'TRUMP +5' - Let the Liberal Weeping, Denying, Gnashing of Teeth Begin!

:lol: You're supporting a talk show host for president .. while proclaiming that democrats have noting to run on. :lol:

You don't even have a credible candidate .. and when he loses or runs away as he wants to do .. you'll be left holding the Stupid Bag. :0)
BAC, thank you for pointing out one of the many things Trump has accomplished, aside from being a successful businessman....as opposed to Hillary whose fellow Senator could not list one thing she accomplished, even with the help of 'google'!

You, on the other hand are supporting a scandal-plagued liberal elitist, a woman who got her start being 'released' from the Watergate commission for unethically filing a known false report in at attempt to strip a President of his Constitutional / legal right to counsel. And here she is, all those years later, trying to strip Americans of their Constitutional / legal rights while violating multiple laws herself.

Hillary was so incompetent but partisanly loyal that in an attempt to protect Obama and help his re-election she abandoned 4 Americans to needlessly die in Benghazi. She has compromised our national security, as proven by her being under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act, according to a known hacker who has testified that he hacked Hillary's computer and obtained access to highly classified documents she was not even legally supposed to have in her possession at the time, and according to Putin who is threatening to release some of her classified documents. This is on top of some of her aides who have already told how Hillary ordered them to strip the classification levels off documents and send them via unclassified means.

She has spent most of her career facilitating, enabling, and defending her sexual deviant husbands' sexual assault, sexual harassment, rape, adultery, and pedophilia by demonizing, attacking, slandering, intimidating, threatening, and silencing his victims.

She has sold 1/5th of our nation's Uranium supply to Putin, was caught and stopped from trying to sell Putin part of the Aleutian islands - with all mineral rights, has sold influence to a big contributor she protected from punishment as Sect of State when he was caught illegally violating the sanctions against Iran, has sold her soul to Wall Street, and even has taken money from Islamic nations that oppress women, kill them for being raped, and who engage in the mutilation of female genitalia....she has paid women less than men, and still tries to claim she is not waging a war on women but is a 'champion' of women.

Libs LOVED Trump, as long as he was donating and contributing millions to their campaigns, but now the hypocrites are demonizing him because...he's suddenly running as a Republican.

And you are seriously trying to convince people that Trump is somehow worse than Hillary because he, among other successful business ventures, had a successful TV show?! That's funny as hail.

By the way, I am pretty sure if Hillary had been an apprentice on his show and had 'lost' $6 BILLION and was responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans - like she did / was as Secretary of State, you would have heard Trump APPROPRIATELY tell her, 'You're FIRED!'

Hilarious - you are promoting a woman for President over Trump who was / is not even qualified to be Trump's apprentice!

The country is in the mood for a change (again) and Hillary ain't it.
Tantrum much?
This is why you idiots are roundly mocked. Where in his post do you see anything that resembles a "tantrums?
Seems to me it is YOUR emotions bleeding into your judgment not his.
And there's the rub.
Absolutely everything you guys post is based on emotion not logic not reason or objectivity.
You reaction to my post proves it.
Answer my question twit
You just did.
White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™

White House Watch
White House Watch: Trump 42%, Clinton 37%

"Donald Trump has now grown his lead over Hillary Clinton in Rasmussen Reports’ first weekly White House Watch survey.

Trump earns 42% support to Clinton’s 37% when Likely U.S. Voters are asked whom they would vote for if the presidential election were held today."


Trump has secured the GOP nomination and is focused squarely on Hillary.

Hillary, in the meantime, is having a hard time fending off 'Unca' Bernie 'Socialist' Sanders...her husband Bill 'Rapist' Clinton...Bill's Victims...the FBI...Putin...and her own e-mails.

Hillary has got to be freaking out, having flashbacks of 2008 when Obama, the newbie, came out of nowhere to spoil her 'It's my Turn '08' victory. 8 years later, it's Donald Trump raining on her parade. Just like in 2008 when Obama began passing her up, Hillary has pulled out the old 'birther' / birth certificate against her opponent, making it a prominent piece in her latest political ad...against Trump this time.

