Trump-$1.2 Billion In Core Business Losses

Republicans invented the October Surprise. They've tried to employ it every election dating back to when they first made a deal with Iran to hold those poor American hostages until after the elections. Used them for politics. Then later the Iran Contra scandal. Reagan and Ollie North. RayGun gave the Iranians weapons. He armed our enemy in exchange for them helping him gain power. Carter would have won if not for that.

And how about Comey's announcement a week before the elections. I'm glad Trump threw that scumbag under the bus. Fuck Comey.
Republicans invented the October Surprise. They've tried to employ it every election dating back to when they first made a deal with Iran to hold those poor American hostages until after the elections.

Right. GHW Bush flew in an SR-71 to talk to the Iranians. DURR!

Carter would have won if not for that.

Reagan won 44 states and 489 electoral votes.
He got 8.5 million more votes than the 2nd worst President in history.
And that was with an independent Republican 3rd party candidate getting 5.7 million votes.

Bush was head of the CIA yes. Why do you think Reagan awarded him with the VP spot?

Bush was head of the CIA yes.

And that's why they let him borrow an SR-71?

I don't know what a SR-71 has to do with the deal Republicans made with the Iranians to hold those hostages until after the election. Then make Ronny look tough by giving them back to him because he's another tv celebrity you idiots fell for.

I don't know what a SR-71 has to do with the deal Republicans made with the Iranians to hold those hostages until after the election.

The assclown who came up with the October Surprise fantasy said Bush flew an SR-71 to Paris to make the deal.

This is where the libs always fail in these conspiracy tales they weave. In 2016, the dossier that Hillary Clinton commissioned against Trump mentioned that Mr. Trump dispatched Mike Cohen to Prague. Stories have details, and when the details aren't matched up, the overall story is impeached.
some recent research presented here gave me some insight into Donald Trump’s motivations to pursue the presidency. So, why did he want to become the President of the United States?

First and foremost, Trump is a narcissist – perhaps on the extreme end of the scale. In fact, Trump can be best classified as a Grandiose Narcissist.Grandiose narcissism is a flamboyant, assertive, and interpersonally dominant style, characterized by an inflated sense of self, overconfidence in making decisions, and an inability to learn from mistakes.

Research shows that narcissists are over-represented in high-level leadership positions, which can be a problem in and of itself, but back to Trump.

There are 3 basic motivations that explain why people take on leadership positions:

1. Affective motivation (“I enjoy leading”). This is the motivation to lead simply because one enjoys leadership activities.

2. Calculative motivation (“What’s in it for me?”). This motivation to lead focuses on the rewards or personal gains one will achieve through leading.

3. Normative motivation (“Other people think I’d be an effective leader”).This involves pressure from others to pursue leadership positions.

Trump’s motivation to run for President may have been fueled by all three of these. He professes to enjoy being in charge, and has for some time (affective motivation). His serious candidacy was spurred on by backers who encouraged him to run (normative motivation). And, there may also be calculative motivation, as his detractors claim – Trump and his family may reap financial benefits from his presidency.

How does Trump’s grandiose narcissism fuel his desire to be president?

Research suggests that grandiose narcissists seek leadership positions for a couple of prime reasons:

1. Self-Enhancement. Narcissists seek powerful leadership positions to prove their superiority and to enhance their image.

2. Basking in the Limelight. Throughout his adult life, Trump has sought media attention and the sheer amount of “free” coverage that he got certainly helped his campaign and the election.

So, the research on narcissism and motivation to lead explains Trump’s behavior fairly well. But what might cause Trump to eventually regret attaining the presidency? Well, Howard Stern may have said it best:

"I know something about Donald Trump, he really does want to be loved," Stern said. "He does want people to really love him. That drives him a lot. I think that he has a very sensitive ego and when you're president of the United States, people are going to be very very critical."

Donald Trump has a notoriously thin skin and although his narcissism causes a feeling of superiority, it is fragile and, in the end, he may regret his motivation to this high, and very visible and vulnerable, leadership position.

One of the best ever......skip to 1:23

Boy was he wrong. I guess we know now that Democrats don't rig elections. If we did we would have rigged 2016 and we certainly would have won 2000.

The Libs did TRY to rig 2016. Holding the Access Hollywood tape until the last possible moment when it was seen as too late for Trump to recover was a dirty trick designed to fix the election results.

