Trump-$1.2 Billion In Core Business Losses

We’re talking about the executive branch, that’s what the electoral college is for. Most people learn that in grade school...

No, we were talking about how Hillary got more votes than Trump. Most grade schoolers know that Trump is president on a fluke.
Slums always vote for handouts.
The handouts eventually run out.
Slums always vote for handouts.
The handouts eventually run out.
Funny how the handouts never run out for slum-lords:

The Biggest Loser |

"Congress allows real estate developers to depreciate the value of their buildings even if they were bought with 100% borrowed money, as Trump did repeatedly.

"Owners of all other kinds of businesses must have their own money at risk to get tax breaks.

"So, reporting negative income, as Trump did every year, is no surprise.

"But the size of the losses is.

"Trump took almost 2% of all the losses reported in 1994 in the whole country, The Times reported.

"The real estate losses Trump took far exceed the value of his buildings and the limits enacted by Congress governing how much of that value can be written off each year.

"That means he also had large other losses, which was known generally, but not the scale of those losses."
How much do you want to bet the Ds voted yes along with the Rs.
Ds own lots of property.
How much do you want to bet the Ds voted yes along with the Rs.
Ds own lots of property.
There's no shortage of proof for that claim.
Ds and Rs spend roughly the same amount of time dialing for dollars.

Watch Cynthia Nixon's brutal ad slamming Andrew Cuomo's refusal to return Trump campaign donations
/——/ If Denard sent me money, I’d keep it and would still mark his posts funny.
Billionaires like Trump lose billions of dollars in business ventures like us peons lose tens of dollars by not shopping the best bargains.

Trump makes more money in one week than all these stupid Moon Bats that post here make in their lifetimes.
You are very confused.
Not at all, those three liberals lost trillions of our dollars, while Donald J Trump lost a measly 1 billion dollars. Do you know the difference between 16 trillion and 1 billion?


it is like 1 dollar to 16 thousand dollars. Big damn difference punk.
Obama debt was 80% at least averting another corrupt GOP depression and welfare and unemployment for the victims. And Trump just blew a trillion for nothing but a give away to the rich.
Yet Trump's economy is booming...fewer people are on assistance...and unemployment is at historic lows...none of which Barry EVER accomplished!
It's what Barry started. Thank you Obama!

Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression. His "stimulus" was so badly implemented that it created so few jobs his Administration had to start using "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs were created! The Fed had to keep interest rates at almost zero for the longest time in history because the economy under Obama was so weak for so long! THAT is what Barry "started"! Thanks for eight years of economic misery, Obama!
Lying con tool, you've been schooled repeatedly on the fact that Obama neither created the term, "jobs created or saved," nor waited until the jobs numbers came in to employ the term.

Do you ever stop lying?

Ever??? :ack-1:
Are you rich? If not, you might want to wait until your retirement before you decide that. How much will your middle class taxes be in a few years? We will have to make up for the Trump tax breaks to the rich and our tax breaks will have expired. So maybe right now you feel richer, but just wait.

Cost of medicare will be much higher because of Republican cuts to the program.

Same for Social security. How much is he going to cut your social security to pay for those tax breaks to corporations?

Are you rich? If not then you don't know what you are saying.

I make over $100K and I have no bills. My condo is paid off and I have a lease payment so my bills are maybe $1000 a month. That's $12K a year in bills. I'm saving my ass off because I know these cuts are coming.

Hell how many people I know thought their retirement age was 65 and just recently they found out Reagan in the 80's raised it to 67 for people their age. He too had to make up for the cuts he gave rich people and corporations. So he raised our retirement age to 67. And you went along with it. In fact you voted for it. And now you are doing it again. Now it will be 70.

How old are you? How rich are you? Are you a greedy rich guy or a dumb middle class person?

I am rich compared to 90% of you and still I can't get myself to vote GOP so I want to know why you people do it. This is a question for every Republicans who reads this post. What do you do and how much are you saving?

We will have to make up for the Trump tax breaks to the rich and our tax breaks will have expired.

Pelosi and AOC haven't produced a bill to make the middle class tax cuts permanent? Weird.

Hell how many people I know thought their retirement age was 65 and just recently they found out Reagan in the 80's raised it to 67 for people their age.

