Trump-$1.2 Billion In Core Business Losses

What was the economic policy that caused that? Because the tax cuts ended up slowing the economy for jobs, to go along with the housing crisis.

The Tech Stock bubble burst about 5 months before the election and that was what caused the first recession during Bush.
Bill Clinton was taking credit for the Stock Market rise, until it fell.
The second recession under Bush was caused by the Real Estate Bubble that the Dem policies caused.

Those evil Democrats did it in minority positions in both houses & Bush in the White House.

Economics is a difficult subject for the Left Wingers to understand.
Clinton had a Dem house and senate in his first two years.
Their brilliant idea was to lower the mortgage lending standards for the low class trash Democrat Voters.
Clinton threatened to fine banks if they didn't make those bad loans.
The real estate bubble didn't happen over night, it took years for it to grow.
Thank me for your free economic lesson.
Low income borrowers did not crash the economy

It was greedy speculators who drove refinancing and bundled high risk mortgages with low risk to sell them off
The Repukes like to blame Fannie & Freddy which then conveniently leads into a rant against Barney Frank with ensuing insults because he's gay. Works for these assclowns every time.

That's how these Republican mouth breathers think.

No one cares what Barney Frank's sexual practices are, clip.

The problem with Frank is that he was crooked as hell. Frank's bum buddy was running a gay whore house out of Frank's DC home.

A total piece of shit.

There are decent homos out there, folks like Trump's old lawyer Roy Cohn and top lawman J. Edgar Hoover. And then there are pieces of crap like Frank.
The baffling part of all this is how his cult followers still maintain that Trump should remain in charge of this nation's economy, in spite of his having achieved that rank of having lost more money writhin 10 years than any taxpayer in American history!
/——/ The President can’t spend, squander or lose one thin dime. Congress controls spending, you nitwit.

Maybe you should mention that to Trump. He issued an executive order to transfer money from the military, to build his wall. In addition to that, he is independently slapping on billions of dollars of tariffs, which is, in fact, a tax on the American public, without congress having a thing to do with it, Einstein.
The baffling part of all this is how his cult followers still maintain that Trump should remain in charge of this nation's economy, in spite of his having achieved that rank of having lost more money writhin 10 years than any taxpayer in American history!
/——/ The President can’t spend, squander or lose one thin dime. Congress controls spending, you nitwit.

Maybe you should mention that to Trump. He issued an executive order to transfer money from the military, to build his wall. In addition to that, he is independently slapping on billions of dollars of tariffs, which is, in fact, a tax on the American public, without congress having a thing to do with it, Einstein.

Actually, the tariffs were passed by Congress, and had to be implemented by the President only when certain conditions were certified.

If Congress didn't pass the tariffs- which are taxes- our President wouldn't be required to enact them.
What was the economic policy that caused that? Because the tax cuts ended up slowing the economy for jobs, to go along with the housing crisis.

The Tech Stock bubble burst about 5 months before the election and that was what caused the first recession during Bush.
Bill Clinton was taking credit for the Stock Market rise, until it fell.
The second recession under Bush was caused by the Real Estate Bubble that the Dem policies caused.

Those evil Democrats did it in minority positions in both houses & Bush in the White House.

Economics is a difficult subject for the Left Wingers to understand.
Clinton had a Dem house and senate in his first two years.
Their brilliant idea was to lower the mortgage lending standards for the low class trash Democrat Voters.
Clinton threatened to fine banks if they didn't make those bad loans.
The real estate bubble didn't happen over night, it took years for it to grow.
Thank me for your free economic lesson.
Low income borrowers did not crash the economy

It was greedy speculators who drove refinancing and bundled high risk mortgages with low risk to sell them off
The Repukes like to blame Fannie & Freddy which then conveniently leads into a rant against Barney Frank with ensuing insults because he's gay. Works for these assclowns every time.

That's how these Republican mouth breathers think.

You are the one bringing up Frank. I bring up Frank and Dodd, not because of either being gay, it is because they ignored warnings that helped create toxic mortgages. Freddie and Fannie held over 3 trillion in guaranteed loans. I don’t think anyone of the experts hold Frank or Dodd as the only people responsible, Congress, Presidents, Greenspan, going back 50 years created the mess.
Yet Trump's economy is booming...fewer people are on assistance...and unemployment is at historic lows...none of which Barry EVER accomplished!
It's what Barry started. Thank you Obama!

Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression. His "stimulus" was so badly implemented that it created so few jobs his Administration had to start using "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs were created! The Fed had to keep interest rates at almost zero for the longest time in history because the economy under Obama was so weak for so long! THAT is what Barry "started"! Thanks for eight years of economic misery, Obama!
Sorry, buttbreath, but the CBO analyzed it & said it did what it was supposed to do,

Quit lying about this shit & concentrate on why we needed a stimulus in the first place: Republicans.

It was "supposed" to create so few new jobs that they needed to hide behind "jobs created or saved"? Would you like me to quote what Obama Administration experts SAID the stimulus would create for jobs before the money was approved? Do you really want to embarrass Barry further?
It was only predicted to save or create 3 million jobs.

Bullshit AGAIN! They didn't start talking about "saving" jobs until they didn't create them! THEN they started using "jobs created or saved" as their go to stat because they didn't want to admit that they'd mishandled the stimulus so badly!
Why is any of this important in any way? It was already known that Donald J. Trump was the poorest man on the planet in the early 1990's, but that he came back in a huge way to win bigly. He wrote a fantastic book about it all, "The Art of the Comeback" if you're interested.

In any event, it was all a long time ago, and we can see Trump's tremendous record since.
What did you see?[/QUOTE]

I see record low unemployment and record high markets due to the success of Trumponomics.

And if Trump were to lose next year's election, that would be the end of that.[/QUOTE]

Obama had record high markets too. I must of missed your posts saying how great he was.

When you borrow 1.5 trillion & pump it in the economy, things look pretty good until the debt becomes due.

If the economy is so great, why are we increasing deficits? Why is the fed still afraid to raise rates?

When you slash corporate tax rares well off companies & wealthy people, they have all this money to spend. They look to the market & it drivers up stock costs.

You go ahead & think people trading pieces of paper is the key to our economy.[/QUOTE]

Ah, Dave? The Fed has raised rates six times in the two years that Trump has been in office. That's four more times than they raised them from the time Obama was elected until Trump was elected!
The baffling part of all this is how his cult followers still maintain that Trump should remain in charge of this nation's economy, in spite of his having achieved that rank of having lost more money writhin 10 years than any taxpayer in American history!
/——/ The President can’t spend, squander or lose one thin dime. Congress controls spending, you nitwit.

Maybe you should mention that to Trump. He issued an executive order to transfer money from the military, to build his wall. In addition to that, he is independently slapping on billions of dollars of tariffs, which is, in fact, a tax on the American public, without congress having a thing to do with it, Einstein.

Actually, the tariffs were passed by Congress, and had to be implemented by the President only when certain conditions were certified.

If Congress didn't pass the tariffs- which are taxes- our President wouldn't be required to enact them.

I will wait patiently for the link that you will provide where Congress authorized Trump's ever increasing tariffs.
The baffling part of all this is how his cult followers still maintain that Trump should remain in charge of this nation's economy, in spite of his having achieved that rank of having lost more money writhin 10 years than any taxpayer in American history!
/——/ The President can’t spend, squander or lose one thin dime. Congress controls spending, you nitwit.

Maybe you should mention that to Trump. He issued an executive order to transfer money from the military, to build his wall. In addition to that, he is independently slapping on billions of dollars of tariffs, which is, in fact, a tax on the American public, without congress having a thing to do with it, Einstein.

Actually, the tariffs were passed by Congress, and had to be implemented by the President only when certain conditions were certified.

If Congress didn't pass the tariffs- which are taxes- our President wouldn't be required to enact them.

I will wait patiently for the link that you will provide where Congress authorized Trump's ever increasing tariffs.

It was in the original trade legislation back in 1962, that gave every President the authority to determine when the conditions demand these tariffs.
The baffling part of all this is how his cult followers still maintain that Trump should remain in charge of this nation's economy, in spite of his having achieved that rank of having lost more money writhin 10 years than any taxpayer in American history!
/——/ The President can’t spend, squander or lose one thin dime. Congress controls spending, you nitwit.

Maybe you should mention that to Trump. He issued an executive order to transfer money from the military, to build his wall. In addition to that, he is independently slapping on billions of dollars of tariffs, which is, in fact, a tax on the American public, without congress having a thing to do with it, Einstein.

Actually, the tariffs were passed by Congress, and had to be implemented by the President only when certain conditions were certified.

If Congress didn't pass the tariffs- which are taxes- our President wouldn't be required to enact them.

I will wait patiently for the link that you will provide where Congress authorized Trump's ever increasing tariffs.

