True Blood Actor Allegedly Left Over Show’s Gay Plot Line

Really? What agenda was revealed by this rumor?

Howey said:
If it's true he better keep his mouth shut. See: Angus T Jones and Isiah Washington.

Disagree with the gay left and there will be consequences as shown in Howey's post.

That wasn't my point. My point was actors/actresses shouldn't insert their personal opinions into their job. Jones said nothing about gays.

Unless you agree with that opinion, right?
Really? What agenda was revealed by this rumor?

Howey said:
If it's true he better keep his mouth shut. See: Angus T Jones and Isiah Washington.

Disagree with the gay left and there will be consequences as shown in Howey's post.

It seems to me that the posts here revealed more anti-gay bias than pro-gay agendas:

“In a massive fuck you to the audience every one is gay.”

“That's Takes Real Courage and committment to Standing up to The Gay Mafia”

“You will be eventually [referring to being interested in participating]. From Gomorra to Thebes every recorded city state in the ancient world that was dominated by a homosexual clique eventually allowed for rape in certain circumstances and dropped the age of consent laws to practically nothing.”

“Sean Penn is one sick motherfucker. I doubt he's completely straight after seeing the vile performance he did.”

“The better question is why is homosexuality over represented in Hollywood and the media.”

It goes both ways. But did I not say 'Yeah, but it is great fodder for the internet and it gives us the ability to point out the gay agenda and their brutality.'?
Disagree with the gay left and there will be consequences as shown in Howey's post.

That wasn't my point. My point was actors/actresses shouldn't insert their personal opinions into their job. Jones said nothing about gays.

Unless you agree with that opinion, right?

Whether I agree or disagree is a moot point.

let's put it this way: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you".
That wasn't my point. My point was actors/actresses shouldn't insert their personal opinions into their job. Jones said nothing about gays.

Unless you agree with that opinion, right?

Whether I agree or disagree is a moot point.

let's put it this way: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you".

Translation: blackmail.

If you follow your religious convictions and refuse to promote the homosexual cult, you will be fired and never work again in Tinseltown.

Thanks for that illuminating display and revelation about the cult's inner philosophy Howey.
Unless you agree with that opinion, right?

Whether I agree or disagree is a moot point.

let's put it this way: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you".

Translation: blackmail.

If you follow your religious convictions and refuse to promote the homosexual cult, you will be fired and never work again in Tinseltown.

Thanks for that illuminating display and revelation about the cult's inner philosophy Howey.

And if you are gay and a minister you will be fired. Sounds like the same thing.
Pretty funny. He's not so well known that he can afford to dictate to his bosses what he'll do. His choice though and maybe other phobes will hire him.

you ignorant troll. not wanting to do a gay scene does not mean you are homophobic.

why do you constantly lie?
Did I talk shit about your race, or did I talk shit about your shitty ass fucking culture? Go ahead and quote me and we can all see what the truth really is. :lol:

What makes you think that I'm black? You have no idea what my races are :)

"Your shitty ass fucking culture"- Godboy to Ashtara in reference those who do not identify as heterosexual

Some examples of Godboy's racist posts and disgusting Mundane bigotry:

"The black community is fucking awful"-Godboy hating on black people in "Black animal viciously attacks white mother with a toddler and threatens the toddler!!"

"I do see this as yet another example of how fucking awful black culture is" Godboy hating on black people in "McDonald's black woman viciously beats white woman"

"I will point out shitty cultures when I see them, and yeah, Indian culture is shit." -Godboy hating on Natives in "Redskins crap is just that, Liberal crap"

"I say we erase all names and imagery of Indians in this country and let them fall into obscurity, and eventually be erased from history. We should all agree to never talk about them again." -Godboy hating on Natives in "Washington Redskin Trademark Cancelled"

"My beef is with black CULTURE"- Godboy hating on black people in "An honest discussion of White privilege, by two white guys"

"The way the black community is butchering the English language clearly isn't working out for them"- Godboy hating on black people in "This is are story"

"Ladies, the vast majority of you will never stand a chance against a man. I dont care what belt you recieve at your local karate dojo, youll still lose in a physical altercation with a man...." Godboy to women in "Miss USA suggest women defend themselves"

"My god shits in the mouth of your god every day. Your god is too weak to stop my god from doing this." Godboy hating on Christians in "What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?"

"(Inner city culture is a code word for Black.) You can also call it "shit culture"."- Godboy hating on black people in "O'Reilly: Race hustlers don't want to end poverty"

"You guys have earned a TERRIBLE reputation in this country, havent you. You should try to fix your reputation, but im going to assume youll just point the finger at whitey" Godboy hating on black people in "White privilege is white incompetence"

"The cost of black rioting and looting far exceeds any money that might have been owed to actual slaves. We deserve a lot more from the black community than we are getting now. The shit weve had to put up with the past 50 years is inexcusable." Godboy hating on black people in "The case for reparations"

"Islam is one of the worst phenomenons in human history." Godboy hating on Muslims in "Fight Racism - Fight Anti- Semitism campaign begins in Washington D.C."

