Trump-$1.2 Billion In Core Business Losses

We elected a liar and conman. If you’re not rich you’re being conned
Obama definately was a liar and conman. How did that hope and change work out for you?
Great. I got a great job in 2015 and I killed it. Did even better in 2016. Even better in 17. Even better in 18 and I’m on track to do even better this year.

So I know obama was doing a great job. Trump made the rich richer. Are you richer?
I got laid off in 2015 and had to take a job making less money.
I got laid off again in 2017 and desperately had to change jobs and make less per hour again.
Now I'm unemployed.
In fact, since the new millenium I keep loosing jobs due to technology replacing me in them.
In fact, year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer, The Times found when it compared his results with detailed information the I.R.S. compiles on an annual sampling of high-income earners. His core business losses in 1990 and 1991 — more than $250 million each year — were more than double those of the nearest taxpayers in the I.R.S. information for those years.

He lost more money than any other taxpayer.


Lol, it just doesn't get more MAGA than this!!!!!:113::abgg2q.jpg::4_13_65::backpedal::bow3::bow2::cheers2:
We elected a liar and conman. If you’re not rich you’re being conned
Obama definately was a liar and conman. How did that hope and change work out for you?
Great. I got a great job in 2015 and I killed it. Did even better in 2016. Even better in 17. Even better in 18 and I’m on track to do even better this year.

So I know obama was doing a great job. Trump made the rich richer. Are you richer?
Yeah sure you did, then why do you vote for the very people who want to tax you out of business? You must be one of those polluters that AOC wants to jail.
Our President pays no taxes

He is a freeloader living off the American people
Our President pays no taxes

He is a freeloader living off the American people
Guess what? Our tax code is written, by Congress, in such a way that it’s entirely possible and LEGAL to make money any given year and not be subject to any taxes. Again, by law.

So, run along now. You don’t want to be late for the ‘pays no taxes’ circle jerk forming up over there next to that huge stinking pile of “It’s” you idiots have defecated over the past 2+ years.
Now if you were making $500,000 a year and only pay 12% in taxes, you get back to me , wont ya.

Still confused about your taxes I see.
Sorry that you dont understand the long term dividends taxes. I not only explained it, but showed you where you could find it. But you stay ignorant of the tax loophole, dont invest in dividend payouts, but if you do, then go see a CPA, they can explain it if you want...
Sorry that you dont understand the long term dividends taxes.

I already showed how your claim is fantasy.
Then explain to my CPA why I have a 12% tax on my dividends and tell the IRS that they are wrong for allowing that rate to stand. Damn there are such stupid people who say you cant do this, when every year I do exactly that.

1 year I overpaid my taxes on dividends, by about $10,000 talked to the IRS agent and we discussed how they would refund the money.

Then explain to my CPA why I have a 12% tax on my dividends

Why would I explain to your imaginary CPA that your idiotic claim is wrong?

Damn there are such stupid people who say you cant do this, when every year I do exactly that.

You're lying.

View attachment 259885

The Dividend Tax Rate for 2018

So, if you paid 0% on $38,600 in dividends, paid 15% on $387,200 and paid 20% on $74,200....
I come up with $72,920 taxes paid.

Maybe you should ask your CPA how 72920 / 500000 equals 12%?
Here is my answer to you. Dont like it, tough shit. I will continue to make my 1/2 mil at 12% and you can continue to be an idiot.


Sorry I had to point out your bad math. Don't be sad.
What a businessman!

How did anyone lose money in the 90s during the dot com boom?
yes, when the tech stock bubble burst it caused a recession which Billyboy Clinton handed to Bush

Clinton handed Bush the best economy since the Eisenhower administration.

Trump lost money on a casino, and then lost the casino.

I’m sure all of those people that just paid all of those higher taxes they never paid before, after watching him give himself a tax cut, will be voting for him next year.
nope , Clinton handed Bush the Tech Bubble recession. It's just reality bub.
Our President pays no taxes

He is a freeloader living off the American people
Guess what? Our tax code is written, by Congress, in such a way that it’s entirely possible and LEGAL to make money any given year and not be subject to any taxes. Again, by law.

