True history of the birther movement: Telegraph UK 2011

Wouldn't that be enough to make my claim that Kaz is a racist 'truish'- you know- like Kaz keeps claiming about President Obama?

Bye bye

Run away, run away......LO


The problem is Kaz has no problem lying about President Obama.

But when I pose a theoretical lie about him- he runs off like a 4 year old girl frightened by a mouse.

He can't explain why his lie is okay- whereas a lie about him being a racist is not okay.
Let us imagine that I said:

Kaz attacks President Obama because Kaz is a racist who hates blacks.

Would that be a lie?

I don't have Kaz actually saying that he opposes Obama because President Obama is black but I can't think of any other reason for him to make that claim- and no one has(or will be able) to present any alternative explanation of why Kaz is attacking President Obama.

Wouldn't that be enough to make my claim that Kaz is a racist 'truish'- you know- like Kaz keeps claiming about President Obama?

Gotcha, it's because I'm a racist. Welcome back to my ignore list

Since you don't normally do this, I'll give you a warning instead. But I've had it with you leftist race whore's who in discussions about Obama on topics with nothing to do with race just play the racism card. I've found removing about a dozen of you ends my seeing it.

Do you think I give a fuck if you run away by using the Ignore button? All I will be doing is pointing out what a fucking liar and coward you are to everyone who reads your posts.

I will repeat what I said-

Let us imagine that I said:

Kaz attacks President Obama because Kaz is a racist who hates blacks.

Would that be a lie?

I don't have Kaz actually saying that he opposes Obama because President Obama is black but I can't think of any other reason for him to make that claim- and no one has(or will be able) to present any alternative explanation of why Kaz is attacking President Obama.

Wouldn't that be enough to make my claim that Kaz is a racist 'truish'- you know- like Kaz keeps claiming about President Obama?

What is different from me claiming you are a racist- and you claiming that Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya?

Really- point out the difference- or better yet- run away and put me on ignore.

There was no question about what you think or how you feel in my post. It was informational. The choice is yours. Next time out of the blue you call me a racist you're gone. I won't care then what you think about it then just like I don't care now. The choice is yours

Do you think I give a fuck if you run away by using the Ignore button?

All I will be doing is pointing out what a fucking liar and coward you are to everyone who reads your posts.

I will repeat what I said-

Let us imagine that I said:

Kaz attacks President Obama because Kaz is a racist who hates blacks.

Would that be a lie?

I don't have Kaz actually saying that he opposes Obama because President Obama is black but I can't think of any other reason for him to make that claim- and no one has(or will be able) to present any alternative explanation of why Kaz is attacking President Obama.

Wouldn't that be enough to make my claim that Kaz is a racist 'truish'- you know- like Kaz keeps claiming about President Obama?

What is different from me claiming you are a racist- and you claiming that Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya?

Really- point out the difference- or better yet- run away and put me on ignore.

I think you will choose ignore- because you are too big of a coward to answer the question.

And I was absolutely correct- Kaz took the cowards way out- because he can't handle the truth

All I will be doing is pointing out what a fucking liar and coward you are to everyone who reads your posts.

I will repeat what I said-

Let us imagine that I said:

Kaz attacks President Obama because Kaz is a racist who hates blacks.

Would that be a lie?

I don't have Kaz actually saying that he opposes Obama because President Obama is black but I can't think of any other reason for him to make that claim- and no one has(or will be able) to present any alternative explanation of why Kaz is attacking President Obama.

Wouldn't that be enough to make my claim that Kaz is a racist 'truish'- you know- like Kaz keeps claiming about President Obama?

What is different from me claiming you are a racist- and you claiming that Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya?

Really- point out the difference- or better yet- run away and put me on ignore.


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:cool:asking questions still rattles their cages, so maybe there's a clue.

Nope. Nor does your ignoring the answers. But the latter does inspire quite a few giggles.

You've never answered how they find blurbs about unknown people once.

The same way Vanity Fair did. They cited the NY Times article with quotes. You insist that couldn't be done. Your claim was debunked. It can and was done.

Now you need to prove that the literary agency couldn't look up those articles, was unaware any existed, didn't read anything written about Obama in any of these publications, and chose to represent Obama without knowing a thing about him.

You can't. You're done. As your argument breaks on the same question it has for months:

Q: Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya.

A: No one.

Again, you don't know that Vanity Fair didn't just ask Obama.

That would provide them with knowledge of the articles existence. But not the quote.

You assume, based on nothing, that new paper articles couuldnt' be researched in 1991. Vanity Fair proves they could be.

