Trump-$1.2 Billion In Core Business Losses

Bush was head of the CIA yes. Why do you think Reagan awarded him with the VP spot?

Bush was head of the CIA yes.

And that's why they let him borrow an SR-71?

I don't know what a SR-71 has to do with the deal Republicans made with the Iranians to hold those hostages until after the election. Then make Ronny look tough by giving them back to him because he's another tv celebrity you idiots fell for.

No deal was made between Iran and President Reagan. That was just bullshit, you know. Carter didn't want to admit defeat either, no more that Clinton. So he invented this story. The D's never admit they lost. BTW, Carter did endorse Trump during the campaign of 2016.

Everything in your post is a lie. Reagan's staffers most certainly did make a deal of weapons for hostages. Over 100 Reagan Administration officials were charged and many went to jail. Try reading about Iran-Contra, fool!

Carter admitted defeat. No question.

Carter has NEVER endorsed Trump.

Iran-Contra wasn't about the Iran hostages for arms deal. Iran-Contra occurred later in the 80's. I'm not sure why you foreigners try to re-write history.

Carter made a concession speech, Carter never endorsed Trump.

Apparently you missed this, "I would choose Trump"- Jimmy Carter

/——. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?

The Democratic party is a private organization. They can nominate whoever they want. And Bernie can run as an independent. Same with the GOP. They could have thrown Trump out and nominated Rubio if they wanted to.

In fact, the GOP did this to Ron Paul. Did you know? He should have been the nominee but the GOP rigged it and gave it to Mitt Romney. Remember that? I do.
/----/ Of course they can, but you didn't answer my question. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?
The party has rules. Bernie knew the rules. Nothing was rigged.
/—-/ The sole purpose of Super Delegates is so the Party leaders can over rule the will of the dem voters.

The party protected itself from invasion from an outsider. It is their party, they can do what they want. If crybaby Bernie didn't like it, that is his problem. Maybe if he wants to be the nominee of a party, the stupid shit should be a full time member. Fuck Bernie.

No one is going to vote for a socialist. I don't care if the young kids like the idea of free college and free healthcare. He should start the socialist party.
Maybe you should mention that to Trump. He issued an executive order to transfer money from the military, to build his wall. In addition to that, he is independently slapping on billions of dollars of tariffs, which is, in fact, a tax on the American public, without congress having a thing to do with it, Einstein.

Actually, the tariffs were passed by Congress, and had to be implemented by the President only when certain conditions were certified.

If Congress didn't pass the tariffs- which are taxes- our President wouldn't be required to enact them.

I will wait patiently for the link that you will provide where Congress authorized Trump's ever increasing tariffs.

It was in the original trade legislation back in 1962, that gave every President the authority to determine when the conditions demand these tariffs.

So, we are back to where we started, which is that Trump has the authority to wreck the American economy as much as he wrecked his own.
/——/ Only Congress can wreck the economy. The president can’t spend one thin dime. Learn Civics you moron.

Oh, so Trump is NOT raising the price of everything from China, and then transferring our money to the treasury in the form of tariff taxes.

If your grasp of economics is the same as airplane mechanics, I sincerely hope that you work for Alaska airlines. I never fly them.
/——. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?

The Democratic party is a private organization. They can nominate whoever they want. And Bernie can run as an independent. Same with the GOP. They could have thrown Trump out and nominated Rubio if they wanted to.

In fact, the GOP did this to Ron Paul. Did you know? He should have been the nominee but the GOP rigged it and gave it to Mitt Romney. Remember that? I do.
/----/ Of course they can, but you didn't answer my question. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?
The party has rules. Bernie knew the rules. Nothing was rigged.
/—-/ The sole purpose of Super Delegates is so the Party leaders can over rule the will of the dem voters.

We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics. The smartest don't win the richest do.

Dubya signed campaign finance reform a number of year ago. And Hillary Clinton outspent Trump by many fold. It wasn't money that won the 2016 election for DJT
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.

No it isn't anyone with a brain knows that when you risk a lot of money, you can lose or gain a lot of money. Nine out of ten businesses fail, that is why I don't begrudge those who make it big.

Dude simply lost a ton of money. Good businessmen make money.
Dude is worth around 3 Billion today, he is doing something right.
What is your net worth?