Darn that Reagan, sneaking in that change in 1983 and not telling your moron friends.

Funny how the Dems aren't upset with Pelosi or AOC for not raising the minimum wage, for not making the middle class tax cuts permanent. They seem content just to try to secure the 2020 elections. Like I have said, party over country.

Ha ha. What an idiot you are.

The federal minimum wage was last raised on July 24, 2009

Democrats didn't think anyone needed a tax cut. We need to build infrastructure and strengthen social security. A program you no doubt are going to heavily rely on.

The Minimum Wage has nothing to do with the Middle Class. Even if the minimum wages was more than doubled to $15, the recipients wouldn't be "middle class" People who only earn $15 an hour are scraping by and can't afford school tuition and orthodontic bills, the mainstays of Middle Class Financial life.
Which is why Republicans were right when the unemployment rate with Obama was so low, thanks to the stimulus that Trump takes credit for in his own historic unemployment lows, wages continue to be flat. Which is why people can't afford tuition and orthodontic bills. Unfortunately, as Republicans stated in the past with Obama, many of the jobs associated with the unemployment lows were minimum wage jobs. Are you fixing that problem with tax cuts to the wealthy? Obviously not. You yourself are telling us that people can't afford Orthodontic and school tuition and you are right. So, tell us how tax cuts going to the wealthy fixes that? Answer, it doesn't, and it has not. And that's reality.

We’ve had the largest wage increase in years under Trump, and a new all time high in median household income.

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Didn't Amazon lose so much money last year that their write offs resulted in them not even having to pay any corporate tax?

Did that Facebook weenie lose two billion dollars in one a few months ago?

Conducting business and taking risk sure beats the hell the hell out being a sorry ass Moon Bat on welfare, and expecting other people to pay your bills, doesn't it?
Seems like possession of stolen property and use of it for profit would be a crime.

4 decades ago the rich didn't like how much taxes they were paying. So they came up with a plan. Pay off the politicians to cut their taxes. But how can we pay for things if we cut their taxes? The answer for them was to raise our taxes. And that is what we have seen over the last 4 decades.

This is one of many reasons the gap between the rich and poor has widened.

Them hiring illegals has cost the middle class billions every year since Reagan

Out of control CEO compensation while the workers get no profit sharing.

Sending high paying jobs overseas and giving themselves bonus' for saving shareholders money.

All these things are how the rich and corporations waged class warfare on the rest of us. They are winning the class war you say we are the ones waging? Interesting.

Ronny RayGun was a real ass hole; I'm glad he's playing golf with Hitler in Hell ..........

I thought you libs loved Reagan as one of your own, with his son and daughter being leftwing whackadoos nowadays?
My union liberal immigrant father loved Reagan because he saved the Lincoln Wixom, MI Ford plant when he was working there in the 80's. Carter would have done the same.

Little did my father know Reagan would be the beginning of the end for unions.

But what did he care he was getting his. If the next generation isn't smart enough to fight for more pay and better benefits, fuck em right? Every man for himself in Republicaville.
Didn't Amazon lose so much money last year that their write offs resulted in them not even having to pay any corporate tax?

Did that Facebook weenie lose two billion dollars in one a few months ago?

Conducting business and taking risk sure beats the hell the hell out being a sorry ass Moon Bat on welfare, and expecting other people to pay your bills, doesn't it?

The problem is the richest of the rich make obscene amounts of money and the people at the bottom make an obscenely low amount for their work.

We are talking about people who work not welfare bums.
We will have to make up for the Trump tax breaks to the rich and our tax breaks will have expired.

Pelosi and AOC haven't produced a bill to make the middle class tax cuts permanent? Weird.

Hell how many people I know thought their retirement age was 65 and just recently they found out Reagan in the 80's raised it to 67 for people their age.

Darn that Reagan, sneaking in that change in 1983 and not telling your moron friends.

Funny how the Dems aren't upset with Pelosi or AOC for not raising the minimum wage, for not making the middle class tax cuts permanent. They seem content just to try to secure the 2020 elections. Like I have said, party over country.

Ha ha. What an idiot you are.

The federal minimum wage was last raised on July 24, 2009

Democrats didn't think anyone needed a tax cut. We need to build infrastructure and strengthen social security. A program you no doubt are going to heavily rely on.