Republicans invented the October Surprise. They've tried to employ it every election dating back to when they first made a deal with Iran to hold those poor American hostages until after the elections. Used them for politics. Then later the Iran Contra scandal. Reagan and Ollie North. RayGun gave the Iranians weapons. He armed our enemy in exchange for them helping him gain power. Carter would have won if not for that.

And how about Comey's announcement a week before the elections. I'm glad Trump threw that scumbag under the bus. Fuck Comey.

That's of course a load of shit. President Reagan was investigated for years for the Iranian tale sewn out of whole cloth. Years of bullshit investigations which yielded bupkis.

Comey of course is a Deep State Hillary Clinton operative who actually publicly EXONERATED the broad a week before the election, even though 10's of thousands of emails containing national security secrets she was entrusted with were found on a convicted Paedophile's computer. And the whole supposed "investigation" took only a few days. The conniption that the left had when Trump fired the bum Comey shows his allegiance.

/----/ "some recent research presented here gave me some insight into Donald Trump’s motivations to pursue the presidency. So, why did he want to become the President of the United States?"
Anonymous Sources have revealed their research indicates that the real reason Barack Obama ran for president was to deny an old white woman the chance to be the first female president. Conclusion: That is the only reason BHO ran and he succeeded in his mission.
nose picker.jpg
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The baffling part of all this is how his cult followers still maintain that Trump should remain in charge of this nation's economy, in spite of his having achieved that rank of having lost more money writhin 10 years than any taxpayer in American history!
/——/ The President can’t spend, squander or lose one thin dime. Congress controls spending, you nitwit.

Maybe you should mention that to Trump. He issued an executive order to transfer money from the military, to build his wall. In addition to that, he is independently slapping on billions of dollars of tariffs, which is, in fact, a tax on the American public, without congress having a thing to do with it, Einstein.
/——/ He is transferring money already approved by Congress. But nice try.

Approved for a different use.
/----/ "Approved for a different use."
I agree, but Trump isn't increasing spending, just moving money around.
/——/ That doesn’t prove your point, try again Cupcake.

some recent research presented here gave me some insight into Donald Trump’s motivations to pursue the presidency. So, why did he want to become the President of the United States?

First and foremost, Trump is a narcissist – perhaps on the extreme end of the scale. In fact, Trump can be best classified as a Grandiose Narcissist.Grandiose narcissism is a flamboyant, assertive, and interpersonally dominant style, characterized by an inflated sense of self, overconfidence in making decisions, and an inability to learn from mistakes.

Research shows that narcissists are over-represented in high-level leadership positions, which can be a problem in and of itself, but back to Trump.

There are 3 basic motivations that explain why people take on leadership positions:

1. Affective motivation (“I enjoy leading”). This is the motivation to lead simply because one enjoys leadership activities.

2. Calculative motivation (“What’s in it for me?”). This motivation to lead focuses on the rewards or personal gains one will achieve through leading.

3. Normative motivation (“Other people think I’d be an effective leader”).This involves pressure from others to pursue leadership positions.

Trump’s motivation to run for President may have been fueled by all three of these. He professes to enjoy being in charge, and has for some time (affective motivation). His serious candidacy was spurred on by backers who encouraged him to run (normative motivation). And, there may also be calculative motivation, as his detractors claim – Trump and his family may reap financial benefits from his presidency.

How does Trump’s grandiose narcissism fuel his desire to be president?

Research suggests that grandiose narcissists seek leadership positions for a couple of prime reasons:

1. Self-Enhancement. Narcissists seek powerful leadership positions to prove their superiority and to enhance their image.

2. Basking in the Limelight. Throughout his adult life, Trump has sought media attention and the sheer amount of “free” coverage that he got certainly helped his campaign and the election.

So, the research on narcissism and motivation to lead explains Trump’s behavior fairly well. But what might cause Trump to eventually regret attaining the presidency? Well, Howard Stern may have said it best:

"I know something about Donald Trump, he really does want to be loved," Stern said. "He does want people to really love him. That drives him a lot. I think that he has a very sensitive ego and when you're president of the United States, people are going to be very very critical."

Donald Trump has a notoriously thin skin and although his narcissism causes a feeling of superiority, it is fragile and, in the end, he may regret his motivation to this high, and very visible and vulnerable, leadership position.