How do you know that?
Google fool.
Bush was head of the CIA yes.

And that's why they let him borrow an SR-71?

I don't know what a SR-71 has to do with the deal Republicans made with the Iranians to hold those hostages until after the election. Then make Ronny look tough by giving them back to him because he's another tv celebrity you idiots fell for.

No deal was made between Iran and President Reagan. That was just bullshit, you know. Carter didn't want to admit defeat either, no more that Clinton. So he invented this story. The D's never admit they lost. BTW, Carter did endorse Trump during the campaign of 2016.

Everything in your post is a lie. Reagan's staffers most certainly did make a deal of weapons for hostages. Over 100 Reagan Administration officials were charged and many went to jail. Try reading about Iran-Contra, fool!

Carter admitted defeat. No question.

Carter has NEVER endorsed Trump.

Iran-Contra wasn't about the Iran hostages for arms deal. Iran-Contra occurred later in the 80's. I'm not sure why you foreigners try to re-write history.

Carter made a concession speech, Carter never endorsed Trump.

Apparently you missed this, "I would choose Trump"- Jimmy Carter

I would choose Trump too. Do you think we'd be any happier with Cruz?

Cruz wasn't born in America because his father had to leave the country after being part of the JFK assassination

Trump says Cruz is now 'Beautiful Ted,' but doesn't regret implicating his father in JFK assassination

In May 2016, Trump said to Fox News: "[Cruz's] father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald's being — you know, shot. I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous. What is this, right prior to his being shot, and nobody even brings it up. They don't even talk about that. That was reported, and nobody talks about it."

"I mean, what was he doing — what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death? Before the shooting?" Trump added at the time. "It's horrible."

The baffling part of all this is how his cult followers still maintain that Trump should remain in charge of this nation's economy, in spite of his having achieved that rank of having lost more money writhin 10 years than any taxpayer in American history!
/——/ The President can’t spend, squander or lose one thin dime. Congress controls spending, you nitwit.

Maybe you should mention that to Trump. He issued an executive order to transfer money from the military, to build his wall. In addition to that, he is independently slapping on billions of dollars of tariffs, which is, in fact, a tax on the American public, without congress having a thing to do with it, Einstein.
/——/ He is transferring money already approved by Congress. But nice try.

The agricultural economy of the Midwest, especially soybean farmers, would disagree with you that Trump is not destroying their livelihood. And that is just the beginning.
The Democratic party is a private organization. They can nominate whoever they want. And Bernie can run as an independent. Same with the GOP. They could have thrown Trump out and nominated Rubio if they wanted to.

In fact, the GOP did this to Ron Paul. Did you know? He should have been the nominee but the GOP rigged it and gave it to Mitt Romney. Remember that? I do.
/----/ Of course they can, but you didn't answer my question. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?
The party has rules. Bernie knew the rules. Nothing was rigged.
/—-/ The sole purpose of Super Delegates is so the Party leaders can over rule the will of the dem voters.

We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics. The smartest don't win the richest do.

Dubya signed campaign finance reform a number of year ago. And Hillary Clinton outspent Trump by many fold. It wasn't money that won the 2016 election for DJT

Did you want her to fight him with one hand tied behind her back?

Trump got free airtime on every station every day 24/7 it was trump trump trump. FREE advertising from the so called liberal media. If they are how stupid are they?

If they were liberal they would have done more stories on how many contractors Trump stiffed over the years.
Boy was he wrong. I guess we know now that Democrats don't rig elections. If we did we would have rigged 2016 and we certainly would have won 2000.
/——. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?

The Democratic party is a private organization. They can nominate whoever they want. And Bernie can run as an independent. Same with the GOP. They could have thrown Trump out and nominated Rubio if they wanted to.

In fact, the GOP did this to Ron Paul. Did you know? He should have been the nominee but the GOP rigged it and gave it to Mitt Romney. Remember that? I do.
/----/ Of course they can, but you didn't answer my question. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?
The party has rules. Bernie knew the rules. Nothing was rigged.

What rule of the Democrat Party allowed Hillary Clinton to get the debate questions in advance?
That was wrong but the info supplied did not match the two questions very well.

Hardly a reason Bernie lost.
If they were liberal they would have done more stories on how many contractors Trump stiffed over the years.

