True women March for Life

That is great! Mine came when my now wife of 24 years came to me and said she was pregnant. We had only been dating. It was terrifying at the time. We were not settled into our careers. Neither of us had a home we could move in to. Minimal savings. Two teenager cars neither of which were kid friendly. But you know what? We kicked our asses in gear and got it all done. Found a home, traded around and got a car that would work, planned a wedding and it's been the best 24 years I could have ever imagined.
Quite a dramatic and civilized contrast to the filthy foul vermin marching the other day, weren't they?

There has to be something really wrong with someone advocating the murder of the most innocent of all.

And then there's Casey Anthony who murdered her beautiful little daughter to go clubbing with a guy who didn't know she was a mother...and then blamed the murder on her father.....and got away with it.
Quite a dramatic and civilized contrast to the filthy foul vermin marching the other day, weren't they?

There has to be something really wrong with someone advocating the murder of the most innocent of all.

And then there's Casey Anthony who murdered her beautiful little daughter to go clubbing with a guy who didn't know she was a mother...and then blamed the murder on her father.....and got away with it.
The thing that gets me is liberals think a mother should be able to kill her child. Whether that child is two years old or 2 weeks in gestation it's still the same child. The result is the same, that child was denied life.
Quite a dramatic and civilized contrast to the filthy foul vermin marching the other day, weren't they?

There has to be something really wrong with someone advocating the murder of the most innocent of all.

And then there's Casey Anthony who murdered her beautiful little daughter to go clubbing with a guy who didn't know she was a mother...and then blamed the murder on her father.....and got away with it.[
I don't know anyone who advocated for the murder of this innocent child, certainly not those of us that are pro-life. She's a sick, evil woman, and abortion being legal when she had her child didn't change a single thing.
There is only one account of Jesus even coming close to fighting in the scriptures. And he wasn't flipping over the tables of the money changers on behalf of the poor.

When was the last time you read the the bible about Jesus's life?

And you're outright wrong about the right not caring about the poor. It's specifically our love for the poor that has us fighting the government keeping them down.
The right contributes more to charity that the Democrats.

You have any factual links on that ?
Republicans Most Generous People In The World, Democrats: Not So Much

Charitable Giving By State: Are Republicans More Generous Than Democrats, Or Just More Religious?

Giving Differently: Liberals and Conservatives Have Radically Different Views of Charity

Poorer conservatives more generous than wealthy liberals – new study

Surprise! Conservatives are more generous than liberals
Oh brother, dude I worked in a home as a counselor helping addicted women off of the street and have a healthy baby..
It is a christian home for women... non profit

They educate the women, who get on welfare to have a healthy baby and stay clean..many go on to good jobs, some relapse..
I have seen the addicted babies, and I have seen healthy ...

All I see are cutbacks and these programs are closing , so where do these women go I would like to ask?


The programs need to link in to faith based charities for funding. If taxpayer subsidies are not available, other funding should be pursued.

Maybe the Clinton Global Initiative could help, and they aren't even faith based. Contact them and see what they can give to the cause.

Yeah see brush it off on the other guy...this is exactly what happens and why these women have to have an abortion ... they are on the street, on drugs,no family...selling their bodies ... Why wouldn't you want to stand up to help support them?

Because I didn't impregnate them. There are plenty of avenues other than using US taxpayer money to subsidize abortions.

I don't agree with abortions but I believe in raising that baby too... It should be all of us who raise that baby..

The father and mother should raise them.
Ideally, yes. But if they are not in a position to care for them adequately (drug addicts), then allow a childless couple to raise them.
The programs need to link in to faith based charities for funding. If taxpayer subsidies are not available, other funding should be pursued.

Maybe the Clinton Global Initiative could help, and they aren't even faith based. Contact them and see what they can give to the cause.

Yeah see brush it off on the other guy...this is exactly what happens and why these women have to have an abortion ... they are on the street, on drugs,no family...selling their bodies ... Why wouldn't you want to stand up to help support them?

Because I didn't impregnate them. There are plenty of avenues other than using US taxpayer money to subsidize abortions.

I don't agree with abortions but I believe in raising that baby too... It should be all of us who raise that baby..

The father and mother should raise them.
Ideally, yes. But if they are not in a position to care for them adequately (drug addicts), then allow a childless couple to raise them.

I am all for carrying unwanted healthy pregnancies to term and arranging for the babies to be adopted by vetted parents.
The latest fad for the unprincipled fashionistas is 'after birth abortions', coming to a faux 'progressive' trope and 'talking point near you soon enough.

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live? -- Giubilini and Minerva -- Journal of Medical Ethics

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?

Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything to do with the fetus' health. By showing that (1) both fetuses and newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons, (2) the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant and (3) adoption is not always in the best interest of actual people, the authors argue that what we call ‘after-birth abortion’ (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.

This is why 'Science' is irrelevant to such issues as abortion. 'Logic' is not even remotely the same as 'moral' or even common sense, which of course is why idiots are always citing 'science' instead of reason. Referring to the unborn as 'zygotes' and 'medical waste' is a necessity for the dehumanization processes wildly popular with both the far right and left ideologies.
There should be even more protesting against war by those who are so ready to address the question of life's sanctity.

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