After a 6 primary losing streak Hillary declared herself to be the victor in a race too close to call (0.5 margin), violence at the DNC primaries, Liberals fear revolt at the convention, Putin declares he has Hillary e-mails and might release some or all of the 20,000 'TS' / classified e-mails he has, One of Bill's victims has come out declaring Hillary is a violent coke-snorting lesbian, Hillary still has to testify before the FBI soon, and Trump just called Slick Willy for being a Rapist during a highly televised interview.

To top it off, the majority of Americans believe Hillary is the least trusted candidate in this entire race while another poll shows more Liberals would consider switching to Trump than there are Conservatives who would consider switching to Hillary.

All of this potentially spells disaster for Hillary - look for that '+5' to grow...and for the Liberals, especially Hillary, to have a complete melt-down.

(It's not too late to call Biden from out of the 'bullpen', Libs! :p )

What will you do if Trump is looking for a way out and never makes it to the general election?

What will you do?

Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America?
Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America? | RedState

Who are you gonna' call? :0)
The delusion in your fucked up brain is running deep today.
Where do you get this stupid shit from?
Trump is about to spend billions of his own dollars to kick Hillary's ass and you think he is secretly planning to lose? Lay off the meth asshole.

It's just mindboggling how stupid you assclowns are. :0)

NOBODY runs a campaign that insults the voters and groups that Trump has unless they want to lose. Even if he believed the stupid shit he says, he wouldn't say it unless he wants to lose.

He's hoping not producing his taxes will get him disqualified .. and he's demanding the taxes of his VP choices to highlight this attempt at an exit strategy.

Additionally .. oh brainless one .. that article is from Red State, a decidedly conservative / right-wing publication. :0)
Conservative Blog & Conservative News Source for Right of Center Activists | RedState

Care to see more dimwit?

Conservative Review: Is Trump Preparing His Exit Strategy?

  • His goal will be to get back all the money and pop culture popularity lost by way of running for president as a white nationalist Republican. Along with his new consumer base, trashing Republicans and conservatives – who are loathed by the pop culture gatekeepers Trump will seek to make peace with – as “cheaters” and “losers” will allow Trump to say “I could’ve been a contender” to his grave. Never will Trump have to own up to the fact that he lost because the allegedly excellent businessman with a very good brain, who always wins, never built a real campaign. There is exactly zero chance Trump will do anything noble or honorable that doesn't benefit him directly in some way. Therefore, once he comes to the conclusion he won't be the nominee, he'll act like some low-class tenant who gets evicted and trashes the place on his way out.
So which path will Trump 2016 choose?

Given his new Wormtongue ridiculously comparing Cruz to the Nazis on Meet the Press Sunday morning, it looks like it's the latter. Which means “Make America Great Again” is about to become “The Trailer Park Boys.”

Is Trump Preparing His Exit Strategy?

It's above your pay grade to know such things, but as Mitt Romney has demonstrated, losing a run for president can be very profitable .. AND ..:0)

Trump's Businesses Have A New Profit Center: His Campaign

"So far in this election cycle, the campaign of Republican nominee-to-be Donald J. Trump has spent $47 million. And among the biggest vendors to the campaign happens to be one Donald J. Trump.

Companies that Trump owns or controls have charged the campaign for an array of expenses. The biggest line item is air travel — a Trump company called Tag Air, which operates Trump’s aged 757, collected $3.7 million as of the end of March. But the campaign makes its headquarters at Trump Tower ($35,457 a month), and takes meetings downstairs at the Trump Grill. (“The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill,” Trump boasted last Thursday to mark the Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo. “I love Hispanics!”) It pays salaries for Trump company employees, puts them up in Trump-owned hotels, and occasionally rents Trump ballrooms for campaign events.

All told, the campaign has paid Trump entities $4.3 million through March 31, according toFederal Election Commission records. That amounts to nearly ten percent of the campaign’s total expenditures, and taken together are second only to Rick Reed Media, a G.O.P. advertising consultant.

