Trump: 14th Amendment is Unconstitutional

The Supreme Court doesn't 'grant' citizenship to anyone.

However the Supreme Court has recognized that a child born to illegal alien parents in the United States is a citizen because he/she was born in the United States.

INS v. Rios-Pineda 471 U.S. 444 (1985)

By that time, respondent wife had given birth to a child, who, born in the United States, was a citizen of this country. A deportation hearing was held in December, 1978. Respondents conceded illegal entry, conceded deportability,
I don't think citizenship was an issue. The Court merely assumed. And, I believe our statutory immigration laws specify birthright citizenship.

Frankly, I doubt the supreme court would want to touch this issue with a ten foot pole. But, it might be that a Roberts court would just defer to the legislature, which is what he did with Obamacare and criticized 5 other justices for not doing in the gay marriage case.

Immigration law does not specify birthright citizenship for illegals.

Good thing SCOTUS said the 14th did then right?

SCOTUS has never ruled on the citizenship of illegals.

That is not accurate. See United States v. Wong Kim Ark or just go to my post #30 on this thread!

There are a number of other cases I could cite also.

You comprehend NOTHING! The ruling you site is for the child of LEGAL immigrants, not ILLEGAL trash!

So lets see if I have this are for people from another country determining if their child is a citizen of the United States by coming here ILLEGALLY, and dropping said baby here, and we have absolutely NOTHING to say, or can do about it? LOL, you are wrong, and SCOTUS has no jurisdiction, and neither does the President, it is congress according to section 1, article 8. What this means is, the only thing the President can do is choose to ignore the law, or get a constitutional amendment to change the law! Or, in Obamas case, BREAK the law; along with every democratic candidate running, and a few rinos too.

Wait and see, this is going to grow, and SCOTUS can't rule on anything in this matter. Since the repubs hold congress, watch and see how fast pressure is brought to bear, and next year is an election year, and 70% of the people are with us, which means that anyone in office against us, in many jurisdictions are OUT OF A JOB! Let us see how this also affects the Presidential election, now that the constitution is on our side, and anyone standing to stop it is AGAINST the constitution. Oh, this is gonna be good, real good!
I don't think citizenship was an issue. The Court merely assumed. And, I believe our statutory immigration laws specify birthright citizenship.

Frankly, I doubt the supreme court would want to touch this issue with a ten foot pole. But, it might be that a Roberts court would just defer to the legislature, which is what he did with Obamacare and criticized 5 other justices for not doing in the gay marriage case.

Immigration law does not specify birthright citizenship for illegals.

Good thing SCOTUS said the 14th did then right?

SCOTUS has never ruled on the citizenship of illegals.

That is not accurate. See United States v. Wong Kim Ark or just go to my post #30 on this thread!

There are a number of other cases I could cite also.

You comprehend NOTHING! The ruling you site is for the child of LEGAL immigrants, not ILLEGAL trash!

So lets see if I have this are for people from another country determining if their child is a citizen of the United States !

I am for the people of our country determining whether children born in the United States are U.S. citizens.

And we decided that all children born in the United States, except the children of diplomats, are U.S. Citizens.

If you want to change the Constitution, then go ahead and try to do so.
I don't think citizenship was an issue. The Court merely assumed. And, I believe our statutory immigration laws specify birthright citizenship.

Frankly, I doubt the supreme court would want to touch this issue with a ten foot pole. But, it might be that a Roberts court would just defer to the legislature, which is what he did with Obamacare and criticized 5 other justices for not doing in the gay marriage case.

Immigration law does not specify birthright citizenship for illegals.

Good thing SCOTUS said the 14th did then right?

SCOTUS has never ruled on the citizenship of illegals.

That is not accurate. See United States v. Wong Kim Ark or just go to my post #30 on this thread!

There are a number of other cases I could cite also.

Wait and see, this is going to grow, and SCOTUS can't rule on anything in this matter. Since the repubs hold congress, watch and see how fast pressure is brought to bear, and next year is an election year, and 70% of the people are with us, which means that anyone in office against us, in many jurisdictions are OUT OF A JOB! Let us see how this also affects the Presidential election, now that the constitution is on our side, and anyone standing to stop it is AGAINST the constitution. Oh, this is gonna be good, real good!

The Republicans have had Congress for over a year now.

What have they done regarding immigration since they became the majority?

To quote our friends to the south- 'Nada'
SCOTUS has never ruled on the citizenship of illegals.
That is not accurate. See United States v. Wong Kim Ark or just go to my post #30 on this thread!
There are a number of other cases I could cite also.