I don't think that they would have wanted to put the contractors on TV that much, because Donald Trump would have fought back and shown the public the shoddy work done by the contractors in question.

A lot of Americans have had less than satisfactory results after they paid for contracts and would empathize with a man who fought back
Why is any of this important in any way? It was already known that Donald J. Trump was the poorest man on the planet in the early 1990's, but that he came back in a huge way to win bigly. He wrote a fantastic book about it all, "The Art of the Comeback" if you're interested.

In any event, it was all a long time ago, and we can see Trump's tremendous record since.
What did you see?

I see record low unemployment and record high markets due to the success of Trumponomics.

And if Trump were to lose next year's election, that would be the end of that.

Obama had record high markets too. I must of missed your posts saying how great he was.

When you borrow 1.5 trillion & pump it in the economy, things look pretty good until the debt becomes due.

If the economy is so great, why are we increasing deficits? Why is the fed still afraid to raise rates?

When you slash corporate tax rares well off companies & wealthy people, they have all this money to spend. They look to the market & it drivers up stock costs.

You go ahead & think people trading pieces of paper is the key to our economy.

Ah, Dave? The Fed has raised rates six times in the two years that Trump has been in office. That's four more times than they raised them from the time Obama was elected until Trump was elected!

What did the Fed say in December?

Ah, but here's the HUGE difference between Obama's economy and Trump's, Dave! Obama's stock market was totally driven by interest rates that were kept at historically low rates throughout his entire two terms. That's the Fed saying the economy is growing so slowly that we need to do everything that we can to stimulate it! Trump's stock market is staying strong despite interest rates that have been raised by historic rates during his two plus years in office. That's the Fed saying the economy is growing so strongly that we need to do something to cool it off![/QUOTE]
Ah, but more buillshit. Fed rates are still low.

You totally ignored how much money was pumped into the markets with the unfunded Trump tax cuts.,

Quit making excuses for Trump while trying to trash Obama.

Obama started with an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% & losing 800,000 jobs a month. I wish you diprticks would consider that for a change.[/QUOTE]

And what was Barry's first major priority when he took over that economy? Passing the Affordable Care Act? Something that quite obviously was going to hurt job creation and economic growth? I wish you Obama apologists would consider the effects of his actions on the economy! His second big legislative priority was for Cap & Trade legislation...something he was pushing hard for leading up to the 2010 mid terms! So did you want to take a crack at explaining how THAT was going to grow the economy? The truth is, Dave...Barack Obama cared more about passing a liberal agenda than he did about creating jobs.

As for "ignoring" how much money was pumped into the markets with the Trump tax cuts? Ah, that was the whole point of DOING the tax cuts in the first place. Sucking money out of the Private Sector with taxes doesn't grow the economy. Letting people invest that money does! Trump grasps that on the left don't seem to and haven't since JFK was President![/QUOTE]
You are a lying fuck. The first major legislation was a stimulus bill to get our economy back on track.

Are you stupid or a liar?

Ex-lain how Cporpiration & the welthy buying stock puts money into the economy.

Putting money in the hand of the poor & Middle Class, people who will spend it in the stores, will put money into the economy.

Handing rich people money is a piss poor method of stimulating the economy.

The majority of the Trump Tax cuts did not go to working people., Are you stupid or just a liar?

The only think Trump knows how to gradp are women's pussies.

Running up the deficit is not a good stimulus plan.
Obama started with an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% & losing 800,000 jobs a month. I wish you diprticks would consider that for a change.

Of course, that's bullshit.

Even Fake News CNN admits to only 500,000 jobs per month being lost during the last few months of the George W. Bush administration.

Not 800,000

Total 2008 job loss: 2.6 million - Jan. 9, 2009

Wow, I can't believe you are that big of a jackass to deny the BLS numbers.

Feb & March of 2009 800,000 jobs plus,.

So fuck you & your lies.
Bush was head of the CIA yes. Why do you think Reagan awarded him with the VP spot?

Bush was head of the CIA yes.

And that's why they let him borrow an SR-71?

I don't know what a SR-71 has to do with the deal Republicans made with the Iranians to hold those hostages until after the election. Then make Ronny look tough by giving them back to him because he's another tv celebrity you idiots fell for.

