Trump-$1.2 Billion In Core Business Losses

And he still kicked the shit out of you progressives...
Yes, there are a lot of gullible and stupid people in this country. That is not news. You remind of this every time you post. But I think some of them have seen through the ruse...
A tards wet dream
No it doesn't. Each state has 2 senators and house representation is based on state population. So according to your view every state should have the same number of house reps.
We’re talking about the executive branch, that’s what the electoral college is for. Most people learn that in grade school...

No, we were talking about how Hillary got more votes than Trump. Most grade schoolers know that Trump is president on a fluke.
Crazy Cali does not count...

As long as Cali is a U.S. state it does count.
Crazy Cali, Has no right to tell rural America what to do...

Crazy Cali has a lot of rural communities. And rural communities have no right to tell America what to do either. I live in a rural state and you yahoos don't need to be the deciders of our leaders.
With a pure popular vote Rural America would lose every single presidential election because the numbers just aren’t there...
No, that's madeup crybabying. Plenty of republicans have won elections and also the popular vote. You really will say any stupid thing, won't you?
Career politicians are not conservatives, the GOP establishment needs to be Abolished...

Career politicians are conservatives. Stop lying to yourself.
Trump, the reailty tv trendsetter. He was "the Biggest Loser" before the show was even created....
Of course, that then begs the question, what do you call someone who is beaten by "the Biggest Loser"?

Nothing when that person got more votes.
"Miss Congeniality" isn't "Miss America". The team that holds the ball longer in the Super Bowl doesn't win when the other team scores more points. IOW, while it might help you sleep at night to dream of all those consolation votes, she's an even bigger loser.

One thing we do know is that the team who scores the most points wins the super bowl. Hillary scored the most points.

[emoji1]Well, then where is she now?

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Living better than Trump.
We’re talking about the executive branch, that’s what the electoral college is for. Most people learn that in grade school...

No, we were talking about how Hillary got more votes than Trump. Most grade schoolers know that Trump is president on a fluke.
Slums always vote for handouts.
The handouts eventually run out.

Lol! You might not want to bring up handouts junior.

Because you might not want to bring up handouts junior.
Trump, the reailty tv trendsetter. He was "the Biggest Loser" before the show was even created....
Of course, that then begs the question, what do you call someone who is beaten by "the Biggest Loser"?

Nothing when that person got more votes.
"Miss Congeniality" isn't "Miss America". The team that holds the ball longer in the Super Bowl doesn't win when the other team scores more points. IOW, while it might help you sleep at night to dream of all those consolation votes, she's an even bigger loser.

One thing we do know is that the team who scores the most points wins the super bowl. Hillary scored the most points.
Nope. Trump got 304 and she got 227, and in the real world, 304 > 227. She racked up more time with the ball, but he scored more points.
Slums always vote for handouts.
The handouts eventually run out.

Lol! You might not want to bring up handouts junior.

Because you might not want to bring up handouts junior.

Because you might not want to bring up handouts junior.
Oh no!
I our handouts to African nations to stop murdering each other and just be content to serve as cheap, uneducated labor to American moguls?
We’re talking about the executive branch, that’s what the electoral college is for. Most people learn that in grade school...

No, we were talking about how Hillary got more votes than Trump. Most grade schoolers know that Trump is president on a fluke.
Crazy Cali does not count...

As long as Cali is a U.S. state it does count.
Crazy Cali, Has no right to tell rural America what to do...

Crazy Cali has a lot of rural communities. And rural communities have no right to tell America what to do either. I live in a rural state and you yahoos don't need to be the deciders of our leaders.
:rolleyes-41: Just along for the ride, are they?
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.

No it isn't anyone with a brain knows that when you risk a lot of money, you can lose or gain a lot of money. Nine out of ten businesses fail, that is why I don't begrudge those who make it big.

The Times gets cagey about how they got these illegally-leaked documents. The Times claims they were from someone with legal access to the documents, as if legal access means "the legal right to release, without the taxpayer's permission."

Even assuming this person had legal access to the information, how is it legal to leak that information to the media? Tax confidentiality suggests there are very few circumstances where a tax professional can reveal information without the express permission of the person involved.