You comprehend NOTHING! The ruling you site is for the child of LEGAL immigrants, not ILLEGAL trash!

So lets see if I have this are for people from another country determining if their child is a citizen of the United States by coming here ILLEGALLY, and dropping said baby here, and we have absolutely NOTHING to say, or can do about it? LOL, you are wrong, and SCOTUS has no jurisdiction, and neither does the President, it is congress according to section 1, article 8. What this means is, the only thing the President can do is choose to ignore the law, or get a constitutional amendment to change the law! Or, in Obamas case, BREAK the law; along with every democratic candidate running, and a few rinos too.

Wait and see, this is going to grow, and SCOTUS can't rule on anything in this matter. Since the repubs hold congress, watch and see how fast pressure is brought to bear, and next year is an election year, and 70% of the people are with us, which means that anyone in office against us, in many jurisdictions are OUT OF A JOB! Let us see how this also affects the Presidential election, now that the constitution is on our side, and anyone standing to stop it is AGAINST the constitution. Oh, this is gonna be good, real good!

If you had performed due diligence and had ACTUALLY READ the declaration by OK Texas that, "SCOTUS has never ruled on the citizenship of illegals", to which I responded with a citation to the contrary, United States v. Wong Kim Ark, you may, just may have not posted your totally off topic and inappropriate screed and embarrassed yourself.

Changing the narrative to whether Wong was the son of legal or illegal immigrants had absolutely nothing to do with the character, subject or context my exchange with another poster.

Your supercilious analysis is absolutely notwithstanding and a childlike fantasy, also!
Good thing SCOTUS said the 14th did then right?

SCOTUS has never ruled on the citizenship of illegals.

That is not accurate. See United States v. Wong Kim Ark or just go to my post #30 on this thread!

There are a number of other cases I could cite also.
Was Art in the United States illegally?
He was a United States citizen – so, yes.

Was the father (The Art that i was referring to) in the united states legally?
Irrelevant, having no bearing on an American's citizenship.

It's also important to note that in United States v. Wong Kim Ark the Court reaffirmed the fact that Congress lacks the authority to 'change' the Constitution, including the 14th Amendment's Citizenship Clause:

“The acts of Congress known as the Chinese Exclusion Acts, the earliest of which was passed some fourteen years after the adoption of the Constitutional Amendment, cannot control its meaning or impair its effect, but must be construed and executed in subordination to its provisions. “

United States v. Wong Kim Ark | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Except that it is made up. Trump said that birthright citizenship for anchor babies is not constitutionally mandated. He never said that the 14th amendment is unconstitutional.

Nah he JUST argued SOME attorneys say it's not/ LOVE how he argues for attorneys! HINT: He said it WOULD be found unconstitutional in court, even though it never has! THAT'S not taking a position on it right? *shaking head*

Congratulations, you're as stupid as Rabbi. Nowhere does Trump say anything about the 14th amendment being unconstitutional. He says that birthright citizenship by anchor babies is not guaranteed by the constitution. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

Yep, after all, he doesn't have enough to do but argue the point of view of "lawyers" who believe those babies aren't citizens right? Not that HE believes it? lol

Of course the correct interpretation IS from SCOTUS ruling saying IF you are born on US soil (few exceptions) YOU ARE A US CITIZEN!


Yeah, and? Nobody ever claimed that he doesn't agree with the point. But that has nothing to do with this bullshit claim that Trump called the 14th amendment unconstitutional.

Oh right, he DOES agree (his posit IS that he agrees the 14th DOESN'T grant citizenship to kids of illegal aliens). Whether HE said it or not, he stands by the POSITION!

And yet fucking still, he did not claim that the 14th amendment is unconstitutional.
SCOTUS has never ruled on the citizenship of illegals.
That is not accurate. See United States v. Wong Kim Ark or just go to my post #30 on this thread!
There are a number of other cases I could cite also.

You comprehend NOTHING! The ruling you site is for the child of LEGAL immigrants, not ILLEGAL trash!

So lets see if I have this are for people from another country determining if their child is a citizen of the United States by coming here ILLEGALLY, and dropping said baby here, and we have absolutely NOTHING to say, or can do about it? LOL, you are wrong, and SCOTUS has no jurisdiction, and neither does the President, it is congress according to section 1, article 8. What this means is, the only thing the President can do is choose to ignore the law, or get a constitutional amendment to change the law! Or, in Obamas case, BREAK the law; along with every democratic candidate running, and a few rinos too.

