. I wanted to be gay. Please let me be gay".[2] After the show won Best Drama, Washington, in response to press queries as to any conflicts backstage, said, "I never called T.R. a faggot".[3] However, in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Knight said that "everybody heard him".

After being rebuked by his studio, Touchstone Television (now ABC Studios), Washington issued a statement apologizing at length for using the epithet in an argument with Patrick Dempsey. On January 30, 2007, a source told People magazine that Washington was scheduled to return to the Grey's Anatomy set as early as that Thursday for the first time since entering "executive counseling" after making the comments at the Golden Globes.

He got fired for insulting his co-star, who was a bigger deal on the show than he was.

well he is still working....he is a regular the TV show "The 100"....

Still working? I think that's his first job since. I like The 100. Just started watching a couple of weeks ago, they're re running the first season during the summer.

Last Resort is good too...With my twitter nemesis Adam Baldwin. :)
Well duh.
It might be acting, but the kissing and embracing is really occurring, or did you think all this time it's some sort of computer generated avatars that are kissing ?

Oh, noes, kissing and embracing.

Man, I love watching homophobes freak out. It's fucking hilarious.

I would like to know when a big black dick is tearing up your gay ass and pulls it out and it's all covered in poop if it is good form for the homo that just got his butt hammered to turn around and suck the feces off the big black dick?

Good question ay?

[MENTION=18867]HUGGY[/MENTION] - kindly refrain from insults aimed at African Americans by sugesting they associate themselves with a rancid cum guzzling faggot like Howey - Thanks
There are actresses that will and actresses that won't. the ones that will get the jobs that require it.

The point is actors typically choose which projects they want to be a part of. This is no different that any other actor choosing their roles except for those that want to make it an issue. Telling him to "find a new lone of work" is an incredibly ignorant statement.

I was one of those who suggested he find a new line of work. It sounds as though the actor has some real issues with homosexuality. The movie industry has a large number of gay actors, technicians, writers ect ect ect. Seems like a weird fit, at best.

So a guy that doesn't want to kiss another man, and get really intimate (have you ever seen True Blood) and physical has "some real issues with homosexuality" ?

Seriously ?

It's one thing to play a gay guy, and it's a whole different thing to literally have to practically have real sex with them. That's the deal here.
Well duh.
It might be acting, but the kissing and embracing is really occurring, or did you think all this time it's some sort of computer generated avatars that are kissing ?

Oh, noes, kissing and embracing.

Man, I love watching homophobes freak out. It's fucking hilarious.

I would like to know when a big black dick is tearing up your gay ass and pulls it out and it's all covered in poop if it is good form for the homo that just got his butt hammered to turn around and suck the feces off the big black dick?

Good question ay?

[MENTION=18867]HUGGY[/MENTION] - kindly refrain from insults aimed at African Americans by sugesting they associate themselves with a rancid cum guzzling faggot like Howey - Thanks

Also FYI re: Howey -
health alert issued for gay men over rising cases of Shigella dysentery
And now for the actual story.

In the show's third season, Washington became a central figure in a widely reported backstage controversy. In October 2006, rumors surfaced that Washington had insulted co-star T. R. Knight with a homophobic slur. Shortly after the details of the argument became public, Knight publicly disclosed that he was gay. The situation seemed somewhat resolved when Washington issued a statement, apologizing for his "unfortunate use of words during the recent incident on-set".[1]

The controversy later resurfaced when the cast appeared at the Golden Globes in January 2007. While being interviewed on the red carpet prior to the awards, Washington joked, "I love gay. I wanted to be gay. Please let me be gay".[2] After the show won Best Drama, Washington, in response to press queries as to any conflicts backstage, said, "I never called T.R. a faggot".[3] However, in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Knight said that "everybody heard him".

After being rebuked by his studio, Touchstone Television (now ABC Studios), Washington issued a statement apologizing at length for using the epithet in an argument with Patrick Dempsey. On January 30, 2007, a source told People magazine that Washington was scheduled to return to the Grey's Anatomy set as early as that Thursday for the first time since entering "executive counseling" after making the comments at the Golden Globes.

He got fired for insulting his co-star, who was a bigger deal on the show than he was.

well he is still working....he is a regular the TV show "The 100"....

Still working? I think that's his first job since. I like The 100. Just started watching a couple of weeks ago, they're re running the first season during the summer.

Last Resort is good too...With my twitter nemesis Adam Baldwin. :)

According to IMDB, he was part of the cast of Grey's Anatomy from 2005 to 2014. So he obviously wasn't out of work for long.