Your baseless assumptions are debunked.

And "the same way Vanity Fair did" isn't an answer. How did they do it? I researched then, it was tedious for broad information. No one indexed all the random people mentioned in blurbs across the country

Obviously it is. As Vanity Fair's citation is a clear, undeniable demonstration that what you insist couldn't be done....was done. The article was accessed and cited.

What else have you got? So far your imagination hasn't amounted to much.

How did Vanity Fair prove that? They found the article by researching it independently? Bull shit, you're assuming facts not in evidence
No, they weren't. Goderich was extremely specific and direct

Then why can't you answer the first question? Who was "us?" And don't guess, identify how you know that

Laughing....says the guy that ignores Miriam Goderich and makes up his own fantasy.

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

That's evidence contradicting you. You claim Obama said he was born in Kenya.

Prove it.

I haven't rejected anything Miriam said, I said it's vague. You really are an idiot, it's not that complicated

Then the issue is settled:

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

The mistake was Miriam Goderich's. Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

That was easy.

Miriam never said she said Obama was born in Kenya either, she said she didn't fact check it, you just solved nothing
No, they weren't. Goderich was extremely specific and direct

Then why can't you answer the first question? Who was "us?" And don't guess, identify how you know that

Laughing....says the guy that ignores Miriam Goderich and makes up his own fantasy.

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

That's evidence contradicting you. You claim Obama said he was born in Kenya.

Prove it.

I haven't rejected anything Miriam said, I said it's vague. You really are an idiot, it's not that complicated

Then the issue is settled:

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

The mistake was Miriam Goderich's. Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

That was easy.

Miriam never said she said Obama was born in Kenya either, she said she didn't fact check it, you just solved nothing

She said that the mistake was hears. And that Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

You make up a useless paraphrase. I offer the actual quote. And you lose every time.

See how this works?

So who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya. Name the person. Its been over a year. And you've failed utterly to cite anyone but yourself.

Um,'re nobody.
Nope. Nor does your ignoring the answers. But the latter does inspire quite a few giggles.

You've never answered how they find blurbs about unknown people once.

The same way Vanity Fair did. They cited the NY Times article with quotes. You insist that couldn't be done. Your claim was debunked. It can and was done.

Now you need to prove that the literary agency couldn't look up those articles, was unaware any existed, didn't read anything written about Obama in any of these publications, and chose to represent Obama without knowing a thing about him.

You can't. You're done. As your argument breaks on the same question it has for months:

Q: Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya.

A: No one.

Again, you don't know that Vanity Fair didn't just ask Obama.

That would provide them with knowledge of the articles existence. But not the quote.

You assume, based on nothing, that new paper articles couuldnt' be researched in 1991. Vanity Fair proves they could be.

Your baseless assumptions are debunked.

And "the same way Vanity Fair did" isn't an answer. How did they do it? I researched then, it was tedious for broad information. No one indexed all the random people mentioned in blurbs across the country

Obviously it is. As Vanity Fair's citation is a clear, undeniable demonstration that what you insist couldn't be done....was done. The article was accessed and cited.

What else have you got? So far your imagination hasn't amounted to much.

How did Vanity Fair prove that? They found the article by researching it independently? Bull shit, you're assuming facts not in evidence

Vanity Fair demonstrates, undeniably, that the articles were accessible. As they cited the NY Times article and quoted you. You insist the NY Times article couldn't be accessed.....because you said so.

Your baseless assumption is debunked.

Now, prove the articles couldn't be accessed. As your only yourself. And you're nobody.
You pulling your pet theory out of your ass doesn't establish anything other than you pull crap out of your ass and call it a fact.

Here is a fact:

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii."

Here is a lie:

Kaz: So we have established he was the original birther, just as I said

Yup. Kaz is a liar. He can't back any of his claims with evidence. And he knows it. All while being contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And of course, his entire narrative is just bone stupid.

As why would the Literary Agency have agreed to represent Obama if they knew nothing about him? How would they even know he existed?

Its the stupidest fucking argument I've ever heard. And the birthers have produced some stunningly stupid arguments.

Yes, I think when you write a bio about someone you talk to them, you think you do it without talking to them.

I think if you're writing one of dozens of 90 word bio blurbs in a hurry, you just look at articles on the topic. Its far quicker and easier than scheduling an interview.

And since Miriam Goderich has already affirmed that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya......your entire narrative is your imagination. So....

Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

Why would the literary agency agree to represent Obama if they didn't know a thing about him?

