Trump-$1.2 Billion In Core Business Losses

Forcing banks to write crappy mortgages is never a good idea.
Forcing Fannie and Freddie to buy the crappy mortgages is even worse.
The Dem politicians made millions off of the Real Estate bubble.
That would be rich people. Everyone else was doing great thanks to the booming Clinton economy.

2001 a month after Bush entered office, the recession of 2001 took place, that was the Clinton economy. It hurt not only the rich but many others.
What was the economic policy that caused that? Because the tax cuts ended up slowing the economy for jobs, to go along with the housing crisis.

The Tech Stock bubble burst about 5 months before the election and that was what caused the first recession during Bush.
Bill Clinton was taking credit for the Stock Market rise, until it fell.
The second recession under Bush was caused by the Real Estate Bubble that the Dem policies caused.

Those evil Democrats did it in minority positions in both houses & Bush in the White House.

Economics is a difficult subject for the Left Wingers to understand.
Clinton had a Dem house and senate in his first two years.
Their brilliant idea was to lower the mortgage lending standards for the low class trash Democrat Voters.
Clinton threatened to fine banks if they didn't make those bad loans.
The real estate bubble didn't happen over night, it took years for it to grow.
Thank me for your free economic lesson.
Low income borrowers did not crash the economy

It was greedy speculators who drove refinancing and bundled high risk mortgages with low risk to sell them off

No it doesn't. Each state has 2 senators and house representation is based on state population. So according to your view every state should have the same number of house reps.
We’re talking about the executive branch, that’s what the electoral college is for. Most people learn that in grade school...

No, we were talking about how Hillary got more votes than Trump. Most grade schoolers know that Trump is president on a fluke.
Slums always vote for handouts.
The handouts eventually run out.
Slums always vote for handouts.
The handouts eventually run out.
Funny how the handouts never run out for slum-lords:

The Biggest Loser |

"Congress allows real estate developers to depreciate the value of their buildings even if they were bought with 100% borrowed money, as Trump did repeatedly.

"Owners of all other kinds of businesses must have their own money at risk to get tax breaks.

"So, reporting negative income, as Trump did every year, is no surprise.

"But the size of the losses is.

"Trump took almost 2% of all the losses reported in 1994 in the whole country, The Times reported.

"The real estate losses Trump took far exceed the value of his buildings and the limits enacted by Congress governing how much of that value can be written off each year.

"That means he also had large other losses, which was known generally, but not the scale of those losses."
How much do you want to bet the Ds voted yes along with the Rs.
Ds own lots of property.
Only a moron would say that more than $1 trillion in crappy mortgages, by 2002, and 70% of the sub prime mortgages by 2008, isn't a significant fraction.
Only a moron would say it is a significant factor in the crash. And a liar paid to lie to morons, which is where you got all your talking points anyway.

70% of the crappy mortgages held by Fannie, Freddie or some other government entity....not significant?

You must love that common core math. Idiot.
More untrue bs.

CRA wasn't expanded under Clinton?
Wasn't expanded again under Bush?
HUD didn't force Fannie and Freddie to buy subprime mortgages?
So What? CRA had very little to do with Bush's financial meltdown. Even one of your fellow righties (hat tip to Papageorgio) tacitly posted...

Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 | Federal Reserve History

Following the financial crisis of 2007-08, some critics of the CRA argued it had contributed to the mortgage crisis by encouraging banks to make loans to riskier borrowers. There is some evidence that CRA lending standards were relaxed in the mid-1990s; however, the bulk of defaulted mortgages during the foreclosure crisis were originated between 2004 and 2007. In addition, many of those loans were issued by mortgage lenders not subject to the CRA. Overall, the available evidence suggests the CRA was not responsible for the subprime crisis (Haltom 2010).​
Exactly. Nor can we pin it on the small subprime mortgages purchased by freddie and fannie. It was the jumbo residential mortgages and equity lines and the commercial versions of same that chiefly crashed the portfolios' derivatives and then the global economy. Which, itself, was only one factor. Just as big a factor (if not the only real factor worth attacking) was our lax law and oversight. "Buyer beware" is fine, until it affects others besides the buyers.

