Trump,a man with no cards to play

The only thing Trump needed to do, is to keep Hillary out of the white house. He did that, anything else is icing on the cake!
Hillary would have made a much better President than Trump

So would Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio
What your bitch really thought about you.View attachment 158599
guess the russian shit really worked on you
How did Putin get you to vote for trump?
Putin himself says he is the reason Trump won
Putin would rather have American hating Hillary, than American loving Trump to deal with. Quit spewing your bullshit. Anyway quote Putin saying that.
Actually Obama did that. Trump is getting our leadership back.

Which foreign nation has he built a strong bond with (other than Russia)
China is working with us against north Korea. Also I didn't realize Russia became our ally, no matter how much Obama and Hillary kissed Putin's ass.

The world view of America has dropped dramatically since Trump was elected

Everywhere but Russia
Link, or you gonna keep spouting bullshit? Issis lost their capitol. Something bush couldn't do and Obama wouldn't do.

Here ya go pussyboy

Trump +42 in Russia Comrade

U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership
Lol, a liberal rag.
The only thing Trump needed to do, is to keep Hillary out of the white house. He did that, anything else is icing on the cake!
Hillary would have made a much better President than Trump

So would Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio
What your bitch really thought about you.View attachment 158599

What a load of crap
Nope, you're just a groupie waiting on your next talking point. Remember Obama relied on your ignorance to get Obama care through, and you blindly supported him. He called you ignorant, and you supported him! Lol
Provide a credible link of your Hillary meme
My goodness, deep down you know you are just a piece of shit to her. If you don't kiss her ass you're a deplorable.
just for fun , Russia in the thread and 'mrobama' kissing Russian azz . --- ---
The president is beginning his tour of a bunch of Asian countries, and he's already thrown away all his winning cards. The tour will be a bunch of photo ops and not much else.

When he arrives in China, he might have said, "I represent the 12 nations of the TPP. We represent about 40% of the world economy. If you don't stop trading fuel and materials across the N. Korea border that they can use to make nukes and icbms, we in the TPP will greatly reduce our trade with you, in order to reduce trade with N. Korea.

Or he might say, :The South China Sea is international waters that all of the TPP want to use as international waters. Please remove your militarized islands that you have created there, and allow us all free passage."

Or he might say, "Please protect the intellectual property of all TPP members, and protect TPP patents, and written material, or trade with China by TPP members will be greatly reduced."

But he can't because he has thrown away the TPP card. Everyone is now on their own, and many Asian countries can't afford to go it alone against China. No country, including the USA, can compete economically with China alone.

And as far as Russia is concerned, we still don't know what cards he has given to Putin, but clearly the president has given away all his cards there as well. So many that the president is clearly scared to say or do anything that might bother Putin.

A good negotiator? Really?? It's hard to negotiate anything when you don't have any cards. Of course, he might just say, "I'm crazy, do what I say or else." I'm sure every country, everywhere has already tough about that. And that's why they are all simply going to wait until Trump is gone for anything significant.
Cause lord knows you will be unbiased
While Donnie Dealmaker fooled the American voter, he has no credibility on the world stage

He is not trusted, he is mocked and has given up Americas role as a world leader

Trump has already given up our leadership in Western Europe, now he will show he is powerless in Asia
Actually Obama did that. Trump is getting our leadership back.
You have just won laughable post of the week First prize ,dinner with trump last prize 3 dinners with trump
Obama threw away any relationship we had with Russia, by being a pussy to a dictator. North Korea well Trump is fixing that. Iran well the next couple of presidents will deal with that nightmare. Obama made Carter a very happy man, by beating him as the worst president ever.
Obama imposed sanctions Congress has voted on them Trump has his finger up his ass and refuses to impose them on his buddy putin Wonder why??
The same Obama begged Putin to wait till after the election, so he could work with him better. Lol, you're an idiot.
And there were no sanctions that made putin scream??? You sir are a moron
Hillary would have made a much better President than Trump

So would Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio
What your bitch really thought about you.View attachment 158599
guess the russian shit really worked on you
How did Putin get you to vote for trump?
Putin himself says he is the reason Trump won
Putin would rather have American hating Hillary, than American loving Trump to deal with. Quit spewing your bullshit. Anyway quote Putin saying that.
Putin has the puppet he wants
just for fun , Russia in the thread and 'mrobama' kissing Russian azz . --- ---

President Obama was negotiating. As is the authority of all Presidents
He merely pointed out the reality of our political system

Trump negotiated for support to steal an election
The president is beginning his tour of a bunch of Asian countries, and he's already thrown away all his winning cards. The tour will be a bunch of photo ops and not much else.

