True history of the birther movement: Telegraph UK 2011

Being in the "national media" doesn't answer the question. The national media is huge. You're begging the question still and just having it appear in your hands. Since you aren't talking to the author ...

How do you find it?

The same way Vanity Fair did when they referenced the NY Times article in their 1990 piece about Obama.

Something you insist can't be done. And Venity Fair demonstrates most definitely could be.

Now....the questions that send you screaming like the were carrying a butcher knife:

1) Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya?"

2) Why would they have agreed to represent Obama if they didn't know anything about him?

3) Why wouldn't they have read all they could on the man before agreeing to represent him?

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. You're always great for the endorphins!
you raise a good point sky, where did Kenya come from.

Apparently Miriam Goderich got the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama.

Why didn't she say that? Why is it suddenly speculation is OK when you are doing it?

Occam's razor. One is plausible, the other birther nonsense.

Goderich getting the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama makes perfect sense. And matches the evidence.

Kaz's narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'. Is backed by nothing. Is pointlessly elaborate. Doesn't make the slightest sense. And is contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

Occam's razor indeed.
There are two steps. It being there and finding it. Both of you run and hide every time I ask how you'd find it. This is 1991, there is no web.

How ... do ... you ... find ... it ... ?

From the news reports that brought Barack Obama to the agencies attention in the first place.

You confuse your refusing to accept anyone else's answer with not being given one.

Both Skylar and I have pointed out that the biographical information about Barack Obama was available in national media reports- the same reports which likely brought Barack Obama to their attention.

But what you still haven't provided is any proof for your claims that Barack Obama was the first Birther.

None- nada- zilch-zero.

So why do you keep making the same lies- over and over......?

Being in the "national media" doesn't answer the question. The national media is huge. You're begging the question still and just having it appear in your hands. Since you aren't talking to the author ...

How do you find it?

The same way Vanity Fair did when they referenced the NY Times article in their 1990 piece about Obama.

Something you insist can't be done. And Venity Fair demonstrates most definitely could be.

Now....the questions that send you screaming like the were carrying a butcher knife:

1) Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya?"

2) Why would they have agreed to represent Obama if they didn't know anything about him?

3) Why wouldn't they have read all they could on the man before agreeing to represent him?

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. You're always great for the endorphins!
you raise a good point sky, where did Kenya come from.

Apparently Miriam Goderich got the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama.
i was going to say she conflated the "son" with barack senior, who actually lived in connecticut for several years... (bill oreilly). junior's life is a hard biography to pin down.
From the news reports that brought Barack Obama to the agencies attention in the first place.

You confuse your refusing to accept anyone else's answer with not being given one.

Both Skylar and I have pointed out that the biographical information about Barack Obama was available in national media reports- the same reports which likely brought Barack Obama to their attention.

But what you still haven't provided is any proof for your claims that Barack Obama was the first Birther.

None- nada- zilch-zero.

So why do you keep making the same lies- over and over......?

Being in the "national media" doesn't answer the question. The national media is huge. You're begging the question still and just having it appear in your hands. Since you aren't talking to the author ...

How do you find it?

The same way Vanity Fair did when they referenced the NY Times article in their 1990 piece about Obama.

Something you insist can't be done. And Venity Fair demonstrates most definitely could be.

Now....the questions that send you screaming like the were carrying a butcher knife:

1) Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya?"

2) Why would they have agreed to represent Obama if they didn't know anything about him?

3) Why wouldn't they have read all they could on the man before agreeing to represent him?

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. You're always great for the endorphins!
you raise a good point sky, where did Kenya come from.

Apparently Miriam Goderich got the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama.
i was going to say she conflated the "son" with barack senior, who actually lived in connecticut for several years... (bill oreilly). junior's life is a hard biography to pin down.
i'd love to know what birth certificate he carried around, as recounted in that book bill ayers wrote for him. i'd like to know how they didn't know who bill ayers was, when he launched his campaign in the terrorists' (plural) living room.

no, i'm confident this story isn't quite finished being told told yet.

there are a thousand cross referenced anomalies.
Last edited:
You said that before, he wasn't interviewed about his background later, he was interviewed about it up front. He lied about Kenya when they hired him, not when they wrote the bio. That works, I already told you that. So we have established he was the original birther, just as I said

You pulling your pet theory out of your ass doesn't establish anything other than you pull crap out of your ass and call it a fact.

Here is a fact:

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii."