It was in the original trade legislation back in 1962, that gave every President the authority to determine when the conditions demand these tariffs.

So, we are back to where we started, which is that Trump has the authority to wreck the American economy as much as he wrecked his own.
Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

By the time his master-of-the-universe memoir “Trump: The Art of the Deal” hit bookstores in 1987, Donald J. Trump was already in deep financial distress, losing tens of millions of dollars on troubled business deals, according to previously unrevealed figures from his federal income tax returns.

Mr. Trump was propelled to the presidency, in part, by a self-spun narrative of business success and of setbacks triumphantly overcome. He has attributed his first run of reversals and bankruptcies to the recession that took hold in 1990. But 10 years of tax information obtained by The New York Times paints a different, and far bleaker, picture of his deal-making abilities and financial condition.

The data — printouts from Mr. Trump’s official Internal Revenue Service tax transcripts, with the figures from his federal tax form, the 1040, for the years 1985 to 1994 — represents the fullest and most detailed look to date at the president’s taxes, information he has kept from public view. Though the information does not cover the tax years at the center of an escalating battle between the Trump administration and Congress, it traces the most tumultuous chapter in a long business career — an era of fevered acquisition and spectacular collapse.

The numbers show that in 1985, Mr. Trump reported losses of $46.1 million from his core businesses — largely casinos, hotels and retail space in apartment buildings. They continued to lose money every year, totaling $1.17 billion in losses for the decade.

In fact, year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer, The Times found when it compared his results with detailed information the I.R.S. compiles on an annual sampling of high-income earners. His core business losses in 1990 and 1991 — more than $250 million each year — were more than double those of the nearest taxpayers in the I.R.S. information for those years.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

And this is the guy who is our president. He could not even run a small company. He lost over 1 billion dollars, but according to some here he is this great successful businessman. He has successfully conned his way into the presidency. And now he is conning people into believing he turned around an economy that was turned around when he got there and that a legitimate investigation is a coup.

How stupid are we in America?
/——/ The NY Slimes ran this story in the 1990s. They are just rehashing old stale news. It’s all they have.
/——/ The NY Slimes ran this story in the 1990s. They
Got a link proving that claim?

Many New Yorkers suspected Trump was a lying sack of shit in the 1990s, but the research behind today's story was compiled after the Biggest Loser in US Business History became POTUS.

The Biggest Loser |

"A major implication of these tax documents, as well as the 2005 partial tax return obtained and other records, is that Trump’s tax returns would not stand up under audit.

"For example, consider the paper real estate losses Trump took on his tax returns...."

"The real estate losses Trump took far exceed the value of his buildings and the limits enacted by Congress governing how much of that value can be written off each year.

"That means he also had large other losses, which was known generally, but not the scale of those losses."
/——/ Orange Man makes $$$$ bad. Orange Man losses $$$$ bad.

Orange Man bad on a train.
Orange Man bad on a plane.
Orange Man bad at night.
Orange Man bad at first sight.
Orange Man bad bad bad.

The NPCs have spoken.
The trump cultist has his typical breakdown....

I guess NPC's don't like to mocked.
/——/ The President can’t spend, squander or lose one thin dime. Congress controls spending, you nitwit.

Maybe you should mention that to Trump. He issued an executive order to transfer money from the military, to build his wall. In addition to that, he is independently slapping on billions of dollars of tariffs, which is, in fact, a tax on the American public, without congress having a thing to do with it, Einstein.

Actually, the tariffs were passed by Congress, and had to be implemented by the President only when certain conditions were certified.

If Congress didn't pass the tariffs- which are taxes- our President wouldn't be required to enact them.

I will wait patiently for the link that you will provide where Congress authorized Trump's ever increasing tariffs.

It was in the original trade legislation back in 1962, that gave every President the authority to determine when the conditions demand these tariffs.

So, we are back to where we started, which is that Trump has the authority to wreck the American economy as much as he wrecked his own.
/——/ Only Congress can wreck the economy. The president can’t spend one thin dime. Learn Civics you moron.
The baffling part of all this is how his cult followers still maintain that Trump should remain in charge of this nation's economy, in spite of his having achieved that rank of having lost more money writhin 10 years than any taxpayer in American history!
/——/ The President can’t spend, squander or lose one thin dime. Congress controls spending, you nitwit.