"This pension for glorifying violence is precisely why so many black people are in prison. Your culture has failed you and your people." Godboy hating on black people in "Putting black people in white schools solves nothing"

"The better question is what do we do about a culture that is violent and racist? The knockout game is merely one symptom of a bigger problem. The black community is producing violent racists at a level weve never seen in this country" Godboy hating on black people in "Knockout game kills again"

"Africans are without question, the most uneducated people on earth." Godboy hating on black people in "like it or not, America is becoming a post white nation"

"All you want to do is point the finger at whitey and blame him for all the troubles in your community. Your refusal to recognize your own problems is why white people outperform you in every category." Godboy hating on black people in "We have to fight for our race"

"Your people earned a very bad reputation. You should be much more concerned about it, but you seem oblivious to reality. You live in a fantasy land where black people are like everyone else. You guys have cultural problems that you refuse to address." Godboy in "We have to fight for our race"

"You find it amusing that black people arent trusted by the rest of the country? Your race will never be equal to everyone else." Godboy hating on black people in "We have to fight for our race"

"Short hair is always a bad idea ladies, but it looks even worse if youre black. Maybe thats not fair, but when is life ever fair?" Godboy hating on black women in "Lupita Nyong'o is People Magazine's Most Beautiful"

"Black people do not speak well and they are usually less educated. They have more trouble getting hired because they earned a bad reputation. If they want to be treated like everyone else, then they need to act like everyone else." Godboy hating on black people in "So there's a white privilege conference in Madison"

"Black culture has failed"- Godboy hating on black people in "Negro assaults white kid over stolen shoes"

"Its because black culture is an inferior/failed culture.

They dont speak well, they dont take care of their children, they have no snitch policies, their role models are ignorant rappers and athletes, they arent wise about how they spend money, they are loud and aggressive in public, 72% fatherless households, they watch more tv than everyone else, obesity is rampant in their community, they are permiscuous, they dont take education seriously, they are more prone to commit crime, their children often lack manners and respect, polls show that they are incredibly racist, they glorify violence, they refer to women as "bitches".... I mean you can go on and on with how much that culture sucks.

Shitty cultures breed shitty people." Godboy hating on black people in "6 Negroes assault and rape a woman 6 months pregnant"

"Yes, we know black people have a hard time pronouncing words." Godboy hating on black people in "NFL to penalize use of racial slur"

"Africa is an awful place, and its people are even worse"- Godboy hating on black people in "Slavery reparations"

"The black community really needs to get their shit together. They aren't anything like the rest of the country anymore. Its like we've been invaded by a third world nation." Godboy hating on black people in "Cyclists hit with baseball bats by gentlemen wearing hoodies"

"Well us white people got together and we discussed your demands. We have decided that you can go fuck yourself; youre never getting reparations from us. Any other questions?" Godboy hating on black people in "Slavery Reparations"

"We don't need a positive vibe; we need the black community to get their shit together." -Godboy hating on black people in "Black fathers are the best"

"...but we can all agree that black men are generally shitty fathers. How embarrassing that must be for you." -Godboy hating on black people in "Black fathers are the best"

"(Asclepias)Were the greatest...
(Godboy) producing children that become criminals and burdens on society." -Godboy hating on black people in "Black fathers are the best"

"He deserved to get beaten to death. Just another piece of shit to flush down the toilet." Godboy hating on an unarmed black man who was beaten to death by police in front of his wife and kids when he was trying to calm his wife down, in "Police beat another person of color to death"

Actually Fraudboy, I believe that last quote applies to yourself.

Thank you for proving my point. I spoke about black culture, not race. You lose! :lol:
Rock Hudson was a different era - when sexual perversion was frowned upon.

There was plenty of "sexual perversion" in Hollywood in his day. Homosexuality was the least of it. Everyone there knew Rock was gay, just like they knew Paul Lynde was gay. They just kept quiet because it didn't matter.

I didn't know Paul Lynde was a fag - interesting - but I disagree about them keeping it quiet because "it didn't matter" they kept it quiet because it did matter . And your glass is still half empty.

I just found out Liberaci was a homo... You could have knocked me over with a feather !
Hey, you know what else True Blood is famous for.

Characters drinking blood.

Now, since i know that no one actually drinks blood on that show (I hope) it probably involves a thing called Acting.

Well duh.
It might be acting, but the kissing and embracing is really occurring, or did you think all this time it's some sort of computer generated avatars that are kissing ?

Oh, noes, kissing and embracing.

Man, I love watching homophobes freak out. It's fucking hilarious.

I would like to know when a big black dick is tearing up your gay ass and pulls it out and it's all covered in poop if it is good form for the homo that just got his butt hammered to turn around and suck the feces off the big black dick?

Good question ay?
Isn't it interesting that [MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION] thinks everyone has sexual relations prior to marriage?

