Trump: 75 year old man pushed by police faked his fall

If someone came up to me all of a sudden and tried to touch me; I would take it as a threat and bash the MFs head in.

Old hippie with nothing to show for in life. He learned a lesson.
But you're not a cop, who swore to "protect and serve"

I'm sure you wouldn't run into a burning building either.
Well, incident with a friend per him. Grocery store fight about not wearing a mask. Mask guy exchanges words with non mask guy. Non mask has enough and kicks his ass. Well, My friend went there later that day and said a mask guy looked at him like he was the devil for no mask. Friend puts his hand on his hip and mask guy gibes a look of nope, walks away.

Bascially, don’t start it, and nobody will have to end it.
I just wear the GD thing to avoid idiots. A mask is idiot proof.
One time for xrays. I will not anymore, that’s for sure. If 500 people have a mask on for my safety, I should be good.
If you are speaking about the guy who was harassed for trying to get into his own home, that was racism.

Speaking of people who should STFU until they know what they are talking about....


The new / unfamiliar professor was approached at a residence and asked to show ID by a policeman.

Barry's friend, instead of peacefully complying became extremely belligerent.
-- It would have taken ... what.... 2 minutes to show ID and explain he was a new professor, that he was new to the neighborhood?

Instead, Barry's pal decided to be a D!CK, refused to cooperate with the police, resisted the police's attempt to identify him.
-- He was offended that HE, a black man in an expensive neighborhood, was asked to show his ID and prove he was the he pushed back against the PERCEIVED injustice and got himself arrested.

On the way to a meeting, Barry was asked if he had heard what happened to his buddy. WITHOUT KNOWING A DAMN THING ABOUT WHAT THE DETAILS WERE Barry RACISTLY jumped to conclusions and declared:


It wasn't until later Barry found out just how wrong he and his racist buddy had jumped to conclusions:

The Policeman who detained Barry's friend was not just A policeman...he was THE policeman.
- He was an extremely well-known, highly praised, highly decorated policeman WHO TAUGHT RACIAL SENSITIVITY TO ALL - EVERY - POLICEMAN ON THE FORCE, EVERY NEW COP AND REFRESHERS TO ALL OF THEM.

Barry's pal could not have picked a 'worse' cop to call a racist and claim the only reason he had been asked for ID was because he was 'black'.

ALL of the evidence - ALL OF IT - proved Barry's buddy had been a PR!CK who picked a fight with the cops instead of just showing his ID and confirming he lived there. The police had gotten a call that there was a possible break in at the house....and the 'TOP COP' responded and wanted to confirm the ID of the man going in and out of the house.

Barry was proven to have jumped to quickly to a racist conclusion only to find that the only one who had jumped to a racist conclusion was BARRY & HIS PAL!

When it was all over, Barry declared there needed to be more 'racial education and sensitivity in situations (SOMETHING THE COP TAUGHT ALL THE TIME) .... Neither Barry nor his buddy apologized - Instead Barry invited them both to a 'BEER SUMMIT' at the WH to show all of it was a misunderstanding - water under the bridge.

The policeman turned out to be perhaps a better man than I might have been by taking Barry up on his offer.
- Barry's buddy was an asshole to the cops who acted like a pr!ck and resisted the cops doing their duty to protect HIS home after a report of a possible burglary was called in....
- Barry had immediately accused the WHITE POLICE of 'racism', insulting the cop and the entire police force

I might have told the President I would be honored to join them for a beer at the WH...RIGHT AFTER HE APOLOGIZED TO ME AND THE POLICE FORCE PUBLICLY ... JUST AS HE HAD ACCUSED THEM INITIALLY OF BEING 'RACISTS' ... VERY PUBLICLY.

I think the new homeowner had every reason to be pissed--but if everything you are saying is true, he just pissed off at the wrong person. He better watch out for his Gladys Kravitz neighbor though! What a bitch. If it had been me, I would have grabbed a few cookies, thrown 'em on a plate and headed over to say Welcome. See what I got for a reaction. Unless it was midnight or something.