And why would wouldn't the literary agency have read all they could on Obama before agreeing to represent him?

Keep running. If your claims had wouldn't have to run.

Where anyone was born is one of the most basic facts in any bio. It's also one of the most difficult to find without ... asking the author.

One of my daughters moved from her birth State of Maryland when she was two. The other left her birth State of New York when she was 1 1/2 ... months ... old. And you were going to find that how?

Was she ever elected the first women editor of the Harvard Law Review?

When she has articles about her in major newspapers from coast to coast- I will be glad to check on where she was born then

New York Times,February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times,August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine,June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii
i googled quite a few of these and couldn't find the actual articles. then i remembered i did once before too. but it was on a different forum 4 years ago, but they had your exact list... hmmm obot much ?? obamas birth certificate here....

New York Times, February 6, 1990 - daily circution- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii
Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii
Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii
Obscure promotional brochure paragraph- Obama born in Kenya
Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii
Los Angeles Times, August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii
"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii
Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii
Time Magazine, June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii

anyway i'd like to see the actual articles, if you could point me in that direction. Your list is at Fogbow too.

i like the one in red, pretty official sounding proof. they wedged it right in there.
Last edited:
Yup. Kaz is a liar. He can't back any of his claims with evidence. And he knows it. All while being contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And of course, his entire narrative is just bone stupid.

As why would the Literary Agency have agreed to represent Obama if they knew nothing about him? How would they even know he existed?

Its the stupidest fucking argument I've ever heard. And the birthers have produced some stunningly stupid arguments.

Yes, I think when you write a bio about someone you talk to them, you think you do it without talking to them.

I think if you're writing one of dozens of 90 word bio blurbs in a hurry, you just look at articles on the topic. Its far quicker and easier than scheduling an interview.

And since Miriam Goderich has already affirmed that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya......your entire narrative is your imagination. So....

Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

Why would the literary agency agree to represent Obama if they didn't know a thing about him?

And why would wouldn't the literary agency have read all they could on Obama before agreeing to represent him?

Keep running. If your claims had wouldn't have to run.

Where anyone was born is one of the most basic facts in any bio. It's also one of the most difficult to find without ... asking the author.

One of my daughters moved from her birth State of Maryland when she was two. The other left her birth State of New York when she was 1 1/2 ... months ... old. And you were going to find that how?

Was she ever elected the first women editor of the Harvard Law Review?

When she has articles about her in major newspapers from coast to coast- I will be glad to check on where she was born then

New York Times,February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times,August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine,June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii
i googled quite a few of these and couldn't find the actual articles. then i remembered i did once before too. but it was on a different forum, but they had your exact list... hmmm obot much ?? obamas birth certificate here....

New York Times, February 6, 1990 - daily circution- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii
Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii
Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii
Obscure promotional brochure paragraph- Obama born in Kenya
Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii
Los Angeles Times, August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii
"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii
Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii
Time Magazine, June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii

anyway i'd like to see the actual articles, if you could point me in that direction. Your list is at Fogbow too.

No you wouldn't. As anything that contradicts your narrative is ignored by you. You could find most of those articles in seconds with the information provided. You won't. As you don't give a fiddler's fuck about what they say.

You've ignored the State of Hawaii affirming over and over and over again that Obama was born in Hawaii. No matter what documentation or confirmation was produced. Willful ignorance is your baseline.

i like the one in red, pretty official sounding proof.

Proof of a simple mistake, sure. With every citation both before and after citing the correct location of Hawaii.

But as is your habit, you ignored everything but the one piece of information you think affirms what you want to believe. Exactly as I told you you would.
You've never answered how they find blurbs about unknown people once.

The same way Vanity Fair did. They cited the NY Times article with quotes. You insist that couldn't be done. Your claim was debunked. It can and was done.

Now you need to prove that the literary agency couldn't look up those articles, was unaware any existed, didn't read anything written about Obama in any of these publications, and chose to represent Obama without knowing a thing about him.

You can't. You're done. As your argument breaks on the same question it has for months:

Q: Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya.

A: No one.

Again, you don't know that Vanity Fair didn't just ask Obama.

That would provide them with knowledge of the articles existence. But not the quote.

You assume, based on nothing, that new paper articles couuldnt' be researched in 1991. Vanity Fair proves they could be.

Your baseless assumptions are debunked.

And "the same way Vanity Fair did" isn't an answer. How did they do it? I researched then, it was tedious for broad information. No one indexed all the random people mentioned in blurbs across the country

Obviously it is. As Vanity Fair's citation is a clear, undeniable demonstration that what you insist couldn't be done....was done. The article was accessed and cited.