No it's not. Nor is anything out of the keyboard of a queer pervert like you and that queer
pervert in your avatar.

There was plenty of "sexual perversion" in Hollywood in his day. Homosexuality was the least of it. Everyone there knew Rock was gay, just like they knew Paul Lynde was gay. They just kept quiet because it didn't matter.

I didn't know Paul Lynde was a fag - interesting - but I disagree about them keeping it quiet because "it didn't matter" they kept it quiet because it did matter . And your glass is still half empty.

I just found out Liberaci was a homo... You could have knocked me over with a feather !

You're kidding Liberace -I thought he was just a pedophile - oh yeah homo / pedophile - thin line - basically the same thing.
The guy who plays Lafayette is straight. The guy who plays Jason is, hard to believe, Australian. When the guys "kiss", they don't swap spit. And their "parts" are always covered as required by the union. Reagan was voted head of the Screen Actor's Guild "6" times.

Sounds like you have personal experience.

With unions? Sadly no.

The rest even a tard could find out on the Internet. If they knew how. Not everyone does, right?
In case you all missed the underlying theme and operation going on with the LGBT cult in all these seemingly-unrelated actions, promotion of gay themes in media etc. It's the purposeful replacement of mainstream morality, on both secular common-sense and religious fronts, with a religion of self-indulgent/degenerate dogma. It's also known as "satanism". One of the main promoters of GLAAD in Hollywood was deeply involved in sorcery and IMHO never left it. The speciality of this particular type of sorcery is the manipulation of perception and human awareness.

And in all of this, children and their rights to be protected almost never enter the conversation. They are like an afterthought, chattel, collateral damage...
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so all this talk about straight guys doing gay scenes.....anybody who watches True Blood might have had a start with last nights opening scenes....

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In case you all missed the underlying theme and operation going on with the LGBT cult in all these seemingly-unrelated actions, promotion of gay themes in media etc. It's the purposeful replacement of mainstream morality, on both secular common-sense and religious fronts, with a religion of self-indulgent/degenerate dogma. It's also known as "satanism". One of the main promoters of GLAAD in Hollywood was deeply involved in sorcery and IMHO never left it. The speciality of this particular type of sorcery is the manipulation of perception and human awareness.

And in all of this, children and their rights to be protected almost never enter the conversation. They are like an afterthought, chattel, collateral damage...

Maybe you should edit your signature so that it doesn't talk about the sodomy of children in every one of your posts.
Isaiah Washington, Greys Anatomy star claimed nobody in Hollywood would touch him after he uttered an anti-gay slur backstage at the 2007 Golden Globe Awards.

And now for the actual story.

In the show's third season, Washington became a central figure in a widely reported backstage controversy. In October 2006, rumors surfaced that Washington had insulted co-star T. R. Knight with a homophobic slur. Shortly after the details of the argument became public, Knight publicly disclosed that he was gay. The situation seemed somewhat resolved when Washington issued a statement, apologizing for his "unfortunate use of words during the recent incident on-set".[1]

The controversy later resurfaced when the cast appeared at the Golden Globes in January 2007. While being interviewed on the red carpet prior to the awards, Washington joked, "I love gay. I wanted to be gay. Please let me be gay".[2] After the show won Best Drama, Washington, in response to press queries as to any conflicts backstage, said, "I never called T.R. a faggot".[3] However, in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Knight said that "everybody heard him".

After being rebuked by his studio, Touchstone Television (now ABC Studios), Washington issued a statement apologizing at length for using the epithet in an argument with Patrick Dempsey. On January 30, 2007, a source told People magazine that Washington was scheduled to return to the Grey's Anatomy set as early as that Thursday for the first time since entering "executive counseling" after making the comments at the Golden Globes.

He got fired for insulting his co-star, who was a bigger deal on the show than he was.
In case you all missed the underlying theme and operation going on with the LGBT cult in all these seemingly-unrelated actions, promotion of gay themes in media etc. It's the purposeful replacement of mainstream morality, on both secular common-sense and religious fronts, with a religion of self-indulgent/degenerate dogma. It's also known as "satanism". One of the main promoters of GLAAD in Hollywood was deeply involved in sorcery and IMHO never left it. The speciality of this particular type of sorcery is the manipulation of perception and human awareness.

And in all of this, children and their rights to be protected almost never enter the conversation. They are like an afterthought, chattel, collateral damage...

Oh, Noes "Satan".


Reading the Bible, I'm still trying to figure out why Satan was the bad guy, exactly.

God drowned every baby in the world, then fried every baby in Sodom and Gomorrah, then killed all the first born babies in Egypt. And Satan hasn't even shown up in the story yet.

IN fact, when Satan does show up (after God has slaughtered a shitload more people, including killing a bunch of kids for making fun of a bald guy!) he finally does kill some people- ON A BET WITH GOD THAT GOD TOTALLY APPROVES OF. (This would be the Book of Job, the best argument for Atheism in the Bible.)

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