Here is a lie:

Kaz: So we have established he was the original birther, just as I said

Yup. Kaz is a liar. He can't back any of his claims with evidence. And he knows it. All while being contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And of course, his entire narrative is just bone stupid.

As why would the Literary Agency have agreed to represent Obama if they knew nothing about him? How would they even know he existed?

Its the stupidest fucking argument I've ever heard. And the birthers have produced some stunningly stupid arguments.

Yep- and it takes its usual Kaz Kourse

  1. Kaz claims that Barack Obama was the first Birther- claims Obama said he was born in Kenya to his publisher.
  2. When challenged to provide proof, Kaz demands everyone else explain how the words ended up in the pamphlet
  3. When it is pointed out that the publisher said it was a mistake- and that specifically Barack Obama never told her he was born in Kenya, Kaz says she must be lying.
  4. When Kaz's fantasy is indulged, and we provide possible scenario's- he ignores them all including that there was a Barack Obama who was born in Kenya.
But be careful what you say- Kaz might put you on Ignore!


Actually the ignore threat was for in the middle of the discussion saying I don't believe Obama because I'm a racist. It had nothing to do with the discussion. I'm sick of you leftist race sluts who keep trotting out that tired canard every time you're losing an arument

LOL.....yet you have yet to deny that race is the reason for your lie about Barack Obama.
if kaz is a racist then you guys are too. ignore is wonderful, i have a long list, some racist, some race baiters, we have both. it used to scare people off, not anymore.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Being in the "national media" doesn't answer the question. The national media is huge. You're begging the question still and just having it appear in your hands. Since you aren't talking to the author ...

How do you find it?

The same way Vanity Fair did when they referenced the NY Times article in their 1990 piece about Obama.

Something you insist can't be done. And Venity Fair demonstrates most definitely could be.

Now....the questions that send you screaming like the were carrying a butcher knife:

1) Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya?"

2) Why would they have agreed to represent Obama if they didn't know anything about him?

3) Why wouldn't they have read all they could on the man before agreeing to represent him?

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. You're always great for the endorphins!
you raise a good point sky, where did Kenya come from.

Apparently Miriam Goderich got the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama.

Why didn't she say that? Why is it suddenly speculation is OK when you are doing it?

Occam's razor. One is plausible, the other birther nonsense.

LOL, it cracks me up when you try to use big words.

So you think there are fewer assumptions with that biographies appear out of mid air, information about unknown people is found in newspapers with their names not indexed to anything and then other people are responsible for fact checking that rather than the author just says what their background is? Of course you do ...

You're truly that big a simpleton, aren't you? Classic
You pulling your pet theory out of your ass doesn't establish anything other than you pull crap out of your ass and call it a fact.

Here is a fact:

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii."

Here is a lie:

Kaz: So we have established he was the original birther, just as I said

Yup. Kaz is a liar. He can't back any of his claims with evidence. And he knows it. All while being contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And of course, his entire narrative is just bone stupid.

As why would the Literary Agency have agreed to represent Obama if they knew nothing about him? How would they even know he existed?

Its the stupidest fucking argument I've ever heard. And the birthers have produced some stunningly stupid arguments.

Yep- and it takes its usual Kaz Kourse

  1. Kaz claims that Barack Obama was the first Birther- claims Obama said he was born in Kenya to his publisher.
  2. When challenged to provide proof, Kaz demands everyone else explain how the words ended up in the pamphlet
  3. When it is pointed out that the publisher said it was a mistake- and that specifically Barack Obama never told her he was born in Kenya, Kaz says she must be lying.
  4. When Kaz's fantasy is indulged, and we provide possible scenario's- he ignores them all including that there was a Barack Obama who was born in Kenya.
But be careful what you say- Kaz might put you on Ignore!


Actually the ignore threat was for in the middle of the discussion saying I don't believe Obama because I'm a racist. It had nothing to do with the discussion. I'm sick of you leftist race sluts who keep trotting out that tired canard every time you're losing an arument

LOL.....yet you have yet to deny that race is the reason for your lie about Barack Obama.
if kaz is a racist then you guys are too. ignore is wonderful, i have a long list, some racist, some race baiters, we have both. it used to scare people off, not anymore.

In fairness, only Syriously called me a racist. That's why he's the only one that went to ignore
The same way Vanity Fair did when they referenced the NY Times article in their 1990 piece about Obama.

Something you insist can't be done. And Venity Fair demonstrates most definitely could be.

Now....the questions that send you screaming like the were carrying a butcher knife:

1) Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya?"

2) Why would they have agreed to represent Obama if they didn't know anything about him?