Wait and see, this is going to grow, and SCOTUS can't rule on anything in this matter. Since the repubs hold congress, watch and see how fast pressure is brought to bear, and next year is an election year, and 70% of the people are with us, which means that anyone in office against us, in many jurisdictions are OUT OF A JOB! Let us see how this also affects the Presidential election, now that the constitution is on our side, and anyone standing to stop it is AGAINST the constitution. Oh, this is gonna be good, real good!

If you had performed due diligence and had ACTUALLY READ the declaration by OK Texas that, "SCOTUS has never ruled on the citizenship of illegals", to which I responded with a citation to the contrary, United States v. Wong Kim Ark, you may, just may have not posted your totally off topic and inappropriate screed and embarrassed yourself.

Changing the narrative to whether Wong was the son of legal or illegal immigrants had absolutely nothing to do with the character, subject or context my exchange with another poster.

Your supercilious analysis is absolutely notwithstanding and a childlike fantasy, also!

Well, everyone can believe what they want, but it appears I am just as correct as you are on this issue, and the left better hope it comes out that way, although I have a feeling it will not!

If you go to youtube, you will find many a professor who explains it perfectly, but I will post the same words through a different narrator, just because I know it will drive the lefties crazy. Still, every professor that has posted their opinion follows the exact logic, so conservatives enjoy, lefties cry. Why? Because it very well be you are 100% wrong, and that means the lot of the left is now in severe jeopardy!

SCOTUS has never ruled on the citizenship of illegals.
That is not accurate. See United States v. Wong Kim Ark or just go to my post #30 on this thread!
There are a number of other cases I could cite also.

You comprehend NOTHING! The ruling you site is for the child of LEGAL immigrants, not ILLEGAL trash!

So lets see if I have this are for people from another country determining if their child is a citizen of the United States by coming here ILLEGALLY, and dropping said baby here, and we have absolutely NOTHING to say, or can do about it? LOL, you are wrong, and SCOTUS has no jurisdiction, and neither does the President, it is congress according to section 1, article 8. What this means is, the only thing the President can do is choose to ignore the law, or get a constitutional amendment to change the law! Or, in Obamas case, BREAK the law; along with every democratic candidate running, and a few rinos too.

Wait and see, this is going to grow, and SCOTUS can't rule on anything in this matter. Since the repubs hold congress, watch and see how fast pressure is brought to bear, and next year is an election year, and 70% of the people are with us, which means that anyone in office against us, in many jurisdictions are OUT OF A JOB! Let us see how this also affects the Presidential election, now that the constitution is on our side, and anyone standing to stop it is AGAINST the constitution. Oh, this is gonna be good, real good!

If you had performed due diligence and had ACTUALLY READ the declaration by OK Texas that, "SCOTUS has never ruled on the citizenship of illegals", to which I responded with a citation to the contrary, United States v. Wong Kim Ark, you may, just may have not posted your totally off topic and inappropriate screed and embarrassed yourself.

Changing the narrative to whether Wong was the son of legal or illegal immigrants had absolutely nothing to do with the character, subject or context my exchange with another poster.

Your supercilious analysis is absolutely notwithstanding and a childlike fantasy, also!

Well, everyone can believe what they want, but it appears I am just as correct as you are on this issue, and the left better hope it comes out that way, although I have a feeling it will not!

If you go to youtube, you will find many a professor who explains it perfectly, but I will post the same words through a different narrator, just because I know it will drive the lefties crazy. Still, every professor that has posted their opinion follows the exact logic, so conservatives enjoy, lefties cry. Why? Because it very well be you are 100% wrong, and that means the lot of the left is now in severe jeopardy!

"Pride goeth before the fall." < Book of Proverbs >

Son, if you wish to delude yourself and claim some sort of victory, for who knows what at this point so as to assuage your embarrassment, take another swing at it. But take a little advice and for God's sake don't use EDITED VIDEOS from Fucking Faux News and/or YouTube as authoritative sources. That is just NUTS as well as PATHETIC!
SCOTUS has never ruled on the citizenship of illegals.
That is not accurate. See United States v. Wong Kim Ark or just go to my post #30 on this thread!
There are a number of other cases I could cite also.

You comprehend NOTHING! The ruling you site is for the child of LEGAL immigrants, not ILLEGAL trash!

So lets see if I have this are for people from another country determining if their child is a citizen of the United States by coming here ILLEGALLY, and dropping said baby here, and we have absolutely NOTHING to say, or can do about it? LOL, you are wrong, and SCOTUS has no jurisdiction, and neither does the President, it is congress according to section 1, article 8. What this means is, the only thing the President can do is choose to ignore the law, or get a constitutional amendment to change the law! Or, in Obamas case, BREAK the law; along with every democratic candidate running, and a few rinos too.