What else have you got? So far your imagination hasn't amounted to much.

How did Vanity Fair prove that? They found the article by researching it independently? Bull shit, you're assuming facts not in evidence

Vanity Fair demonstrates, undeniably, that the articles were accessible. As they cited the NY Times article and quoted you. You insist the NY Times article couldn't be accessed.....because you said so.

Your baseless assumption is debunked.

Now, prove the articles couldn't be accessed. As your only yourself. And you're nobody.

You're making that up, Vanity Fair could have just asked Obama
Yes, I think when you write a bio about someone you talk to them, you think you do it without talking to them.

I think if you're writing one of dozens of 90 word bio blurbs in a hurry, you just look at articles on the topic. Its far quicker and easier than scheduling an interview.

And since Miriam Goderich has already affirmed that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya......your entire narrative is your imagination. So....

Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

Why would the literary agency agree to represent Obama if they didn't know a thing about him?

And why would wouldn't the literary agency have read all they could on Obama before agreeing to represent him?

Keep running. If your claims had wouldn't have to run.

Where anyone was born is one of the most basic facts in any bio. It's also one of the most difficult to find without ... asking the author.

One of my daughters moved from her birth State of Maryland when she was two. The other left her birth State of New York when she was 1 1/2 ... months ... old. And you were going to find that how?

Was she ever elected the first women editor of the Harvard Law Review?

When she has articles about her in major newspapers from coast to coast- I will be glad to check on where she was born then

New York Times,February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times,August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine,June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii
i googled quite a few of these and couldn't find the actual articles. then i remembered i did once before too. but it was on a different forum, but they had your exact list... hmmm obot much ?? obamas birth certificate here....

New York Times, February 6, 1990 - daily circution- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii
Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii
Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii
Obscure promotional brochure paragraph- Obama born in Kenya
Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii
Los Angeles Times, August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii
"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii
Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii
Time Magazine, June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii

anyway i'd like to see the actual articles, if you could point me in that direction. Your list is at Fogbow too.

No you wouldn't. As anything that contradicts your narrative is ignored by you. You could find most of those articles in seconds with the information provided. You won't. As you don't give a fiddler's fuck about what they say.

You've ignored the State of Hawaii affirming over and over and over again that Obama was born in Hawaii. No matter what documentation or confirmation was produced. Willful ignorance is your baseline.

i like the one in red, pretty official sounding proof.

Proof of a simple mistake, sure. With every citation both before and after citing the correct location of Hawaii.

But as is your habit, you ignored everything but the one piece of information you think affirms what you want to believe. Exactly as I told you you would.

Tell me how you would find those articles. It's the gaping hole in your crap, which is why you keep running away from it. Skylar. Skylar? Where'd you go? Skylar?
The same way Vanity Fair did when they referenced the NY Times article in their 1990 piece about Obama.

Something you insist can't be done. And Venity Fair demonstrates most definitely could be.

Now....the questions that send you screaming like the were carrying a butcher knife:

1) Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya?"

2) Why would they have agreed to represent Obama if they didn't know anything about him?

3) Why wouldn't they have read all they could on the man before agreeing to represent him?

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. You're always great for the endorphins!
you raise a good point sky, where did Kenya come from.

Apparently Miriam Goderich got the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama confused with the birth place of Barack Hussein Obama.

Why didn't she say that? Why is it suddenly speculation is OK when you are doing it?

Occam's razor. One is plausible, the other birther nonsense.

LOL, it cracks me up when you try to use big words.

So you think there are fewer assumptions with that biographies appear out of mid air, information about unknown people is found in newspapers with their names not indexed to anything and then other people are responsible for fact checking that rather than the author just says what their background is? Of course you do ...

You've heard of unauthorized biographies? Where oh where do people get information for unauthorized biographies?

Have you ever heard of journalism? It existed before Google.

You're truly that big a simpleton, aren't you? Classic

Sure, birther boy...if that makes you feel like a man, you keep believing that.
Yup. Kaz is a liar. He can't back any of his claims with evidence. And he knows it. All while being contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And of course, his entire narrative is just bone stupid.

As why would the Literary Agency have agreed to represent Obama if they knew nothing about him? How would they even know he existed?

Its the stupidest fucking argument I've ever heard. And the birthers have produced some stunningly stupid arguments.

Yes, I think when you write a bio about someone you talk to them, you think you do it without talking to them.

