Trump-$1.2 Billion In Core Business Losses

What rule of the Democrat Party allowed Hillary Clinton to get the debate questions in advance?
That was wrong but the info supplied did not match the two questions very well.

Hardly a reason Bernie lost.
/——/ Bernie lost because of the super delegates and his supporters were pizzed and enough sat out the election.
Liar. Hillary won the regular delegates 2200 to 1800.

Got any more lies you want to tell today?
/—-/ NBC says you are wrong. What's a Super Delegate, and Why Did Clinton Win Them?

Is this "Stupid Trumpette Postiong Day?

Hillary won the delegate war in the voting. Not counting super delegates.

How fucking stupid are yop0u people?
/----/ "Is this "Stupid Trumpette Postiong Day? --How fucking stupid are yop0u people?"
We're smart enough to know how to spell "posting" and "you."
It’s not “affordable Care” when the premiums are $22,000 per year for a family of three.

I was paying that before the ACA for a family of two.
I doubt you pay anything. Your comments indicate you are on the dole , reaping benefits provided by working people while lambasting them at the same time.
Fuck off. I doubt you have moved from your mommy's basement.

From yoiur piosts, you are too fucking stupid top hold any job.
/—-/ The sole purpose of Super Delegates is so the Party leaders can over rule the will of the dem voters.

We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics. The smartest don't win the richest do.

We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics.

Ummm….the Federal government spent over $4 trillion last year.

Get money out of politics? LOL!

The smartest don't win the richest do.

That's why Hillary won after she spent twice as much as Trump.....
You forgot to consider the money Russia spent.

Exactly. Many, many liberals voted for Trump because of Facebook memes. Right?

Just the uneducated white people, like you evidently.

Trump got a huge share of the white vote ESPECIALLY the uneducated white vote.
We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics. The smartest don't win the richest do.

We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics.

Ummm….the Federal government spent over $4 trillion last year.

Get money out of politics? LOL!

The smartest don't win the richest do.

That's why Hillary won after she spent twice as much as Trump.....
You forgot to consider the money Russia spent.

Exactly. Many, many liberals voted for Trump because of Facebook memes. Right?

Just the uneducated white people, like you evidently.

Trump got a huge share of the white vote ESPECIALLY the uneducated white vote.
/----/ "uneducated white vote."
Define uneducated and then prove you claim.
Obama had record high markets too. I must of missed your posts saying how great he was.

When you borrow 1.5 trillion & pump it in the economy, things look pretty good until the debt becomes due.

If the economy is so great, why are we increasing deficits? Why is the fed still afraid to raise rates?

When you slash corporate tax rares well off companies & wealthy people, they have all this money to spend. They look to the market & it drivers up stock costs.

You go ahead & think people trading pieces of paper is the key to our economy.

Ah, Dave? The Fed has raised rates six times in the two years that Trump has been in office. That's four more times than they raised them from the time Obama was elected until Trump was elected!

What did the Fed say in December?

Ah, but here's the HUGE difference between Obama's economy and Trump's, Dave! Obama's stock market was totally driven by interest rates that were kept at historically low rates throughout his entire two terms. That's the Fed saying the economy is growing so slowly that we need to do everything that we can to stimulate it! Trump's stock market is staying strong despite interest rates that have been raised by historic rates during his two plus years in office. That's the Fed saying the economy is growing so strongly that we need to do something to cool it off!
Ah, but more buillshit. Fed rates are still low.

You totally ignored how much money was pumped into the markets with the unfunded Trump tax cuts.,

Quit making excuses for Trump while trying to trash Obama.

Obama started with an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% & losing 800,000 jobs a month. I wish you diprticks would consider that for a change.

And what was Barry's first major priority when he took over that economy? Passing the Affordable Care Act? Something that quite obviously was going to hurt job creation and economic growth? I wish you Obama apologists would consider the effects of his actions on the economy! His second big legislative priority was for Cap & Trade legislation...something he was pushing hard for leading up to the 2010 mid terms! So did you want to take a crack at explaining how THAT was going to grow the economy? The truth is, Dave...Barack Obama cared more about passing a liberal agenda than he did about creating jobs.

As for "ignoring" how much money was pumped into the markets with the Trump tax cuts? Ah, that was the whole point of DOING the tax cuts in the first place. Sucking money out of the Private Sector with taxes doesn't grow the economy. Letting people invest that money does! Trump grasps that on the left don't seem to and haven't since JFK was President!
You are a lying fuck. The first major legislation was a stimulus bill to get our economy back on track.

Are you stupid or a liar?

Ex-lain how Cporpiration & the welthy buying stock puts money into the economy.

Putting money in the hand of the poor & Middle Class, people who will spend it in the stores, will put money into the economy.

Handing rich people money is a piss poor method of stimulating the economy.

The majority of the Trump Tax cuts did not go to working people., Are you stupid or just a liar?

The only think Trump knows how to gradp are women's pussies.