So, run along now. You don’t want to be late for the ‘pays no taxes’ circle jerk forming up over there next to that huge stinking pile of “It’s” you idiots have defecated over the past 2+ years.
Thé Golden Rule

He who has the Gold makes the rules
What a businessman!

How did anyone lose money in the 90s during the dot com boom?
yes, when the tech stock bubble burst it caused a recession which Billyboy Clinton handed to Bush

Clinton handed Bush the best economy since the Eisenhower administration.

Trump lost money on a casino, and then lost the casino.

I’m sure all of those people that just paid all of those higher taxes they never paid before, after watching him give himself a tax cut, will be voting for him next year.
nope , Clinton handed Bush the Tech Bubble recession. It's just reality bub.
And what do you call what Bush handed Obama?
What a businessman!

How did anyone lose money in the 90s during the dot com boom?
yes, when the tech stock bubble burst it caused a recession which Billyboy Clinton handed to Bush

Clinton handed Bush the best economy since the Eisenhower administration.

Trump lost money on a casino, and then lost the casino.

I’m sure all of those people that just paid all of those higher taxes they never paid before, after watching him give himself a tax cut, will be voting for him next year.
nope , Clinton handed Bush the Tech Bubble recession. It's just reality bub.
And what do you call what Bush handed Obama?
Bush handed Obama the Real Estate bubble recession that the Democrats caused.
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.
It isnt damning at all. Under Clinton, Bush and Obama, they lost over 16 Trillion dollars. President Trump inst even in the big leagues compared to them.

Clinton - Bill Clinton: Added $1.396 trillion, a 32 percent increase from the $4.4 trillion debt at the end of George H.W. Bush's last budget, FY 1993.

Bush - George W. Bush:
President Bush added $5.849 trillion, the second-greatest dollar amount. It was the fourth-largest percentage increase. Bush increased the debt by 101 percent from where it started at $5.8 trillion on September 30, 2001. That's the end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget.

Obama - Barack Obama: Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most dollar-wise. He added $8.588 trillion. This 74 percent increase was the fifth-largest. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package. It added $831Billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits , and funding public works projects.


And Trump's on pace to add $9 trillion if he's in office for 8 years.

Basically...Trump is useless with money.

So...he sexually assaults women (and brags about it), is xenophobic, admires despots, is stupid, is a galactic liar, is lousy with money, breaks laws and cons people en masse.

Shit...what a piece of excrement this 'man' is.

And Hillary couldn't beat him.
What a businessman!

How did anyone lose money in the 90s during the dot com boom?
yes, when the tech stock bubble burst it caused a recession which Billyboy Clinton handed to Bush

Clinton handed Bush the best economy since the Eisenhower administration.

Trump lost money on a casino, and then lost the casino.

I’m sure all of those people that just paid all of those higher taxes they never paid before, after watching him give himself a tax cut, will be voting for him next year.
nope , Clinton handed Bush the Tech Bubble recession. It's just reality bub.
And what do you call what Bush handed Obama?
Bush handed Obama the Real Estate bubble recession that the Democrats caused.
He handed the Great Bush Recession of 2008
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.
Paid no income taxes in 8 out of 10 years?

Narco-a-lago: Money Laundering at the Trump Ocean Club, Panama | Global Witness

What will we discover from his last six years of returns?
Dumbasses like you dont understand that when you lose money from business dealings, that is a tax right off. But what I did over in Saudi Arabia, now that was just a hoot. I was earning $70,000 a year tax free and also had $10,000 of deductions that I used to burn off capital gains on my HD stock. I learned how to avoid paying taxes like Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton and his wife, even Barrack Hussain Obama, because if the ability to not pay taxes is only for smart people, then only the dumbasses are too stupid enough, to pay the full amount of taxes...
Dumbasses like you dont understand that when you lose money from business dealings, that is a tax right off.
Whose money did Trump lose over those ten years, his own or his casino bondholders? If he made $10 million trading stock and lost hundreds of millions of other people's money on his failed casinos and used those "losses" to offset his personal income, he's a fraud if not a tax cheat.