If Donald Trump were spending his own money to fund his campaign, as he often claims in his speeches, there might not be much more to say than to applaud his good business sense — why pay a competitor when you can just pay yourself? But in fact, Trump has taken outside contributions totaling $12 million as of the end of March, or a quarter of what he’s spent so far in the primary. The balance came from loans by Trump to his campaign, which could repay the debt with contributions raised in the general election. And indeed, last week the real estate celebripreneurmade clear that he would raise money to finance some portion the general election campaign, which could cost more than $1 billion.
Trump's Businesses Have A New Profit Center: His Campaign

Where did I get this "stupid shit" from? Republicans .. and the master mind of this .. Bill Clinton. :0)

Trump has no intention of ever being the president .. and he's using idiots like you to ensure that his good friend Hillary gets elected. :0)

Don't worry dummy .. you don't have to figure this out.
Whatever you say 'Baghdad Bob'.
You are the most delusional forum member I have ever encountered in twenty years.
For someone who purposely setting out to lose the race he's not doing too well.
No REP candidate in history has got the number of hard core supporters AKA voters than Trump.
Where will you be when Trump is inaugurated?
Standing on a fucking street corner with a sign claiming the 'real Trump' is living in Patagonia.
You're a fucking idiot!
:lol: You're supporting a talk show host for president .. while proclaiming that democrats have noting to run on. :lol:

You don't even have a credible candidate .. and when he loses or runs away as he wants to do .. you'll be left holding the Stupid Bag. :0)
BAC, thank you for pointing out one of the many things Trump has accomplished, aside from being a successful businessman....as opposed to Hillary whose fellow Senator could not list one thing she accomplished, even with the help of 'google'!

You, on the other hand are supporting a scandal-plagued liberal elitist, a woman who got her start being 'released' from the Watergate commission for unethically filing a known false report in at attempt to strip a President of his Constitutional / legal right to counsel. And here she is, all those years later, trying to strip Americans of their Constitutional / legal rights while violating multiple laws herself.

Hillary was so incompetent but partisanly loyal that in an attempt to protect Obama and help his re-election she abandoned 4 Americans to needlessly die in Benghazi. She has compromised our national security, as proven by her being under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act, according to a know hacker who has testified that he hacked Hillary's computer, and according to Putin who is threatening to release some of her classified documents. This is on top of some of her aides who have already told how Hillary ordered them to strip the classification levels off documents and send them via unclassified means.

She has spent most of her career facilitating, enabling, and defending her sexual deviant husbands' sexual assault, sexual harassment, rape, adultery, and pedophilia by demonizing, attacking, slandering, intimidating, threatening, and silencing his victims.

She has sold 1/5th of our nation's Uranium supply to Putin, was caught and stopped from trying to sell Putin part of the Aleutian islands - with all mineral rights, has sold influence to a big contributor she protected from punishment as Sect of State when he was caught illegally violating the sanctions against Iran, has sold her soul to wall Street, and even has taken money from Islamic nations that oppress women, kill them for being raped, and who engage in the mutilation of female genitalia....she has paid women less than men, and still tried to claim she is not waging a war on women but is a 'champion' of women.

Libs LOVED Trump, as long as he was donating and contributing millions to their campaigns, but not the hypocrites are demonizing him because...he's suddenly running as a Republican.

And you are seriously trying to convince people that Trump is somehow worse than Hillary because he, among other successful business ventures, had a successful TV show?! That's funny as hail.

By the way, I am pretty sure if Hillary had been an apprentice on his show and had 'lost' $6 BILLION and was responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans - like she did / was as Secretary of State, you would have heard Trump APPROPRIATELY tell her, 'You're FIRED!'

Hilarious - you are promoting a woman for President over Trump who was / is not even qualified to be Trump's apprentice!