Maybe you should mention that to Trump. He issued an executive order to transfer money from the military, to build his wall. In addition to that, he is independently slapping on billions of dollars of tariffs, which is, in fact, a tax on the American public, without congress having a thing to do with it, Einstein.
/——/ He is transferring money already approved by Congress. But nice try.
Clinton raised a 1973 federal lawsuit brought against Donald Trump and his company for alleged racial discrimination at Trump housing developments in New York.

The Justice Department sued Donald Trump, his father, Fred, and Trump Management in order to obtain a settlement in which Trump and his father would promise not to discriminate. The case eventually was settled two years later after Trump tried to countersue the Justice Department for $100 million for making false statements. Those allegations were dismissed by the court.

The fair housing commission in 1973 was a new operation, that had to show its worth, so they sued the Trump Organization.

Donald Trump realized the complaints of discrimination were bullshit and objected to the settlement, but the elder Trump decided to make the settlement anyhow. Even though Fred knew that the charges were bullshit, it was still undoubtably the smart move to make the settlement. Had they fought and won, it would have cost as much as paying, and they would have received the enmity of NYC housing bureaucrats. Better to have a good relationship with the bureaucrats than a bad one where they are always looking to cause you problems.

Since them, 45 years ago, Donald J. Trump doesn't have any similar complaints against him. Clean record. BTW, in 1973, Fred was in charge, not Donald.
Donald Trump realized the complaints of discrimination were bullshit and objected to the settlement, but the elder Trump decided to make the settlement anyhow. Even though Fred knew that the charges were bullshit, it was still undoubtably the smart move to make the settlement
Fred Trump was an even more blatant racist than his bigoted son is.

Decades-Old Housing Discrimination Case Plagues Donald Trump

"The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units.

"Back then, Sheila Morse worked as one of those testers.

"When a black New Yorker was turned down for service and racial bias was suspected, Morse, who is white, would be dispatched to see if she received different treatment.

"In this case, a black man in search of an apartment in Brooklyn in 1972 saw a sign on a building: 'apartment for rent.'

"'He met with the superintendent, and the superintendent said, "I'm very sorry, but the apartment is rented — it's gone," ' Morse says. 'So the gentlemen said to him, "Well, why is the sign out? I still see a sign that says apartment for rent." And the superintendent said, "Oh, I guess I forgot to take it down.' "

"When Morse went to the building to ask about the same apartment, she says, 'They greeted me with open arms and showed me every aspect of the apartment.'"

Donald Trump wasn't the gentleman that allegedly turned down the investigator in the Human Rights Division. In the settlement that was made NO admission of wrongdoing was made by the Trump Organization. Had a settlement not been made, the Human Rights Division would have considered it a personal affront and continued to pester Trump with phony claims. Extorting money from Trump helped them justify their existence and jobs with their political bosses.

As far as the item about a Triple K march back in the day, someone with the same name as Trump's father got pinched for disorderly in the vicinity of the march. No proof that Fred was there, or that he was in favor of the Klan or just a bystander. Fred Trump died a number of years ago, so he can't be asked at this point in time.
Dude, have you not shoveled enough bullshit in this thread already? Trying to top yourself, are ya?

Fred trump was so racist, woody guthrie wrote a song about it.

/——-/ Well if woody guthrie wrote a song then it’s time to impeach.
View attachment 260152

/——-/ Well if woody guthrie wrote a song then it’s time to impeach.

Court Backs Internet Censorship: Open The Internet Now!
The fair housing commission in 1973 was a new operation, that had to show its worth, so they sued the Trump Organization.

Donald Trump realized the complaints of discrimination were bullshit and objected to the settlement, but the elder Trump decided to make the settlement anyhow. Even though Fred knew that the charges were bullshit, it was still undoubtably the smart move to make the settlement. Had they fought and won, it would have cost as much as paying, and they would have received the enmity of NYC housing bureaucrats. Better to have a good relationship with the bureaucrats than a bad one where they are always looking to cause you problems.

Since them, 45 years ago, Donald J. Trump doesn't have any similar complaints against him. Clean record. BTW, in 1973, Fred was in charge, not Donald.
Donald Trump realized the complaints of discrimination were bullshit and objected to the settlement, but the elder Trump decided to make the settlement anyhow. Even though Fred knew that the charges were bullshit, it was still undoubtably the smart move to make the settlement
Fred Trump was an even more blatant racist than his bigoted son is.

Decades-Old Housing Discrimination Case Plagues Donald Trump

"The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units.

"Back then, Sheila Morse worked as one of those testers.

"When a black New Yorker was turned down for service and racial bias was suspected, Morse, who is white, would be dispatched to see if she received different treatment.