Wait and see, this is going to grow, and SCOTUS can't rule on anything in this matter. Since the repubs hold congress, watch and see how fast pressure is brought to bear, and next year is an election year, and 70% of the people are with us, which means that anyone in office against us, in many jurisdictions are OUT OF A JOB! Let us see how this also affects the Presidential election, now that the constitution is on our side, and anyone standing to stop it is AGAINST the constitution. Oh, this is gonna be good, real good!

If you had performed due diligence and had ACTUALLY READ the declaration by OK Texas that, "SCOTUS has never ruled on the citizenship of illegals", to which I responded with a citation to the contrary, United States v. Wong Kim Ark, you may, just may have not posted your totally off topic and inappropriate screed and embarrassed yourself.

Changing the narrative to whether Wong was the son of legal or illegal immigrants had absolutely nothing to do with the character, subject or context my exchange with another poster.

Your supercilious analysis is absolutely notwithstanding and a childlike fantasy, also!

Well, everyone can believe what they want, but it appears I am just as correct as you are on this issue, and the left better hope it comes out that way, although I have a feeling it will not!

If you go to youtube, you will find many a professor who explains it perfectly, but I will post the same words through a different narrator, just because I know it will drive the lefties crazy. Still, every professor that has posted their opinion follows the exact logic, so conservatives enjoy, lefties cry. Why? Because it very well be you are 100% wrong, and that means the lot of the left is now in severe jeopardy!

"Pride goeth before the fall." < Book of Proverbs >

Son, if you wish to delude yourself and claim some sort of victory, for who knows what at this point so as to assuage your embarrassment, take another swing at it. But take a little advice and for God's sake don't use EDITED VIDEOS from Fucking Faux News and/or YouTube as authoritative sources. That is just NUTS as well as PATHETIC!

Told you people the lefties wouldn't like it. Notice, EVERY professor who agree with the video I posted uses the EXACT, same, debate points. The lefties are left (a little levity there) holding the bag this time, as long as we control congress. And when I say, "control congress," I mean throwing out the rinos, and elect people who will put teeth into this while keeping their word to US!

And what that means is....................a congress who after enforcing their constitutional rights under said document, will have enough gonads to IMPEACH a President who does not follow his/her constitutional responsibility!
That is not accurate. See United States v. Wong Kim Ark or just go to my post #30 on this thread!
There are a number of other cases I could cite also.

You comprehend NOTHING! The ruling you site is for the child of LEGAL immigrants, not ILLEGAL trash!

So lets see if I have this are for people from another country determining if their child is a citizen of the United States by coming here ILLEGALLY, and dropping said baby here, and we have absolutely NOTHING to say, or can do about it? LOL, you are wrong, and SCOTUS has no jurisdiction, and neither does the President, it is congress according to section 1, article 8. What this means is, the only thing the President can do is choose to ignore the law, or get a constitutional amendment to change the law! Or, in Obamas case, BREAK the law; along with every democratic candidate running, and a few rinos too.

Wait and see, this is going to grow, and SCOTUS can't rule on anything in this matter. Since the repubs hold congress, watch and see how fast pressure is brought to bear, and next year is an election year, and 70% of the people are with us, which means that anyone in office against us, in many jurisdictions are OUT OF A JOB! Let us see how this also affects the Presidential election, now that the constitution is on our side, and anyone standing to stop it is AGAINST the constitution. Oh, this is gonna be good, real good!

If you had performed due diligence and had ACTUALLY READ the declaration by OK Texas that, "SCOTUS has never ruled on the citizenship of illegals", to which I responded with a citation to the contrary, United States v. Wong Kim Ark, you may, just may have not posted your totally off topic and inappropriate screed and embarrassed yourself.

Changing the narrative to whether Wong was the son of legal or illegal immigrants had absolutely nothing to do with the character, subject or context my exchange with another poster.

Your supercilious analysis is absolutely notwithstanding and a childlike fantasy, also!

Well, everyone can believe what they want, but it appears I am just as correct as you are on this issue, and the left better hope it comes out that way, although I have a feeling it will not!

If you go to youtube, you will find many a professor who explains it perfectly, but I will post the same words through a different narrator, just because I know it will drive the lefties crazy. Still, every professor that has posted their opinion follows the exact logic, so conservatives enjoy, lefties cry. Why? Because it very well be you are 100% wrong, and that means the lot of the left is now in severe jeopardy!

"Pride goeth before the fall." < Book of Proverbs >

Son, if you wish to delude yourself and claim some sort of victory, for who knows what at this point so as to assuage your embarrassment, take another swing at it. But take a little advice and for God's sake don't use EDITED VIDEOS from Fucking Faux News and/or YouTube as authoritative sources. That is just NUTS as well as PATHETIC!