It still doesn't matter.

Zuckerberg lost 15 BILLION IN ONE DAY. Were you saying he was a criminal?

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg loses more than $15 billion in wealth in a single day

Unless he stole the money it was his to lose. If I invest in your business because you sell me the bill of goods and you lose my money, that's not a crime.

It's no crime to lose money. It's not a crime to lose investors money. Dude, stop grasping at straws. He's your president and he's not going anywhere.
If I invest in your business because you sell me the bill of goods and you lose my money, that's not a crime.
It sounds a lot like investment fraud.

Investment Fraud

"Investment fraud involves the illegal sale or purported sale of financial instruments.

"The typical investment fraud schemes are characterized by offers of low- or no-risk investments, guaranteed returns, overly-consistent returns, complex strategies, or unregistered securities.

"Examples of investment fraud include advance fee fraud, Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, and market manipulation fraud.

"These schemes often seek to victimize affinity groups—such as groups with a common religion or ethnicity—to utilize the common interests to build trust to effectively operate the investment fraud against them.

"The perpetrators range from professional investment advisers to persons trusted and interacted with daily, such as a neighbor or sports coach.

"The fraudster’s ability to foster trust makes these schemes so successful. Investors should use scrutiny and gather as much information as possible before entering into any new investment opportunities.

"Visit the FBI's White-Collar Crime webpage for additional information."
What a businessman!

How did anyone lose money in the 90s during the dot com boom?
yes, when the tech stock bubble burst it caused a recession which Billyboy Clinton handed to Bush

Clinton handed Bush the best economy since the Eisenhower administration.

Trump lost money on a casino, and then lost the casino.

I’m sure all of those people that just paid all of those higher taxes they never paid before, after watching him give himself a tax cut, will be voting for him next year.
nope , Clinton handed Bush the Tech Bubble recession. It's just reality bub.
And what do you call what Bush handed Obama?
A mess caused by government and big banks colluding to screw everyone else. Then Obama protected the big banks and did nothing for the people.
Sorry that you dont understand the long term dividends taxes. I not only explained it, but showed you where you could find it. But you stay ignorant of the tax loophole, dont invest in dividend payouts, but if you do, then go see a CPA, they can explain it if you want...
Sorry that you dont understand the long term dividends taxes.

I already showed how your claim is fantasy.
Then explain to my CPA why I have a 12% tax on my dividends and tell the IRS that they are wrong for allowing that rate to stand. Damn there are such stupid people who say you cant do this, when every year I do exactly that.

1 year I overpaid my taxes on dividends, by about $10,000 talked to the IRS agent and we discussed how they would refund the money.

Then explain to my CPA why I have a 12% tax on my dividends

Why would I explain to your imaginary CPA that your idiotic claim is wrong?

Damn there are such stupid people who say you cant do this, when every year I do exactly that.

You're lying.

View attachment 259885

The Dividend Tax Rate for 2018

So, if you paid 0% on $38,600 in dividends, paid 15% on $387,200 and paid 20% on $74,200....
I come up with $72,920 taxes paid.

Maybe you should ask your CPA how 72920 / 500000 equals 12%?
Here is my answer to you. Dont like it, tough shit. I will continue to make my 1/2 mil at 12% and you can continue to be an idiot.


Sorry I had to point out your bad math. Don't be sad.
Not at all, dumbass, but again, people like you are the very reason why libtards get away with taxing the shit out of you, and you fucking deserve it. I dont give a rats ass about you , if you dont like what I post then dont fucking read it.

Again I make $500,000 a year, and I pay 12% taxes, and this is by my Certified Public Accountant. Dont like it, leave..
Our President pays no taxes, making him nothing but a freeloader

Part of the 47 percent that Conservatives rage about

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