One of the best ever......skip to 1:23

Boy was he wrong. I guess we know now that Democrats don't rig elections. If we did we would have rigged 2016 and we certainly would have won 2000.

/——. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?

The Democratic party is a private organization. They can nominate whoever they want. And Bernie can run as an independent. Same with the GOP. They could have thrown Trump out and nominated Rubio if they wanted to.

In fact, the GOP did this to Ron Paul. Did you know? He should have been the nominee but the GOP rigged it and gave it to Mitt Romney. Remember that? I do.

/----/ Of course they can, but you didn't answer my question. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?
Why is any of this important in any way? It was already known that Donald J. Trump was the poorest man on the planet in the early 1990's, but that he came back in a huge way to win bigly. He wrote a fantastic book about it all, "The Art of the Comeback" if you're interested.

In any event, it was all a long time ago, and we can see Trump's tremendous record since.
What did you see?

I see record low unemployment and record high markets due to the success of Trumponomics.

And if Trump were to lose next year's election, that would be the end of that.

Obama had record high markets too. I must of missed your posts saying how great he was.

When you borrow 1.5 trillion & pump it in the economy, things look pretty good until the debt becomes due.

If the economy is so great, why are we increasing deficits? Why is the fed still afraid to raise rates?

When you slash corporate tax rares well off companies & wealthy people, they have all this money to spend. They look to the market & it drivers up stock costs.

You go ahead & think people trading pieces of paper is the key to our economy.

Ah, Dave? The Fed has raised rates six times in the two years that Trump has been in office. That's four more times than they raised them from the time Obama was elected until Trump was elected![/QUOTE]

What did the Fed say in December?[/QUOTE]

Ah, but here's the HUGE difference between Obama's economy and Trump's, Dave! Obama's stock market was totally driven by interest rates that were kept at historically low rates throughout his entire two terms. That's the Fed saying the economy is growing so slowly that we need to do everything that we can to stimulate it! Trump's stock market is staying strong despite interest rates that have been raised by historic rates during his two plus years in office. That's the Fed saying the economy is growing so strongly that we need to do something to cool it off![/QUOTE]
Ah, but more buillshit. Fed rates are still low.

You totally ignored how much money was pumped into the markets with the unfunded Trump tax cuts.,

Quit making excuses for Trump while trying to trash Obama.

Obama started with an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% & losing 800,000 jobs a month. I wish you diprticks would consider that for a change.
Republicans invented the October Surprise. They've tried to employ it every election dating back to when they first made a deal with Iran to hold those poor American hostages until after the elections. Used them for politics. Then later the Iran Contra scandal. Reagan and Ollie North. RayGun gave the Iranians weapons. He armed our enemy in exchange for them helping him gain power. Carter would have won if not for that.

And how about Comey's announcement a week before the elections. I'm glad Trump threw that scumbag under the bus. Fuck Comey.
Republicans invented the October Surprise. They've tried to employ it every election dating back to when they first made a deal with Iran to hold those poor American hostages until after the elections.

Right. GHW Bush flew in an SR-71 to talk to the Iranians. DURR!

Carter would have won if not for that.

Reagan won 44 states and 489 electoral votes.
He got 8.5 million more votes than the 2nd worst President in history.
And that was with an independent Republican 3rd party candidate getting 5.7 million votes.

Bush was head of the CIA yes. Why do you think Reagan awarded him with the VP spot?

Bush was head of the CIA yes.

And that's why they let him borrow an SR-71?

I don't know what a SR-71 has to do with the deal Republicans made with the Iranians to hold those hostages until after the election. Then make Ronny look tough by giving them back to him because he's another tv celebrity you idiots fell for.

No deal was made between Iran and President Reagan. That was just bullshit, you know. Carter didn't want to admit defeat either, no more that Clinton. So he invented this story. The D's never admit they lost. BTW, Carter did endorse Trump during the campaign of 2016.

Everything in your post is a lie. Reagan's staffers most certainly did make a deal of weapons for hostages. Over 100 Reagan Administration officials were charged and many went to jail. Try reading about Iran-Contra, fool!

Carter admitted defeat. No question.

Carter has NEVER endorsed Trump.
Good businessmen come back from down times. Trump lost a ton of money...then he made a ton of money. Why you think that is "damning" mystifies me! Anyone who knows Trump's history knows that there was a real rough patch in the 80's and early 90's. It is what it is.