3) Why wouldn't they have read all they could on the man before agreeing to represent him?

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. You're always great for the endorphins!
you raise a good point sky, where did Kenya come from.

Apparently Miriam Goderich got the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama.

Why didn't she say that? Why is it suddenly speculation is OK when you are doing it?

Occam's razor. One is plausible, the other birther nonsense.

Goderich getting the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama makes perfect sense. And matches the evidence.

Kaz's narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'. Is backed by nothing. Is pointlessly elaborate. Doesn't make the slightest sense. And is contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

Occam's razor indeed.
ockham would say "not much evidence on either side, overwhelming or otherwise."
The same way Vanity Fair did when they referenced the NY Times article in their 1990 piece about Obama.

Something you insist can't be done. And Venity Fair demonstrates most definitely could be.

Now....the questions that send you screaming like the were carrying a butcher knife:

1) Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya?"

2) Why would they have agreed to represent Obama if they didn't know anything about him?

3) Why wouldn't they have read all they could on the man before agreeing to represent him?

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. You're always great for the endorphins!
you raise a good point sky, where did Kenya come from.

Apparently Miriam Goderich got the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama.

Why didn't she say that? Why is it suddenly speculation is OK when you are doing it?

Occam's razor. One is plausible, the other birther nonsense.

Goderich getting the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama makes perfect sense. And matches the evidence.

Kaz's narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'. Is backed by nothing. Is pointlessly elaborate. Doesn't make the slightest sense. And is contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

Occam's razor indeed.

Begging the question. Once again when asked how in 1991 they find all those references, you just assume that they do. Again I did actual research then, actually starting about then since I started my first graduate degree in 1991 and going on the next several years through two masters degrees. I have no idea how you'd find random blurbs about unknown authors.

We have that in common, you don't either. Just so you know, it wasn't possible. Obviously you talk to the author. My background was verified for the first time in 1994 when I worked in global investment banking. They had to ask me questions even though they had my full resume. No way a publisher had access to better background checkers than wall street does
Yup. Kaz is a liar. He can't back any of his claims with evidence. And he knows it. All while being contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And of course, his entire narrative is just bone stupid.

As why would the Literary Agency have agreed to represent Obama if they knew nothing about him? How would they even know he existed?

Its the stupidest fucking argument I've ever heard. And the birthers have produced some stunningly stupid arguments.

Yep- and it takes its usual Kaz Kourse

  1. Kaz claims that Barack Obama was the first Birther- claims Obama said he was born in Kenya to his publisher.
  2. When challenged to provide proof, Kaz demands everyone else explain how the words ended up in the pamphlet
  3. When it is pointed out that the publisher said it was a mistake- and that specifically Barack Obama never told her he was born in Kenya, Kaz says she must be lying.
  4. When Kaz's fantasy is indulged, and we provide possible scenario's- he ignores them all including that there was a Barack Obama who was born in Kenya.
But be careful what you say- Kaz might put you on Ignore!


Actually the ignore threat was for in the middle of the discussion saying I don't believe Obama because I'm a racist. It had nothing to do with the discussion. I'm sick of you leftist race sluts who keep trotting out that tired canard every time you're losing an arument

LOL.....yet you have yet to deny that race is the reason for your lie about Barack Obama.
if kaz is a racist then you guys are too. ignore is wonderful, i have a long list, some racist, some race baiters, we have both. it used to scare people off, not anymore.

In fairness, only Syriously called me a racist. That's why he's the only one that went to ignore
you're not a racist, they know that.
that's the coward's argument as far as i'm concerned, to call racist, not in asking questions about obama or anyone else. they know that too. one day we'll find out what obama's hiding.
syrius gets the other two going... maybe i'll ignore him too... heh.
you raise a good point sky, where did Kenya come from.

Apparently Miriam Goderich got the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama.

Why didn't she say that? Why is it suddenly speculation is OK when you are doing it?

Occam's razor. One is plausible, the other birther nonsense.

Goderich getting the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama makes perfect sense. And matches the evidence.

Kaz's narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'. Is backed by nothing. Is pointlessly elaborate. Doesn't make the slightest sense. And is contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

Occam's razor indeed.
ockham would say "not much evidence on either side, overwhelming or otherwise."

I don't agree on that one.

1) They asked the author what his background was

2) They wrote a biography in 1991 about an unknown author without talking to him

Clearly Occam's razor would say number 2 requires far more assumptions and therefore Obama did say he was born in Kenya.