Also, IMDB lists one movie that is in post production and two more movies have been announced.

It doesn't look like he was out of work much.
so all this talk about straight guys doing gay scenes.....anybody who watches True Blood might have had a start with last nights opening scenes....

Yeah, so ? I watch True Blood, and love seeing tits and asses (womens) and I simply endure the gay shit.

And you actually make our point by posting the video, that is it's one thing to play a gay dude, and it's another thing to have to get physical with another dude. That's no doubt why this actor was against playing the part. He probably wouldn't have a problem with it, if he didn't practically have to fuck another man.
If he cannot handle being around homosexuality, he might want to rethink his career choices.

I'm sure all those on these forums who are cheering him think actors get to play all the "cool" roles, if they just demand them. But it doesn't work that way.

If you want to be an actor you have to act. You don't do roles that resemble you. You do roles that people hire you to do. Period.

You mean like Jim Parson -the Gay actor who plays Sheldon Cooper on Big Bang Theory - and the Gay Mafia is planning to Out as gay in the near future ?

Jim Parsons has been out forever. He never lied about being gay.

Jim Parsons
If he cannot handle being around homosexuality, he might want to rethink his career choices.

I'm sure all those on these forums who are cheering him think actors get to play all the "cool" roles, if they just demand them. But it doesn't work that way.

If you want to be an actor you have to act. You don't do roles that resemble you. You do roles that people hire you to do. Period.

You mean like Jim Parson -the Gay actor who plays Sheldon Cooper on Big Bang Theory - and the Gay Mafia is planning to Out as gay in the near future ?

Jim Parsons has been out forever. He never lied about being gay.

Jim Parsons

Yes the actor has - I was speaking about the character Sheldon Cooper - in a later post I stated I believed that THE CHARACTER would be "outed" eventually as Gay.

He is in a realtionship with Amy - but it is not sexual. He has a 'man crush' on Leonard and his platonic girl friend Amy has a 'girl crush' on Penny . I'm just hypothesizing that the Gay Mafia will drop a bombshell on fans with outing Sheldon and possibly Amy - in the same fashion they did with Ellen Degenerate and Rosie Odonnell
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Oh, noes, kissing and embracing.

Man, I love watching homophobes freak out. It's fucking hilarious.

I would like to know when a big black dick is tearing up your gay ass and pulls it out and it's all covered in poop if it is good form for the homo that just got his butt hammered to turn around and suck the feces off the big black dick?

Good question ay?

[MENTION=18867]HUGGY[/MENTION] - kindly refrain from insults aimed at African Americans by sugesting they associate themselves with a rancid cum guzzling faggot like Howey - Thanks

Also FYI re: Howey -
health alert issued for gay men over rising cases of Shigella dysentery

"kindly refrain from insults "

Nigga puuuleeeezzzz !!!

The Niggas and the Faggots and the Redskins..and my favorite..the thin skinned jews..can't get enough :lol: The Jews are probably the rudest pieces of crap on the planet yet cant STAND to be insulted...especially with the truth. The Pin Dicks that think they are "men" by owning a gun.. The Anti Gun morons that think guns are the problem... The Assholes and Glassholes that stick up for internet people that they don't have a clue about...

ALL fair game son... People that watch and/or play soccor...

Men that babble on about abortion...

People that think they talk to a god.

People that believe the universe is held together by "spirituality"....

When I don't get enough sleep cuz the transvestite whores and their black pimps are fighting from 2-6 in the AM out in the parking lot and I gotta get up at 7 and pack me and my dogs into the Caddy so I can work a few hours at the machine shop and I need to put things in perspective ...

Where to turn? Where to go? USMB of course.

Need an idiot that has voted against his/her/it's own best interests their whole miserable life and their daddy's and his daddy's before them? How about a "liberal" self proclaimed expert on YOUR life?

Look no further..

It's all here on USMB.

"Wait" you say "I am talking to the whole world here on the internets!!"

Sure you are Fuckbrain... :lol:

You and ten million people all talking at the same time...

All these places are good for IS INSULTING idiots.

The most usefull thing 99.999999999999% of us will ever get out of the internet is a little satisfaction insulting someone that is percieved dumber than you are.

Trust saw it on the internets !!!
And now for the actual story.

