True women March for Life

What part of all lives matter is difficult to understand?

when there can only be one choice, the one that is post born with a life history already established gets that choice.

& when an unwanted pregnancy is brought to term - where are the crowds of anti abortion protesters when the congressional powers that vote to slash funding for medical, housing, clothing, & education for all those 'welfare queens' pushing out their brats?

yaaaaaaa.................... like i said................. hypocrites.

See you,keep Pro choice as one issue and move pro life to several. Interesting.

you think so? wrong. there is always several layers to either side of the issue. however it does boil down to one final issue. who gets to decide what to do with their own uterus.

Why, when those women that make a choice with their uteruses they tell the rest of us is none of our business and it results in something they can't afford, why are those that were told to butt out now suddenly expected part of something we were told was none of our business?

In the end, if the woman chooses to have kids she can't afford, it's not anyone's responsibility but hers and the one that got her pregnant. Since I'm not the one that got the pussy from her, whatever she chose to have come out of it isn't my responsibility to take care of.

uh-huh. sing it to the choir that wants to strip contraception out of mandatory coverage.

The reason for that contraception falls under the umbrella of a woman choosing what to do with her body. Since the choice is hers, and you believe she should be the one making such choice, you should have no problem with the responsibility for paying for it as her place

Like I said, unless I'm getting the pussy, anything related to what a woman does with it is her responsibility.
There has to be something really wrong with someone advocating the murder of the most innocent of all.
Terminating one's own embryo or fetus is not murder.
So, you think it's not human?
It's human, like the DNA in human eggs & sperm. Is ejaculation into a toilet murder? Do we record death certificates for natural spontaneous abortions?
The developmental process & woman's intent is vital in the definition of murder. Usually, birth is where the developmental & legal line is crossed.
The beauty of a woman is having children and seeing that their welfare is ensured. They are the voice for true victims of our society. Thank you Ladies! UNBORN LIVES MATTER!

They are marching for a right they already have. The right not to have an abortion.

We aren't marching for our rights. We are marching for the rights of innocent babies.

So you want to make abortion murder and put women to death for 1st degree murder if they have an abortion?
when there can only be one choice, the one that is post born with a life history already established gets that choice.

& when an unwanted pregnancy is brought to term - where are the crowds of anti abortion protesters when the congressional powers that vote to slash funding for medical, housing, clothing, & education for all those 'welfare queens' pushing out their brats?

yaaaaaaa.................... like i said................. hypocrites.

See you,keep Pro choice as one issue and move pro life to several. Interesting.

you think so? wrong. there is always several layers to either side of the issue. however it does boil down to one final issue. who gets to decide what to do with their own uterus.

Why, when those women that make a choice with their uteruses they tell the rest of us is none of our business and it results in something they can't afford, why are those that were told to butt out now suddenly expected part of something we were told was none of our business?

In the end, if the woman chooses to have kids she can't afford, it's not anyone's responsibility but hers and the one that got her pregnant. Since I'm not the one that got the pussy from her, whatever she chose to have come out of it isn't my responsibility to take care of.

uh-huh. sing it to the choir that wants to strip contraception out of mandatory coverage.

The reason for that contraception falls under the umbrella of a woman choosing what to do with her body. Since the choice is hers, and you believe she should be the one making such choice, you should have no problem with the responsibility for paying for it as her place

Like I said, unless I'm getting the pussy, anything related to what a woman does with it is her responsibility.

why is viagra covered then 'eh? why do i have to pay for that? how about insulin if i'm not a diabetic? it's called comprehensive care.
<pfffft> what a bunch of hypocrites...


What part of all lives matter is difficult to understand?

when there can only be one choice, the one that is post born with a life history already established gets that choice.

& when an unwanted pregnancy is brought to term - where are the crowds of anti abortion protesters when the congressional powers that vote to slash funding for medical, housing, clothing, & education for all those 'welfare queens' pushing out their brats?

yaaaaaaa.................... like i said................. hypocrites.