I think if you're writing one of dozens of 90 word bio blurbs in a hurry, you just look at articles on the topic. Its far quicker and easier than scheduling an interview.

And since Miriam Goderich has already affirmed that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya......your entire narrative is your imagination. So....

Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

Why would the literary agency agree to represent Obama if they didn't know a thing about him?

And why would wouldn't the literary agency have read all they could on Obama before agreeing to represent him?

Keep running. If your claims had wouldn't have to run.

Where anyone was born is one of the most basic facts in any bio. It's also one of the most difficult to find without ... asking the author.

One of my daughters moved from her birth State of Maryland when she was two. The other left her birth State of New York when she was 1 1/2 ... months ... old. And you were going to find that how?

Was she ever elected the first women editor of the Harvard Law Review?

When she has articles about her in major newspapers from coast to coast- I will be glad to check on where she was born then

New York Times,February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times,August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine,June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii
i googled quite a few of these and couldn't find the actual articles. then i remembered i did once before too. but it was on a different forum 4 years ago, but they had your exact list... hmmm obot much ?? obamas birth certificate here....

New York Times, February 6, 1990 - daily circution- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii
Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii
Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii
Obscure promotional brochure paragraph- Obama born in Kenya
Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii
Los Angeles Times, August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii
"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii
Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii
Time Magazine, June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii

anyway i'd like to see the actual articles, if you could point me in that direction. Your list is at Fogbow too.

i like the one in red, pretty official sounding proof. they wedged it right in there.

I got many of those items from Fogbow- useful site- and one of them from WND- which is hilarious because they are nutball crazy Birther but they actually published one of the articles I couldn't find online- where WND got it I don't know

I was able to find links to quite a few of them- but which I don't remember anymore- I put that list together years ago.

But because I am a whiz at this Google thing, I took 2 seconds and found the first one I looked for

Activist In Chicago Now Heads Harvard Law Review

Born in Hawaii to the late Barack Obama, once a finance minister in Kenya, and Ann Dunham, an American anthropologist, Obama went to Columbia University before moving to Chicago to work as a community organizer.
The same way Vanity Fair did. They cited the NY Times article with quotes. You insist that couldn't be done. Your claim was debunked. It can and was done.

Now you need to prove that the literary agency couldn't look up those articles, was unaware any existed, didn't read anything written about Obama in any of these publications, and chose to represent Obama without knowing a thing about him.

You can't. You're done. As your argument breaks on the same question it has for months:

Q: Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya.

A: No one.

Again, you don't know that Vanity Fair didn't just ask Obama.

That would provide them with knowledge of the articles existence. But not the quote.

You assume, based on nothing, that new paper articles couuldnt' be researched in 1991. Vanity Fair proves they could be.

Your baseless assumptions are debunked.

And "the same way Vanity Fair did" isn't an answer. How did they do it? I researched then, it was tedious for broad information. No one indexed all the random people mentioned in blurbs across the country

Obviously it is. As Vanity Fair's citation is a clear, undeniable demonstration that what you insist couldn't be done....was done. The article was accessed and cited.

What else have you got? So far your imagination hasn't amounted to much.

How did Vanity Fair prove that? They found the article by researching it independently? Bull shit, you're assuming facts not in evidence

Vanity Fair demonstrates, undeniably, that the articles were accessible. As they cited the NY Times article and quoted you. You insist the NY Times article couldn't be accessed.....because you said so.

Your baseless assumption is debunked.

Now, prove the articles couldn't be accessed. As your only yourself. And you're nobody.

You're making that up, Vanity Fair could have just asked Obama

Why would Vanity Fair ask Obama- and then cite the New York Times?

Kaz is a liar and a coward.
Yes, I think when you write a bio about someone you talk to them, you think you do it without talking to them.

I think if you're writing one of dozens of 90 word bio blurbs in a hurry, you just look at articles on the topic. Its far quicker and easier than scheduling an interview.

And since Miriam Goderich has already affirmed that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya......your entire narrative is your imagination. So....

Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

Why would the literary agency agree to represent Obama if they didn't know a thing about him?

And why would wouldn't the literary agency have read all they could on Obama before agreeing to represent him?

Keep running. If your claims had wouldn't have to run.

Where anyone was born is one of the most basic facts in any bio. It's also one of the most difficult to find without ... asking the author.

One of my daughters moved from her birth State of Maryland when she was two. The other left her birth State of New York when she was 1 1/2 ... months ... old. And you were going to find that how?