Just in case you didn't read all this, I actually think Obama was born in Hawaii, I just think he was being an elitist snob and liked the idea of being born somewhere else so he could look down at his long liberal nose at the rest of us and lied that he was born in Kenya
Yep- and it takes its usual Kaz Kourse

  1. Kaz claims that Barack Obama was the first Birther- claims Obama said he was born in Kenya to his publisher.
  2. When challenged to provide proof, Kaz demands everyone else explain how the words ended up in the pamphlet
  3. When it is pointed out that the publisher said it was a mistake- and that specifically Barack Obama never told her he was born in Kenya, Kaz says she must be lying.
  4. When Kaz's fantasy is indulged, and we provide possible scenario's- he ignores them all including that there was a Barack Obama who was born in Kenya.
But be careful what you say- Kaz might put you on Ignore!


Actually the ignore threat was for in the middle of the discussion saying I don't believe Obama because I'm a racist. It had nothing to do with the discussion. I'm sick of you leftist race sluts who keep trotting out that tired canard every time you're losing an arument

LOL.....yet you have yet to deny that race is the reason for your lie about Barack Obama.
if kaz is a racist then you guys are too. ignore is wonderful, i have a long list, some racist, some race baiters, we have both. it used to scare people off, not anymore.

In fairness, only Syriously called me a racist. That's why he's the only one that went to ignore
you're not a racist, they know that.
that's the coward's argument as far as i'm concerned, to call racist, not in asking questions about obama or anyone else. they know that too. one day we'll find out what obama's hiding.
syrius gets the other two going... maybe i'll ignore him too... heh.

Exactly, it's their go to strategy when they are losing an argument. I'm just tired of it. I thought when I started ignoring race whores I was going to have to ignore a lot more than I did though, it turns out in my experience it's certain liberals who keep doing it. You make them go away, the site becomes a lot less annoying. The ignore on this site is pretty good, they do just disappear
Apparently Miriam Goderich got the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama.

Why didn't she say that? Why is it suddenly speculation is OK when you are doing it?

Occam's razor. One is plausible, the other birther nonsense.

Goderich getting the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama makes perfect sense. And matches the evidence.

Kaz's narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'. Is backed by nothing. Is pointlessly elaborate. Doesn't make the slightest sense. And is contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

Occam's razor indeed.
ockham would say "not much evidence on either side, overwhelming or otherwise."

I don't agree on that one.

1) They asked the author what his background was

2) They wrote a biography in 1991 about an unknown author without talking to him

Clearly Occam's razor would say number 2 requires far more assumptions and therefore Obama did say he was born in Kenya.

Just in case you didn't read all this, I actually think Obama was born in Hawaii, I just think he was being an elitist snob and liked the idea of being born somewhere else so he could look down at his long liberal nose at the rest of us and lied that he was born in Kenya
the problem with that is ivy league schools putting their sterling reputations and billion dollars endowments at risk. i think he was born in mombassa and he's older than he says.
you raise a good point sky, where did Kenya come from.

Apparently Miriam Goderich got the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama.

Why didn't she say that? Why is it suddenly speculation is OK when you are doing it?

Occam's razor. One is plausible, the other birther nonsense.

Goderich getting the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama makes perfect sense. And matches the evidence.

Kaz's narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'. Is backed by nothing. Is pointlessly elaborate. Doesn't make the slightest sense. And is contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

Occam's razor indeed.

Begging the question.

Occam's razro is not begging the question. Your argument is pointlessly complicated. A literary agency with no access to any newspaper or ability to research who agreed to represent a 1st time writer without knowing anything about him, only to lie for him decades later about an obscure pamphlet?

That's uselessly elaborate, poorly thought through, and factually baseless.

Your argument simply makes no sense. Nor can you back it with anything. Just your imagination.

Once again when asked how in 1991 they find all those references, you just assume that they do.

Why the same way that Vanity Fair did, of course. They not only cited the NY Times article, they quoted it.

Demonstrating definitively that these articles were accessible. You now need to prove that they weren't, that the literary agency that represented Obama couldn't have accessed them, and that they had never read any of the articles written about Obama before representing him.

You can't. You're done.
Actually the ignore threat was for in the middle of the discussion saying I don't believe Obama because I'm a racist. It had nothing to do with the discussion. I'm sick of you leftist race sluts who keep trotting out that tired canard every time you're losing an arument

LOL.....yet you have yet to deny that race is the reason for your lie about Barack Obama.
if kaz is a racist then you guys are too. ignore is wonderful, i have a long list, some racist, some race baiters, we have both. it used to scare people off, not anymore.

