Trump: 75 year old man pushed by police faked his fall

white lives don't matter anyway lol
If you are speaking about the guy who was harassed for trying to get into his own home, that was racism.

Speaking of people who should STFU until they know what they are talking about....


The new / unfamiliar professor was approached at a residence and asked to show ID by a policeman.

Barry's friend, instead of peacefully complying became extremely belligerent.
-- It would have taken ... what.... 2 minutes to show ID and explain he was a new professor, that he was new to the neighborhood?

Instead, Barry's pal decided to be a D!CK, refused to cooperate with the police, resisted the police's attempt to identify him.
-- He was offended that HE, a black man in an expensive neighborhood, was asked to show his ID and prove he was the he pushed back against the PERCEIVED injustice and got himself arrested.

On the way to a meeting, Barry was asked if he had heard what happened to his buddy. WITHOUT KNOWING A DAMN THING ABOUT WHAT THE DETAILS WERE Barry RACISTLY jumped to conclusions and declared:


It wasn't until later Barry found out just how wrong he and his racist buddy had jumped to conclusions:

The Policeman who detained Barry's friend was not just A policeman...he was THE policeman.
- He was an extremely well-known, highly praised, highly decorated policeman WHO TAUGHT RACIAL SENSITIVITY TO ALL - EVERY - POLICEMAN ON THE FORCE, EVERY NEW COP AND REFRESHERS TO ALL OF THEM.

Barry's pal could not have picked a 'worse' cop to call a racist and claim the only reason he had been asked for ID was because he was 'black'.

ALL of the evidence - ALL OF IT - proved Barry's buddy had been a PR!CK who picked a fight with the cops instead of just showing his ID and confirming he lived there. The police had gotten a call that there was a possible break in at the house....and the 'TOP COP' responded and wanted to confirm the ID of the man going in and out of the house.

Barry was proven to have jumped to quickly to a racist conclusion only to find that the only one who had jumped to a racist conclusion was BARRY & HIS PAL!

When it was all over, Barry declared there needed to be more 'racial education and sensitivity in situations (SOMETHING THE COP TAUGHT ALL THE TIME) .... Neither Barry nor his buddy apologized - Instead Barry invited them both to a 'BEER SUMMIT' at the WH to show all of it was a misunderstanding - water under the bridge.

The policeman turned out to be perhaps a better man than I might have been by taking Barry up on his offer.
- Barry's buddy was an asshole to the cops who acted like a pr!ck and resisted the cops doing their duty to protect HIS home after a report of a possible burglary was called in....
- Barry had immediately accused the WHITE POLICE of 'racism', insulting the cop and the entire police force

I might have told the President I would be honored to join them for a beer at the WH...RIGHT AFTER HE APOLOGIZED TO ME AND THE POLICE FORCE PUBLICLY ... JUST AS HE HAD ACCUSED THEM INITIALLY OF BEING 'RACISTS' ... VERY PUBLICLY.

Donald Trump believes the 75 year old man who sustained injuries after being pushed to the ground by Buffalo police was not only faking it, but "could be" ANTIFA member, without citing evidence.
And to think that a couple of days ago his advisers were floating a speech to unite and heal the country:

Healing the country doesn't require him to swallow your leftwing bullshit.
not one cop went to help him for many minutes.
A medic was with him in less than a minute. You're right I didn't see a COP stop, but they immediately radioed for assistance and assistance was immediately supplied.
Donald Trump believes the 75 year old man who sustained injuries after being pushed to the ground by Buffalo police was not only faking it, but "could be" ANTIFA member, without citing evidence.
And to think that a couple of days ago his advisers were floating a speech to unite and heal the country:

The old man was a liberal asshole

but I dont think the fall was faked

A "Liberal asshole" for trying to return a helmet to the police?


You morons get sillier by the day.

A "Liberal asshole" for trying to return a helmet to the police?

is that what elderly protester claims or did yiu just make that up?

I'm not aware he's said anything. I read it online.

Pknopp already conceded it was not true

Except, no, he didn't... and... Gugino is seen on video approaching police with one of their helmets... and it's been reported he was attempting to return it.

Eyewitnesses at the scene do not agree with your story

According to other protesters who were there he was simply refusing to leave after the curfew went into affect

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Donald Trump believes the 75 year old man who sustained injuries after being pushed to the ground by Buffalo police was not only faking it, but "could be" ANTIFA member, without citing evidence.
And to think that a couple of days ago his advisers were floating a speech to unite and heal the country:

Reminds me of how Barry said the police had acted racistly against his professor buddy BEFORE he knew what the hell he was talking about.... they should really learn to say nothing until they know the facts.