Trump has never made "a ton of money". None of Trump's business has ever been a success. All of his golf resorts are losing money Trump makes money except the East Coast courses where he spends his weekends. Trump makes money off his bankruptcies, his TV show, and laundering money for Russians. The rest of his businesses go broke.

Donald Trump is a conman.

You're rather amusing. If none of Trump's businesses had ever been a success...then his "brand" would not be worth millions to others. It is because he had a knack for promotion. He made his properties valuable because he understood what people desired and gave it to them. Have some of his businesses been flops? Oh, yeah...HUGE flops! But Trump has never been afraid of failing....most successful people aren't!

He hasn't suffered one bit from failing. The people he conned did.

During the Atlantic City casino boom in the 1980s, Philadelphia cabinet-builder Edward Friel Jr. landed a $400,000 contract to build the bases for slot machines, registration desks, bars and other cabinets at Harrah's at Trump Plaza.

The family cabinetry business, founded in the 1940s by Edward’s father, finished its work in 1984 and submitted its final bill to the general contractor for the Trump Organization, the resort’s builder.

Edward’s son, Paul, who was the firm’s accountant, still remembers the amount of that bill more than 30 years later: $83,600. The reason: the money never came. “That began the demise of the Edward J. Friel Company… which has been around since my grandfather,” he said.

Donald Trump often portrays himself as a savior of the working class who will "protect your job." But a USA TODAY NETWORK analysis found he has been involved in more than 3,500 lawsuits over the past three decades — and a large number of those involve ordinary Americans, like the Friels, who say Trump or his companies have refused to pay them.

Got a link?

Like the free press I refuse to reveal my sources because they asked me to. Now lets look at his son in law. What kind of guy is this?

It’s now 18 months later, and it seems certain that Kushner is among the most corrupt and seditious figures ever to work in the White House. The son-in-law and top adviser to the president, the de facto U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia and would-be Middle East peacemaker, is no patriot. To the contrary, Kushner has shown nothing but contempt for the United States: violating its laws, lying to its law enforcement officials, and (possibly) selling its state policy for his own personal enrichment.

Despite criminal activity breathtaking in both scope and audacity, Kushner tends to receive preferential treatment from the media, like he’s royalty or a popular celebrity and not one of the most dangerous criminals in American history.

Weaponizing Data to Contaminate the Election

Meeting Illicitly With Russian Officials/Surrogates

Meeting With the President of a Sanctioned Bank

Lying on His SF-86 Security Clearance Form

Colluding With Tabloids to Attack Trump Critics

Lobbying for Qatari Blockade

Providing the Saudi Crown Prince With Classified Intelligence

Using Personal Email to Conduct Government Business

So you made up a story. Got it. No sense reading the rest of your post as you seem to make up crap as you go.
some recent research presented here gave me some insight into Donald Trump’s motivations to pursue the presidency. So, why did he want to become the President of the United States?

First and foremost, Trump is a narcissist – perhaps on the extreme end of the scale. In fact, Trump can be best classified as a Grandiose Narcissist.Grandiose narcissism is a flamboyant, assertive, and interpersonally dominant style, characterized by an inflated sense of self, overconfidence in making decisions, and an inability to learn from mistakes.

Research shows that narcissists are over-represented in high-level leadership positions, which can be a problem in and of itself, but back to Trump.

There are 3 basic motivations that explain why people take on leadership positions:

1. Affective motivation (“I enjoy leading”). This is the motivation to lead simply because one enjoys leadership activities.

2. Calculative motivation (“What’s in it for me?”). This motivation to lead focuses on the rewards or personal gains one will achieve through leading.

3. Normative motivation (“Other people think I’d be an effective leader”).This involves pressure from others to pursue leadership positions.

Trump’s motivation to run for President may have been fueled by all three of these. He professes to enjoy being in charge, and has for some time (affective motivation). His serious candidacy was spurred on by backers who encouraged him to run (normative motivation). And, there may also be calculative motivation, as his detractors claim – Trump and his family may reap financial benefits from his presidency.

How does Trump’s grandiose narcissism fuel his desire to be president?

Research suggests that grandiose narcissists seek leadership positions for a couple of prime reasons:

1. Self-Enhancement. Narcissists seek powerful leadership positions to prove their superiority and to enhance their image.

2. Basking in the Limelight. Throughout his adult life, Trump has sought media attention and the sheer amount of “free” coverage that he got certainly helped his campaign and the election.