Told you people the lefties wouldn't like it. Notice, EVERY professor who agree with the video I posted uses the EXACT, same, debate points. The lefties are left (a little levity there) holding the bag this time, as long as we control congress. And when I say, "control congress," I mean throwing out the rinos, and elect people who will put teeth into this while keeping their word to US!

And what that means is....................a congress who after enforcing their constitutional rights under said document, will have enough gonads to IMPEACH a President who does not follow his/her constitutional responsibility!

Riddle me this; with whom has Oceania always been at war and WHY, all seeing, all knowing insider?
You comprehend NOTHING! The ruling you site is for the child of LEGAL immigrants, not ILLEGAL trash!

So lets see if I have this are for people from another country determining if their child is a citizen of the United States by coming here ILLEGALLY, and dropping said baby here, and we have absolutely NOTHING to say, or can do about it? LOL, you are wrong, and SCOTUS has no jurisdiction, and neither does the President, it is congress according to section 1, article 8. What this means is, the only thing the President can do is choose to ignore the law, or get a constitutional amendment to change the law! Or, in Obamas case, BREAK the law; along with every democratic candidate running, and a few rinos too.

Wait and see, this is going to grow, and SCOTUS can't rule on anything in this matter. Since the repubs hold congress, watch and see how fast pressure is brought to bear, and next year is an election year, and 70% of the people are with us, which means that anyone in office against us, in many jurisdictions are OUT OF A JOB! Let us see how this also affects the Presidential election, now that the constitution is on our side, and anyone standing to stop it is AGAINST the constitution. Oh, this is gonna be good, real good!

If you had performed due diligence and had ACTUALLY READ the declaration by OK Texas that, "SCOTUS has never ruled on the citizenship of illegals", to which I responded with a citation to the contrary, United States v. Wong Kim Ark, you may, just may have not posted your totally off topic and inappropriate screed and embarrassed yourself.

Changing the narrative to whether Wong was the son of legal or illegal immigrants had absolutely nothing to do with the character, subject or context my exchange with another poster.

Your supercilious analysis is absolutely notwithstanding and a childlike fantasy, also!

Well, everyone can believe what they want, but it appears I am just as correct as you are on this issue, and the left better hope it comes out that way, although I have a feeling it will not!

If you go to youtube, you will find many a professor who explains it perfectly, but I will post the same words through a different narrator, just because I know it will drive the lefties crazy. Still, every professor that has posted their opinion follows the exact logic, so conservatives enjoy, lefties cry. Why? Because it very well be you are 100% wrong, and that means the lot of the left is now in severe jeopardy!

"Pride goeth before the fall." < Book of Proverbs >

Son, if you wish to delude yourself and claim some sort of victory, for who knows what at this point so as to assuage your embarrassment, take another swing at it. But take a little advice and for God's sake don't use EDITED VIDEOS from Fucking Faux News and/or YouTube as authoritative sources. That is just NUTS as well as PATHETIC!

Told you people the lefties wouldn't like it. Notice, EVERY professor who agree with the video I posted uses the EXACT, same, debate points. The lefties are left (a little levity there) holding the bag this time, as long as we control congress. And when I say, "control congress," I mean throwing out the rinos, and elect people who will put teeth into this while keeping their word to US!

And what that means is....................a congress who after enforcing their constitutional rights under said document, will have enough gonads to IMPEACH a President who does not follow his/her constitutional responsibility!

Riddle me this; with whom has Oceania always been at war and WHY, all seeing, all knowing insider?

Insider? Sorry, I am as far outside the beltway as Carly Fiorina. But, with you questioning my insider status, it tells me that you must have some knowledge of the lefts Washington workings. Go figure, and why are we not surprised!
An injunction will be applied for and granted immediately following any attempt by Trump to fuck with the constitution.
TRANSLATION: Uh-oh, he was right. We really CAN'T stop him except by fighting our way through the courts.
Wow, you're incredibly stupid.
As usual, all the liberals can do is call names and smear people when they lose the argument.
that Obama would have banned a whole bunch of weapons by now; if that is all it took; for him to simply say he interpets the 2nd amendment differently?
By pretending the 2nd amendment applies only to militia members when it doesn't, or applies to "military-style" weapons when it doesn't do that either?

That's exactly what liberals, up to and including Obama, HAVE been doing since 1939. And the Courts have done nothing except for an occasional case decades after the "re-interpretation". Thanks for providing the example.

Now it's President Trump's turn.