Post Trump's qualifications.
The country is in the mood for a change (again) and Hillary ain't it.
Tantrum much?
This is why you idiots are roundly mocked. Where in his post do you see anything that resembles a "tantrums?
Seems to me it is YOUR emotions bleeding into your judgment not his.
And there's the rub.
Absolutely everything you guys post is based on emotion not logic not reason or objectivity.
You reaction to my post proves it.
Answer my question twit
You just did.
You can't answer it.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™

White House Watch
White House Watch: Trump 42%, Clinton 37%

"Donald Trump has now grown his lead over Hillary Clinton in Rasmussen Reports’ first weekly White House Watch survey.

Trump earns 42% support to Clinton’s 37% when Likely U.S. Voters are asked whom they would vote for if the presidential election were held today."


Trump has secured the GOP nomination and is focused squarely on Hillary.

Hillary, in the meantime, is having a hard time fending off 'Unca' Bernie 'Socialist' Sanders...her husband Bill 'Rapist' Clinton...Bill's Victims...the FBI...Putin...and her own e-mails.

Hillary has got to be freaking out, having flashbacks of 2008 when Obama, the newbie, came out of nowhere to spoil her 'It's my Turn '08' victory. 8 years later, it's Donald Trump raining on her parade. Just like in 2008 when Obama began passing her up, Hillary has pulled out the old 'birther' / birth certificate against her opponent, making it a prominent piece in her latest political ad...against Trump this time.

After a 6 primary losing streak Hillary declared herself to be the victor in a race too close to call (0.5 margin), violence at the DNC primaries, Liberals fear revolt at the convention, Putin declares he has Hillary e-mails and might release some or all of the 20,000 'TS' / classified e-mails he has, One of Bill's victims has come out declaring Hillary is a violent coke-snorting lesbian, Hillary still has to testify before the FBI soon, and Trump just called Slick Willy for being a Rapist during a highly televised interview.

To top it off, the majority of Americans believe Hillary is the least trusted candidate in this entire race while another poll shows more Liberals would consider switching to Trump than there are Conservatives who would consider switching to Hillary.

All of this potentially spells disaster for Hillary - look for that '+5' to grow...and for the Liberals, especially Hillary, to have a complete melt-down.

(It's not too late to call Biden from out of the 'bullpen', Libs! :p )

What will you do if Trump is looking for a way out and never makes it to the general election?

What will you do?

Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America?
Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America? | RedState

Who are you gonna' call? :0)
The delusion in your fucked up brain is running deep today.
Where do you get this stupid shit from?
Trump is about to spend billions of his own dollars to kick Hillary's ass and you think he is secretly planning to lose? Lay off the meth asshole.

It's just mindboggling how stupid you assclowns are. :0)

NOBODY runs a campaign that insults the voters and groups that Trump has unless they want to lose. Even if he believed the stupid shit he says, he wouldn't say it unless he wants to lose.

He's hoping not producing his taxes will get him disqualified .. and he's demanding the taxes of his VP choices to highlight this attempt at an exit strategy.

Additionally .. oh brainless one .. that article is from Red State, a decidedly conservative / right-wing publication. :0)
Conservative Blog & Conservative News Source for Right of Center Activists | RedState

Care to see more dimwit?

Conservative Review: Is Trump Preparing His Exit Strategy?

  • His goal will be to get back all the money and pop culture popularity lost by way of running for president as a white nationalist Republican. Along with his new consumer base, trashing Republicans and conservatives – who are loathed by the pop culture gatekeepers Trump will seek to make peace with – as “cheaters” and “losers” will allow Trump to say “I could’ve been a contender” to his grave. Never will Trump have to own up to the fact that he lost because the allegedly excellent businessman with a very good brain, who always wins, never built a real campaign. There is exactly zero chance Trump will do anything noble or honorable that doesn't benefit him directly in some way. Therefore, once he comes to the conclusion he won't be the nominee, he'll act like some low-class tenant who gets evicted and trashes the place on his way out.
So which path will Trump 2016 choose?

Given his new Wormtongue ridiculously comparing Cruz to the Nazis on Meet the Press Sunday morning, it looks like it's the latter. Which means “Make America Great Again” is about to become “The Trailer Park Boys.”