Running up the deficit is not a good stimulus plan.[/QUOTE]

Ah want to take money out of the pockets of the people who actually create jobs...give it to the Federal Government...who will do what they always do...waste a good bit of it through sheer stupidity...and then if there is some left over...give it to the poor as entitlements?

Hey here's a novel concept! Why don't you let those job creators KEEP their money...let them create jobs for the poor and the Middle Class...and then the poor and the Middle Class won't NEED entitlements! You Trump has been doing since he got into office! What Barry NEVER did the entire eight years HE was in office?[/QUOTE]

Sp now you claim those swell off corporations & wealthy people used those tax cuts to create jobs.

How Fucking stupid are you.

That is a serious question.

You are so fucking stupid that you think if you hand corporations money that they create jobs? Corporations hire when they need employees because they have things for them to do. Manufacturers hire when they need to make more product. They need to make more product when their sales go up. Their sales go up when people buy more. The people who buy more are the poor & Middle Class whn you put more money in their hands. Not in the hands of wealthy people.

Then ytou claim Obama didn't create jobs. WOW Just WOW.[/QUOTE]
Obama was TERRIBLE at creating jobs, Dave! Were there jobs created during his administration? Hell, yeah! Were they created because of Obama economic policies? Hell, no! One of the biggest drivers of the economy during Obama's time in office was the oil and natural gas boom. Did you want to take a crack at explaining which Obama policies made that happen? The truth is that Barry opposed fracking and did everything he could to make fossil fuels obsolete!

As for why businesses hire? They produce goods and provide services when they anticipate profits. When you take away their profits...they don't hire people because they don't see a potential FOR profit! Trump GETS liberals never do!
/—-/ The sole purpose of Super Delegates is so the Party leaders can over rule the will of the dem voters.

We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics. The smartest don't win the richest do.

We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics.

Ummm….the Federal government spent over $4 trillion last year.

Get money out of politics? LOL!

The smartest don't win the richest do.

That's why Hillary won after she spent twice as much as Trump.....
You forgot to consider the money Russia spent.

Exactly. Many, many liberals voted for Trump because of Facebook memes. Right?

Just the uneducated white people, like you evidently.
Same shit, different day with these idiots.
If they were liberal they would have done more stories on how many contractors Trump stiffed over the years.

I don't think that they would have wanted to put the contractors on TV that much, because Donald Trump would have fought back and shown the public the shoddy work done by the contractors in question.

A lot of Americans have had less than satisfactory results after they paid for contracts and would empathize with a man who fought back

There it is again everyone. If the corporations don't pay workers enough and workers speak up, this is how they are attacked. This is what class warfare looks like.

You did it to Auto unions, teachers and now Uber drivers.

Just this week Fox News commentator lashed out at those protesting the working conditions at the ride-sharing apps. Her tweet accused drivers of being slovenly and foul-smelling, claiming that they work in their pajamas and have cars that “reek of body odor.” She also criticized them for seeking higher pay and a larger share of fares.

And when called out on it she had to back peddle.

Lahren clarified during an appearance on the Hammer and Nigel show that she's all for fair treatment of workers and competitive pay, but the Fox News and Fox Nation firebrand cautioned that drivers should be prepared for the potential consequences of a strike.

HINT. She's not really for fair treatment of workers and competitive pay. She's all for the corporation UBER maximizing profits. Why? She probably purchased some shares. Damn the workers.

How many times have you used Uber?
/—-/ The sole purpose of Super Delegates is so the Party leaders can over rule the will of the dem voters.

We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics. The smartest don't win the richest do.

We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics.

Ummm….the Federal government spent over $4 trillion last year.

Get money out of politics? LOL!

The smartest don't win the richest do.

That's why Hillary won after she spent twice as much as Trump.....
You forgot to consider the money Russia spent.

Exactly. Many, many liberals voted for Trump because of Facebook memes. Right?

Just the uneducated white people, like you evidently.

They stopped voting for Dems? That's awful!
We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics. The smartest don't win the richest do.

We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics.

Ummm….the Federal government spent over $4 trillion last year.

Get money out of politics? LOL!

The smartest don't win the richest do.

That's why Hillary won after she spent twice as much as Trump.....
You forgot to consider the money Russia spent.

Exactly. Many, many liberals voted for Trump because of Facebook memes. Right?

Just the uneducated white people, like you evidently.
Same shit, different day with these idiots.

Why did all the uneducated Bernie voters stay home in 2016? LOL!
We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics. The smartest don't win the richest do.

We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics.

Ummm….the Federal government spent over $4 trillion last year.

Get money out of politics? LOL!

The smartest don't win the richest do.

That's why Hillary won after she spent twice as much as Trump.....
You forgot to consider the money Russia spent.

Exactly. Many, many liberals voted for Trump because of Facebook memes. Right?

Just the uneducated white people, like you evidently.

They stopped voting for Dems? That's awful!
Which explains why they are uneducated.
We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics.