Nor can we pin it on the small subprime mortgages purchased by freddie and fannie.

Why not? They held over $1 trillion in subprime mortgages by 2002.
By 2008, 70% of the subprime and low quality mortgages were in government hands.
They just participated. They didn't create.

They bought so much crap, new corporations sprang up to meet their demand.

Not the only factor, but a huge part.
No it doesn't. Each state has 2 senators and house representation is based on state population. So according to your view every state should have the same number of house reps.
We’re talking about the executive branch, that’s what the electoral college is for. Most people learn that in grade school...

No, we were talking about how Hillary got more votes than Trump. Most grade schoolers know that Trump is president on a fluke.
Slums always vote for handouts.
The handouts eventually run out.
Slums always vote for handouts.
The handouts eventually run out.
Funny how the handouts never run out for slum-lords:

The Biggest Loser |

"Congress allows real estate developers to depreciate the value of their buildings even if they were bought with 100% borrowed money, as Trump did repeatedly.

"Owners of all other kinds of businesses must have their own money at risk to get tax breaks.

"So, reporting negative income, as Trump did every year, is no surprise.

"But the size of the losses is.

"Trump took almost 2% of all the losses reported in 1994 in the whole country, The Times reported.

"The real estate losses Trump took far exceed the value of his buildings and the limits enacted by Congress governing how much of that value can be written off each year.

"That means he also had large other losses, which was known generally, but not the scale of those losses."
How much do you want to bet the Ds voted yes along with the Rs.
Ds own lots of property.
How much do you want to bet the Ds voted yes along with the Rs.
Ds own lots of property.
There's no shortage of proof for that claim.
Ds and Rs spend roughly the same amount of time dialing for dollars.

Watch Cynthia Nixon's brutal ad slamming Andrew Cuomo's refusal to return Trump campaign donations
The Dem politicians made millions off of the Real Estate bubble.
2001 a month after Bush entered office, the recession of 2001 took place, that was the Clinton economy. It hurt not only the rich but many others.
What was the economic policy that caused that? Because the tax cuts ended up slowing the economy for jobs, to go along with the housing crisis.

The Tech Stock bubble burst about 5 months before the election and that was what caused the first recession during Bush.
Bill Clinton was taking credit for the Stock Market rise, until it fell.
The second recession under Bush was caused by the Real Estate Bubble that the Dem policies caused.

Those evil Democrats did it in minority positions in both houses & Bush in the White House.

Economics is a difficult subject for the Left Wingers to understand.
Clinton had a Dem house and senate in his first two years.
Their brilliant idea was to lower the mortgage lending standards for the low class trash Democrat Voters.
Clinton threatened to fine banks if they didn't make those bad loans.
The real estate bubble didn't happen over night, it took years for it to grow.
Thank me for your free economic lesson.
Low income borrowers did not crash the economy

It was greedy speculators who drove refinancing and bundled high risk mortgages with low risk to sell them off
Low income borrowers did not crash the economy

It was greedy speculators who drove refinancing and bundled high risk mortgages with low risk to sell them off
There's also a historical component to successive economic bubbles and their effects on working class consumers:


"Between 1996 – 2000, the technology-heavy Nasdaq equity index increased more than 8-fold, from 600 – 5,000 •

"Thousands of 'dot-com' companies went public despite no business plan and no earnings •

"The dot-com boom finally ended in early 2000 •

"The Nasdaq index peaked in early March, and lost 9% in 3 days that same month • The S&P 500 and the broader US stock market turned south 3 months later •

"$5 trillion in market value of technology companies wiped out between March 2000 and October 2002 •

"The Federal Reserve embarked on a sustained series of rate cuts to inject growth into the economy •

"Interest rates fell from 6.00% to 1.75% during 2001, and remained at historically low levels for several years."