No deal was made between Iran and President Reagan. That was just bullshit, you know. Carter didn't want to admit defeat either, no more that Clinton. So he invented this story. The D's never admit they lost. BTW, Carter did endorse Trump during the campaign of 2016.

Everything in your post is a lie. Reagan's staffers most certainly did make a deal of weapons for hostages. Over 100 Reagan Administration officials were charged and many went to jail. Try reading about Iran-Contra, fool!

Carter admitted defeat. No question.

Carter has NEVER endorsed Trump.

Iran-Contra wasn't about the Iran hostages for arms deal. Iran-Contra occurred later in the 80's. I'm not sure why you foreigners try to re-write history.

Carter made a concession speech, Carter never endorsed Trump.

Carter did make a concession speech, and then immediately accused Reagan and HW of rigging the election through alleged meetings with the Ayatollah in his effort to delegitimize Reagan's victory.

Yet, Carter showed what a wuss he was, by failing to bring up HW's alleged treason during his funeral last year.
/——. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?

The Democratic party is a private organization. They can nominate whoever they want. And Bernie can run as an independent. Same with the GOP. They could have thrown Trump out and nominated Rubio if they wanted to.

In fact, the GOP did this to Ron Paul. Did you know? He should have been the nominee but the GOP rigged it and gave it to Mitt Romney. Remember that? I do.
/----/ Of course they can, but you didn't answer my question. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?
The party has rules. Bernie knew the rules. Nothing was rigged.
/—-/ The sole purpose of Super Delegates is so the Party leaders can over rule the will of the dem voters.

We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics. The smartest don't win the richest do.

We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics.

Ummm….the Federal government spent over $4 trillion last year.

Get money out of politics? LOL!

The smartest don't win the richest do.

That's why Hillary won after she spent twice as much as Trump.....
Obama started with an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% & losing 800,000 jobs a month. I wish you diprticks would consider that for a change.

Of course, that's bullshit.

Even Fake News CNN admits to only 500,000 jobs per month being lost during the last few months of the George W. Bush administration.

Not 800,000

Total 2008 job loss: 2.6 million - Jan. 9, 2009

Wow, I can't believe you are that big of a jackass to deny the BLS numbers.

Feb & March of 2009 800,000 jobs plus,.

So fuck you & your lies.

In February and March 2009 , the President was B. Hussein O.
Bush was head of the CIA yes. Why do you think Reagan awarded him with the VP spot?

Bush was head of the CIA yes.

And that's why they let him borrow an SR-71?

I don't know what a SR-71 has to do with the deal Republicans made with the Iranians to hold those hostages until after the election. Then make Ronny look tough by giving them back to him because he's another tv celebrity you idiots fell for.

No deal was made between Iran and President Reagan. That was just bullshit, you know. Carter didn't want to admit defeat either, no more that Clinton. So he invented this story. The D's never admit they lost. BTW, Carter did endorse Trump during the campaign of 2016.

Everything in your post is a lie. Reagan's staffers most certainly did make a deal of weapons for hostages. Over 100 Reagan Administration officials were charged and many went to jail. Try reading about Iran-Contra, fool!

Carter admitted defeat. No question.

Carter has NEVER endorsed Trump.
Yes Carter admitted defeat after he lost. Will Trump?

What happens if Donald Trump refuses to admit he lost in 2020? - CNNPolitics

Trump is a walking constitutional crisis.

Don't worry, we remember how much you loved that scum Reagan. You didn't know behind the scenes he was fucking over the middle class. The corporations owned Reagan and the corporate media really sold you on him. Liberal media my ass.

Every Presidency, someone spouts the what if the President doesn't leave, what if they declare a National Emergency and then they stay in power and on and on.

Every Presidency the President left, lets wait until it happens before we get all excited.
/——. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?

The Democratic party is a private organization. They can nominate whoever they want. And Bernie can run as an independent. Same with the GOP. They could have thrown Trump out and nominated Rubio if they wanted to.

In fact, the GOP did this to Ron Paul. Did you know? He should have been the nominee but the GOP rigged it and gave it to Mitt Romney. Remember that? I do.
/----/ Of course they can, but you didn't answer my question. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?
The party has rules. Bernie knew the rules. Nothing was rigged.
/—-/ The sole purpose of Super Delegates is so the Party leaders can over rule the will of the dem voters.