Ummm….the Federal government spent over $4 trillion last year.

Get money out of politics? LOL!

The smartest don't win the richest do.

That's why Hillary won after she spent twice as much as Trump.....
You forgot to consider the money Russia spent.

Exactly. Many, many liberals voted for Trump because of Facebook memes. Right?

Just the uneducated white people, like you evidently.
Same shit, different day with these idiots.

Why did all the uneducated Bernie voters stay home in 2016? LOL!
Maybe it was Cambridge Analytica stealing FB accounts and passing them off to Wikileaks, and or using them in false memes? You know, I haven't heard from Cambridge or Wikileaks lately. Have you?
Trump got a huge share of the white vote ESPECIALLY the uneducated white vote.

So what's the strategery for Creepy Joe or Crazy Bernie or Pete the Butt to capture the Uneducated Honky Vote that is so critical to victory?
Nothing! They're willful idiots forever. There is no bringing back that kind of stupid. Democrats will just have to hope there are more educated people than Trump deplorables.
We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics.

Ummm….the Federal government spent over $4 trillion last year.

Get money out of politics? LOL!

The smartest don't win the richest do.

That's why Hillary won after she spent twice as much as Trump.....
You forgot to consider the money Russia spent.

Exactly. Many, many liberals voted for Trump because of Facebook memes. Right?

Just the uneducated white people, like you evidently.

They stopped voting for Dems? That's awful!
Which explains why they are uneducated.

I agree, most white Dem voters are uneducated.
You forgot to consider the money Russia spent.

Exactly. Many, many liberals voted for Trump because of Facebook memes. Right?

Just the uneducated white people, like you evidently.
Same shit, different day with these idiots.

Why did all the uneducated Bernie voters stay home in 2016? LOL!
Maybe it was Cambridge Analytica stealing FB accounts and passing them off to Wikileaks, and or using them in false memes? You know, I haven't heard from Cambridge or Wikileaks lately. Have you?

Bernie voters were tricked by Russian memes mentioning Hillary's corruption?

That's awful!
We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics.

Ummm….the Federal government spent over $4 trillion last year.

Get money out of politics? LOL!

The smartest don't win the richest do.

That's why Hillary won after she spent twice as much as Trump.....
You forgot to consider the money Russia spent.

Exactly. Many, many liberals voted for Trump because of Facebook memes. Right?

Just the uneducated white people, like you evidently.

Trump got a huge share of the white vote ESPECIALLY the uneducated white vote.
/----/ "uneducated white vote."
Define uneducated and then prove you claim.

Look it up stupid. It's a fact white males and white females got elected but more specifically it was the uneducated whites who dun it.

After Donald J. Trump’s upset victory in the 2016 presidential election, one data point from the network exit polls jumped out at analysts: his two-point win among college-educated white voters.

Many pre-election polls had suggested they would favor Hillary Clinton. And now, more than a year later, polls again show Mr. Trump with striking weakness among well-educated white voters, implying he has alienated many who backed him in 2016.

But it is increasingly clear that there’s another explanation: The exit polls were wrong. Mr. Trump never won college-educated white voters, and therefore he hasn’t lost nearly as much ground among the group as it seems.

In fact, just look in the mirror. You voted for Trump right? That's all the proof needed.

Cellblock? I bet that's not the screen name of an educated person.

White Voters Without A Degree Remained Staunchly Republican In 2018

White voters without a bachelor’s degree made up the Republican base, while a coalition of nonwhite voters and white college graduates formed the Democratic base.

Trump got a huge share of the white vote ESPECIALLY the uneducated white vote.

So what's the strategery for Creepy Joe or Crazy Bernie or Pete the Butt to capture the Uneducated Honky Vote that is so critical to victory?
Nothing! They're willful idiots forever. There is no bringing back that kind of stupid. Democrats will just have to hope there are more educated people than Trump deplorables.

Those people will have to see Trump hasn't improved their lives. In fact they will be worse off when things shake out such as rising prices because of Trump's tariffs.

And we just need to get the minorities and women to turn out. THey will you'll see.
Trump got a huge share of the white vote ESPECIALLY the uneducated white vote.

So what's the strategery for Creepy Joe or Crazy Bernie or Pete the Butt to capture the Uneducated Honky Vote that is so critical to victory?
Nothing! They're willful idiots forever. There is no bringing back that kind of stupid. Democrats will just have to hope there are more educated people than Trump deplorables.

Those people will have to see Trump hasn't improved their lives. In fact they will be worse off when things shake out such as rising prices because of Trump's tariffs.

And we just need to get the minorities and women to turn out. THey will you'll see.
We better, or this country loses its rule of law, Constitution, morality, and soul. And many lives will be lost in that aftermath if we do not get it right. Trump's rally is just a sample of the innocent killings ahead, if we allow his cultism to continue. As we saw, they cheered at the thought. This is the evil we are fighting now. These are very, very, bad people.

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