I'm not sure how much impact this is going to have. It's not as if the fact that his casino empire was a money loser was a secret until now.

The Times deliberately deceives readers with convoluted, lawyerly language, to suggest that this leak is somehow legal.

But they want you trust their word about everything else they say.

The New York Times has a point, though: Should we trust the word of a business that loses so much money on a business deal? Should we trust the political judgment of a brain trust that loses a billion dollars on a single acquisition, for example?

Steve Robinson@BigSteve207
Can you imagine losing more than $1Bn on a business deal!?!
With a pure popular vote Rural America would lose every single presidential election because the numbers just aren’t there...
No, that's madeup crybabying. Plenty of republicans have won elections and also the popular vote. You really will say any stupid thing, won't you?
Career politicians are not conservatives, the GOP establishment needs to be Abolished...

Career politicians are conservatives. Stop lying to yourself.
Best joke I’ve heard all day
Of course, that then begs the question, what do you call someone who is beaten by "the Biggest Loser"?

Nothing when that person got more votes.
"Miss Congeniality" isn't "Miss America". The team that holds the ball longer in the Super Bowl doesn't win when the other team scores more points. IOW, while it might help you sleep at night to dream of all those consolation votes, she's an even bigger loser.

One thing we do know is that the team who scores the most points wins the super bowl. Hillary scored the most points.

[emoji1]Well, then where is she now?

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Living better than Trump.

She seems angry [emoji34].

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The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.
Everyone knows Trump had failed businesses. You probably don't know this but to be successful in just about anything, you will have failures.
I think the point is Daddy helped him a lot more and he lied about it. he was no great businessman until he discovered his name was with a lot as a brand. And even then no great success. A great success at parroting silly Fox Rush etc propaganda frontRunner....
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.
Everyone knows Trump had failed businesses. You probably don't know this but to be successful in just about anything, you will have failures.
I think the point is Daddy helped him a lot more and he lied about it. he was no great businessman until he discovered his name was with a lot as a brand. And even then no great success. A great success at parroting silly Fox Rush etc propaganda frontRunner....
On the other hand no crime. He is a New York state real estate guy. But right now he may be obstructing LOL
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.
Everyone knows Trump had failed businesses. You probably don't know this but to be successful in just about anything, you will have failures.
I think the point is Daddy helped him a lot more and he lied about it. he was no great businessman until he discovered his name was with a lot as a brand. And even then no great success. A great success at parroting silly Fox Rush etc propaganda frontRunner....
Sounds like sour grapes to me. He took a lot of risks, failed and succeeded. IOW, real life. Paris Hilton, he's not.
Funny how you morons don't mention that Obama was working this nation out of a republican caused depression.
That's because that is not the case, and you are stupid.

In the 1st 6 years under Bush, when the GOP controlled Congress - meaning they controlled the House, which means they controlled the Budget & spending - DURING 9/11/01 & 2 WARS & THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE IMMEDIATELY AFTER 9/11/01 - Bush and the GOP added ONLY $2.5 Trillion in new debt.

The DEMOCRATS took over the House and Senate - a near super-majority control of Congress to include control of the House / Budget / Spending - the last 2 years of Bush's Presidency - the DEMOCRATS, who controlled the budget / spending, added $1.5 Trillion in new debt.


By taking over the House, the DEMOCRATS took over control of the Budget / Spending / Economy....WHICH MEANS IT BECAME THEIR ECONOMY, THEIR SPENDING, AND THEIR DEBT ADDITION, NOT BUSH'S!

The DEMOCRATS also held that near super-majority control of Congress - to include the House - which STILL means the economy / budget / spending - for Obama's 1st 2 years in office!


And now, after his successor delivers one of the strongest economies and lowest unemployment periods in US history you brain-dead indoctrinated traitor-defenders want to make up your own facts and system of economics to try to claim Barry inherited a failed economy from BUSH (which is a lie) and that his economic plan that failed for 8 years suddenly came alive after he left office and Trump made changes / wiped Obama's failed policies off the books.....

This has been explained numerous times ... and supported many, many times with links / facts / docs / etc, but just like with the 2016 election results, you clowns refuse to accept reality.