In the show's third season, Washington became a central figure in a widely reported backstage controversy. In October 2006, rumors surfaced that Washington had insulted co-star T. R. Knight with a homophobic slur. Shortly after the details of the argument became public, Knight publicly disclosed that he was gay. The situation seemed somewhat resolved when Washington issued a statement, apologizing for his "unfortunate use of words during the recent incident on-set".[1]

The controversy later resurfaced when the cast appeared at the Golden Globes in January 2007. While being interviewed on the red carpet prior to the awards, Washington joked, "I love gay. I wanted to be gay. Please let me be gay".[2] After the show won Best Drama, Washington, in response to press queries as to any conflicts backstage, said, "I never called T.R. a faggot".[3] However, in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Knight said that "everybody heard him".

After being rebuked by his studio, Touchstone Television (now ABC Studios), Washington issued a statement apologizing at length for using the epithet in an argument with Patrick Dempsey. On January 30, 2007, a source told People magazine that Washington was scheduled to return to the Grey's Anatomy set as early as that Thursday for the first time since entering "executive counseling" after making the comments at the Golden Globes.

He got fired for insulting his co-star, who was a bigger deal on the show than he was.

well he is still working....he is a regular the TV show "The 100"....

Still working? I think that's his first job since. I like The 100. Just started watching a couple of weeks ago, they're re running the first season during the summer.

Last Resort is good too...With my twitter nemesis Adam Baldwin. :)

you mean "The Last Ship"....
And now for the actual story.

In the show's third season, Washington became a central figure in a widely reported backstage controversy. In October 2006, rumors surfaced that Washington had insulted co-star T. R. Knight with a homophobic slur. Shortly after the details of the argument became public, Knight publicly disclosed that he was gay. The situation seemed somewhat resolved when Washington issued a statement, apologizing for his "unfortunate use of words during the recent incident on-set".[1]

The controversy later resurfaced when the cast appeared at the Golden Globes in January 2007. While being interviewed on the red carpet prior to the awards, Washington joked, "I love gay. I wanted to be gay. Please let me be gay".[2] After the show won Best Drama, Washington, in response to press queries as to any conflicts backstage, said, "I never called T.R. a faggot".[3] However, in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Knight said that "everybody heard him".

After being rebuked by his studio, Touchstone Television (now ABC Studios), Washington issued a statement apologizing at length for using the epithet in an argument with Patrick Dempsey. On January 30, 2007, a source told People magazine that Washington was scheduled to return to the Grey's Anatomy set as early as that Thursday for the first time since entering "executive counseling" after making the comments at the Golden Globes.

He got fired for insulting his co-star, who was a bigger deal on the show than he was.

well he is still working....he is a regular the TV show "The 100"....

Still working? I think that's his first job since. I like The 100. Just started watching a couple of weeks ago, they're re running the first season during the summer.

Last Resort is good too...With my twitter nemesis Adam Baldwin. :)

yea it is.....he left Grey in 2014 and went right into lapse in between......

2015 We Are Family (announced)
Henry Devroux
2015 Yefon (announced)
Boma (rumored)
2015 The Sin Seer (post-production)
Grant Summit

2014 The 100 (TV Series)
Chancellor Jaha
- We Are Grounders: Part 2 (2014) ... Chancellor Jaha
- We Are Grounders: Part 1 (2014) ... Chancellor Jaha
- The Calm (2014) ... Chancellor Jaha
- I Am Become Death (2014) ... Chancellor Jaha
- Unity Day (2014) ... Chancellor Jaha
Show all 13 episodes
2005-2014 Grey's Anatomy (TV Series)
Dr. Preston Burke
- We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (2014) ... Dr. Preston Burke
- Didn't We Almost Have It All? (2007) ... Dr. Preston Burke
- Testing 1-2-3 (2007) ... Dr. Preston Burke
- The Other Side of This Life: Part 2 (2007) ... Dr. Preston Burke
- The Other Side of This Life: Part 1 (2007) ... Dr. Preston Burke
Show all 62 episodes
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It isn't so much the passionate male on male love scenes. It's that they are stuck in everywhere appropriate or not. True Blood lost its interest when it was an out of the blue dream between Eric and Jason. Now poor Penny Dreadful succumbed to the same curse. I'm glad I don't pay for show time.
so all this talk about straight guys doing gay scenes.....anybody who watches True Blood might have had a start with last nights opening scenes....

Yeah, so ? I watch True Blood, and love seeing tits and asses (womens) and I simply endure the gay shit.

And you actually make our point by posting the video, that is it's one thing to play a gay dude, and it's another thing to have to get physical with another dude. That's no doubt why this actor was against playing the part. He probably wouldn't have a problem with it, if he didn't practically have to fuck another man.

yeah i watch it too.....dont get upset.....geez.....i heard they did it as a joke for the fans....

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