So, the research on narcissism and motivation to lead explains Trump’s behavior fairly well. But what might cause Trump to eventually regret attaining the presidency? Well, Howard Stern may have said it best:

"I know something about Donald Trump, he really does want to be loved," Stern said. "He does want people to really love him. That drives him a lot. I think that he has a very sensitive ego and when you're president of the United States, people are going to be very very critical."

Donald Trump has a notoriously thin skin and although his narcissism causes a feeling of superiority, it is fragile and, in the end, he may regret his motivation to this high, and very visible and vulnerable, leadership position.

One of the best ever......skip to 1:23

Boy was he wrong. I guess we know now that Democrats don't rig elections. If we did we would have rigged 2016 and we certainly would have won 2000.

/——. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?

The Democratic party is a private organization. They can nominate whoever they want. And Bernie can run as an independent. Same with the GOP. They could have thrown Trump out and nominated Rubio if they wanted to.

In fact, the GOP did this to Ron Paul. Did you know? He should have been the nominee but the GOP rigged it and gave it to Mitt Romney. Remember that? I do.

/----/ Of course they can, but you didn't answer my question. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?
The party has rules. Bernie knew the rules. Nothing was rigged.
some recent research presented here gave me some insight into Donald Trump’s motivations to pursue the presidency. So, why did he want to become the President of the United States?

First and foremost, Trump is a narcissist – perhaps on the extreme end of the scale. In fact, Trump can be best classified as a Grandiose Narcissist.Grandiose narcissism is a flamboyant, assertive, and interpersonally dominant style, characterized by an inflated sense of self, overconfidence in making decisions, and an inability to learn from mistakes.

Research shows that narcissists are over-represented in high-level leadership positions, which can be a problem in and of itself, but back to Trump.

There are 3 basic motivations that explain why people take on leadership positions:

1. Affective motivation (“I enjoy leading”). This is the motivation to lead simply because one enjoys leadership activities.

2. Calculative motivation (“What’s in it for me?”). This motivation to lead focuses on the rewards or personal gains one will achieve through leading.

3. Normative motivation (“Other people think I’d be an effective leader”).This involves pressure from others to pursue leadership positions.

Trump’s motivation to run for President may have been fueled by all three of these. He professes to enjoy being in charge, and has for some time (affective motivation). His serious candidacy was spurred on by backers who encouraged him to run (normative motivation). And, there may also be calculative motivation, as his detractors claim – Trump and his family may reap financial benefits from his presidency.

How does Trump’s grandiose narcissism fuel his desire to be president?

Research suggests that grandiose narcissists seek leadership positions for a couple of prime reasons:

1. Self-Enhancement. Narcissists seek powerful leadership positions to prove their superiority and to enhance their image.

2. Basking in the Limelight. Throughout his adult life, Trump has sought media attention and the sheer amount of “free” coverage that he got certainly helped his campaign and the election.

So, the research on narcissism and motivation to lead explains Trump’s behavior fairly well. But what might cause Trump to eventually regret attaining the presidency? Well, Howard Stern may have said it best:

"I know something about Donald Trump, he really does want to be loved," Stern said. "He does want people to really love him. That drives him a lot. I think that he has a very sensitive ego and when you're president of the United States, people are going to be very very critical."

Donald Trump has a notoriously thin skin and although his narcissism causes a feeling of superiority, it is fragile and, in the end, he may regret his motivation to this high, and very visible and vulnerable, leadership position.

One of the best ever......skip to 1:23

Boy was he wrong. I guess we know now that Democrats don't rig elections. If we did we would have rigged 2016 and we certainly would have won 2000.

The Libs did TRY to rig 2016. Holding the Access Hollywood tape until the last possible moment when it was seen as too late for Trump to recover was a dirty trick designed to fix the election results.

Republicans invented the October Surprise. They've tried to employ it every election dating back to when they first made a deal with Iran to hold those poor American hostages until after the elections. Used them for politics. Then later the Iran Contra scandal. Reagan and Ollie North. RayGun gave the Iranians weapons. He armed our enemy in exchange for them helping him gain power. Carter would have won if not for that.

And how about Comey's announcement a week before the elections. I'm glad Trump threw that scumbag under the bus. Fuck Comey.