Minsky moment - Wikipedia
What was the economic policy that caused that? Because the tax cuts ended up slowing the economy for jobs, to go along with the housing crisis.

The Tech Stock bubble burst about 5 months before the election and that was what caused the first recession during Bush.
Bill Clinton was taking credit for the Stock Market rise, until it fell.
The second recession under Bush was caused by the Real Estate Bubble that the Dem policies caused.

Those evil Democrats did it in minority positions in both houses & Bush in the White House.

Economics is a difficult subject for the Left Wingers to understand.
Clinton had a Dem house and senate in his first two years.
Their brilliant idea was to lower the mortgage lending standards for the low class trash Democrat Voters.
Clinton threatened to fine banks if they didn't make those bad loans.
The real estate bubble didn't happen over night, it took years for it to grow.
Thank me for your free economic lesson.
Low income borrowers did not crash the economy

It was greedy speculators who drove refinancing and bundled high risk mortgages with low risk to sell them off
Low income borrowers did not crash the economy

It was greedy speculators who drove refinancing and bundled high risk mortgages with low risk to sell them off
There's also a historical component to successive economic bubbles and their effects on working class consumers:


"Between 1996 – 2000, the technology-heavy Nasdaq equity index increased more than 8-fold, from 600 – 5,000 •

"Thousands of 'dot-com' companies went public despite no business plan and no earnings •

"The dot-com boom finally ended in early 2000 •

"The Nasdaq index peaked in early March, and lost 9% in 3 days that same month • The S&P 500 and the broader US stock market turned south 3 months later •

"$5 trillion in market value of technology companies wiped out between March 2000 and October 2002 •

"The Federal Reserve embarked on a sustained series of rate cuts to inject growth into the economy •

"Interest rates fell from 6.00% to 1.75% during 2001, and remained at historically low levels for several years."

Minsky moment - Wikipedia

Imagine the size of the DotCom bubble if the Fed had forced brokerage firms to provide 5% margin requirement loans for low-income people to buy tech stocks.
It isnt damning at all. Under Clinton, Bush and Obama, they lost over 16 Trillion dollars. President Trump inst even in the big leagues compared to them.

Clinton - Bill Clinton: Added $1.396 trillion, a 32 percent increase from the $4.4 trillion debt at the end of George H.W. Bush's last budget, FY 1993.

Bush - George W. Bush:
President Bush added $5.849 trillion, the second-greatest dollar amount. It was the fourth-largest percentage increase. Bush increased the debt by 101 percent from where it started at $5.8 trillion on September 30, 2001. That's the end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget.

Obama - Barack Obama: Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most dollar-wise. He added $8.588 trillion. This 74 percent increase was the fifth-largest. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package. It added $831Billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits , and funding public works projects.

You are very confused.
Not at all, those three liberals lost trillions of our dollars, while Donald J Trump lost a measly 1 billion dollars. Do you know the difference between 16 trillion and 1 billion?


it is like 1 dollar to 16 thousand dollars. Big damn difference punk.
Obama debt was 80% at least averting another corrupt GOP depression and welfare and unemployment for the victims. And Trump just blew a trillion for nothing but a give away to the rich.
Yet Trump's economy is booming...fewer people are on assistance...and unemployment is at historic lows...none of which Barry EVER accomplished!
It's what Barry started. Thank you Obama!

Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression. His "stimulus" was so badly implemented that it created so few jobs his Administration had to start using "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs were created! The Fed had to keep interest rates at almost zero for the longest time in history because the economy under Obama was so weak for so long! THAT is what Barry "started"! Thanks for eight years of economic misery, Obama!
The Tech Stock bubble burst about 5 months before the election and that was what caused the first recession during Bush.
Bill Clinton was taking credit for the Stock Market rise, until it fell.
The second recession under Bush was caused by the Real Estate Bubble that the Dem policies caused.

Those evil Democrats did it in minority positions in both houses & Bush in the White House.