See you,keep Pro choice as one issue and move pro life to several. Interesting.

Or perhaps pro-life all the way....

Not just pro-life for 9 months and then who cares after that...
See you,keep Pro choice as one issue and move pro life to several. Interesting.

you think so? wrong. there is always several layers to either side of the issue. however it does boil down to one final issue. who gets to decide what to do with their own uterus.

Why, when those women that make a choice with their uteruses they tell the rest of us is none of our business and it results in something they can't afford, why are those that were told to butt out now suddenly expected part of something we were told was none of our business?

In the end, if the woman chooses to have kids she can't afford, it's not anyone's responsibility but hers and the one that got her pregnant. Since I'm not the one that got the pussy from her, whatever she chose to have come out of it isn't my responsibility to take care of.

uh-huh. sing it to the choir that wants to strip contraception out of mandatory coverage.

The reason for that contraception falls under the umbrella of a woman choosing what to do with her body. Since the choice is hers, and you believe she should be the one making such choice, you should have no problem with the responsibility for paying for it as her place

Like I said, unless I'm getting the pussy, anything related to what a woman does with it is her responsibility.

why is viagra covered then 'eh? why do i have to pay for that? how about insulin if i'm not a diabetic? it's called comprehensive care.

That you compare medical conditions with those of a choice invalidates your argument.
you think so? wrong. there is always several layers to either side of the issue. however it does boil down to one final issue. who gets to decide what to do with their own uterus.

Why, when those women that make a choice with their uteruses they tell the rest of us is none of our business and it results in something they can't afford, why are those that were told to butt out now suddenly expected part of something we were told was none of our business?

In the end, if the woman chooses to have kids she can't afford, it's not anyone's responsibility but hers and the one that got her pregnant. Since I'm not the one that got the pussy from her, whatever she chose to have come out of it isn't my responsibility to take care of.

uh-huh. sing it to the choir that wants to strip contraception out of mandatory coverage.

The reason for that contraception falls under the umbrella of a woman choosing what to do with her body. Since the choice is hers, and you believe she should be the one making such choice, you should have no problem with the responsibility for paying for it as her place

Like I said, unless I'm getting the pussy, anything related to what a woman does with it is her responsibility.

why is viagra covered then 'eh? why do i have to pay for that? how about insulin if i'm not a diabetic? it's called comprehensive care.

That you compare medical conditions with those of a choice invalidates your argument.

when a pregnant woman needs medical care for a healthy outcome at the end of gestation & b4 the ACA became law that was considered to be a pre existing condition... then yeppers... it is indeed a medical condition.
when there can only be one choice, the one that is post born with a life history already established gets that choice.

& when an unwanted pregnancy is brought to term - where are the crowds of anti abortion protesters when the congressional powers that vote to slash funding for medical, housing, clothing, & education for all those 'welfare queens' pushing out their brats?

yaaaaaaa.................... like i said................. hypocrites.

See you,keep Pro choice as one issue and move pro life to several. Interesting.

you think so? wrong. there is always several layers to either side of the issue. however it does boil down to one final issue. who gets to decide what to do with their own uterus.

Why, when those women that make a choice with their uteruses they tell the rest of us is none of our business and it results in something they can't afford, why are those that were told to butt out now suddenly expected part of something we were told was none of our business?

In the end, if the woman chooses to have kids she can't afford, it's not anyone's responsibility but hers and the one that got her pregnant. Since I'm not the one that got the pussy from her, whatever she chose to have come out of it isn't my responsibility to take care of.

uh-huh. sing it to the choir that wants to strip contraception out of mandatory coverage.

The reason for that contraception falls under the umbrella of a woman choosing what to do with her body. Since the choice is hers, and you believe she should be the one making such choice, you should have no problem with the responsibility for paying for it as her place

Like I said, unless I'm getting the pussy, anything related to what a woman does with it is her responsibility.