The Minimum Wage has nothing to do with the Middle Class. Even if the minimum wages was more than doubled to $15, the recipients wouldn't be "middle class" People who only earn $15 an hour are scraping by and can't afford school tuition and orthodontic bills, the mainstays of Middle Class Financial life.
Which is why Republicans were right when the unemployment rate with Obama was so low, thanks to the stimulus that Trump takes credit for in his own historic unemployment lows, wages continue to be flat. Which is why people can't afford tuition and orthodontic bills. Unfortunately, as Republicans stated in the past with Obama, many of the jobs associated with the unemployment lows were minimum wage jobs. Are you fixing that problem with tax cuts to the wealthy? Obviously not. You yourself are telling us that people can't afford Orthodontic and school tuition and you are right. So, tell us how tax cuts going to the wealthy fixes that? Answer, it doesn't, and it has not. And that's reality.

We’ve had the largest wage increase in years under Trump, and a new all time high in median household income.

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One thing I can't deny is that I'm having the best years of my life. I was doing great under Obama but I'm doing even better now.

Overall Trump isn't worth it but I can't say he ruined the economy around me, yet.

Gore lost when the economy was great. He should have been elected based on the economy and so should have Hillary. Trump and Republicans convinced the voters that things weren't great in 2015 but they were. I was doing great. Manufacturing was doing great. We 80 straight months of adding jobs to the economy, no steps backward.

Republicans denied the unemployment number was real and didn't care that the stock market was doing great. They said what about blue collar. Well? What about them? They are still struggling. Far from maga.
Billionaires like Trump lose billions of dollars in business ventures like us peons lose tens of dollars by not shopping the best bargains.

Trump makes more money in one week than all these stupid Moon Bats that post here make in their lifetimes.
/——-/ At 3% interest $1 billion would generate $30 million a year. Trump wouldn’t have to take any risks. He could have lived his life in luxury without libtards attacking him24/7. But he chose to run for president and MAGA. He is a great patriot.
Funny how the Dems aren't upset with Pelosi or AOC for not raising the minimum wage, for not making the middle class tax cuts permanent. They seem content just to try to secure the 2020 elections. Like I have said, party over country.

Ha ha. What an idiot you are.

The federal minimum wage was last raised on July 24, 2009

Democrats didn't think anyone needed a tax cut. We need to build infrastructure and strengthen social security. A program you no doubt are going to heavily rely on.

The Minimum Wage has nothing to do with the Middle Class. Even if the minimum wages was more than doubled to $15, the recipients wouldn't be "middle class" People who only earn $15 an hour are scraping by and can't afford school tuition and orthodontic bills, the mainstays of Middle Class Financial life.
Which is why Republicans were right when the unemployment rate with Obama was so low, thanks to the stimulus that Trump takes credit for in his own historic unemployment lows, wages continue to be flat. Which is why people can't afford tuition and orthodontic bills. Unfortunately, as Republicans stated in the past with Obama, many of the jobs associated with the unemployment lows were minimum wage jobs. Are you fixing that problem with tax cuts to the wealthy? Obviously not. You yourself are telling us that people can't afford Orthodontic and school tuition and you are right. So, tell us how tax cuts going to the wealthy fixes that? Answer, it doesn't, and it has not. And that's reality.

We’ve had the largest wage increase in years under Trump, and a new all time high in median household income.

Sent from my iPad using

One thing I can't deny is that I'm having the best years of my life. I was doing great under Obama but I'm doing even better now.

Overall Trump isn't worth it but I can't say he ruined the economy around me, yet.

Gore lost when the economy was great. He should have been elected based on the economy and so should have Hillary. Trump and Republicans convinced the voters that things weren't great in 2015 but they were. I was doing great. Manufacturing was doing great. We 80 straight months of adding jobs to the economy, no steps backward.

Republicans denied the unemployment number was real and didn't care that the stock market was doing great. They said what about blue collar. Well? What about them? They are still struggling. Far from maga.
/——/ I’ve made money no matter who was I office, and having Hildabeast as president would mean I’d leave my investment strategy untouched from Obozo. I voted for Trump because he is not part of the swamp and truly cares about MAGA.
Ha ha. What an idiot you are.