"In this case, a black man in search of an apartment in Brooklyn in 1972 saw a sign on a building: 'apartment for rent.'

"'He met with the superintendent, and the superintendent said, "I'm very sorry, but the apartment is rented — it's gone," ' Morse says. 'So the gentlemen said to him, "Well, why is the sign out? I still see a sign that says apartment for rent." And the superintendent said, "Oh, I guess I forgot to take it down.' "

"When Morse went to the building to ask about the same apartment, she says, 'They greeted me with open arms and showed me every aspect of the apartment.'"

Donald Trump wasn't the gentleman that allegedly turned down the investigator in the Human Rights Division. In the settlement that was made NO admission of wrongdoing was made by the Trump Organization. Had a settlement not been made, the Human Rights Division would have considered it a personal affront and continued to pester Trump with phony claims. Extorting money from Trump helped them justify their existence and jobs with their political bosses.

As far as the item about a Triple K march back in the day, someone with the same name as Trump's father got pinched for disorderly in the vicinity of the march. No proof that Fred was there, or that he was in favor of the Klan or just a bystander. Fred Trump died a number of years ago, so he can't be asked at this point in time.
Dude, have you not shoveled enough bullshit in this thread already? Trying to top yourself, are ya?

Fred trump was so racist, woody guthrie wrote a song about it.

/——-/ Well if woody guthrie wrote a song then it’s time to impeach.
View attachment 260152

/——-/ Well if woody guthrie wrote a song then it’s time to impeach.

Court Backs Internet Censorship: Open The Internet Now!

/——/ I literally laughed out loud when I read the top lines of your link: “ a promoter of climate denial”
Nobody denies climate. What an asinine statement. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
I guess you're even dumber than I expected if you don't already know this.......

Trump signs sweeping tax bill into law
/——/ That doesn’t prove your point, try again Cupcake.

some recent research presented here gave me some insight into Donald Trump’s motivations to pursue the presidency. So, why did he want to become the President of the United States?

First and foremost, Trump is a narcissist – perhaps on the extreme end of the scale. In fact, Trump can be best classified as a Grandiose Narcissist.Grandiose narcissism is a flamboyant, assertive, and interpersonally dominant style, characterized by an inflated sense of self, overconfidence in making decisions, and an inability to learn from mistakes.

Research shows that narcissists are over-represented in high-level leadership positions, which can be a problem in and of itself, but back to Trump.

There are 3 basic motivations that explain why people take on leadership positions:

1. Affective motivation (“I enjoy leading”). This is the motivation to lead simply because one enjoys leadership activities.

2. Calculative motivation (“What’s in it for me?”). This motivation to lead focuses on the rewards or personal gains one will achieve through leading.

3. Normative motivation (“Other people think I’d be an effective leader”).This involves pressure from others to pursue leadership positions.

Trump’s motivation to run for President may have been fueled by all three of these. He professes to enjoy being in charge, and has for some time (affective motivation). His serious candidacy was spurred on by backers who encouraged him to run (normative motivation). And, there may also be calculative motivation, as his detractors claim – Trump and his family may reap financial benefits from his presidency.

How does Trump’s grandiose narcissism fuel his desire to be president?

Research suggests that grandiose narcissists seek leadership positions for a couple of prime reasons:

1. Self-Enhancement. Narcissists seek powerful leadership positions to prove their superiority and to enhance their image.

2. Basking in the Limelight. Throughout his adult life, Trump has sought media attention and the sheer amount of “free” coverage that he got certainly helped his campaign and the election.

So, the research on narcissism and motivation to lead explains Trump’s behavior fairly well. But what might cause Trump to eventually regret attaining the presidency? Well, Howard Stern may have said it best:

"I know something about Donald Trump, he really does want to be loved," Stern said. "He does want people to really love him. That drives him a lot. I think that he has a very sensitive ego and when you're president of the United States, people are going to be very very critical."

Donald Trump has a notoriously thin skin and although his narcissism causes a feeling of superiority, it is fragile and, in the end, he may regret his motivation to this high, and very visible and vulnerable, leadership position.

One of the best ever......skip to 1:23

Boy was he wrong. I guess we know now that Democrats don't rig elections. If we did we would have rigged 2016 and we certainly would have won 2000.

/——. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasn’t rigged against Crazy Bernie?

The Democratic party is a private organization. They can nominate whoever they want. And Bernie can run as an independent. Same with the GOP. They could have thrown Trump out and nominated Rubio if they wanted to.

