True or false?

Trump slowed up the us mail system and the Supreme Court ruled any votes not received tomorrow won’t count?
TRue--whatever Mr Trump does is OK with me
It’s sad partisans even forgive rigged elections. American conservatives are similar to Putin supporters in Russia. Putin literally gets away with murder. Think trump supporters would mind?
I don't mind--just as long as it MAGAs
Looking lik it is going to be maga because Biden’s going to win. America then will be great again for middle class people not just rich and stupid evil white Americans.
..I've linked it before--blacks have been doing GREAT---especially considering they graduate at the lowest rates
..Biden and Harris are going to fk over the blacks by concentrating on non-problems like POLICE and RACISM--they will not try to fix the REAL problems
...we know you are racist, you didn't have to prove it again sound like the racist Rev Wright and Obama
..the rich have been paying MORE than their fair share--also linked before...the blacks/''poor'' have not been paying much taxes--if any at all
That’s not the whole story. We know for a fact the trumps met with Russians who said they had dirt on Hillary. They say they can’t prove it was trump colluding with Putin. Although trumps crew was meeting with Russians. We know the Russian connections. You can’t deny. It’s like do you believe oj Simpson didn’t do it?
You need to get off of the hallucinogens and back on your medication. You're starting to have those 'Russia, Russia, Russia' delusions and infantile tantrums again.

If trump loses was it rigged?
if trump loses its because of donald trump....
If he loses it is because God has washed his hands of America and is ready to turn it over to The Spirit of AntiChrist.
All I kno is my nephew who’s in college voted biden so did a lot of young people.

The most vocal trump supporters are the dumbest or meanest people we all know. And trumps racist rhetoric even worked on a lot of good people. Who likes illegals? None of us do. But republicans don’t go after illegal employers so the problem won’t go away. Democrats used to. Bush stopped. Then republicans elected an illegal employer. Trump
democrats used to?.....when?....the 50 years i lived in California they sure as hell never did....they let it get out of hand.....
That’s not the whole story. We know for a fact the trumps met with Russians who said they had dirt on Hillary. They say they can’t prove it was trump colluding with Putin. Although trumps crew was meeting with Russians. We know the Russian connections. You can’t deny. It’s like do you believe oj Simpson didn’t do it?
You need to get off of the hallucinogens and back on your medication. You're starting to have those 'Russia, Russia, Russia' delusions and infantile tantrums again.

If trump loses was it rigged?
if trump loses its because of donald trump....
If Trump loses, as we have all seen for months, its because of Mail-In Ballot election fraud.

As Joe Biden loves to say, 'Come on, man!' We have seen almost DAILY reports of Ballot harvesting, confessions by thugs saying how they got paid per ballot, a video of Democrats BUYING people's ballots, ballots being dumped by the roadside, burned, and today GOP lawyers reported seeing approx. 20,000 Mail-In ballots being dropped off in Michigan - EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM WAS FOR JOE BIDEN....

GTFO! There is no way in HELL you can convince anyone there was not 1 ballot out of 20,000 for Trump. The odds make it impossible.

This is the exact reason Democrats fought so hard for a corrupt election process / method that nearly the entire rest of the world has OUTLAWED.

Snowflakes tried to say that the rest of the world was laughing at us because of Trump. Last night it was reported multiple nations were holding marches, payer vigils, and rallies in support of Trump. TODAY, as the world watched the same type of election fraud that led them to outlaw the mail-in Ballot system they both laughed at and pitied the United States.

What fraud?

Remember, Trump has been crying wolf on Fraud since before he was elected. He's bleated the same baseless accusation in 2016. And 2018. His 'Election Integrity Commision' disbanded without finding any evidence of wide spread voter fraud. The FBI has found no such evidence. The Justicee department found nothing.

Trump's own government confirmed barely 6 weeks ago that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

You need to open yourself to the distinct possibility that 'voter fraud' is just something conservatives are telling themselves to soothe the butthurt of losing a fair election.

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