Was she ever elected the first women editor of the Harvard Law Review?

When she has articles about her in major newspapers from coast to coast- I will be glad to check on where she was born then

New York Times,February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times,August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine,June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii
i googled quite a few of these and couldn't find the actual articles. then i remembered i did once before too. but it was on a different forum, but they had your exact list... hmmm obot much ?? obamas birth certificate here....

New York Times, February 6, 1990 - daily circution- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii
Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii
Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii
Obscure promotional brochure paragraph- Obama born in Kenya
Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii
Los Angeles Times, August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii
"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii
Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii
Time Magazine, June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii

anyway i'd like to see the actual articles, if you could point me in that direction. Your list is at Fogbow too.

No you wouldn't. As anything that contradicts your narrative is ignored by you. You could find most of those articles in seconds with the information provided. You won't. As you don't give a fiddler's fuck about what they say.

You've ignored the State of Hawaii affirming over and over and over again that Obama was born in Hawaii. No matter what documentation or confirmation was produced. Willful ignorance is your baseline.

i like the one in red, pretty official sounding proof.

Proof of a simple mistake, sure. With every citation both before and after citing the correct location of Hawaii.

But as is your habit, you ignored everything but the one piece of information you think affirms what you want to believe. Exactly as I told you you would.
This is good too:
In late October 2007, the New York Times ran a telling article on Barack Obama headlined, “Obama’s Account of New York Years Often Differs From What Others Say.”

In late October 2007, the New York Times ran a telling article on Barack Obama headlined, “Obama’s Account of New York Years Often Differs From What Others Say.”

Given that he was an announced candidate for president, and an underdog at that, the Times expected Obama to welcome the chance to reconcile his account in his memoir, “Dreams from My Father,” with the accounts of those who knew him.
Wouldn't that be enough to make my claim that Kaz is a racist 'truish'- you know- like Kaz keeps claiming about President Obama?

Bye bye

Run away, run away......LO

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The problem is Kaz has no problem lying about President Obama.

But when I pose a theoretical lie about him- he runs off like a 4 year old girl frightened by a mouse.

He can't explain why his lie is okay- whereas a lie about him being a racist is not okay.
you sound a bit confused... actually in this analogy, i'm afraid you are the four year old, and the mouse. sorry man.
Last edited:
I think if you're writing one of dozens of 90 word bio blurbs in a hurry, you just look at articles on the topic. Its far quicker and easier than scheduling an interview.

And since Miriam Goderich has already affirmed that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya......your entire narrative is your imagination. So....

Who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

Why would the literary agency agree to represent Obama if they didn't know a thing about him?

And why would wouldn't the literary agency have read all they could on Obama before agreeing to represent him?

Keep running. If your claims had wouldn't have to run.

Where anyone was born is one of the most basic facts in any bio. It's also one of the most difficult to find without ... asking the author.

One of my daughters moved from her birth State of Maryland when she was two. The other left her birth State of New York when she was 1 1/2 ... months ... old. And you were going to find that how?

Was she ever elected the first women editor of the Harvard Law Review?

When she has articles about her in major newspapers from coast to coast- I will be glad to check on where she was born then

New York Times,February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times,August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine,June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii
i googled quite a few of these and couldn't find the actual articles. then i remembered i did once before too. but it was on a different forum, but they had your exact list... hmmm obot much ?? obamas birth certificate here....

New York Times, February 6, 1990 - daily circution- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii
Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii
Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii
Obscure promotional brochure paragraph- Obama born in Kenya
Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii
Los Angeles Times, August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii
"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii
Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii
Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii
Time Magazine, June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii

anyway i'd like to see the actual articles, if you could point me in that direction. Your list is at Fogbow too.

No you wouldn't. As anything that contradicts your narrative is ignored by you. You could find most of those articles in seconds with the information provided. You won't. As you don't give a fiddler's fuck about what they say.

You've ignored the State of Hawaii affirming over and over and over again that Obama was born in Hawaii. No matter what documentation or confirmation was produced. Willful ignorance is your baseline.

i like the one in red, pretty official sounding proof.

Proof of a simple mistake, sure. With every citation both before and after citing the correct location of Hawaii.

But as is your habit, you ignored everything but the one piece of information you think affirms what you want to believe. Exactly as I told you you would.
This is good too:
In late October 2007, the New York Times ran a telling article on Barack Obama headlined, “Obama’s Account of New York Years Often Differs From What Others Say.”.

No link- no citation. No quotation.

More word salad from Wash.

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