President Obama invited them to the WH for a couple of beers was a good idea. Hopefully the new homeowner left with a different attitude toward that cop, anyway. But homeowner was right that the whole affair reeked of racism. How many times has a new white guy in the neighborhood elicited a call from the neighbors about breaking into his house? I think you're missing a big piece of this puzzle. The NEIGHBOR who made the call should have been at that beer summit too (was she?). SHE may have actually learned some things and rethunk a little bit of her attitude.
APOLOGIZING for publicly jumping to conclusions and accusing the officer and force of being racists would have been better than just offering the officer a beer IMO

You are as bad with the constant criticism of Obama as any anti-Trumper ever thought of being. Even almost four years since Obama has been out of office, you still are obsessed with hatred of that man. I believe Obama did the right thing by bringing the two guys together to talk. Both the cop and the new homeowner had things to learn and I hope they did. Obama tried to make it right. If Obama made a statement about systemic racism in police departments, he was right. Saying the cop was racist for getting PO'd and arresting the guy for being an uncooperative dick? Who knows if "black" went through his head. But that is exactly how blacks keep getting arrested in much higher numbers. It's systemic.
If someone came up to me all of a sudden and tried to touch me; I would take it as a threat and bash the MFs head in.

Old hippie with nothing to show for in life. He learned a lesson.
But you're not a cop, who swore to "protect and serve"

I'm sure you wouldn't run into a burning building either.
Well, incident with a friend per him. Grocery store fight about not wearing a mask. Mask guy exchanges words with non mask guy. Non mask has enough and kicks his ass. Well, My friend went there later that day and said a mask guy looked at him like he was the devil for no mask. Friend puts his hand on his hip and mask guy gibes a look of nope, walks away.

Bascially, don’t start it, and nobody will have to end it.
I just wear the GD thing to avoid idiots. A mask is idiot proof.
One time for xrays. I will not anymore, that’s for sure. If 500 people have a mask on for my safety, I should be good.
I think it is BS, but I don't need a snowflake melting in front of me. I'll tqake it for the team..lololol
You are as bad with the constant criticism of Obama as any anti-Trumper ever thought of being. Even almost four years since Obama has been out of office, you still are obsessed with hatred of that man.

1. I criticized BOTH Trump AND Obama for rushing to make stupid comments without knowing the facts of what they tried to speak on.

2. I am ' As bad as anti-Trumpers'?

Hardly. Again, I criticized Trump. Democrats and snowflakes refuse to criticize their 'Messiah', even after his being caught illegally spying on reporters, the media, Americans, US Senators, & USSC Justices.

3. ''obsessed hatred' of Obama?

- Dems and snowflakes railed against Bush for 8 years, blaming him for everything. Barry has only been out of office for 4 years, but - like Hillary - he won't STFU and go away. His coup attempt alone lasted 2 years, & now he is back again.

- Pointing out the FACT that Obama rushed to incorrect racist judgement is not 'obsessive hatred' - it, again, is FACT.


But they used force to injure him
Thats a damn lie

he got in their face and they gave him a shove

not intended to hurt him but just to move him along

if he’s that feeble he needs to engage in less physical protest
Trump supporters are even dumber than I thought.

And getting even dumber in lock-step with the Orange fool to boot.
Who called the medics and how do you know they did?
Its on the video

the ranking man on the scene directed the officer to get back in line,

and at the same time spoke into his radio calling for help
Donald Trump believes the 75 year old man who sustained injuries after being pushed to the ground by Buffalo police was not only faking it, but "could be" ANTIFA member, without citing evidence.
And to think that a couple of days ago his advisers were floating a speech to unite and heal the country:

The old man was a liberal asshole

but I dont think the fall was faked

Yes, he is a liberal ass....totally

it seems very fake to me, and I agree with the President.

he falls and didn't drop his cell phone??


and he keeps his legs crossed for comfort???

yeah right:eusa_think:

Who called the medics and how do you know they did?
Its on the video

the ranking man on the scene directed the officer to get back in line,

and at the same time spoke into his radio calling for help
After he wouldn't allow the other cop to help him, he said "get a medic."
How did he know the guy would survive until the medic came without checking on his condition?
"Martin Gugino is a 75-year-old professional agitator and Antifa provocateur who brags on his blog about the number of times he can get arrested and escape prosecution. According to Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown “There has been vandalism, there have been fires set, there have been stores broken into & looted. According to what was reported to me, that individual was a key major instigator of people engaging in those activities.”

"Martin Gugino is a 75-year-old professional agitator and Antifa provocateur who brags on his blog about the number of times he can get arrested and escape prosecution. According to Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown “There has been vandalism, there have been fires set, there have been stores broken into & looted. According to what was reported to me, that individual was a key major instigator of people engaging in those activities.”

Well he hit the jackpot this time. Got a couple violent cops fired and arrested and will get a big pay out.

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