Economics is a difficult subject for the Left Wingers to understand.
Clinton had a Dem house and senate in his first two years.
Their brilliant idea was to lower the mortgage lending standards for the low class trash Democrat Voters.
Clinton threatened to fine banks if they didn't make those bad loans.
The real estate bubble didn't happen over night, it took years for it to grow.
Thank me for your free economic lesson.
Low income borrowers did not crash the economy

It was greedy speculators who drove refinancing and bundled high risk mortgages with low risk to sell them off
Low income borrowers did not crash the economy

It was greedy speculators who drove refinancing and bundled high risk mortgages with low risk to sell them off
There's also a historical component to successive economic bubbles and their effects on working class consumers:


"Between 1996 – 2000, the technology-heavy Nasdaq equity index increased more than 8-fold, from 600 – 5,000 •

"Thousands of 'dot-com' companies went public despite no business plan and no earnings •

"The dot-com boom finally ended in early 2000 •

"The Nasdaq index peaked in early March, and lost 9% in 3 days that same month • The S&P 500 and the broader US stock market turned south 3 months later •

"$5 trillion in market value of technology companies wiped out between March 2000 and October 2002 •

"The Federal Reserve embarked on a sustained series of rate cuts to inject growth into the economy •

"Interest rates fell from 6.00% to 1.75% during 2001, and remained at historically low levels for several years."

Minsky moment - Wikipedia

Imagine the size of the DotCom bubble if the Fed had forced brokerage firms to provide 5% margin requirement loans for low-income people to buy tech stocks.
Imagine the size of the DotCom bubble if the Fed had forced brokerage firms to provide 5% margin requirement loans for low-income people to buy tech stocks.
Imagine the size of Wall Street's legal bills when Bernie moves into the White House?

Bernie Sanders: 'The Business Model Of Wall Street Is Fraud' | HuffPost
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.

No it isn't anyone with a brain knows that when you risk a lot of money, you can lose or gain a lot of money. Nine out of ten businesses fail, that is why I don't begrudge those who make it big.

Dude simply lost a ton of money. Good businessmen make money.

Good businessmen come back from down times. Trump lost a ton of money...then he made a ton of money. Why you think that is "damning" mystifies me! Anyone who knows Trump's history knows that there was a real rough patch in the 80's and early 90's. It is what it is.

Trump has never made "a ton of money". None of Trump's business has ever been a success. All of his golf resorts are losing money Trump makes money except the East Coast courses where he spends his weekends. Trump makes money off his bankruptcies, his TV show, and laundering money for Russians. The rest of his businesses go broke.

Donald Trump is a conman.
You are very confused.
Not at all, those three liberals lost trillions of our dollars, while Donald J Trump lost a measly 1 billion dollars. Do you know the difference between 16 trillion and 1 billion?


it is like 1 dollar to 16 thousand dollars. Big damn difference punk.
Obama debt was 80% at least averting another corrupt GOP depression and welfare and unemployment for the victims. And Trump just blew a trillion for nothing but a give away to the rich.
Yet Trump's economy is booming...fewer people are on assistance...and unemployment is at historic lows...none of which Barry EVER accomplished!
It's what Barry started. Thank you Obama!

Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression. His "stimulus" was so badly implemented that it created so few jobs his Administration had to start using "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs were created! The Fed had to keep interest rates at almost zero for the longest time in history because the economy under Obama was so weak for so long! THAT is what Barry "started"! Thanks for eight years of economic misery, Obama!
Sorry, buttbreath, but the CBO analyzed it & said it did what it was supposed to do,

Quit lying about this shit & concentrate on why we needed a stimulus in the first place: Republicans.
The Tech Stock bubble burst about 5 months before the election and that was what caused the first recession during Bush.
Bill Clinton was taking credit for the Stock Market rise, until it fell.
The second recession under Bush was caused by the Real Estate Bubble that the Dem policies caused.

Those evil Democrats did it in minority positions in both houses & Bush in the White House.