If you are speaking about the guy who was harassed for trying to get into his own home, that was racism.

He was briefly detained and questioned. Personally if the police were called because someone was entering my home through the window instead of the door I would want that person briefly detained and questioned. Even if that person were me.

Gates didn't climb through a window.

Factually correct, he was just seen trying to force his front door open and the cops were called to investigate. Either way I would hope the cops WOULD investigate if it were my home. Racism would have been "eh that's a black guy's house, don't investigate"

Investigating him wasn't the issue. Arresting him was. It was the cop's call to make and he could have arrested him or just walked away. Why arrest someone who proved they were in their own residence just because they became belligerent for having to prove they were rightfully in their own residence? There was no reason to arrest him as evidenced by the charges being dropped.
If you are speaking about the guy who was harassed for trying to get into his own home, that was racism.

Speaking of people who should STFU until they know what they are talking about....


The new / unfamiliar professor was approached at a residence and asked to show ID by a policeman.

Barry's friend, instead of peacefully complying became extremely belligerent.
-- It would have taken ... what.... 2 minutes to show ID and explain he was a new professor, that he was new to the neighborhood?

Instead, Barry's pal decided to be a D!CK, refused to cooperate with the police, resisted the police's attempt to identify him.
-- He was offended that HE, a black man in an expensive neighborhood, was asked to show his ID and prove he was the he pushed back against the PERCEIVED injustice and got himself arrested.

On the way to a meeting, Barry was asked if he had heard what happened to his buddy. WITHOUT KNOWING A DAMN THING ABOUT WHAT THE DETAILS WERE Barry RACISTLY jumped to conclusions and declared:


It wasn't until later Barry found out just how wrong he and his racist buddy had jumped to conclusions:

The Policeman who detained Barry's friend was not just A policeman...he was THE policeman.
- He was an extremely well-known, highly praised, highly decorated policeman WHO TAUGHT RACIAL SENSITIVITY TO ALL - EVERY - POLICEMAN ON THE FORCE, EVERY NEW COP AND REFRESHERS TO ALL OF THEM.

Barry's pal could not have picked a 'worse' cop to call a racist and claim the only reason he had been asked for ID was because he was 'black'.

ALL of the evidence - ALL OF IT - proved Barry's buddy had been a PR!CK who picked a fight with the cops instead of just showing his ID and confirming he lived there. The police had gotten a call that there was a possible break in at the house....and the 'TOP COP' responded and wanted to confirm the ID of the man going in and out of the house.

Barry was proven to have jumped to quickly to a racist conclusion only to find that the only one who had jumped to a racist conclusion was BARRY & HIS PAL!

When it was all over, Barry declared there needed to be more 'racial education and sensitivity in situations (SOMETHING THE COP TAUGHT ALL THE TIME) .... Neither Barry nor his buddy apologized - Instead Barry invited them both to a 'BEER SUMMIT' at the WH to show all of it was a misunderstanding - water under the bridge.

The policeman turned out to be perhaps a better man than I might have been by taking Barry up on his offer.
- Barry's buddy was an asshole to the cops who acted like a pr!ck and resisted the cops doing their duty to protect HIS home after a report of a possible burglary was called in....
- Barry had immediately accused the WHITE POLICE of 'racism', insulting the cop and the entire police force

I might have told the President I would be honored to join them for a beer at the WH...RIGHT AFTER HE APOLOGIZED TO ME AND THE POLICE FORCE PUBLICLY ... JUST AS HE HAD ACCUSED THEM INITIALLY OF BEING 'RACISTS' ... VERY PUBLICLY.


"It's my house".

End of investigation. Either get in the car and leave or go to the homeowner that called and explain it to them.
Donald Trump believes the 75 year old man who sustained injuries after being pushed to the ground by Buffalo police was not only faking it, but "could be" ANTIFA member, without citing evidence.
And to think that a couple of days ago his advisers were floating a speech to unite and heal the country:

Why was the old man, approaching a line of cops and reaching out to touch the cop? A line of cops obviously engaged in clearing a street of protestors?

A good question, but why'd the cops just walk away after knocking him down and bloody?

Probably had something to do with clearing the streets of potential rioters.

The cops are paid by the hour. Explain to him that he has to leave and calmly walk him to his car (don't flatten his tires in the meantime).

This is how it should be done in the Land of the Free.

I assume they had already "explained" to the people on the street that they had to leave, and the people there, did not leave.

THe line between a protester and a rioter, was rapidly approaching.