It should be over the counter....but of coarse it won't be because the republicans have hi-jacked the christian's lying telling them they are the only party with God in the center... ( excluding ones who see right through it )
See you,keep Pro choice as one issue and move pro life to several. Interesting.

you think so? wrong. there is always several layers to either side of the issue. however it does boil down to one final issue. who gets to decide what to do with their own uterus.

Why, when those women that make a choice with their uteruses they tell the rest of us is none of our business and it results in something they can't afford, why are those that were told to butt out now suddenly expected part of something we were told was none of our business?

In the end, if the woman chooses to have kids she can't afford, it's not anyone's responsibility but hers and the one that got her pregnant. Since I'm not the one that got the pussy from her, whatever she chose to have come out of it isn't my responsibility to take care of.

uh-huh. sing it to the choir that wants to strip contraception out of mandatory coverage.

The reason for that contraception falls under the umbrella of a woman choosing what to do with her body. Since the choice is hers, and you believe she should be the one making such choice, you should have no problem with the responsibility for paying for it as her place

Like I said, unless I'm getting the pussy, anything related to what a woman does with it is her responsibility.

It should be over the counter....but of coarse it won't be because the republicans have hi-jacked the christian's lying telling them they are the only party with God in the center... ( excluding ones who see right through it )

Contraception is over the counter.
Why, when those women that make a choice with their uteruses they tell the rest of us is none of our business and it results in something they can't afford, why are those that were told to butt out now suddenly expected part of something we were told was none of our business?

In the end, if the woman chooses to have kids she can't afford, it's not anyone's responsibility but hers and the one that got her pregnant. Since I'm not the one that got the pussy from her, whatever she chose to have come out of it isn't my responsibility to take care of.

uh-huh. sing it to the choir that wants to strip contraception out of mandatory coverage.

The reason for that contraception falls under the umbrella of a woman choosing what to do with her body. Since the choice is hers, and you believe she should be the one making such choice, you should have no problem with the responsibility for paying for it as her place

Like I said, unless I'm getting the pussy, anything related to what a woman does with it is her responsibility.

why is viagra covered then 'eh? why do i have to pay for that? how about insulin if i'm not a diabetic? it's called comprehensive care.

That you compare medical conditions with those of a choice invalidates your argument.

when a pregnant woman needs medical care for a healthy outcome at the end of gestation & b4 the ACA became law that was considered to be a pre existing condition... then yeppers... it is indeed a medical condition.

Contraception isn't for medical care. You compared viagra and insulin, both actually used for medical conditions, with contraception, something that isn't. You lose.
I love it when lefties who claim they care so much for their fellow humans refuse to personally do for them what they're more than willing to have someone else forced to do then take credit as if they did it themselves.

A leftist thinks Christians should be meek and humble...they couldn't be more wrong

Jesus fought for the poor . The right ..... tells the poor to go to hell .

There is only one account of Jesus even coming close to fighting in the scriptures. And he wasn't flipping over the tables of the money changers on behalf of the poor.

When was the last time you read the the bible about Jesus's life?

And you're outright wrong about the right not caring about the poor. It's specifically our love for the poor that has us fighting the government keeping them down.

Jesus fought for the underdog, he was angry with the men making money off of the poor, and taking taxes..making stupid laws and acting like kings...Sound familiar?

Again, where did he fight at all? Where was he angry with men making money off the poor? (How do you make money off the poor anyway, that makes no sense). Where did he object to taking taxes? He called a tax collector to be his apostle. Who did he object to acting as a king? Certainly wasn't Caesar

Fight...meaning , like you fight for what is important to you...not the actual fight..

Luke 19:1-10New International Version (NIV)
Zacchaeus the Tax Collector
19 Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. 2 A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. 3 He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not see over the crowd. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamoretree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.

5 When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly.

7 All the people saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.

8 But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord,“Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything,I will pay back four times the amount.”

9 Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham; For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
you think so? wrong. there is always several layers to either side of the issue. however it does boil down to one final issue. who gets to decide what to do with their own uterus.