:lmao: Bwuhahahahaha

All this is bullshit.

Democrats took over congress in January of 2007. The crash happened in December 2007.
Even worse for the rightard .... record foreclosures were already occurring .... in 2006 ... before Democrats took control of Congress. And lenders began filing for bankruptcy before the Democrats took control of the Congress. And just a few months later, New Century, the country's second largest lender, went under.

Try as hard as they might, moving dates is even beyond their echo chamber.
Trump's long anticipated Constitutional crisis has finally arrived,

An exposed coup attempt by the previous President, administration, and Democrats who are still attempting to carry out that failed coup.

Democrats who just voted to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for REFUSING TO BREAK US FEDERAL LAW THEY (Congress) PASSED.

There's the tip of the Constitutional Crisis 'iceberg' created by the openly treasonous criminal Democrats.
An exposed coup attempt by the previous President, administration, and Democrats who are still attempting to carry out that failed coup.

Democrats who just voted to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for REFUSING TO BREAK US FEDERAL LAW THEY (Congress) PASSED.

There's the tip of the Constitutional Crisis 'iceberg' created by the openly treasonous criminal Democrats.
Trump not only doesn't know how government works, he doesn't care. His only reason for being in office is to line his corrupt pockets and those of his equally criminal crime family.

Trump fired a FBI director investigating his ties to Russia.
He tried to quash that investigation, publicly and privately.
He dismissed a DoJ official who wouldn't carry out an order the courts later rejected.

He was corrupt con man before becoming POTUS, and he hasn't changed since taking office.


"The latest examples of constitutional stress caused by Trump include his decision to suffocate congressional oversight by refusing to cooperate -- like at all -- with its investigations following up on the Mueller report or into his tax returns.

"Attorney General William Barr could be held in contempt of Congress after a House vote Wednesday -- not unlike a similar move by Republicans against Eric Holder during the Obama administration."

How to know when it's a US constitutional crisis - CNNPolitics
You just stated government doesn’t work and then you bitch that Trump doesn’t know how government works.
You just stated government doesn’t work and then you bitch that Trump doesn’t know how government works.
Government doesn't work when the biggest loser in history cons low information trolls into putting him into the White House.

Ten years of Trump tax info obtained by NYT shows he was 'The Biggest Loser'
Is that a real cover ... or just one that Crazy Donald printed up himself?
Trump, the reailty tv trendsetter. He was "the Biggest Loser" before the show was even created....
Of course, that then begs the question, what do you call someone who is beaten by "the Biggest Loser"?

Nothing when that person got more votes.
"Miss Congeniality" isn't "Miss America". The team that holds the ball longer in the Super Bowl doesn't win when the other team scores more points. IOW, while it might help you sleep at night to dream of all those consolation votes, she's an even bigger loser.

One thing we do know is that the team who scores the most points wins the super bowl. Hillary scored the most points.
Nope. Trump got 304 and she got 227, and in the real world, 304 > 227. She racked up more time with the ball, but he scored more points.
Yep....70,000 votes total in 3 swing's not hard to imagine some sleepy liberals getting of their asses in 2020 to erase that tiny difference...
Soros lost a billion in a few weeks. Just part of the game that the rich play.
It is one thing to lose money
In 1995 Clinton loosened up the housing rule and rewrote the CRA , which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods.

The CRA had nothing to do with the housing collapse & near financial meltdown.
The CRA had nothing to do with the housing collapse & near financial meltdown.

So a law passed in 1977 sat silently in hiding & then leaped & pounced in 2006 - 2008 & created the worst recession in 80 years.

Great thinking.

Studies show the the percent of failed CRA loans among all mortgage loans during the collapse was no different from the percent of all mortgages that were CRA.

So a law passed in 1977 sat silently in hiding & then leaped & pounced in 2006 - 2008 & created the worst recession in 80 years.

Nope. It was increased, stupidly, under Clinton.
Increased, again, stupidly, under GW Bush.
And don't get me started on HUD forcing Fannie and Freddie to buy crap mortgages.

More untrue bs.

CRA wasn't expanded under Clinton?
Wasn't expanded again under Bush?
HUD didn't force Fannie and Freddie to buy subprime mortgages?

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