Economics is a difficult subject for the Left Wingers to understand.
Clinton had a Dem house and senate in his first two years.
Their brilliant idea was to lower the mortgage lending standards for the low class trash Democrat Voters.
Clinton threatened to fine banks if they didn't make those bad loans.
The real estate bubble didn't happen over night, it took years for it to grow.
Thank me for your free economic lesson.
Low income borrowers did not crash the economy

It was greedy speculators who drove refinancing and bundled high risk mortgages with low risk to sell them off
Low income borrowers did not crash the economy

It was greedy speculators who drove refinancing and bundled high risk mortgages with low risk to sell them off
There's also a historical component to successive economic bubbles and their effects on working class consumers:


"Between 1996 – 2000, the technology-heavy Nasdaq equity index increased more than 8-fold, from 600 – 5,000 •

"Thousands of 'dot-com' companies went public despite no business plan and no earnings •

"The dot-com boom finally ended in early 2000 •

"The Nasdaq index peaked in early March, and lost 9% in 3 days that same month • The S&P 500 and the broader US stock market turned south 3 months later •

"$5 trillion in market value of technology companies wiped out between March 2000 and October 2002 •

"The Federal Reserve embarked on a sustained series of rate cuts to inject growth into the economy •

"Interest rates fell from 6.00% to 1.75% during 2001, and remained at historically low levels for several years."

Minsky moment - Wikipedia

Imagine the size of the DotCom bubble if the Fed had forced brokerage firms to provide 5% margin requirement loans for low-income people to buy tech stocks.
I,age how stupid a person needs tyo be to think that buying a home is the same as buying stock.

One does not live in a stock, one does not rent stock to live.
Those evil Democrats did it in minority positions in both houses & Bush in the White House.

Economics is a difficult subject for the Left Wingers to understand.
Clinton had a Dem house and senate in his first two years.
Their brilliant idea was to lower the mortgage lending standards for the low class trash Democrat Voters.
Clinton threatened to fine banks if they didn't make those bad loans.
The real estate bubble didn't happen over night, it took years for it to grow.
Thank me for your free economic lesson.
Low income borrowers did not crash the economy

It was greedy speculators who drove refinancing and bundled high risk mortgages with low risk to sell them off
Low income borrowers did not crash the economy

It was greedy speculators who drove refinancing and bundled high risk mortgages with low risk to sell them off
There's also a historical component to successive economic bubbles and their effects on working class consumers:


"Between 1996 – 2000, the technology-heavy Nasdaq equity index increased more than 8-fold, from 600 – 5,000 •

"Thousands of 'dot-com' companies went public despite no business plan and no earnings •

"The dot-com boom finally ended in early 2000 •

"The Nasdaq index peaked in early March, and lost 9% in 3 days that same month • The S&P 500 and the broader US stock market turned south 3 months later •

"$5 trillion in market value of technology companies wiped out between March 2000 and October 2002 •

"The Federal Reserve embarked on a sustained series of rate cuts to inject growth into the economy •

"Interest rates fell from 6.00% to 1.75% during 2001, and remained at historically low levels for several years."

Minsky moment - Wikipedia

Imagine the size of the DotCom bubble if the Fed had forced brokerage firms to provide 5% margin requirement loans for low-income people to buy tech stocks.
I,age how stupid a person needs tyo be to think that buying a home is the same as buying stock.

One does not live in a stock, one does not rent stock to live.

How stupid do you have to be to not understand that goosing demand raises prices?

There you are!
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.
It isnt damning at all. Under Clinton, Bush and Obama, they lost over 16 Trillion dollars. President Trump inst even in the big leagues compared to them.

Clinton - Bill Clinton: Added $1.396 trillion, a 32 percent increase from the $4.4 trillion debt at the end of George H.W. Bush's last budget, FY 1993.

Bush - George W. Bush:
President Bush added $5.849 trillion, the second-greatest dollar amount. It was the fourth-largest percentage increase. Bush increased the debt by 101 percent from where it started at $5.8 trillion on September 30, 2001. That's the end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget.