Why, when those women that make a choice with their uteruses they tell the rest of us is none of our business and it results in something they can't afford, why are those that were told to butt out now suddenly expected part of something we were told was none of our business?

In the end, if the woman chooses to have kids she can't afford, it's not anyone's responsibility but hers and the one that got her pregnant. Since I'm not the one that got the pussy from her, whatever she chose to have come out of it isn't my responsibility to take care of.

uh-huh. sing it to the choir that wants to strip contraception out of mandatory coverage.

The reason for that contraception falls under the umbrella of a woman choosing what to do with her body. Since the choice is hers, and you believe she should be the one making such choice, you should have no problem with the responsibility for paying for it as her place

Like I said, unless I'm getting the pussy, anything related to what a woman does with it is her responsibility.

It should be over the counter....but of coarse it won't be because the republicans have hi-jacked the christian's lying telling them they are the only party with God in the center... ( excluding ones who see right through it )

Contraception is over the counter.

Sure for the guy to use...
you think so? wrong. there is always several layers to either side of the issue. however it does boil down to one final issue. who gets to decide what to do with their own uterus.

Why, when those women that make a choice with their uteruses they tell the rest of us is none of our business and it results in something they can't afford, why are those that were told to butt out now suddenly expected part of something we were told was none of our business?

In the end, if the woman chooses to have kids she can't afford, it's not anyone's responsibility but hers and the one that got her pregnant. Since I'm not the one that got the pussy from her, whatever she chose to have come out of it isn't my responsibility to take care of.

uh-huh. sing it to the choir that wants to strip contraception out of mandatory coverage.

The reason for that contraception falls under the umbrella of a woman choosing what to do with her body. Since the choice is hers, and you believe she should be the one making such choice, you should have no problem with the responsibility for paying for it as her place

Like I said, unless I'm getting the pussy, anything related to what a woman does with it is her responsibility.

It should be over the counter....but of coarse it won't be because the republicans have hi-jacked the christian's lying telling them they are the only party with God in the center... ( excluding ones who see right through it )

Contraception is over the counter.

the pill isn't. & the pill is also used for other medical conditions other than as a preventative measure..
Why, when those women that make a choice with their uteruses they tell the rest of us is none of our business and it results in something they can't afford, why are those that were told to butt out now suddenly expected part of something we were told was none of our business?

In the end, if the woman chooses to have kids she can't afford, it's not anyone's responsibility but hers and the one that got her pregnant. Since I'm not the one that got the pussy from her, whatever she chose to have come out of it isn't my responsibility to take care of.

uh-huh. sing it to the choir that wants to strip contraception out of mandatory coverage.

The reason for that contraception falls under the umbrella of a woman choosing what to do with her body. Since the choice is hers, and you believe she should be the one making such choice, you should have no problem with the responsibility for paying for it as her place

Like I said, unless I'm getting the pussy, anything related to what a woman does with it is her responsibility.

It should be over the counter....but of coarse it won't be because the republicans have hi-jacked the christian's lying telling them they are the only party with God in the center... ( excluding ones who see right through it )

Contraception is over the counter.

Sure for the guy to use...

Who do you think the woman is having sex with that could get her pregnant? If she is going to spread her legs, shouldn't she make sure he wears it or keep them closed?
Why, when those women that make a choice with their uteruses they tell the rest of us is none of our business and it results in something they can't afford, why are those that were told to butt out now suddenly expected part of something we were told was none of our business?

In the end, if the woman chooses to have kids she can't afford, it's not anyone's responsibility but hers and the one that got her pregnant. Since I'm not the one that got the pussy from her, whatever she chose to have come out of it isn't my responsibility to take care of.

uh-huh. sing it to the choir that wants to strip contraception out of mandatory coverage.

The reason for that contraception falls under the umbrella of a woman choosing what to do with her body. Since the choice is hers, and you believe she should be the one making such choice, you should have no problem with the responsibility for paying for it as her place

Like I said, unless I'm getting the pussy, anything related to what a woman does with it is her responsibility.