(more of the usual insults and smears, deleted for lack of content)
Well, one of us is turning up the fabrications to "crazy levels". But I have pointed out the truth of what I said at every step.

Who does that leave? :biggrin:

Calling you incredibly stupid isn't an's a fact.

You're saying that Trump could interpret the 14th amendment differently and force any opposition to go through the courts for years and you also think that during these years, whatever he interprets will be the law of the land.

Honestly, how you can walk and chew gum is baffling.

I simply pointed out to your stupid ass that if that were true--that the President could do that, Obama would have done it to the 2nd Amendment and forced gun nuts to go through "years of proceedings".

What you post and "truth" are from two different planets.
Yeah I couldnt make this up if I tried. This is a "gutcheck" post. If you try to defend Trump's statement it is proof positive you are a complete moron and abject ignoramus. I dont care what your political leanings.
Donald Trump says 14th Amendment is unconstitutional


Yeah I couldnt make this up if I tried. This is a "gutcheck" post. If you try to defend Trump's statement it is proof positive you are a complete moron and abject ignoramus. I dont care what your political leanings.
Donald Trump says 14th Amendment is unconstitutional


Article 4, Section 2 was ratified by the several United States from Inception.
If you had performed due diligence and had ACTUALLY READ the declaration by OK Texas that, "SCOTUS has never ruled on the citizenship of illegals", to which I responded with a citation to the contrary, United States v. Wong Kim Ark, you may, just may have not posted your totally off topic and inappropriate screed and embarrassed yourself.

Changing the narrative to whether Wong was the son of legal or illegal immigrants had absolutely nothing to do with the character, subject or context my exchange with another poster.

Your supercilious analysis is absolutely notwithstanding and a childlike fantasy, also!

Well, everyone can believe what they want, but it appears I am just as correct as you are on this issue, and the left better hope it comes out that way, although I have a feeling it will not!

If you go to youtube, you will find many a professor who explains it perfectly, but I will post the same words through a different narrator, just because I know it will drive the lefties crazy. Still, every professor that has posted their opinion follows the exact logic, so conservatives enjoy, lefties cry. Why? Because it very well be you are 100% wrong, and that means the lot of the left is now in severe jeopardy!

"Pride goeth before the fall." < Book of Proverbs >

Son, if you wish to delude yourself and claim some sort of victory, for who knows what at this point so as to assuage your embarrassment, take another swing at it. But take a little advice and for God's sake don't use EDITED VIDEOS from Fucking Faux News and/or YouTube as authoritative sources. That is just NUTS as well as PATHETIC!

Told you people the lefties wouldn't like it. Notice, EVERY professor who agree with the video I posted uses the EXACT, same, debate points. The lefties are left (a little levity there) holding the bag this time, as long as we control congress. And when I say, "control congress," I mean throwing out the rinos, and elect people who will put teeth into this while keeping their word to US!

And what that means is....................a congress who after enforcing their constitutional rights under said document, will have enough gonads to IMPEACH a President who does not follow his/her constitutional responsibility!

Riddle me this; with whom has Oceania always been at war and WHY, all seeing, all knowing insider?

Insider? Sorry, I am as far outside the beltway as Carly Fiorina. But, with you questioning my insider status, it tells me that you must have some knowledge of the lefts Washington workings. Go figure, and why are we not surprised!

If you had performed due diligence and had ACTUALLY READ the declaration by OK Texas that, "SCOTUS has never ruled on the citizenship of illegals", to which I responded with a citation to the contrary, United States v. Wong Kim Ark, you may, just may have not posted your totally off topic and inappropriate screed and embarrassed yourself.

Changing the narrative to whether Wong was the son of legal or illegal immigrants had absolutely nothing to do with the character, subject or context my exchange with another poster.

Your supercilious analysis is absolutely notwithstanding and a childlike fantasy, also!

Well, everyone can believe what they want, but it appears I am just as correct as you are on this issue, and the left better hope it comes out that way, although I have a feeling it will not!

If you go to youtube, you will find many a professor who explains it perfectly, but I will post the same words through a different narrator, just because I know it will drive the lefties crazy. Still, every professor that has posted their opinion follows the exact logic, so conservatives enjoy, lefties cry. Why? Because it very well be you are 100% wrong, and that means the lot of the left is now in severe jeopardy!

"Pride goeth before the fall." < Book of Proverbs >

Son, if you wish to delude yourself and claim some sort of victory, for who knows what at this point so as to assuage your embarrassment, take another swing at it. But take a little advice and for God's sake don't use EDITED VIDEOS from Fucking Faux News and/or YouTube as authoritative sources. That is just NUTS as well as PATHETIC!