Is Trump Preparing His Exit Strategy?

It's above your pay grade to know such things, but as Mitt Romney has demonstrated, losing a run for president can be very profitable .. AND ..:0)

Trump's Businesses Have A New Profit Center: His Campaign

"So far in this election cycle, the campaign of Republican nominee-to-be Donald J. Trump has spent $47 million. And among the biggest vendors to the campaign happens to be one Donald J. Trump.

Companies that Trump owns or controls have charged the campaign for an array of expenses. The biggest line item is air travel — a Trump company called Tag Air, which operates Trump’s aged 757, collected $3.7 million as of the end of March. But the campaign makes its headquarters at Trump Tower ($35,457 a month), and takes meetings downstairs at the Trump Grill. (“The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill,” Trump boasted last Thursday to mark the Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo. “I love Hispanics!”) It pays salaries for Trump company employees, puts them up in Trump-owned hotels, and occasionally rents Trump ballrooms for campaign events.

All told, the campaign has paid Trump entities $4.3 million through March 31, according toFederal Election Commission records. That amounts to nearly ten percent of the campaign’s total expenditures, and taken together are second only to Rick Reed Media, a G.O.P. advertising consultant.

If Donald Trump were spending his own money to fund his campaign, as he often claims in his speeches, there might not be much more to say than to applaud his good business sense — why pay a competitor when you can just pay yourself? But in fact, Trump has taken outside contributions totaling $12 million as of the end of March, or a quarter of what he’s spent so far in the primary. The balance came from loans by Trump to his campaign, which could repay the debt with contributions raised in the general election. And indeed, last week the real estate celebripreneurmade clear that he would raise money to finance some portion the general election campaign, which could cost more than $1 billion.
Trump's Businesses Have A New Profit Center: His Campaign

Where did I get this "stupid shit" from? Republicans .. and the master mind of this .. Bill Clinton. :0)

Trump has no intention of ever being the president .. and he's using idiots like you to ensure that his good friend Hillary gets elected. :0)

Don't worry dummy .. you don't have to figure this out.
Whatever you say 'Baghdad Bob'.
You are the most delusional forum member I have ever encountered in twenty years.
For someone who purposely setting out to lose the race he's not doing too well.
No REP candidate in history has got the number of hard core supporters AKA voters than Trump.
Where will you be when Trump is inaugurated?
Standing on a fucking street corner with a sign claiming the 'real Trump' is living in Patagonia.
You're a fucking idiot!
What will you do when Trump loses?
:lol: You're supporting a talk show host for president .. while proclaiming that democrats have noting to run on. :lol:

You don't even have a credible candidate .. and when he loses or runs away as he wants to do .. you'll be left holding the Stupid Bag. :0)
BAC, thank you for pointing out one of the many things Trump has accomplished, aside from being a successful businessman....as opposed to Hillary whose fellow Senator could not list one thing she accomplished, even with the help of 'google'!

You, on the other hand are supporting a scandal-plagued liberal elitist, a woman who got her start being 'released' from the Watergate commission for unethically filing a known false report in at attempt to strip a President of his Constitutional / legal right to counsel. And here she is, all those years later, trying to strip Americans of their Constitutional / legal rights while violating multiple laws herself.

Hillary was so incompetent but partisanly loyal that in an attempt to protect Obama and help his re-election she abandoned 4 Americans to needlessly die in Benghazi. She has compromised our national security, as proven by her being under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act, according to a know hacker who has testified that he hacked Hillary's computer, and according to Putin who is threatening to release some of her classified documents. This is on top of some of her aides who have already told how Hillary ordered them to strip the classification levels off documents and send them via unclassified means.

She has spent most of her career facilitating, enabling, and defending her sexual deviant husbands' sexual assault, sexual harassment, rape, adultery, and pedophilia by demonizing, attacking, slandering, intimidating, threatening, and silencing his victims.