Obama - Barack Obama: Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most dollar-wise. He added $8.588 trillion. This 74 percent increase was the fifth-largest. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package. It added $831Billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits , and funding public works projects.


And Trump's on pace to add $9 trillion if he's in office for 8 years.
If only Obama didnt spend $1.15 trillion dollars a year during his 8 years of office, that debt has interest of $350 billion dollars added, thanks Obama.

Closer to $1.25T per year debt added but they played funny games after they tanked housing, move dollars up front to deflect more blame.
We’re talking about the executive branch, that’s what the electoral college is for. Most people learn that in grade school...

No, we were talking about how Hillary got more votes than Trump. Most grade schoolers know that Trump is president on a fluke.
Slums always vote for handouts.
The handouts eventually run out.
Slums always vote for handouts.
The handouts eventually run out.
Funny how the handouts never run out for slum-lords:

The Biggest Loser |

"Congress allows real estate developers to depreciate the value of their buildings even if they were bought with 100% borrowed money, as Trump did repeatedly.

"Owners of all other kinds of businesses must have their own money at risk to get tax breaks.

"So, reporting negative income, as Trump did every year, is no surprise.

"But the size of the losses is.

"Trump took almost 2% of all the losses reported in 1994 in the whole country, The Times reported.

"The real estate losses Trump took far exceed the value of his buildings and the limits enacted by Congress governing how much of that value can be written off each year.

"That means he also had large other losses, which was known generally, but not the scale of those losses."
How much do you want to bet the Ds voted yes along with the Rs.
Ds own lots of property.
How much do you want to bet the Ds voted yes along with the Rs.
Ds own lots of property.
There's no shortage of proof for that claim.
Ds and Rs spend roughly the same amount of time dialing for dollars.

Watch Cynthia Nixon's brutal ad slamming Andrew Cuomo's refusal to return Trump campaign donations
Politics is a 24/7 job; very few do it for altruistic reasons.
Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

By the time his master-of-the-universe memoir “Trump: The Art of the Deal” hit bookstores in 1987, Donald J. Trump was already in deep financial distress, losing tens of millions of dollars on troubled business deals, according to previously unrevealed figures from his federal income tax returns.

Mr. Trump was propelled to the presidency, in part, by a self-spun narrative of business success and of setbacks triumphantly overcome. He has attributed his first run of reversals and bankruptcies to the recession that took hold in 1990. But 10 years of tax information obtained by The New York Times paints a different, and far bleaker, picture of his deal-making abilities and financial condition.

The data — printouts from Mr. Trump’s official Internal Revenue Service tax transcripts, with the figures from his federal tax form, the 1040, for the years 1985 to 1994 — represents the fullest and most detailed look to date at the president’s taxes, information he has kept from public view. Though the information does not cover the tax years at the center of an escalating battle between the Trump administration and Congress, it traces the most tumultuous chapter in a long business career — an era of fevered acquisition and spectacular collapse.

The numbers show that in 1985, Mr. Trump reported losses of $46.1 million from his core businesses — largely casinos, hotels and retail space in apartment buildings. They continued to lose money every year, totaling $1.17 billion in losses for the decade.

In fact, year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer, The Times found when it compared his results with detailed information the I.R.S. compiles on an annual sampling of high-income earners. His core business losses in 1990 and 1991 — more than $250 million each year — were more than double those of the nearest taxpayers in the I.R.S. information for those years.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

And this is the guy who is our president. He could not even run a small company. He lost over 1 billion dollars, but according to some here he is this great successful businessman. He has successfully conned his way into the presidency. And now he is conning people into believing he turned around an economy that was turned around when he got there and that a legitimate investigation is a coup.

How stupid are we in America?
/——/ The NY Slimes ran this story in the 1990s. They are just rehashing old stale news. It’s all they have.
Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

By the time his master-of-the-universe memoir “Trump: The Art of the Deal” hit bookstores in 1987, Donald J. Trump was already in deep financial distress, losing tens of millions of dollars on troubled business deals, according to previously unrevealed figures from his federal income tax returns.