We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics. The smartest don't win the richest do.

We already had Campaign Finance Reform! Remember the late great John McCain and Feingold? They fixed it in 2001 or 2002, if fact they helped bring to the Supreme Court the Citizens United ruling.

So much for government fixing a problem.
Bush was head of the CIA yes.

And that's why they let him borrow an SR-71?

I don't know what a SR-71 has to do with the deal Republicans made with the Iranians to hold those hostages until after the election. Then make Ronny look tough by giving them back to him because he's another tv celebrity you idiots fell for.

No deal was made between Iran and President Reagan. That was just bullshit, you know. Carter didn't want to admit defeat either, no more that Clinton. So he invented this story. The D's never admit they lost. BTW, Carter did endorse Trump during the campaign of 2016.

Everything in your post is a lie. Reagan's staffers most certainly did make a deal of weapons for hostages. Over 100 Reagan Administration officials were charged and many went to jail. Try reading about Iran-Contra, fool!

Carter admitted defeat. No question.

Carter has NEVER endorsed Trump.

Iran-Contra wasn't about the Iran hostages for arms deal. Iran-Contra occurred later in the 80's. I'm not sure why you foreigners try to re-write history.

Carter made a concession speech, Carter never endorsed Trump.

Apparently you missed this, "I would choose Trump"- Jimmy Carter

LOL!!! That is funny!
I don't know what a SR-71 has to do with the deal Republicans made with the Iranians to hold those hostages until after the election. Then make Ronny look tough by giving them back to him because he's another tv celebrity you idiots fell for.

No deal was made between Iran and President Reagan. That was just bullshit, you know. Carter didn't want to admit defeat either, no more that Clinton. So he invented this story. The D's never admit they lost. BTW, Carter did endorse Trump during the campaign of 2016.

Everything in your post is a lie. Reagan's staffers most certainly did make a deal of weapons for hostages. Over 100 Reagan Administration officials were charged and many went to jail. Try reading about Iran-Contra, fool!

Carter admitted defeat. No question.

Carter has NEVER endorsed Trump.

Iran-Contra wasn't about the Iran hostages for arms deal. Iran-Contra occurred later in the 80's. I'm not sure why you foreigners try to re-write history.

Carter made a concession speech, Carter never endorsed Trump.

Apparently you missed this, "I would choose Trump"- Jimmy Carter

I would choose Trump too. Do you think we'd be any happier with Cruz?

Cruz wasn't born in America because his father had to leave the country after being part of the JFK assassination

Trump says Cruz is now 'Beautiful Ted,' but doesn't regret implicating his father in JFK assassination

In May 2016, Trump said to Fox News: "[Cruz's] father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald's being — you know, shot. I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous. What is this, right prior to his being shot, and nobody even brings it up. They don't even talk about that. That was reported, and nobody talks about it."

"I mean, what was he doing — what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death? Before the shooting?" Trump added at the time. "It's horrible."

You don't blieve that BS do you?
Bush was head of the CIA yes. Why do you think Reagan awarded him with the VP spot?

Bush was head of the CIA yes.

And that's why they let him borrow an SR-71?

I don't know what a SR-71 has to do with the deal Republicans made with the Iranians to hold those hostages until after the election. Then make Ronny look tough by giving them back to him because he's another tv celebrity you idiots fell for.

No deal was made between Iran and President Reagan. That was just bullshit, you know. Carter didn't want to admit defeat either, no more that Clinton. So he invented this story. The D's never admit they lost. BTW, Carter did endorse Trump during the campaign of 2016.

Everything in your post is a lie. Reagan's staffers most certainly did make a deal of weapons for hostages. Over 100 Reagan Administration officials were charged and many went to jail. Try reading about Iran-Contra, fool!

Carter admitted defeat. No question.

Carter has NEVER endorsed Trump.
Yes Carter admitted defeat after he lost. Will Trump?

What happens if Donald Trump refuses to admit he lost in 2020? - CNNPolitics

Trump is a walking constitutional crisis.

Don't worry, we remember how much you loved that scum Reagan. You didn't know behind the scenes he was fucking over the middle class. The corporations owned Reagan and the corporate media really sold you on him. Liberal media my ass.
/——-/ What if Hildabeast and the democRATs can’t accept her loss in 2016?

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