That's of course a load of shit. President Reagan was investigated for years for the Iranian tale sewn out of whole cloth. Years of bullshit investigations which yielded bupkis.

Comey of course is a Deep State Hillary Clinton operative who actually publicly EXONERATED the broad a week before the election, even though 10's of thousands of emails containing national security secrets she was entrusted with were found on a convicted Paedophile's computer. And the whole supposed "investigation" took only a few days. The conniption that the left had when Trump fired the bum Comey shows his allegiance.

Yea? Have you heard that if Trump wasn't president he would have been charged for what he did? Ollie North took the fall for RayGun just like Michael Cohen took the fall for Trump.

Will we see Michael Cohen on Fox after he gets out of jail?


North is primarily remembered for his term as a National Security Council staff member during the Iran-Contra affair, a political scandal of the late 1980s. The scandal involved the illegal sale of weapons to Iran to encourage the release of U.S. hostages then held in Lebanon. North formulated the second part of the plan, which was to divert proceeds from the arms sales to support the Contra rebel groups in Nicaragua, which had been specifically prohibited under the Boland Amendment. North was granted limited immunity from prosecution in exchange for testifying before Congress about the scheme.
Why is any of this important in any way? It was already known that Donald J. Trump was the poorest man on the planet in the early 1990's, but that he came back in a huge way to win bigly. He wrote a fantastic book about it all, "The Art of the Comeback" if you're interested.

In any event, it was all a long time ago, and we can see Trump's tremendous record since.
What did you see?

I see record low unemployment and record high markets due to the success of Trumponomics.

And if Trump were to lose next year's election, that would be the end of that.

Obama had record high markets too. I must of missed your posts saying how great he was.

When you borrow 1.5 trillion & pump it in the economy, things look pretty good until the debt becomes due.

If the economy is so great, why are we increasing deficits? Why is the fed still afraid to raise rates?

When you slash corporate tax rares well off companies & wealthy people, they have all this money to spend. They look to the market & it drivers up stock costs.

You go ahead & think people trading pieces of paper is the key to our economy.

Ah, Dave? The Fed has raised rates six times in the two years that Trump has been in office. That's four more times than they raised them from the time Obama was elected until Trump was elected!

What did the Fed say in December?[/QUOTE]

Ah, but here's the HUGE difference between Obama's economy and Trump's, Dave! Obama's stock market was totally driven by interest rates that were kept at historically low rates throughout his entire two terms. That's the Fed saying the economy is growing so slowly that we need to do everything that we can to stimulate it! Trump's stock market is staying strong despite interest rates that have been raised by historic rates during his two plus years in office. That's the Fed saying the economy is growing so strongly that we need to do something to cool it off![/QUOTE]
Ah, but more buillshit. Fed rates are still low.

You totally ignored how much money was pumped into the markets with the unfunded Trump tax cuts.,

Quit making excuses for Trump while trying to trash Obama.

Obama started with an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% & losing 800,000 jobs a month. I wish you diprticks would consider that for a change.[/QUOTE]

And what was Barry's first major priority when he took over that economy? Passing the Affordable Care Act? Something that quite obviously was going to hurt job creation and economic growth? I wish you Obama apologists would consider the effects of his actions on the economy! His second big legislative priority was for Cap & Trade legislation...something he was pushing hard for leading up to the 2010 mid terms! So did you want to take a crack at explaining how THAT was going to grow the economy? The truth is, Dave...Barack Obama cared more about passing a liberal agenda than he did about creating jobs.

As for "ignoring" how much money was pumped into the markets with the Trump tax cuts? Ah, that was the whole point of DOING the tax cuts in the first place. Sucking money out of the Private Sector with taxes doesn't grow the economy. Letting people invest that money does! Trump grasps that on the left don't seem to and haven't since JFK was President!
Republicans invented the October Surprise. They've tried to employ it every election dating back to when they first made a deal with Iran to hold those poor American hostages until after the elections.

Right. GHW Bush flew in an SR-71 to talk to the Iranians. DURR!

Carter would have won if not for that.

Reagan won 44 states and 489 electoral votes.
He got 8.5 million more votes than the 2nd worst President in history.
And that was with an independent Republican 3rd party candidate getting 5.7 million votes.

Bush was head of the CIA yes. Why do you think Reagan awarded him with the VP spot?

Bush was head of the CIA yes.

And that's why they let him borrow an SR-71?