Mr. Trump was propelled to the presidency, in part, by a self-spun narrative of business success and of setbacks triumphantly overcome. He has attributed his first run of reversals and bankruptcies to the recession that took hold in 1990. But 10 years of tax information obtained by The New York Times paints a different, and far bleaker, picture of his deal-making abilities and financial condition.

The data — printouts from Mr. Trump’s official Internal Revenue Service tax transcripts, with the figures from his federal tax form, the 1040, for the years 1985 to 1994 — represents the fullest and most detailed look to date at the president’s taxes, information he has kept from public view. Though the information does not cover the tax years at the center of an escalating battle between the Trump administration and Congress, it traces the most tumultuous chapter in a long business career — an era of fevered acquisition and spectacular collapse.

The numbers show that in 1985, Mr. Trump reported losses of $46.1 million from his core businesses — largely casinos, hotels and retail space in apartment buildings. They continued to lose money every year, totaling $1.17 billion in losses for the decade.

In fact, year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer, The Times found when it compared his results with detailed information the I.R.S. compiles on an annual sampling of high-income earners. His core business losses in 1990 and 1991 — more than $250 million each year — were more than double those of the nearest taxpayers in the I.R.S. information for those years.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

And this is the guy who is our president. He could not even run a small company. He lost over 1 billion dollars, but according to some here he is this great successful businessman. He has successfully conned his way into the presidency. And now he is conning people into believing he turned around an economy that was turned around when he got there and that a legitimate investigation is a coup.

How stupid are we in America?
/——/ The NY Slimes ran this story in the 1990s. They are just rehashing old stale news. It’s all they have.

It's hilarious.

Trump made a bunch of money.....that makes him bad.
Trump lost a bunch of money.....that makes him bad.
Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

By the time his master-of-the-universe memoir “Trump: The Art of the Deal” hit bookstores in 1987, Donald J. Trump was already in deep financial distress, losing tens of millions of dollars on troubled business deals, according to previously unrevealed figures from his federal income tax returns.

Mr. Trump was propelled to the presidency, in part, by a self-spun narrative of business success and of setbacks triumphantly overcome. He has attributed his first run of reversals and bankruptcies to the recession that took hold in 1990. But 10 years of tax information obtained by The New York Times paints a different, and far bleaker, picture of his deal-making abilities and financial condition.

The data — printouts from Mr. Trump’s official Internal Revenue Service tax transcripts, with the figures from his federal tax form, the 1040, for the years 1985 to 1994 — represents the fullest and most detailed look to date at the president’s taxes, information he has kept from public view. Though the information does not cover the tax years at the center of an escalating battle between the Trump administration and Congress, it traces the most tumultuous chapter in a long business career — an era of fevered acquisition and spectacular collapse.

The numbers show that in 1985, Mr. Trump reported losses of $46.1 million from his core businesses — largely casinos, hotels and retail space in apartment buildings. They continued to lose money every year, totaling $1.17 billion in losses for the decade.

In fact, year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer, The Times found when it compared his results with detailed information the I.R.S. compiles on an annual sampling of high-income earners. His core business losses in 1990 and 1991 — more than $250 million each year — were more than double those of the nearest taxpayers in the I.R.S. information for those years.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

And this is the guy who is our president. He could not even run a small company. He lost over 1 billion dollars, but according to some here he is this great successful businessman. He has successfully conned his way into the presidency. And now he is conning people into believing he turned around an economy that was turned around when he got there and that a legitimate investigation is a coup.

How stupid are we in America?
/——/ The NY Slimes ran this story in the 1990s. They are just rehashing old stale news. It’s all they have.

It's hilarious.

Trump made a bunch of money.....that makes him bad.
Trump lost a bunch of money.....that makes him bad.
/——-/ I sold some losing stocks in 2018 to offset gains, thus reducing my capital gains tax significantly. It’s done all the time.

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