Told you people the lefties wouldn't like it. Notice, EVERY professor who agree with the video I posted uses the EXACT, same, debate points. The lefties are left (a little levity there) holding the bag this time, as long as we control congress. And when I say, "control congress," I mean throwing out the rinos, and elect people who will put teeth into this while keeping their word to US!

And what that means is....................a congress who after enforcing their constitutional rights under said document, will have enough gonads to IMPEACH a President who does not follow his/her constitutional responsibility!

Riddle me this; with whom has Oceania always been at war and WHY, all seeing, all knowing insider?

Insider? Sorry, I am as far outside the beltway as Carly Fiorina. But, with you questioning my insider status, it tells me that you must have some knowledge of the lefts Washington workings. Go figure, and why are we not surprised!

I didn't think you had the intellect or the knowledge to interpret that correctly, or even the curiosity to question its relevance! You failed!
Well, everyone can believe what they want, but it appears I am just as correct as you are on this issue, and the left better hope it comes out that way, although I have a feeling it will not!

If you go to youtube, you will find many a professor who explains it perfectly, but I will post the same words through a different narrator, just because I know it will drive the lefties crazy. Still, every professor that has posted their opinion follows the exact logic, so conservatives enjoy, lefties cry. Why? Because it very well be you are 100% wrong, and that means the lot of the left is now in severe jeopardy!

"Pride goeth before the fall." < Book of Proverbs >

Son, if you wish to delude yourself and claim some sort of victory, for who knows what at this point so as to assuage your embarrassment, take another swing at it. But take a little advice and for God's sake don't use EDITED VIDEOS from Fucking Faux News and/or YouTube as authoritative sources. That is just NUTS as well as PATHETIC!

Told you people the lefties wouldn't like it. Notice, EVERY professor who agree with the video I posted uses the EXACT, same, debate points. The lefties are left (a little levity there) holding the bag this time, as long as we control congress. And when I say, "control congress," I mean throwing out the rinos, and elect people who will put teeth into this while keeping their word to US!

And what that means is....................a congress who after enforcing their constitutional rights under said document, will have enough gonads to IMPEACH a President who does not follow his/her constitutional responsibility!

Riddle me this; with whom has Oceania always been at war and WHY, all seeing, all knowing insider?

Insider? Sorry, I am as far outside the beltway as Carly Fiorina. But, with you questioning my insider status, it tells me that you must have some knowledge of the lefts Washington workings. Go figure, and why are we not surprised!

Well, everyone can believe what they want, but it appears I am just as correct as you are on this issue, and the left better hope it comes out that way, although I have a feeling it will not!

If you go to youtube, you will find many a professor who explains it perfectly, but I will post the same words through a different narrator, just because I know it will drive the lefties crazy. Still, every professor that has posted their opinion follows the exact logic, so conservatives enjoy, lefties cry. Why? Because it very well be you are 100% wrong, and that means the lot of the left is now in severe jeopardy!

"Pride goeth before the fall." < Book of Proverbs >

Son, if you wish to delude yourself and claim some sort of victory, for who knows what at this point so as to assuage your embarrassment, take another swing at it. But take a little advice and for God's sake don't use EDITED VIDEOS from Fucking Faux News and/or YouTube as authoritative sources. That is just NUTS as well as PATHETIC!

Told you people the lefties wouldn't like it. Notice, EVERY professor who agree with the video I posted uses the EXACT, same, debate points. The lefties are left (a little levity there) holding the bag this time, as long as we control congress. And when I say, "control congress," I mean throwing out the rinos, and elect people who will put teeth into this while keeping their word to US!

And what that means is....................a congress who after enforcing their constitutional rights under said document, will have enough gonads to IMPEACH a President who does not follow his/her constitutional responsibility!

Riddle me this; with whom has Oceania always been at war and WHY, all seeing, all knowing insider?

Insider? Sorry, I am as far outside the beltway as Carly Fiorina. But, with you questioning my insider status, it tells me that you must have some knowledge of the lefts Washington workings. Go figure, and why are we not surprised!

I didn't think you had the intellect or the knowledge to interpret that correctly, or even the curiosity to question its relevance! You failed!

Could care less what you think! All I care about as far as this thread, is that the 14th amendments automatic citizenship is being delved into, the congress appears to have control of that, SCOTUS is out of luck, which means lefties are not happy! Now I could google your Oceania routine, but it is not pertinent, the 14th amendment is, and I think, we are winning, so you worry about Oceania, and I will worry about the United States-)
"Pride goeth before the fall." < Book of Proverbs >

Son, if you wish to delude yourself and claim some sort of victory, for who knows what at this point so as to assuage your embarrassment, take another swing at it. But take a little advice and for God's sake don't use EDITED VIDEOS from Fucking Faux News and/or YouTube as authoritative sources. That is just NUTS as well as PATHETIC!