She has sold 1/5th of our nation's Uranium supply to Putin, was caught and stopped from trying to sell Putin part of the Aleutian islands - with all mineral rights, has sold influence to a big contributor she protected from punishment as Sect of State when he was caught illegally violating the sanctions against Iran, has sold her soul to wall Street, and even has taken money from Islamic nations that oppress women, kill them for being raped, and who engage in the mutilation of female genitalia....she has paid women less than men, and still tried to claim she is not waging a war on women but is a 'champion' of women.

Libs LOVED Trump, as long as he was donating and contributing millions to their campaigns, but not the hypocrites are demonizing him because...he's suddenly running as a Republican.

And you are seriously trying to convince people that Trump is somehow worse than Hillary because he, among other successful business ventures, had a successful TV show?! That's funny as hail.

By the way, I am pretty sure if Hillary had been an apprentice on his show and had 'lost' $6 BILLION and was responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans - like she did / was as Secretary of State, you would have heard Trump APPROPRIATELY tell her, 'You're FIRED!'

Hilarious - you are promoting a woman for President over Trump who was / is not even qualified to be Trump's apprentice!

Post Trump's qualifications.
Let's start off by pointing out everything posted about Hillary above does NOT apply to Trump. That alone makes him head and shoulders above and better than her.
Tantrum much?
This is why you idiots are roundly mocked. Where in his post do you see anything that resembles a "tantrums?
Seems to me it is YOUR emotions bleeding into your judgment not his.
And there's the rub.
Absolutely everything you guys post is based on emotion not logic not reason or objectivity.
You reaction to my post proves it.
Answer my question twit
You just did.
You can't answer it.

I already have .
The far right freeks cannot even design an accurate poll.
"The poll is flawed...because I say so!"

Libs is so funny....
I know you can't read but here goes. .

Is that the same NYT who just got busted for altering all the comments of the women regarding Trump? The LIARS that were just exposed for doctoring the comments, for criminally false reporting?

Why am I not surprised you would quote the NYT and a blog to boot?! Nice one, Daws.

liar liar pants on fire!

The ex girlfriend said, 'the NYT did not alter a single word she said in the article', that every quote they printed, were her precise words...but in her opinion, the NYT spun their article in a negative way and different from how she would have spun it or felt at the time.
Last edited:
:lol: You're supporting a talk show host for president .. while proclaiming that democrats have noting to run on. :lol:

You don't even have a credible candidate .. and when he loses or runs away as he wants to do .. you'll be left holding the Stupid Bag. :0)
BAC, thank you for pointing out one of the many things Trump has accomplished, aside from being a successful businessman....as opposed to Hillary whose fellow Senator could not list one thing she accomplished, even with the help of 'google'!

You, on the other hand are supporting a scandal-plagued liberal elitist, a woman who got her start being 'released' from the Watergate commission for unethically filing a known false report in at attempt to strip a President of his Constitutional / legal right to counsel. And here she is, all those years later, trying to strip Americans of their Constitutional / legal rights while violating multiple laws herself.

Hillary was so incompetent but partisanly loyal that in an attempt to protect Obama and help his re-election she abandoned 4 Americans to needlessly die in Benghazi. She has compromised our national security, as proven by her being under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act, according to a know hacker who has testified that he hacked Hillary's computer, and according to Putin who is threatening to release some of her classified documents. This is on top of some of her aides who have already told how Hillary ordered them to strip the classification levels off documents and send them via unclassified means.

She has spent most of her career facilitating, enabling, and defending her sexual deviant husbands' sexual assault, sexual harassment, rape, adultery, and pedophilia by demonizing, attacking, slandering, intimidating, threatening, and silencing his victims.

She has sold 1/5th of our nation's Uranium supply to Putin, was caught and stopped from trying to sell Putin part of the Aleutian islands - with all mineral rights, has sold influence to a big contributor she protected from punishment as Sect of State when he was caught illegally violating the sanctions against Iran, has sold her soul to wall Street, and even has taken money from Islamic nations that oppress women, kill them for being raped, and who engage in the mutilation of female genitalia....she has paid women less than men, and still tried to claim she is not waging a war on women but is a 'champion' of women.