In fairness, only Syriously called me a racist. That's why he's the only one that went to ignore
you're not a racist, they know that.
that's the coward's argument as far as i'm concerned, to call racist, not in asking questions about obama or anyone else. they know that too. one day we'll find out what obama's hiding.
syrius gets the other two going... maybe i'll ignore him too... heh.

Exactly, it's their go to strategy when they are losing an argument. I'm just tired of it. I thought when I started ignoring race whores I was going to have to ignore a lot more than I did though, it turns out in my experience it's certain liberals who keep doing it. You make them go away, the site becomes a lot less annoying. The ignore on this site is pretty good, they do just disappear
asking questions still rattles their cages, so maybe there's a clue.
The same way Vanity Fair did when they referenced the NY Times article in their 1990 piece about Obama.

Something you insist can't be done. And Venity Fair demonstrates most definitely could be.

Now....the questions that send you screaming like the were carrying a butcher knife:

1) Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya?"

2) Why would they have agreed to represent Obama if they didn't know anything about him?

3) Why wouldn't they have read all they could on the man before agreeing to represent him?

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. You're always great for the endorphins!
you raise a good point sky, where did Kenya come from.

Apparently Miriam Goderich got the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama.

Why didn't she say that? Why is it suddenly speculation is OK when you are doing it?

Occam's razor. One is plausible, the other birther nonsense.

LOL, it cracks me up when you try to use big words. thought those were big words? You and Trump must have had the same English Teacher.

So you think there are fewer assumptions with that biographies appear out of mid air, information about unknown people is found in newspapers with their names not indexed to anything and then other people are responsible for fact checking that rather than the author just says what their background is? Of course you do

It was a simple mistake. How do we know? TYhe woman who assembled the pamphlet and worked at the agency confirmed it:

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

You pretend you know better than a person that worked there. And of course, you don't.

So what else have you got?
LOL.....yet you have yet to deny that race is the reason for your lie about Barack Obama.
if kaz is a racist then you guys are too. ignore is wonderful, i have a long list, some racist, some race baiters, we have both. it used to scare people off, not anymore.

In fairness, only Syriously called me a racist. That's why he's the only one that went to ignore
you're not a racist, they know that.
that's the coward's argument as far as i'm concerned, to call racist, not in asking questions about obama or anyone else. they know that too. one day we'll find out what obama's hiding.
syrius gets the other two going... maybe i'll ignore him too... heh.

Exactly, it's their go to strategy when they are losing an argument. I'm just tired of it. I thought when I started ignoring race whores I was going to have to ignore a lot more than I did though, it turns out in my experience it's certain liberals who keep doing it. You make them go away, the site becomes a lot less annoying. The ignore on this site is pretty good, they do just disappear
asking questions still rattles their cages, so maybe there's a clue.

Nope. Nor does your ignoring the answers. But the latter does inspire quite a few giggles.
From the news reports that brought Barack Obama to the agencies attention in the first place.

You confuse your refusing to accept anyone else's answer with not being given one.

Both Skylar and I have pointed out that the biographical information about Barack Obama was available in national media reports- the same reports which likely brought Barack Obama to their attention.

But what you still haven't provided is any proof for your claims that Barack Obama was the first Birther.

None- nada- zilch-zero.

So why do you keep making the same lies- over and over......?

Being in the "national media" doesn't answer the question. The national media is huge. You're begging the question still and just having it appear in your hands. Since you aren't talking to the author ...

How do you find it?

The same way Vanity Fair did when they referenced the NY Times article in their 1990 piece about Obama.

Something you insist can't be done. And Venity Fair demonstrates most definitely could be.

Now....the questions that send you screaming like the were carrying a butcher knife:

1) Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya?"

2) Why would they have agreed to represent Obama if they didn't know anything about him?

3) Why wouldn't they have read all they could on the man before agreeing to represent him?

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. You're always great for the endorphins!
you raise a good point sky, where did Kenya come from.

Apparently Miriam Goderich got the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama.
i was going to say she conflated the "son" with barack senior, who actually lived in connecticut for several years... (bill oreilly). junior's life is a hard biography to pin down.

She apparently mixed up Barack Hussein Obama who was born in Kenya with Barack Hussein Obama that was born in Hawaii.

You ignore her when she admits to having made a mistake. And then make up whatever narraitve you like. Your problem comes in convincing me or anyone else why I should care what nonsense you make up, or what facts you ignore.

