True women March for Life

But on a different thread all of you "pro" assholes don't give a shit if a kid can get health care after it's born because their parents don't have or can't get or afford health insurance, correct?

Real women fight for the whole life of a child,not just in the first 9 months...
Rather than ending the child's life, a real woman would have the baby and let it go to a good home.

Yeah there's a long line waiting to adopt disabled crack babies !

There is a long line to adopt children. Problem is the government throws up so much red tape it makes it difficult
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But on a different thread all of you "pro" assholes don't give a shit if a kid can get health care after it's born because their parents don't have or can't get or afford health insurance, correct?

Real women fight for the whole life of a child,not just in the first 9 months...
Rather than ending the child's life, a real woman would have the baby and let it go to a good home.
So true, my son is adopted and has grown up to be a wonderful man and the father of my two beautiful grandchildren. I'm so grateful to the young woman that made the decision not to murder her unborn baby, and so is he.

Awesome boys or girl grandchildren? Do they live near you? I had my boys at 40 years old, so it will be a while until I have grand babies..
Awesome 9mo. old grandaughter and awesome just like his dad 3 yr. old grandson. They live close, but not close enough lol.
Answer the question, cretin.
Because He is giving people time to reflect on their sins and giving them enough rope to hang themselves.

I love it when righties , who spout horrible shit about their fellow humans, talk about God and Jesus . It's a great mix of sanctimony and hypocrisy.

I love it when lefties who claim they care so much for their fellow humans refuse to personally do for them what they're more than willing to have someone else forced to do then take credit as if they did it themselves.

A leftist thinks Christians should be meek and humble...they couldn't be more wrong

Jesus fought for the poor . The right ..... tells the poor to go to hell .

There is only one account of Jesus even coming close to fighting in the scriptures. And he wasn't flipping over the tables of the money changers on behalf of the poor.

When was the last time you read the the bible about Jesus's life?

And you're outright wrong about the right not caring about the poor. It's specifically our love for the poor that has us fighting the government keeping them down.
Because He is giving people time to reflect on their sins and giving them enough rope to hang themselves.

I love it when righties , who spout horrible shit about their fellow humans, talk about God and Jesus . It's a great mix of sanctimony and hypocrisy.

I love it when lefties who claim they care so much for their fellow humans refuse to personally do for them what they're more than willing to have someone else forced to do then take credit as if they did it themselves.

A leftist thinks Christians should be meek and humble...they couldn't be more wrong

Jesus fought for the poor . The right ..... tells the poor to go to hell .
So you think Jesus would tell someone to have an abortion???!!!

Lets be honest here. He doesn't know what Jesus would say. He doesn't know anything about him let alone know him.
I love it when lefties who claim they care so much for their fellow humans refuse to personally do for them what they're more than willing to have someone else forced to do then take credit as if they did it themselves.

A leftist thinks Christians should be meek and humble...they couldn't be more wrong

Jesus fought for the poor . The right ..... tells the poor to go to hell .
So you think Jesus would tell someone to have an abortion???!!!
I love it when lefties who claim they care so much for their fellow humans refuse to personally do for them what they're more than willing to have someone else forced to do then take credit as if they did it themselves.

A leftist thinks Christians should be meek and humble...they couldn't be more wrong

Jesus fought for the poor . The right ..... tells the poor to go to hell .

Listen up Timmy, our outreach feeds over 100 poor people five mornings a week and one evening a week...and we have three adopted children. Now when you top that then you can start pointing fingers....until then pipe down

Good for you....Many think just showing up to a protest carrying a sign and then go home and do nothing is good enough..

View attachment 109061r
Many that show up to protest and carry signs do all they can within their means to help their fellow human beings. Contrary to what some people are spewing, just because a woman does not want to murder her baby, doesn't mean she doesn't do what she can to help others. Were abortions legal when your pictures above were taken? Should women be forced to have abortions so they don't end up like the ones in the pictures? I do hope they have received the help they need.