The Land of the Free is not about allowing radical lefties free reign.

The only violence was coming from law enforcement. I'm pretty sure a 75 year old man isn't going to do much damage to a group of men in battle gear.

You ever hear of "Weapons"?

Yes, and the officers did nothing that would have disarmed him.

So, you actually knew, when you were talking shit a moment ago, about how a 75 year old man, was not a danger to the cop,

you knew that you were lying.


Are you sad that the cop was NOT injured or killed with a weapon? What weapon would you have liked to see the cop killed or injured with?
Donald Trump believes the 75 year old man who sustained injuries after being pushed to the ground by Buffalo police was not only faking it, but "could be" ANTIFA member, without citing evidence.
And to think that a couple of days ago his advisers were floating a speech to unite and heal the country:

Reminds me of how Barry said the police had acted racistly against his professor buddy BEFORE he knew what the hell he was talking about.... they should really learn to say nothing until they know the facts.

If you are speaking about the guy who was harassed for trying to get into his own home, that was racism.

He was briefly detained and questioned. Personally if the police were called because someone was entering my home through the window instead of the door I would want that person briefly detained and questioned. Even if that person were me.

Gates didn't climb through a window.

Factually correct, he was just seen trying to force his front door open and the cops were called to investigate. Either way I would hope the cops WOULD investigate if it were my home. Racism would have been "eh that's a black guy's house, don't investigate"

Investigating him wasn't the issue. Arresting him was. It was the cop's call to make and he could have arrested him or just walked away. Why arrest someone who proved they were in their own residence just because they became belligerent for having to prove they were rightfully in their own residence? There was no reason to arrest him as evidenced by the charges being dropped.

The black professor just ran his mouth too much and was making threats toward the officer thst he was an influential man
Meaning obama was racist?

If so I agree

Who knows how you get that ^^^ from this vvv

"I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that. But I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home, and, number three, what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there's a long history in this country of African Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately."
"It's my house". End of investigation.

So all a burglar has to say is 'This is my house' and the police shrug, say, 'OK', and walk away without asking for ID?!'


Some f*ing liberal politician will probably make that a rule for cops...and the next time some looter comes out of a store with a 32" flat screen and a cop tells him to stop all the looter will have to do is say to the cop, "This is my store"...and the police HAVE to accept iut and walk away.

Did you think your response all the way through before you posted it?

HOPEFULLY you will say 'No'. If 'yes'.....bwuhahahahaha!

Donald Trump believes the 75 year old man who sustained injuries after being pushed to the ground by Buffalo police was not only faking it, but "could be" ANTIFA member, without citing evidence.
And to think that a couple of days ago his advisers were floating a speech to unite and heal the country:

Reminds me of how Barry said the police had acted racistly against his professor buddy BEFORE he knew what the hell he was talking about.... they should really learn to say nothing until they know the facts.

If you are speaking about the guy who was harassed for trying to get into his own home, that was racism.

He was briefly detained and questioned. Personally if the police were called because someone was entering my home through the window instead of the door I would want that person briefly detained and questioned. Even if that person were me.

Gates didn't climb through a window.

Factually correct, he was just seen trying to force his front door open and the cops were called to investigate. Either way I would hope the cops WOULD investigate if it were my home. Racism would have been "eh that's a black guy's house, don't investigate"

Investigating him wasn't the issue. Arresting him was. It was the cop's call to make and he could have arrested him or just walked away. Why arrest someone who proved they were in their own residence just because they became belligerent for having to prove they were rightfully in their own residence? There was no reason to arrest him as evidenced by the charges being dropped.

And that is why , for example, more black teens are arrested for marijuana posession than whites. Or ultimately it is how people end up dead over shit light a stupid arrest for selling cigarettes without a license.

Don't fight with the fucking police. Don't be a belligerent asshole. No shit if you piss a cop off and then they have a choice on whether to cite you or arrest you they are going to get their revenge by arresting you. How dumb do you have to be to not understand that point?

I've been stopped for triple digit speeding and walked away with a warning. Why ? Because I wasn't an asshole about it, I did something wrong. I just took my medicine, I wasn't a dick to the cop , no reason to end up tased or dead over a speeding ticket.

Are you saying a Harvard Professor wasn't smart enough to understand this?
Donald Trump believes the 75 year old man who sustained injuries after being pushed to the ground by Buffalo police was not only faking it, but "could be" ANTIFA member, without citing evidence.
And to think that a couple of days ago his advisers were floating a speech to unite and heal the country:

Why was the old man, approaching a line of cops and reaching out to touch the cop? A line of cops obviously engaged in clearing a street of protestors?