In fact, the GOP did this to Ron Paul. Did you know? He should have been the nominee but the GOP rigged it and gave it to Mitt Romney. Remember that? I do.
Ah, Dave? The Fed has raised rates six times in the two years that Trump has been in office. That's four more times than they raised them from the time Obama was elected until Trump was elected!
The Fed has raised rates six times in the two years that Trump has been in office.

7 times.

Federal Reserve Board - Open Market Operations

So its back to "normal" ?

Why hasn't the fed raised it recently? What reason did they give?

The fed bscked off because they suspect a slow down in the making.

You assducks claim we have the best economy ever so why is the fed holding back on interest rates?
The baffling part of all this is how his cult followers still maintain that Trump should remain in charge of this nation's economy, in spite of his having achieved that rank of having lost more money writhin 10 years than any taxpayer in American history!
/——/ The President can’t spend, squander or lose one thin dime. Congress controls spending, you nitwit.

Maybe you should mention that to Trump. He issued an executive order to transfer money from the military, to build his wall. In addition to that, he is independently slapping on billions of dollars of tariffs, which is, in fact, a tax on the American public, without congress having a thing to do with it, Einstein.
/——/ He is transferring money already approved by Congress. But nice try.

Approved for a different use.
I guess you're even dumber than I expected if you don't already know this.......

Trump signs sweeping tax bill into law
/——/ That doesn’t prove your point, try again Cupcake.

some recent research presented here gave me some insight into Donald Trump’s motivations to pursue the presidency. So, why did he want to become the President of the United States?

First and foremost, Trump is a narcissist – perhaps on the extreme end of the scale. In fact, Trump can be best classified as a Grandiose Narcissist.Grandiose narcissism is a flamboyant, assertive, and interpersonally dominant style, characterized by an inflated sense of self, overconfidence in making decisions, and an inability to learn from mistakes.

Research shows that narcissists are over-represented in high-level leadership positions, which can be a problem in and of itself, but back to Trump.

There are 3 basic motivations that explain why people take on leadership positions:

1. Affective motivation (“I enjoy leading”). This is the motivation to lead simply because one enjoys leadership activities.

2. Calculative motivation (“What’s in it for me?”). This motivation to lead focuses on the rewards or personal gains one will achieve through leading.

3. Normative motivation (“Other people think I’d be an effective leader”).This involves pressure from others to pursue leadership positions.

Trump’s motivation to run for President may have been fueled by all three of these. He professes to enjoy being in charge, and has for some time (affective motivation). His serious candidacy was spurred on by backers who encouraged him to run (normative motivation). And, there may also be calculative motivation, as his detractors claim – Trump and his family may reap financial benefits from his presidency.

How does Trump’s grandiose narcissism fuel his desire to be president?

Research suggests that grandiose narcissists seek leadership positions for a couple of prime reasons:

1. Self-Enhancement. Narcissists seek powerful leadership positions to prove their superiority and to enhance their image.

2. Basking in the Limelight. Throughout his adult life, Trump has sought media attention and the sheer amount of “free” coverage that he got certainly helped his campaign and the election.

So, the research on narcissism and motivation to lead explains Trump’s behavior fairly well. But what might cause Trump to eventually regret attaining the presidency? Well, Howard Stern may have said it best:

"I know something about Donald Trump, he really does want to be loved," Stern said. "He does want people to really love him. That drives him a lot. I think that he has a very sensitive ego and when you're president of the United States, people are going to be very very critical."

Donald Trump has a notoriously thin skin and although his narcissism causes a feeling of superiority, it is fragile and, in the end, he may regret his motivation to this high, and very visible and vulnerable, leadership position.

One of the best ever......skip to 1:23

Boy was he wrong. I guess we know now that Democrats don't rig elections. If we did we would have rigged 2016 and we certainly would have won 2000.

The Libs did TRY to rig 2016. Holding the Access Hollywood tape until the last possible moment when it was seen as too late for Trump to recover was a dirty trick designed to fix the election results.

Republicans invented the October Surprise. They've tried to employ it every election dating back to when they first made a deal with Iran to hold those poor American hostages until after the elections. Used them for politics. Then later the Iran Contra scandal. Reagan and Ollie North. RayGun gave the Iranians weapons. He armed our enemy in exchange for them helping him gain power. Carter would have won if not for that.

And how about Comey's announcement a week before the elections. I'm glad Trump threw that scumbag under the bus. Fuck Comey.

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