Libs LOVED Trump, as long as he was donating and contributing millions to their campaigns, but not the hypocrites are demonizing him because...he's suddenly running as a Republican.

And you are seriously trying to convince people that Trump is somehow worse than Hillary because he, among other successful business ventures, had a successful TV show?! That's funny as hail.

By the way, I am pretty sure if Hillary had been an apprentice on his show and had 'lost' $6 BILLION and was responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans - like she did / was as Secretary of State, you would have heard Trump APPROPRIATELY tell her, 'You're FIRED!'

Hilarious - you are promoting a woman for President over Trump who was / is not even qualified to be Trump's apprentice!

Post Trump's qualifications.
Let's start off by pointing out everything posted about Hillary above does NOT apply to Trump. That alone makes him head and shoulders above and better than her.
False! But you had to say something.
liar liar pants on fire!

The ex girlfriend said, 'the NYT did not alter a single word she said in the article', that ever quote they printed, were her precise words...but in her opinion, the NYT spun their article in a negative way and different from how she would have spun it or felt at the time.

What are you, 5 years old?

While I do not know how old you are, I do know your are either ignorant or a deliberate liar:

Former Trump paramour blasts NY Times, wants APOLOGY for 'false' story

"Former Trump girlfriend blasts New York Times and demands APOLOGY for 'false' retelling of how she met Donald Trump: 'He was a gentleman ... They feel like they need to do something to make him look bad!'"

And there's the rub.
Absolutely everything you guys post is based on emotion not logic not reason or objectivity.
You reaction to my post proves it.
Conservatives run on emotion?

Maybe that's why Obama, without knowing any facts of the case, declared, "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin." Ummm, what facts did ol' race-baiter Barry use in that statement?

What facts do liberals use every election when they falsely claim the GOP wants to take away all of your social security, welfare, and food stamps? It's nothing but emotional fear-mongering!

What FACTS did Obama use when he declared, 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan'? <Ding, ding - Lie of the Year!>

If it were not for lies and false opinions Liberals would have nothing on which to run.

:lol: You're supporting a talk show host for president .. while proclaiming that democrats have noting to run on. :lol:

You don't even have a credible candidate .. and when he loses or runs away as he wants to do .. you'll be left holding the Stupid Bag. :0)
If Trump becomes President proving everything you post is nonsense will you leave this forum forever?
If Hillary becomes President I will leave this forum forever. Well?
This is why you idiots are roundly mocked. Where in his post do you see anything that resembles a "tantrums?
Seems to me it is YOUR emotions bleeding into your judgment not his.
And there's the rub.
Absolutely everything you guys post is based on emotion not logic not reason or objectivity.
You reaction to my post proves it.
Answer my question twit
You just did.
You can't answer it.

I already have .
You support Hillary.
This is why you idiots are roundly mocked. Where in his post do you see anything that resembles a "tantrums?
Seems to me it is YOUR emotions bleeding into your judgment not his.
And there's the rub.
Absolutely everything you guys post is based on emotion not logic not reason or objectivity.
You reaction to my post proves it.
Answer my question twit
You just did.
You can't answer it.

I already have .
There was no Tantrum in his post. No emotion.
You're just a sour old bitty & don't have enough integrity to admit it.

Here’s yet another example of how the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump is a serial liar.

Trump told The New York Times magazine in an interview published Wednesday that when he said in March that there “has to be some form of punishment” for women who have abortions if the procedure were to be made illegal, he meant “women punish themselves” if they have a termination.

“I didn’t mean punishment for women like prison. I’m saying women punish themselves,” Trump told the Times. “I didn’t want people to think in terms of ‘prison’ punishment. And because of that I walked it back.”

This is a direct contradiction of what he told MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. The businessman told him in March that there “has to be some form of punishment for women who have abortions,” when the future President Trump succeeds in nominating enough Supreme Court justices to overturn Roe v. Wade, but that the punishment “will have to be determined.”