I don't know what a SR-71 has to do with the deal Republicans made with the Iranians to hold those hostages until after the election. Then make Ronny look tough by giving them back to him because he's another tv celebrity you idiots fell for.

No deal was made between Iran and President Reagan. That was just bullshit, you know. Carter didn't want to admit defeat either, no more that Clinton. So he invented this story. The D's never admit they lost. BTW, Carter did endorse Trump during the campaign of 2016.

Everything in your post is a lie. Reagan's staffers most certainly did make a deal of weapons for hostages. Over 100 Reagan Administration officials were charged and many went to jail. Try reading about Iran-Contra, fool!

Carter admitted defeat. No question.

Carter has NEVER endorsed Trump.

Iran-Contra wasn't about the Iran hostages for arms deal. Iran-Contra occurred later in the 80's. I'm not sure why you foreigners try to re-write history.

Carter made a concession speech, Carter never endorsed Trump.
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.

No it isn't anyone with a brain knows that when you risk a lot of money, you can lose or gain a lot of money. Nine out of ten businesses fail, that is why I don't begrudge those who make it big.

Dude simply lost a ton of money. Good businessmen make money.
Dude is worth around 3 Billion today, he is doing something right.
What is your net worth?

One of the best ever......skip to 1:23

Boy was he wrong. I guess we know now that Democrats don't rig elections. If we did we would have rigged 2016 and we certainly would have won 2000.

/——. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?

The Democratic party is a private organization. They can nominate whoever they want. And Bernie can run as an independent. Same with the GOP. They could have thrown Trump out and nominated Rubio if they wanted to.

In fact, the GOP did this to Ron Paul. Did you know? He should have been the nominee but the GOP rigged it and gave it to Mitt Romney. Remember that? I do.

/----/ Of course they can, but you didn't answer my question. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?
The party has rules. Bernie knew the rules. Nothing was rigged.

/—-/ The sole purpose of Super Delegates is so the Party leaders can over rule the will of the dem voters.
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.

No it isn't anyone with a brain knows that when you risk a lot of money, you can lose or gain a lot of money. Nine out of ten businesses fail, that is why I don't begrudge those who make it big.

Dude simply lost a ton of money. Good businessmen make money.
Dude is worth around 3 Billion today, he is doing something right.
What is your net worth?

How do you know that?
Republicans invented the October Surprise. They've tried to employ it every election dating back to when they first made a deal with Iran to hold those poor American hostages until after the elections.

Right. GHW Bush flew in an SR-71 to talk to the Iranians. DURR!

Carter would have won if not for that.

Reagan won 44 states and 489 electoral votes.
He got 8.5 million more votes than the 2nd worst President in history.
And that was with an independent Republican 3rd party candidate getting 5.7 million votes.

Bush was head of the CIA yes. Why do you think Reagan awarded him with the VP spot?

Bush was head of the CIA yes.

And that's why they let him borrow an SR-71?

I don't know what a SR-71 has to do with the deal Republicans made with the Iranians to hold those hostages until after the election. Then make Ronny look tough by giving them back to him because he's another tv celebrity you idiots fell for.

No deal was made between Iran and President Reagan. That was just bullshit, you know. Carter didn't want to admit defeat either, no more that Clinton. So he invented this story. The D's never admit they lost. BTW, Carter did endorse Trump during the campaign of 2016.

Everything in your post is a lie. Reagan's staffers most certainly did make a deal of weapons for hostages. Over 100 Reagan Administration officials were charged and many went to jail. Try reading about Iran-Contra, fool!

Carter admitted defeat. No question.

Carter has NEVER endorsed Trump.
Yes Carter admitted defeat after he lost. Will Trump?

What happens if Donald Trump refuses to admit he lost in 2020? - CNNPolitics

Trump is a walking constitutional crisis.

Don't worry, we remember how much you loved that scum Reagan. You didn't know behind the scenes he was fucking over the middle class. The corporations owned Reagan and the corporate media really sold you on him. Liberal media my ass.
Boy was he wrong. I guess we know now that Democrats don't rig elections. If we did we would have rigged 2016 and we certainly would have won 2000.
/——. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?

The Democratic party is a private organization. They can nominate whoever they want. And Bernie can run as an independent. Same with the GOP. They could have thrown Trump out and nominated Rubio if they wanted to.