Just like the pro-choicers some just sit behind their computers and judge the opposition.. I do see some doing outreach and help but it is a very small group compared to the pro-life movement...And then they support the laws that cut funds for healthcare, school lunches or basically everything.
Because He is giving people time to reflect on their sins and giving them enough rope to hang themselves.

I love it when righties , who spout horrible shit about their fellow humans, talk about God and Jesus . It's a great mix of sanctimony and hypocrisy.

I love it when lefties who claim they care so much for their fellow humans refuse to personally do for them what they're more than willing to have someone else forced to do then take credit as if they did it themselves.

A leftist thinks Christians should be meek and humble...they couldn't be more wrong

Jesus fought for the poor . The right ..... tells the poor to go to hell .

There is only one account of Jesus even coming close to fighting in the scriptures. And he wasn't flipping over the tables of the money changers on behalf of the poor.

When was the last time you read the the bible about Jesus's life?

And you're outright wrong about the right not caring about the poor. It's specifically our love for the poor that has us fighting the government keeping them down.

Jesus fought for the underdog, he was angry with the men making money off of the poor, and taking taxes..making stupid laws and acting like kings...Sound familiar?
All one has to do is look at the sonar of a child in the mother and you can see it is human. Do I have to post pictures of an aborted baby to prove that was indeed a child? I can. I've done it before.

Are you pro death penalty ? I find most pro life people are (ironically ) so spare me this "pro life " shit if you are able to killing a full grown person .

Apples and oranges, the death penalty is for people that knowingly broke the unborn child has committed no crime

Why do.liberals love and defend criminals

I don't, but many were executed only to find out they were not guilty..
100% of aborted fetus were not guilty.
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I love it when righties , who spout horrible shit about their fellow humans, talk about God and Jesus . It's a great mix of sanctimony and hypocrisy.

I love it when lefties who claim they care so much for their fellow humans refuse to personally do for them what they're more than willing to have someone else forced to do then take credit as if they did it themselves.

A leftist thinks Christians should be meek and humble...they couldn't be more wrong

Jesus fought for the poor . The right ..... tells the poor to go to hell .
So you think Jesus would tell someone to have an abortion???!!!

Lets be honest here. He doesn't know what Jesus would say. He doesn't know anything about him let alone know him.

This comment is a turn off, who do you think you are...? This is the attitude that turns so many away from God... Get off your high horse.
All one has to do is look at the sonar of a child in the mother and you can see it is human. Do I have to post pictures of an aborted baby to prove that was indeed a child? I can. I've done it before.

Are you pro death penalty ? I find most pro life people are (ironically ) so spare me this "pro life " shit if you are able to killing a full grown person .

Apples and oranges, the death penalty is for people that knowingly broke the unborn child has committed no crime

Why do.liberals love and defend criminals

I don't, but many were executed only to find out they were not guilty..
100% of aborted fetus weird not guilty.

I agree....
There has to be something really wrong with someone advocating the murder of the most innocent of all.
Didn't you know they're not alive until the cord is cut and tied? At least that's what SCOTUS says.

Sorry but my Supreme is a tad higher than those mere mortals and trust me He's pissed his creations are being murdered

Then why hasn't your big invisible guy done something since 1973, butthead?
He has, he is punishing us. Why do you think our country is so screwed up, why so many young people are murdered in the streets of Chicago? It's because young people don't respect the value of human life. They have seen their mothers abort their brothers and sisters, so they don't understand that it is wrong to kill people.

Oh please that is way lout there excuse for the Chicago murders...Maybe they are starving and selling drugs to eat...
It never occurred to them to get a damn job? So be it. Be a victim of your own failure.
Because He is giving people time to reflect on their sins and giving them enough rope to hang themselves.

I love it when righties , who spout horrible shit about their fellow humans, talk about God and Jesus . It's a great mix of sanctimony and hypocrisy.

I love it when lefties who claim they care so much for their fellow humans refuse to personally do for them what they're more than willing to have someone else forced to do then take credit as if they did it themselves.