Trump’s new comments to the Times also contradict the statement his own campaign released after anti-abortion groups condemned his punishment comment
:lol: You're supporting a talk show host for president .. while proclaiming that democrats have noting to run on. :lol:

You don't even have a credible candidate .. and when he loses or runs away as he wants to do .. you'll be left holding the Stupid Bag. :0)
BAC, thank you for pointing out one of the many things Trump has accomplished, aside from being a successful businessman....as opposed to Hillary whose fellow Senator could not list one thing she accomplished, even with the help of 'google'!

You, on the other hand are supporting a scandal-plagued liberal elitist, a woman who got her start being 'released' from the Watergate commission for unethically filing a known false report in at attempt to strip a President of his Constitutional / legal right to counsel. And here she is, all those years later, trying to strip Americans of their Constitutional / legal rights while violating multiple laws herself.

Hillary was so incompetent but partisanly loyal that in an attempt to protect Obama and help his re-election she abandoned 4 Americans to needlessly die in Benghazi. She has compromised our national security, as proven by her being under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act, according to a know hacker who has testified that he hacked Hillary's computer, and according to Putin who is threatening to release some of her classified documents. This is on top of some of her aides who have already told how Hillary ordered them to strip the classification levels off documents and send them via unclassified means.

She has spent most of her career facilitating, enabling, and defending her sexual deviant husbands' sexual assault, sexual harassment, rape, adultery, and pedophilia by demonizing, attacking, slandering, intimidating, threatening, and silencing his victims.

She has sold 1/5th of our nation's Uranium supply to Putin, was caught and stopped from trying to sell Putin part of the Aleutian islands - with all mineral rights, has sold influence to a big contributor she protected from punishment as Sect of State when he was caught illegally violating the sanctions against Iran, has sold her soul to wall Street, and even has taken money from Islamic nations that oppress women, kill them for being raped, and who engage in the mutilation of female genitalia....she has paid women less than men, and still tried to claim she is not waging a war on women but is a 'champion' of women.

Libs LOVED Trump, as long as he was donating and contributing millions to their campaigns, but not the hypocrites are demonizing him because...he's suddenly running as a Republican.

And you are seriously trying to convince people that Trump is somehow worse than Hillary because he, among other successful business ventures, had a successful TV show?! That's funny as hail.

By the way, I am pretty sure if Hillary had been an apprentice on his show and had 'lost' $6 BILLION and was responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans - like she did / was as Secretary of State, you would have heard Trump APPROPRIATELY tell her, 'You're FIRED!'

Hilarious - you are promoting a woman for President over Trump who was / is not even qualified to be Trump's apprentice!

Post Trump's qualifications.
Let's start off by pointing out everything posted about Hillary above does NOT apply to Trump. That alone makes him head and shoulders above and better than her.
False! But you had to say something.
Trump did not lose $6 Billion as Sect of State
Trump was not Sect of State when 4 Americans were murdered.

How is any of that false? Talking to you is like talking to my 5yo nephew:
"uh-uh, poopy head'. Grow up, dude.
liar liar pants on fire!

The ex girlfriend said, 'the NYT did not alter a single word she said in the article', that ever quote they printed, were her precise words...but in her opinion, the NYT spun their article in a negative way and different from how she would have spun it or felt at the time.

What are you, 5 years old?

While I do not know how old you are, I do know your are either ignorant or a deliberate liar:

Former Trump paramour blasts NY Times, wants APOLOGY for 'false' story

"Former Trump girlfriend blasts New York Times and demands APOLOGY for 'false' retelling of how she met Donald Trump: 'He was a gentleman ... They feel like they need to do something to make him look bad!'"
You source is the UK version of the national enquirer!
So much for credibility.
I stomp little puppies for sport, sport.
Does your "Mommy know you are Psycho" wooo hooo
Yeah, but she loves me anyway, even after I put 6 puppies in a potato sack and drowned them in the cattle tank.

They kept trying to crawl back in the boat and I had to whack em with a paddle. Think some of their little skulls cracked. Sounded like it, you know, like how a head sounds when you hit it really hard with a hammer, it gets that melon THUNK! sound.


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