In fact, the GOP did this to Ron Paul. Did you know? He should have been the nominee but the GOP rigged it and gave it to Mitt Romney. Remember that? I do.
/----/ Of course they can, but you didn't answer my question. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?
The party has rules. Bernie knew the rules. Nothing was rigged.
/—-/ The sole purpose of Super Delegates is so the Party leaders can over rule the will of the dem voters.

We need campaign finance reform to take $ out of politics. The smartest don't win the richest do.

One of the best ever......skip to 1:23

Boy was he wrong. I guess we know now that Democrats don't rig elections. If we did we would have rigged 2016 and we certainly would have won 2000.

/——. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?

The Democratic party is a private organization. They can nominate whoever they want. And Bernie can run as an independent. Same with the GOP. They could have thrown Trump out and nominated Rubio if they wanted to.

In fact, the GOP did this to Ron Paul. Did you know? He should have been the nominee but the GOP rigged it and gave it to Mitt Romney. Remember that? I do.

/----/ Of course they can, but you didn't answer my question. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?
The party has rules. Bernie knew the rules. Nothing was rigged.

What rule of the Democrat Party allowed Hillary Clinton to get the debate questions in advance?
Boy was he wrong. I guess we know now that Democrats don't rig elections. If we did we would have rigged 2016 and we certainly would have won 2000.
/——. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?

The Democratic party is a private organization. They can nominate whoever they want. And Bernie can run as an independent. Same with the GOP. They could have thrown Trump out and nominated Rubio if they wanted to.

In fact, the GOP did this to Ron Paul. Did you know? He should have been the nominee but the GOP rigged it and gave it to Mitt Romney. Remember that? I do.
/----/ Of course they can, but you didn't answer my question. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?
The party has rules. Bernie knew the rules. Nothing was rigged.
/—-/ The sole purpose of Super Delegates is so the Party leaders can over rule the will of the dem voters.

The party protected itself from invasion from an outsider. It is their party, they can do what they want. If crybaby Bernie didn't like it, that is his problem. Maybe if he wants to be the nominee of a party, the stupid shit should be a full time member. Fuck Bernie.
Obama started with an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% & losing 800,000 jobs a month. I wish you diprticks would consider that for a change.

Of course, that's bullshit.

Even Fake News CNN admits to only 500,000 jobs per month being lost during the last few months of the George W. Bush administration.

Not 800,000

Total 2008 job loss: 2.6 million - Jan. 9, 2009
Only 500,000 jobs a month? ONLY?

Remember when you guys made fun of Obama for only adding 180,000 jobs one month during his presidency? It wasn't good enough you said.

In April this year Trump only added 63,000 jobs. Pathetic compared to Obama's 180,000. And I don't believe Trump's jobs numbers are accurate

The hypocrisy of Trump’s jobs claims, in one chart
Trump used to say jobs numbers were fake. Now he says the news is.

President Donald Trump during the State of the Union address on Tuesday boasted of an “unprecedented economic boom” and the addition of millions of jobs to the United States economy. Jobs growth trends aren’t all that different from what they were under his predecessor, President Barack Obama, but the way he talks about it, you wouldn’t know it.

The way Trump talks about the jobs market has undergone a pretty dramatic shift in recent years, and not because of a major change in economic trends. It’s because Trump loves moving the goalposts on his measures of success.

The US economy has been steadily adding jobs since the Great Recession. Under President Barack Obama, the economy averaged an additional 109,000 jobs per month, and the administration oversaw 75 consecutive months of growth, the longest streak of total job growth on record.

Under Trump, the trend has continued: The economy has kept adding jobs, and the unemployment rate is now at 4 percent, nearing historically low levels.

But the way Trump talks about it, you wouldn’t know it. Aaron Sojourner, a professor at the University of Minnesota and a former labor economist for the Council of Economic Advisers under Obama and Trump, charted out the shift in Trump’s talking points — compared with how the US jobs market is actually doing — on Twitter recently.

“The talking points changed,” he wrote, “not the growth trend.”

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Aaron Sojourner@aaronsojourner
Replying to @DavidWohl @realDonaldTrump

The talking points changed, not the job growth trend.


9:37 AM - Jan 28, 2019

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Before Trump was president, he consistently lamented that the US economy was flailing and claimed that jobs numbers were made up. But now that he’s in the Oval Office, he’s decided that the jobs numbers are indeed very real and the economy is doing phenomenally.

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