A good question, but why'd the cops just walk away after knocking him down and bloody?

Probably had something to do with clearing the streets of potential rioters.

The cops are paid by the hour. Explain to him that he has to leave and calmly walk him to his car (don't flatten his tires in the meantime).

This is how it should be done in the Land of the Free.

I assume they had already "explained" to the people on the street that they had to leave, and the people there, did not leave.

THe line between a protester and a rioter, was rapidly approaching.

The Land of the Free is not about allowing radical lefties free reign.

The only violence was coming from law enforcement. I'm pretty sure a 75 year old man isn't going to do much damage to a group of men in battle gear.

You ever hear of "Weapons"?

Yes, and the officers did nothing that would have disarmed him.

So, you actually knew, when you were talking shit a moment ago, about how a 75 year old man, was not a danger to the cop,

you knew that you were lying.


Are you sad that the cop was NOT injured or killed with a weapon? What weapon would you have liked to see the cop killed or injured with?

Really not interested in your mindless ramblings. It's why I turn the television when Trump comes on also.
Donald Trump believes the 75 year old man who sustained injuries after being pushed to the ground by Buffalo police was not only faking it, but "could be" ANTIFA member, without citing evidence.
And to think that a couple of days ago his advisers were floating a speech to unite and heal the country:

Why was the old man, approaching a line of cops and reaching out to touch the cop? A line of cops obviously engaged in clearing a street of protestors?

A good question, but why'd the cops just walk away after knocking him down and bloody?

Probably had something to do with clearing the streets of potential rioters.

The cops are paid by the hour. Explain to him that he has to leave and calmly walk him to his car (don't flatten his tires in the meantime).

This is how it should be done in the Land of the Free.

I assume they had already "explained" to the people on the street that they had to leave, and the people there, did not leave.

THe line between a protester and a rioter, was rapidly approaching.

The Land of the Free is not about allowing radical lefties free reign.

The only violence was coming from law enforcement. I'm pretty sure a 75 year old man isn't going to do much damage to a group of men in battle gear.

You ever hear of "Weapons"?

Yes, and the officers did nothing that would have disarmed him.

So, you actually knew, when you were talking shit a moment ago, about how a 75 year old man, was not a danger to the cop,

you knew that you were lying.


Are you sad that the cop was NOT injured or killed with a weapon? What weapon would you have liked to see the cop killed or injured with?

Really not interested in your mindless ramblings. It's why I turn the television when Trump comes on also.

Yeah, some people prefer to remain ignorant, clutching to what they 'KNOW', which is what Democrats / the fake news media feeds them.
Donald Trump believes the 75 year old man who sustained injuries after being pushed to the ground by Buffalo police was not only faking it, but "could be" ANTIFA member, without citing evidence.
And to think that a couple of days ago his advisers were floating a speech to unite and heal the country:

Reminds me of how Barry said the police had acted racistly against his professor buddy BEFORE he knew what the hell he was talking about.... they should really learn to say nothing until they know the facts.

If you are speaking about the guy who was harassed for trying to get into his own home, that was racism.

He was briefly detained and questioned. Personally if the police were called because someone was entering my home through the window instead of the door I would want that person briefly detained and questioned. Even if that person were me.

Gates didn't climb through a window.

Factually correct, he was just seen trying to force his front door open and the cops were called to investigate. Either way I would hope the cops WOULD investigate if it were my home. Racism would have been "eh that's a black guy's house, don't investigate"

Investigating him wasn't the issue. Arresting him was. It was the cop's call to make and he could have arrested him or just walked away. Why arrest someone who proved they were in their own residence just because they became belligerent for having to prove they were rightfully in their own residence? There was no reason to arrest him as evidenced by the charges being dropped.

And that is why , for example, more black teens are arrested for marijuana posession than whites. Or ultimately it is how people end up dead over shit light a stupid arrest for selling cigarettes without a license.

Don't fight with the fucking police. Don't be a belligerent asshole. No shit if you piss a cop off and then they have a choice on whether to cite you or arrest you they are going to get their revenge by arresting you. How dumb do you have to be to not understand that point?

I've been stopped for triple digit speeding and walked away with a warning. Why ? Because I wasn't an asshole about it, I did something wrong. I just took my medicine, I wasn't a dick to the cop , no reason to end up tased or dead over a speeding ticket.

Are you saying a Harvard Professor wasn't smart enough to understand this?

No. We have Constitutional protections and the answer is NOT to give them up so the police don't beat or kill you.

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