Hell, you're still stuck on why you ignore the State of Hawaii on its own vital documents. So willful ignorance clearly isn't new to you or your process.
Yep- and it takes its usual Kaz Kourse

  1. Kaz claims that Barack Obama was the first Birther- claims Obama said he was born in Kenya to his publisher.
  2. When challenged to provide proof, Kaz demands everyone else explain how the words ended up in the pamphlet
  3. When it is pointed out that the publisher said it was a mistake- and that specifically Barack Obama never told her he was born in Kenya, Kaz says she must be lying.
  4. When Kaz's fantasy is indulged, and we provide possible scenario's- he ignores them all including that there was a Barack Obama who was born in Kenya.
But be careful what you say- Kaz might put you on Ignore!


Actually the ignore threat was for in the middle of the discussion saying I don't believe Obama because I'm a racist. It had nothing to do with the discussion. I'm sick of you leftist race sluts who keep trotting out that tired canard every time you're losing an arument

LOL.....yet you have yet to deny that race is the reason for your lie about Barack Obama.
if kaz is a racist then you guys are too. ignore is wonderful, i have a long list, some racist, some race baiters, we have both. it used to scare people off, not anymore.

In fairness, only Syriously called me a racist. That's why he's the only one that went to ignore
you're not a racist, they know that.
that's the coward's argument as far as i'm concerned, to call racist, not in asking questions about obama or anyone else. they know that too. one day we'll find out what obama's hiding.
syrius gets the other two going... maybe i'll ignore him too... heh. day you'll realize that your imagination doesn't define reality. And ignoring overwhelming evidence that contradicts you wasn't the brightest of ideas.

All reasonable doubts were met with his COLB in 2008. And again with his LFBC in 2011. What's left are unreasonable doubts.
Apparently Miriam Goderich got the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama.

Why didn't she say that? Why is it suddenly speculation is OK when you are doing it?

Occam's razor. One is plausible, the other birther nonsense.

Goderich getting the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama makes perfect sense. And matches the evidence.

Kaz's narrative might as well begin with 'once upon a time'. Is backed by nothing. Is pointlessly elaborate. Doesn't make the slightest sense. And is contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

Occam's razor indeed.

Begging the question.

Occam's razro is not begging the question. Your argument is pointlessly complicated. A literary agency with no access to any newspaper or ability to research who agreed to represent a 1st time writer without knowing anything about him, only to lie for him decades later about an obscure pamphlet?

That's uselessly elaborate, poorly thought through, and factually baseless.

Your argument simply makes no sense. Nor can you back it with anything. Just your imagination.

Once again when asked how in 1991 they find all those references, you just assume that they do.

Why the same way that Vanity Fair did, of course. They not only cited the NY Times article, they quoted it.

Demonstrating definitively that these articles were accessible. You now need to prove that they weren't, that the literary agency that represented Obama couldn't have accessed them, and that they had never read any of the articles written about Obama before representing him.

You can't. You're done.

They didn't lie, they were vague. I keep saying that. How stupid are you?

But yeah, I do have these crazy scenarios that unknown people contribute to their own biographies. Then again I was on both sides doing research and having my background checked in the early nineties, so unlike you I know what I'm talking about. You're used to that by now
Actually the ignore threat was for in the middle of the discussion saying I don't believe Obama because I'm a racist. It had nothing to do with the discussion. I'm sick of you leftist race sluts who keep trotting out that tired canard every time you're losing an arument

LOL.....yet you have yet to deny that race is the reason for your lie about Barack Obama.
if kaz is a racist then you guys are too. ignore is wonderful, i have a long list, some racist, some race baiters, we have both. it used to scare people off, not anymore.

In fairness, only Syriously called me a racist. That's why he's the only one that went to ignore
you're not a racist, they know that.
that's the coward's argument as far as i'm concerned, to call racist, not in asking questions about obama or anyone else. they know that too. one day we'll find out what obama's hiding.
syrius gets the other two going... maybe i'll ignore him too... heh.

Exactly, it's their go to strategy when they are losing an argument. I'm just tired of it. I thought when I started ignoring race whores I was going to have to ignore a lot more than I did though, it turns out in my experience it's certain liberals who keep doing it. You make them go away, the site becomes a lot less annoying. The ignore on this site is pretty good, they do just disappear

My strategy is simple: Miriam Goderich's account is evidence.

Yours isn't.

Thus, only one of us is basing our perception on evidence. And its not you. Yours is purely speculative, backed by nothing, contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

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