When he arrives in China, he might have said, "I represent the 12 nations of the TPP. We represent about 40% of the world economy. If you don't stop trading fuel and materials across the N. Korea border that they can use to make nukes and icbms, we in the TPP will greatly reduce our trade with you, in order to reduce trade with N. Korea.

Or he might say, :The South China Sea is international waters that all of the TPP want to use as international waters. Please remove your militarized islands that you have created there, and allow us all free passage."

Or he might say, "Please protect the intellectual property of all TPP members, and protect TPP patents, and written material, or trade with China by TPP members will be greatly reduced."

But he can't because he has thrown away the TPP card. Everyone is now on their own, and many Asian countries can't afford to go it alone against China. No country, including the USA, can compete economically with China alone.

And as far as Russia is concerned, we still don't know what cards he has given to Putin, but clearly the president has given away all his cards there as well. So many that the president is clearly scared to say or do anything that might bother Putin.

A good negotiator? Really?? It's hard to negotiate anything when you don't have any cards. Of course, he might just say, "I'm crazy, do what I say or else." I'm sure every country, everywhere has already tough about that. And that's why they are all simply going to wait until Trump is gone for anything significant.

It's a chess game. Who cares what he does with cards?

When then you’re really screwed. Chess requires intelligence, strategy and patience. Trump has none of these.
just for fun , Russia in the thread and 'mrobama' kissing Russian azz . --- ---

President Obama was negotiating. As is the authority of all Presidents
He merely pointed out the reality of our political system

Trump negotiated for support to steal an election

------------------------------------------------------ thanks RWinger , and i suppose that you also think that 'juan mcstain' is also a hero eh .
The president is beginning his tour of a bunch of Asian countries, and he's already thrown away all his winning cards. The tour will be a bunch of photo ops and not much else.

When he arrives in China, he might have said, "I represent the 12 nations of the TPP. We represent about 40% of the world economy. If you don't stop trading fuel and materials across the N. Korea border that they can use to make nukes and icbms, we in the TPP will greatly reduce our trade with you, in order to reduce trade with N. Korea.

Or he might say, :The South China Sea is international waters that all of the TPP want to use as international waters. Please remove your militarized islands that you have created there, and allow us all free passage."

Or he might say, "Please protect the intellectual property of all TPP members, and protect TPP patents, and written material, or trade with China by TPP members will be greatly reduced."

But he can't because he has thrown away the TPP card. Everyone is now on their own, and many Asian countries can't afford to go it alone against China. No country, including the USA, can compete economically with China alone.

And as far as Russia is concerned, we still don't know what cards he has given to Putin, but clearly the president has given away all his cards there as well. So many that the president is clearly scared to say or do anything that might bother Putin.

A good negotiator? Really?? It's hard to negotiate anything when you don't have any cards. Of course, he might just say, "I'm crazy, do what I say or else." I'm sure every country, everywhere has already tough about that. And that's why they are all simply going to wait until Trump is gone for anything significant.
Cause lord knows you will be unbiased
IF he does something I like and think it's good for our country I'll be among the first to admit it As of now ice I can say vetting foreigners into our country ,getting rid of non citizens who have committed illegal acts and tax reform are what I agree with It's just so hard to side with this pig of a man
just for fun , Russia in the thread and 'mrobama' kissing Russian azz . --- ---

President Obama was negotiating. As is the authority of all Presidents
He merely pointed out the reality of our political system

Trump negotiated for support to steal an election

------------------------------------------------------ thanks RWinger , and i suppose that you also think that 'juan mcstain' is also a hero eh .

Could you explain what you think MORE Flexibility means??
just keep annoying your enemies all the time , Go President Trump !!
just for fun , Russia in the thread and 'mrobama' kissing Russian azz . --- ---

President Obama was negotiating. As is the authority of all Presidents
He merely pointed out the reality of our political system

Trump negotiated for support to steal an election

------------------------------------------------------ thanks RWinger , and i suppose that you also think that 'juan mcstain' is also a hero eh .

Could you explain what you think MORE Flexibility means??