The federal minimum wage was last raised on July 24, 2009

Democrats didn't think anyone needed a tax cut. We need to build infrastructure and strengthen social security. A program you no doubt are going to heavily rely on.

The Minimum Wage has nothing to do with the Middle Class. Even if the minimum wages was more than doubled to $15, the recipients wouldn't be "middle class" People who only earn $15 an hour are scraping by and can't afford school tuition and orthodontic bills, the mainstays of Middle Class Financial life.
Which is why Republicans were right when the unemployment rate with Obama was so low, thanks to the stimulus that Trump takes credit for in his own historic unemployment lows, wages continue to be flat. Which is why people can't afford tuition and orthodontic bills. Unfortunately, as Republicans stated in the past with Obama, many of the jobs associated with the unemployment lows were minimum wage jobs. Are you fixing that problem with tax cuts to the wealthy? Obviously not. You yourself are telling us that people can't afford Orthodontic and school tuition and you are right. So, tell us how tax cuts going to the wealthy fixes that? Answer, it doesn't, and it has not. And that's reality.

We’ve had the largest wage increase in years under Trump, and a new all time high in median household income.

Sent from my iPad using

One thing I can't deny is that I'm having the best years of my life. I was doing great under Obama but I'm doing even better now.

Overall Trump isn't worth it but I can't say he ruined the economy around me, yet.

Gore lost when the economy was great. He should have been elected based on the economy and so should have Hillary. Trump and Republicans convinced the voters that things weren't great in 2015 but they were. I was doing great. Manufacturing was doing great. We 80 straight months of adding jobs to the economy, no steps backward.

Republicans denied the unemployment number was real and didn't care that the stock market was doing great. They said what about blue collar. Well? What about them? They are still struggling. Far from maga.
/——/ I’ve made money no matter who was I office, and having Hildabeast as president would mean I’d leave my investment strategy untouched from Obozo. I voted for Trump because he is not part of the swamp and truly cares about MAGA.
Gimme a break. I'm not buying that. I think he's maga for the rich.

For example, if he truly wanted illegals to go home he would do more work raids but he's not going to do that and so illegals are going to continue to keep wages down. That wall ain't gonna make a dent in wages. We need to go back to before Bush stopped doing work raids. Why did he stop? I'll tell you why. Because the GOP is run by corporations who hire illegals. Hiring illegals is one of the reasons the gap between the middle class and rich are widening. Think about it. If the rich are saving billions of dollars a year hiring illegals, the are costing the middle class billions a year.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

This is all Bush. He did this shit. Then 4 years later McCain and Romney were still telling us illegals were only here doing jobs Americans won't do.

Trump is a con man and you've been conned.
The Minimum Wage has nothing to do with the Middle Class. Even if the minimum wages was more than doubled to $15, the recipients wouldn't be "middle class" People who only earn $15 an hour are scraping by and can't afford school tuition and orthodontic bills, the mainstays of Middle Class Financial life.
Which is why Republicans were right when the unemployment rate with Obama was so low, thanks to the stimulus that Trump takes credit for in his own historic unemployment lows, wages continue to be flat. Which is why people can't afford tuition and orthodontic bills. Unfortunately, as Republicans stated in the past with Obama, many of the jobs associated with the unemployment lows were minimum wage jobs. Are you fixing that problem with tax cuts to the wealthy? Obviously not. You yourself are telling us that people can't afford Orthodontic and school tuition and you are right. So, tell us how tax cuts going to the wealthy fixes that? Answer, it doesn't, and it has not. And that's reality.

We’ve had the largest wage increase in years under Trump, and a new all time high in median household income.

Sent from my iPad using

One thing I can't deny is that I'm having the best years of my life. I was doing great under Obama but I'm doing even better now.

Overall Trump isn't worth it but I can't say he ruined the economy around me, yet.

Gore lost when the economy was great. He should have been elected based on the economy and so should have Hillary. Trump and Republicans convinced the voters that things weren't great in 2015 but they were. I was doing great. Manufacturing was doing great. We 80 straight months of adding jobs to the economy, no steps backward.

