'TRUMP +5' - Let the Liberal Weeping, Denying, Gnashing of Teeth Begin!

The far right freeks cannot even design an accurate poll.
"The poll is flawed...because I say so!"

Libs is so funny....
Because I explained the methodology: traditional land line surveys and, worse, online polling. It's at least ten points off in favor of Trump.

Yup, easyt is as dumb as Markle and Correll, but mudwhistle and stephanie and Tom Horn are even dumber.
And there's the rub.
Absolutely everything you guys post is based on emotion not logic not reason or objectivity.
You reaction to my post proves it.
Conservatives run on emotion?

Maybe that's why Obama, without knowing any facts of the case, declared, "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin." Ummm, what facts did ol' race-baiter Barry use in that statement?

What facts do liberals use every election when they falsely claim the GOP wants to take away all of your social security, welfare, and food stamps? It's nothing but emotional fear-mongering!

What FACTS did Obama use when he declared, 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan'? <Ding, ding - Lie of the Year!>

If it were not for lies and false opinions Liberals would have nothing on which to run.
Liberals absolutely live and govern based on polls.

Liberals on this board have been touting the same polls that have shown Hillary leading...until now.

If the polls showed Hillary up right now they would still be quoting them.

And in case you missed it, the recent poll quoted states Trump is up +5, DESPITE your OPINION to the contrary. Just because you libs declare something to be so does not make it so.

Besides, 'denial' doesn't look good on you. Embrace the 'suck'!

In 2014 turnout for the democrats was low, providing the primary reason the Liberals suffered an HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING loss. The news has reported throughout this primary season, especially lately, that the turnout numbers have actually DECREASED drastically since 2014, potentially leading to the lowest DNC turnout in decades.

Considering how DNC numbers continue to fall and Trump keeps drawing record crowds, how the majority of Americans believe Hillary is the lest trustworthy candidate in this entire race, this has the potential to be a blowout of epic proportions...and NOT in the Libs favor.

Obama made the 2014 election about HIS policies & HIS agenda...and they were soundly rejected. Evidently Hillary didn't listen because she is doubling down on Obama's policies / agenda...not to mention she's a criminal self-serving dirtbag. The DNC obviously didn't listen either, having hooked their wagon to her corrupt star.

UI think this election is going to wipe away - replace - the DNC's record-setting defeat of 2014.
Is it just me or did queasy just contradict himself in this post?
I think Hillary will get beat so bad she will wish she was in prison instead of going down as the biggest loser in US election history.
The FBI will MOAB Hillary.
Biden will get ZERO Sander's supporters votes. I mean ZERO!
The end of the road for the DEMs for at least 8 years. REP White house. Rep Senate, REP Congress, Possibly four REP nominated SCJs.
Thank 'Ramen Noodle Head' Debbie. She was the one who told Biden and Pocahontas to take a fucking hike last fall.
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And there's the rub.
Absolutely everything you guys post is based on emotion not logic not reason or objectivity.
You reaction to my post proves it.
Conservatives run on emotion?

Maybe that's why Obama, without knowing any facts of the case, declared, "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin." Ummm, what facts did ol' race-baiter Barry use in that statement?

What facts do liberals use every election when they falsely claim the GOP wants to take away all of your social security, welfare, and food stamps? It's nothing but emotional fear-mongering!

What FACTS did Obama use when he declared, 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan'? <Ding, ding - Lie of the Year!>

If it were not for lies and false opinions Liberals would have nothing on which to run.
Thanks for proving my point.
You are reacting just as I said you would.
And there's the rub.
Absolutely everything you guys post is based on emotion not logic not reason or objectivity.
You reaction to my post proves it.
Conservatives run on emotion?

Maybe that's why Obama, without knowing any facts of the case, declared, "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin." Ummm, what facts did ol' race-baiter Barry use in that statement?

What facts do liberals use every election when they falsely claim the GOP wants to take away all of your social security, welfare, and food stamps? It's nothing but emotional fear-mongering!

What FACTS did Obama use when he declared, 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan'? <Ding, ding - Lie of the Year!>

If it were not for lies and false opinions Liberals would have nothing on which to run.

:lol: You're supporting a talk show host for president .. while proclaiming that democrats have noting to run on. :lol:

You don't even have a credible candidate .. and when he loses or runs away as he wants to do .. you'll be left holding the Stupid Bag. :0)
The far right freeks cannot even design an accurate poll.
"The poll is flawed...because I say so!"

Libs is so funny....
I know you can't read but here goes. .

Is that the same NYT who just got busted for altering all the comments of the women regarding Trump? The LIARS that were just exposed for doctoring the comments, for criminally false reporting?

Why am I not surprised you would quote the NYT and a blog to boot?! Nice one, Daws.

Thanks for proving my point.
You are reacting just as I said you would.

I just pointed out where Liberals have done nothing but run on emotion. If your point was that your 1st post about emotion was a lie, glad I could help you out.
The far right freeks cannot even design an accurate poll.
"The poll is flawed...because I say so!"

Libs is so funny....
I know you can't read but here goes. .

Is that the same NYT who just got busted for altering all the comments of the women regarding Trump? The LIARS that were just exposed for doctoring the comments, for criminally false reporting?

Why am I not surprised you would quote the NYT and a blog to boot?! Nice one, Daws.

Scott Rasmussen Leaves Rasmussen Reports to Become a GOP Pundit
I think Hillary will get beat so bad she will wish she was in prison instead of going down as the biggest loser in US election history.
The FBI will MOAB Hillary.
Biden will get ERO Sander's supporter's votes. I mean ZERO!
The end of the road for the DEMs for at least 8 years. REP White house. Rep Senate, REP Congress, Possibly four REP nominated SCJs.
Thank 'Ramen Noodle Head' Debbie. She was the one who told Biden and Pocahontas to take a fucking hike last fall.
How's that indictment coming?

The stuff coming from progressives on the women stuff is classic........perfect illustration of the fraud from these meatheads.

All we heard for years back in the late 90s was "Clinton poking interns in the oval office is his own business!!"

These are Political cartoons by various Newspapers across the US

The country is in the mood for a change (again) and Hillary ain't it.
Tantrum much?
This is why you idiots are roundly mocked. Where in his post do you see anything that resembles a "tantrums?
Seems to me it is YOUR emotions bleeding into your judgment not his.
And there's the rub.
Absolutely everything you guys post is based on emotion not logic not reason or objectivity.
You reaction to my post proves it.
Answer my question twit

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