---------------------------------------- maybe degrading USA Military a bit more . Hey look Eddie , i think that mrobama is / was the lowest of the low and would do anything to hurt me , Americans and the USA Eddie .
Last edited:
The president is beginning his tour of a bunch of Asian countries, and he's already thrown away all his winning cards. The tour will be a bunch of photo ops and not much else.

When he arrives in China, he might have said, "I represent the 12 nations of the TPP. We represent about 40% of the world economy. If you don't stop trading fuel and materials across the N. Korea border that they can use to make nukes and icbms, we in the TPP will greatly reduce our trade with you, in order to reduce trade with N. Korea.

Or he might say, :The South China Sea is international waters that all of the TPP want to use as international waters. Please remove your militarized islands that you have created there, and allow us all free passage."

Or he might say, "Please protect the intellectual property of all TPP members, and protect TPP patents, and written material, or trade with China by TPP members will be greatly reduced."

But he can't because he has thrown away the TPP card. Everyone is now on their own, and many Asian countries can't afford to go it alone against China. No country, including the USA, can compete economically with China alone.

And as far as Russia is concerned, we still don't know what cards he has given to Putin, but clearly the president has given away all his cards there as well. So many that the president is clearly scared to say or do anything that might bother Putin.

A good negotiator? Really?? It's hard to negotiate anything when you don't have any cards. Of course, he might just say, "I'm crazy, do what I say or else." I'm sure every country, everywhere has already tough about that. And that's why they are all simply going to wait until Trump is gone for anything significant.

It's a chess game. Who cares what he does with cards?

When then you’re really screwed. Chess requires intelligence, strategy and patience. Trump has none of these.
Trump would have trouble winning at just plain checkers He'd want to jump over every one and declare himself the winner
The president is beginning his tour of a bunch of Asian countries, and he's already thrown away all his winning cards. The tour will be a bunch of photo ops and not much else.

When he arrives in China, he might have said, "I represent the 12 nations of the TPP. We represent about 40% of the world economy. If you don't stop trading fuel and materials across the N. Korea border that they can use to make nukes and icbms, we in the TPP will greatly reduce our trade with you, in order to reduce trade with N. Korea.

Or he might say, :The South China Sea is international waters that all of the TPP want to use as international waters. Please remove your militarized islands that you have created there, and allow us all free passage."

Or he might say, "Please protect the intellectual property of all TPP members, and protect TPP patents, and written material, or trade with China by TPP members will be greatly reduced."

But he can't because he has thrown away the TPP card. Everyone is now on their own, and many Asian countries can't afford to go it alone against China. No country, including the USA, can compete economically with China alone.

And as far as Russia is concerned, we still don't know what cards he has given to Putin, but clearly the president has given away all his cards there as well. So many that the president is clearly scared to say or do anything that might bother Putin.

A good negotiator? Really?? It's hard to negotiate anything when you don't have any cards. Of course, he might just say, "I'm crazy, do what I say or else." I'm sure every country, everywhere has already tough about that. And that's why they are all simply going to wait until Trump is gone for anything significant.

It's a chess game. Who cares what he does with cards?

When then you’re really screwed. Chess requires intelligence, strategy and patience. Trump has none of these.
Trump would have trouble winning at just plain checkers He'd want to jump over every one and declare himself the winner
KING ME as all trumpettes bow to kiss trumps rump
Doesn't matter though as we have President Trump !! And hilary lost , mrobama is gone , his obamacare is being messed with [Ask poster MONK] , illegals are being chased and deported , guns are untouched so far , Supreme Court has Gorsuch and mrobamas legacy is being dismantled , norks are being threatened rather than fed , muslims in war zones are being destroyed and everything is pretty cool . Icing on the cake is that eventually 'iran' will need to be dealt with Eddie !!
Doesn't matter though as we have President Trump !! And hilary lost , mrobama is gone , his obamacare is being messed with [Ask poster MONK] , illegals are being chased and deported , guns are untouched so far , Supreme Court has Gorsuch and mrobamas legacy is being dismantled , norks are being threatened rather than fed , muslims in war zones are being destroyed and everything is pretty cool . Icing on the cake is that eventually 'iran' will need to be dealt with Eddie !!
Yeah Iran and NK how many are you prepared to lose there??? trump doesn't care as long as he wins
Which foreign nation has he built a strong bond with (other than Russia)

Well, to be "fair," Trump has helped to place Kenya on his followers' minds....most of them thought that Africa was just a country.

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