Republicans denied the unemployment number was real and didn't care that the stock market was doing great. They said what about blue collar. Well? What about them? They are still struggling. Far from maga.
/——/ I’ve made money no matter who was I office, and having Hildabeast as president would mean I’d leave my investment strategy untouched from Obozo. I voted for Trump because he is not part of the swamp and truly cares about MAGA.
Gimme a break. I'm not buying that. I think he's maga for the rich.

For example, if he truly wanted illegals to go home he would do more work raids but he's not going to do that and so illegals are going to continue to keep wages down. That wall ain't gonna make a dent in wages. We need to go back to before Bush stopped doing work raids. Why did he stop? I'll tell you why. Because the GOP is run by corporations who hire illegals. Hiring illegals is one of the reasons the gap between the middle class and rich are widening. Think about it. If the rich are saving billions of dollars a year hiring illegals, the are costing the middle class billions a year.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

This is all Bush. He did this shit. Then 4 years later McCain and Romney were still telling us illegals were only here doing jobs Americans won't do.

Trump is a con man and you've been conned.
/——-/. “Gimme a break. I'm not buying that. I think he's maga for the rich
Why would he do that? What possible motive would a 70 year old billionaire subject himself for the sole purpose of helping other rich people, most of whom he doesn’t even know?
No it isn't anyone with a brain knows that when you risk a lot of money, you can lose or gain a lot of money. Nine out of ten businesses fail, that is why I don't begrudge those who make it big.

Dude simply lost a ton of money. Good businessmen make money.

Good businessmen come back from down times. Trump lost a ton of money...then he made a ton of money. Why you think that is "damning" mystifies me! Anyone who knows Trump's history knows that there was a real rough patch in the 80's and early 90's. It is what it is.
Trump never made money. He lives off Oligarchy laundered money and the money from fraudulent money laundering banks.
He has always lived off of his name
Exactly! Fred Trump gave him $415 million dollars and he lost every penny. Some business man. :auiqs.jpg:And his duped base still keep drinking the sewer water he gives them at his rallies. What a joke.

In the very first episode of The Apprentice, Trump himself announces the loss of $billions ..."and I came back"

The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.

No it isn't anyone with a brain knows that when you risk a lot of money, you can lose or gain a lot of money. Nine out of ten businesses fail, that is why I don't begrudge those who make it big.

Dude simply lost a ton of money. Good businessmen make money.

Good businessmen come back from down times. Trump lost a ton of money...then he made a ton of money. Why you think that is "damning" mystifies me! Anyone who knows Trump's history knows that there was a real rough patch in the 80's and early 90's. It is what it is.

Trump has never made "a ton of money". None of Trump's business has ever been a success. All of his golf resorts are losing money Trump makes money except the East Coast courses where he spends his weekends. Trump makes money off his bankruptcies, his TV show, and laundering money for Russians. The rest of his businesses go broke.

Donald Trump is a conman.

Do you have proof, like a reliable mainstream news source or arroyo just blathering your BS again?
Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

By the time his master-of-the-universe memoir “Trump: The Art of the Deal” hit bookstores in 1987, Donald J. Trump was already in deep financial distress, losing tens of millions of dollars on troubled business deals, according to previously unrevealed figures from his federal income tax returns.

Mr. Trump was propelled to the presidency, in part, by a self-spun narrative of business success and of setbacks triumphantly overcome. He has attributed his first run of reversals and bankruptcies to the recession that took hold in 1990. But 10 years of tax information obtained by The New York Times paints a different, and far bleaker, picture of his deal-making abilities and financial condition.

The data — printouts from Mr. Trump’s official Internal Revenue Service tax transcripts, with the figures from his federal tax form, the 1040, for the years 1985 to 1994 — represents the fullest and most detailed look to date at the president’s taxes, information he has kept from public view. Though the information does not cover the tax years at the center of an escalating battle between the Trump administration and Congress, it traces the most tumultuous chapter in a long business career — an era of fevered acquisition and spectacular collapse.

The numbers show that in 1985, Mr. Trump reported losses of $46.1 million from his core businesses — largely casinos, hotels and retail space in apartment buildings. They continued to lose money every year, totaling $1.17 billion in losses for the decade.