A leftist thinks Christians should be meek and humble...they couldn't be more wrong

Jesus fought for the poor . The right ..... tells the poor to go to hell .

There is only one account of Jesus even coming close to fighting in the scriptures. And he wasn't flipping over the tables of the money changers on behalf of the poor.

When was the last time you read the the bible about Jesus's life?

And you're outright wrong about the right not caring about the poor. It's specifically our love for the poor that has us fighting the government keeping them down.

Oh brother, dude I worked in a home as a counselor helping addicted women off of the street and have a healthy baby..
It is a christian home for women... non profit

They educate the women, who get on welfare to have a healthy baby and stay clean..many go on to good jobs, some relapse..
I have seen the addicted babies, and I have seen healthy ...

All I see are cutbacks and these programs are closing , so where do these women go I would like to ask?

I love it when lefties who claim they care so much for their fellow humans refuse to personally do for them what they're more than willing to have someone else forced to do then take credit as if they did it themselves.

A leftist thinks Christians should be meek and humble...they couldn't be more wrong

Jesus fought for the poor . The right ..... tells the poor to go to hell .
So you think Jesus would tell someone to have an abortion???!!!

Lets be honest here. He doesn't know what Jesus would say. He doesn't know anything about him let alone know him.

This comment is a turn off, who do you think you are...? This is the attitude that turns so many away from God... Get off your high horse.
Believing and having faith is not being on a high horse. Maybe you should look in the mirror.
The beauty of a woman is having children and seeing that their welfare is ensured. They are the voice for true victims of our society. Thank you Ladies! UNBORN LIVES MATTER!

The media coverage of tomorrow's march will be as thorough as it was for last Saturday's march...correct? :badgrin:
Didn't you know they're not alive until the cord is cut and tied? At least that's what SCOTUS says.

Sorry but my Supreme is a tad higher than those mere mortals and trust me He's pissed his creations are being murdered

Then why hasn't your big invisible guy done something since 1973, butthead?
He has, he is punishing us. Why do you think our country is so screwed up, why so many young people are murdered in the streets of Chicago? It's because young people don't respect the value of human life. They have seen their mothers abort their brothers and sisters, so they don't understand that it is wrong to kill people.

Oh please that is way lout there excuse for the Chicago murders...Maybe they are starving and selling drugs to eat...
It never occurred to them to get a damn job? So be it. Be a victim of your own failure.

Jackson have you been in the ghetto's lately ? It might open your eyes to reality...Some do make it out..
A leftist thinks Christians should be meek and humble...they couldn't be more wrong

Jesus fought for the poor . The right ..... tells the poor to go to hell .
So you think Jesus would tell someone to have an abortion???!!!

Lets be honest here. He doesn't know what Jesus would say. He doesn't know anything about him let alone know him.

This comment is a turn off, who do you think you are...? This is the attitude that turns so many away from God... Get off your high horse.
Believing and having faith is not being on a high horse. Maybe you should look in the mirror.

I am looking at my 2 were the ones taking inventory Jackson... pointing fingers at Timmy..
I love it when righties , who spout horrible shit about their fellow humans, talk about God and Jesus . It's a great mix of sanctimony and hypocrisy.

I love it when lefties who claim they care so much for their fellow humans refuse to personally do for them what they're more than willing to have someone else forced to do then take credit as if they did it themselves.

A leftist thinks Christians should be meek and humble...they couldn't be more wrong

Jesus fought for the poor . The right ..... tells the poor to go to hell .

There is only one account of Jesus even coming close to fighting in the scriptures. And he wasn't flipping over the tables of the money changers on behalf of the poor.

When was the last time you read the the bible about Jesus's life?

And you're outright wrong about the right not caring about the poor. It's specifically our love for the poor that has us fighting the government keeping them down.

Oh brother, dude I worked in a home as a counselor helping addicted women off of the street and have a healthy baby..
It is a christian home for women... non profit

They educate the women, who get on welfare to have a healthy baby and stay clean..many go on to good jobs, some relapse..
I have seen the addicted babies, and I have seen healthy ...