Told you people the lefties wouldn't like it. Notice, EVERY professor who agree with the video I posted uses the EXACT, same, debate points. The lefties are left (a little levity there) holding the bag this time, as long as we control congress. And when I say, "control congress," I mean throwing out the rinos, and elect people who will put teeth into this while keeping their word to US!

And what that means is....................a congress who after enforcing their constitutional rights under said document, will have enough gonads to IMPEACH a President who does not follow his/her constitutional responsibility!

Riddle me this; with whom has Oceania always been at war and WHY, all seeing, all knowing insider?

Insider? Sorry, I am as far outside the beltway as Carly Fiorina. But, with you questioning my insider status, it tells me that you must have some knowledge of the lefts Washington workings. Go figure, and why are we not surprised!
"Pride goeth before the fall." < Book of Proverbs >

Son, if you wish to delude yourself and claim some sort of victory, for who knows what at this point so as to assuage your embarrassment, take another swing at it. But take a little advice and for God's sake don't use EDITED VIDEOS from Fucking Faux News and/or YouTube as authoritative sources. That is just NUTS as well as PATHETIC!

Told you people the lefties wouldn't like it. Notice, EVERY professor who agree with the video I posted uses the EXACT, same, debate points. The lefties are left (a little levity there) holding the bag this time, as long as we control congress. And when I say, "control congress," I mean throwing out the rinos, and elect people who will put teeth into this while keeping their word to US!

And what that means is....................a congress who after enforcing their constitutional rights under said document, will have enough gonads to IMPEACH a President who does not follow his/her constitutional responsibility!

Riddle me this; with whom has Oceania always been at war and WHY, all seeing, all knowing insider?

Insider? Sorry, I am as far outside the beltway as Carly Fiorina. But, with you questioning my insider status, it tells me that you must have some knowledge of the lefts Washington workings. Go figure, and why are we not surprised!

I didn't think you had the intellect or the knowledge to interpret that correctly, or even the curiosity to question its relevance! You failed!

Could care less what you think! All I care about as far as this thread, is that the 14th amendments automatic citizenship is being delved into, the congress appears to have control of that, SCOTUS is out of luck, which means lefties are not happy! Now I could google your Oceania routine, but it is not pertinent, the 14th amendment is, and I think, we are winning, so you worry about Oceania, and I will worry about the United States-)

Shun enlightenment then Grasshopper, but if you could care less, why then respond. I see a fallacy in there!
Yeah I couldnt make this up if I tried. This is a "gutcheck" post. If you try to defend Trump's statement it is proof positive you are a complete moron and abject ignoramus. I dont care what your political leanings.
Donald Trump says 14th Amendment is unconstitutional



Since the Supreme Court considers it constitutional- all your post is is your personal opinion and you are entitled to your personal opinion- but we will continue to abide by the 14th Amendment.

Of course if the 14th is unconstitutional- then you must think so is the you think slavery is still legal in the U.S. too?
I see that little rabbi STILL hasn't corrected the lie he put in the title of this thread.

Despite being told many times that Trump never said the 14th amendment was "unconstitutional".

Looks like he wants to stick by his lie no matter what.
Nah he JUST argued SOME attorneys say it's not/ LOVE how he argues for attorneys! HINT: He said it WOULD be found unconstitutional in court, even though it never has! THAT'S not taking a position on it right? *shaking head*

Congratulations, you're as stupid as Rabbi. Nowhere does Trump say anything about the 14th amendment being unconstitutional. He says that birthright citizenship by anchor babies is not guaranteed by the constitution. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

Yep, after all, he doesn't have enough to do but argue the point of view of "lawyers" who believe those babies aren't citizens right? Not that HE believes it? lol

Of course the correct interpretation IS from SCOTUS ruling saying IF you are born on US soil (few exceptions) YOU ARE A US CITIZEN!


Yeah, and? Nobody ever claimed that he doesn't agree with the point. But that has nothing to do with this bullshit claim that Trump called the 14th amendment unconstitutional.

Oh right, he DOES agree (his posit IS that he agrees the 14th DOESN'T grant citizenship to kids of illegal aliens). Whether HE said it or not, he stands by the POSITION!

And yet fucking still, he did not claim that the 14th amendment is unconstitutional.

Nope, just implied it will be struck down. Weird

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