In fact, year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer, The Times found when it compared his results with detailed information the I.R.S. compiles on an annual sampling of high-income earners. His core business losses in 1990 and 1991 — more than $250 million each year — were more than double those of the nearest taxpayers in the I.R.S. information for those years.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

And this is the guy who is our president. He could not even run a small company. He lost over 1 billion dollars, but according to some here he is this great successful businessman. He has successfully conned his way into the presidency. And now he is conning people into believing he turned around an economy that was turned around when he got there and that a legitimate investigation is a coup.

How stupid are we in America?
/——/ The NY Slimes ran this story in the 1990s. They are just rehashing old stale news. It’s all they have.

It's hilarious.

Trump made a bunch of money.....that makes him bad.
Trump lost a bunch of money.....that makes him bad.

It is just another “butt hurt, boo who, we lost” thread.
Didn't Amazon lose so much money last year that their write offs resulted in them not even having to pay any corporate tax?

Did that Facebook weenie lose two billion dollars in one a few months ago?

Conducting business and taking risk sure beats the hell the hell out being a sorry ass Moon Bat on welfare, and expecting other people to pay your bills, doesn't it?

The problem is the richest of the rich make obscene amounts of money and the people at the bottom make an obscenely low amount for their work.

We are talking about people who work not welfare bums.

Go be poor someplace else Moon Bat.

I don't give a shit how much money other people make because I am not a greedy envious asshole like you Moon Bats are.

I am not poorer because somebody else is richer. However, I am poorer when the filthy government takes my money by force and then gives it away to you sorry ass welfare queens and Illegals.
Billionaires like Trump lose billions of dollars in business ventures like us peons lose tens of dollars by not shopping the best bargains.
And yet he lost more than any other individual in the country.

The biggest loser, deadbeat donnie. Only a trump cultist would even try to spin that as anything other than what it is: horrible businessman losing his ass...
Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

By the time his master-of-the-universe memoir “Trump: The Art of the Deal” hit bookstores in 1987, Donald J. Trump was already in deep financial distress, losing tens of millions of dollars on troubled business deals, according to previously unrevealed figures from his federal income tax returns.

Mr. Trump was propelled to the presidency, in part, by a self-spun narrative of business success and of setbacks triumphantly overcome. He has attributed his first run of reversals and bankruptcies to the recession that took hold in 1990. But 10 years of tax information obtained by The New York Times paints a different, and far bleaker, picture of his deal-making abilities and financial condition.

The data — printouts from Mr. Trump’s official Internal Revenue Service tax transcripts, with the figures from his federal tax form, the 1040, for the years 1985 to 1994 — represents the fullest and most detailed look to date at the president’s taxes, information he has kept from public view. Though the information does not cover the tax years at the center of an escalating battle between the Trump administration and Congress, it traces the most tumultuous chapter in a long business career — an era of fevered acquisition and spectacular collapse.

The numbers show that in 1985, Mr. Trump reported losses of $46.1 million from his core businesses — largely casinos, hotels and retail space in apartment buildings. They continued to lose money every year, totaling $1.17 billion in losses for the decade.

In fact, year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer, The Times found when it compared his results with detailed information the I.R.S. compiles on an annual sampling of high-income earners. His core business losses in 1990 and 1991 — more than $250 million each year — were more than double those of the nearest taxpayers in the I.R.S. information for those years.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

And this is the guy who is our president. He could not even run a small company. He lost over 1 billion dollars, but according to some here he is this great successful businessman. He has successfully conned his way into the presidency. And now he is conning people into believing he turned around an economy that was turned around when he got there and that a legitimate investigation is a coup.

How stupid are we in America?
/——/ The NY Slimes ran this story in the 1990s. They are just rehashing old stale news. It’s all they have.
/——/ The NY Slimes ran this story in the 1990s. They
Got a link proving that claim?

Many New Yorkers suspected Trump was a lying sack of shit in the 1990s, but the research behind today's story was compiled after the Biggest Loser in US Business History became POTUS.

The Biggest Loser |

"A major implication of these tax documents, as well as the 2005 partial tax return obtained and other records, is that Trump’s tax returns would not stand up under audit.

"For example, consider the paper real estate losses Trump took on his tax returns...."

"The real estate losses Trump took far exceed the value of his buildings and the limits enacted by Congress governing how much of that value can be written off each year.

"That means he also had large other losses, which was known generally, but not the scale of those losses."

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