It should be over the counter....but of coarse it won't be because the republicans have hi-jacked the christian's lying telling them they are the only party with God in the center... ( excluding ones who see right through it )

Contraception is over the counter.

the pill isn't. & the pill is also used for other medical conditions other than as a preventative measure..

Your argument was for contraception and preventative measures. Sorry, you lose, again.
uh-huh. sing it to the choir that wants to strip contraception out of mandatory coverage.

The reason for that contraception falls under the umbrella of a woman choosing what to do with her body. Since the choice is hers, and you believe she should be the one making such choice, you should have no problem with the responsibility for paying for it as her place

Like I said, unless I'm getting the pussy, anything related to what a woman does with it is her responsibility.

why is viagra covered then 'eh? why do i have to pay for that? how about insulin if i'm not a diabetic? it's called comprehensive care.

That you compare medical conditions with those of a choice invalidates your argument.

when a pregnant woman needs medical care for a healthy outcome at the end of gestation & b4 the ACA became law that was considered to be a pre existing condition... then yeppers... it is indeed a medical condition.

Contraception isn't for medical care. You compared viagra and insulin, both actually used for medical conditions, with contraception, something that isn't. You lose.

educate yourself:

8 Other Reasons Women Take Birth Control Pills (Besides Preventing Pregnancy)
uh-huh. sing it to the choir that wants to strip contraception out of mandatory coverage.

The reason for that contraception falls under the umbrella of a woman choosing what to do with her body. Since the choice is hers, and you believe she should be the one making such choice, you should have no problem with the responsibility for paying for it as her place

Like I said, unless I'm getting the pussy, anything related to what a woman does with it is her responsibility.

It should be over the counter....but of coarse it won't be because the republicans have hi-jacked the christian's lying telling them they are the only party with God in the center... ( excluding ones who see right through it )

Contraception is over the counter.

Sure for the guy to use...

Who do you think the woman is having sex with that could get her pregnant? If she is going to spread her legs, shouldn't she make sure he wears it or keep them closed?

m'k.... so a woman being raped needs to carry a condom & tell her rapist to please stop & put one on.

got it.
uh-huh. sing it to the choir that wants to strip contraception out of mandatory coverage.

The reason for that contraception falls under the umbrella of a woman choosing what to do with her body. Since the choice is hers, and you believe she should be the one making such choice, you should have no problem with the responsibility for paying for it as her place

Like I said, unless I'm getting the pussy, anything related to what a woman does with it is her responsibility.

It should be over the counter....but of coarse it won't be because the republicans have hi-jacked the christian's lying telling them they are the only party with God in the center... ( excluding ones who see right through it )

Contraception is over the counter.

Sure for the guy to use...

Who do you think the woman is having sex with that could get her pregnant? If she is going to spread her legs, shouldn't she make sure he wears it or keep them closed?

What the if a man is abusing his wife and she doesn't want many scenarios

And yes, contraception is for many medical conditions
The reason for that contraception falls under the umbrella of a woman choosing what to do with her body. Since the choice is hers, and you believe she should be the one making such choice, you should have no problem with the responsibility for paying for it as her place

Like I said, unless I'm getting the pussy, anything related to what a woman does with it is her responsibility.

why is viagra covered then 'eh? why do i have to pay for that? how about insulin if i'm not a diabetic? it's called comprehensive care.

That you compare medical conditions with those of a choice invalidates your argument.

when a pregnant woman needs medical care for a healthy outcome at the end of gestation & b4 the ACA became law that was considered to be a pre existing condition... then yeppers... it is indeed a medical condition.

Contraception isn't for medical care. You compared viagra and insulin, both actually used for medical conditions, with contraception, something that isn't. You lose.

educate yourself:

8 Other Reasons Women Take Birth Control Pills (Besides Preventing Pregnancy)

And Cialis is to have pleasure...not a medical condition...

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