All I see are cutbacks and these programs are closing , so where do these women go I would like to ask?


The programs need to link in to faith based charities for funding. If taxpayer subsidies are not available, other funding should be pursued.

Maybe the Clinton Global Initiative could help, and they aren't even faith based. Contact them and see what they can give to the cause.
All one has to do is look at the sonar of a child in the mother and you can see it is human. Do I have to post pictures of an aborted baby to prove that was indeed a child? I can. I've done it before.

Are you pro death penalty ? I find most pro life people are (ironically ) so spare me this "pro life " shit if you are able to killing a full grown person .

Wait are you for or against the death penalty?

I'm all.for killing murderers and rapists, did these aborted unborn commit these crimes?

I think it's flawed and bias . I'm not even really against the killing part . There are sum scum that really have it coming to them.

OK but what has an unborn done to warrant death?
All one has to do is look at the sonar of a child in the mother and you can see it is human. Do I have to post pictures of an aborted baby to prove that was indeed a child? I can. I've done it before.

Are you pro death penalty ? I find most pro life people are (ironically ) so spare me this "pro life " shit if you are able to killing a full grown person .

Wait are you for or against the death penalty?

I'm all.for killing murderers and rapists, did these aborted unborn commit these crimes?

I think it's flawed and bias . I'm not even really against the killing part . There are sum scum that really have it coming to them.

OK but what has an unborn done to warrant death?

What did the sperm do to warrant a condom?

I don't consider the fetus a real human yet . It's not viable on its own.
That doesn't mean anything. People are sick in the hospital attached to tubes and breathing apparatus. They are not viable on their own, but we save them. Tell me the difference.
There is a long line to adopt children. Problem is the government those up so much red tape it makes it difficult

And if abortion was banned, that adoption backlog would be filled within a few years.

After that, it would be overflowing government orphanages, just like communist Romania, the pro-life dream state.
Are you pro death penalty ? I find most pro life people are (ironically ) so spare me this "pro life " shit if you are able to killing a full grown person .

Wait are you for or against the death penalty?

I'm all.for killing murderers and rapists, did these aborted unborn commit these crimes?

I think it's flawed and bias . I'm not even really against the killing part . There are sum scum that really have it coming to them.

OK but what has an unborn done to warrant death?
Are you pro death penalty ? I find most pro life people are (ironically ) so spare me this "pro life " shit if you are able to killing a full grown person .

Wait are you for or against the death penalty?

I'm all.for killing murderers and rapists, did these aborted unborn commit these crimes?

I think it's flawed and bias . I'm not even really against the killing part . There are sum scum that really have it coming to them.

OK but what has an unborn done to warrant death?

What did the sperm do to warrant a condom?

I don't consider the fetus a real human yet . It's not viable on its own.
That doesn't mean anything. People are sick in the hospital attached to tubes and breathing apparatus. They are not viable on their own, but we save them. Tell me the difference.

Ouch. That is an interesting angle I had not thought about. Well done.
Because He is giving people time to reflect on their sins and giving them enough rope to hang themselves.

I love it when righties , who spout horrible shit about their fellow humans, talk about God and Jesus . It's a great mix of sanctimony and hypocrisy.

I love it when lefties who claim they care so much for their fellow humans refuse to personally do for them what they're more than willing to have someone else forced to do then take credit as if they did it themselves.

A leftist thinks Christians should be meek and humble...they couldn't be more wrong

Jesus fought for the poor . The right ..... tells the poor to go to hell .

There is only one account of Jesus even coming close to fighting in the scriptures. And he wasn't flipping over the tables of the money changers on behalf of the poor.

When was the last time you read the the bible about Jesus's life?

And you're outright wrong about the right not caring about the poor. It's specifically our love for the poor that has us fighting the government keeping them down.
The right contributes more to charity that the Democrats.

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