Trump,a man with no cards to play

The president is beginning his tour of a bunch of Asian countries, and he's already thrown away all his winning cards. The tour will be a bunch of photo ops and not much else.

When he arrives in China, he might have said, "I represent the 12 nations of the TPP. We represent about 40% of the world economy. If you don't stop trading fuel and materials across the N. Korea border that they can use to make nukes and icbms, we in the TPP will greatly reduce our trade with you, in order to reduce trade with N. Korea.

Or he might say, :The South China Sea is international waters that all of the TPP want to use as international waters. Please remove your militarized islands that you have created there, and allow us all free passage."

Or he might say, "Please protect the intellectual property of all TPP members, and protect TPP patents, and written material, or trade with China by TPP members will be greatly reduced."

But he can't because he has thrown away the TPP card. Everyone is now on their own, and many Asian countries can't afford to go it alone against China. No country, including the USA, can compete economically with China alone.

And as far as Russia is concerned, we still don't know what cards he has given to Putin, but clearly the president has given away all his cards there as well. So many that the president is clearly scared to say or do anything that might bother Putin.

A good negotiator? Really?? It's hard to negotiate anything when you don't have any cards. Of course, he might just say, "I'm crazy, do what I say or else." I'm sure every country, everywhere has already tough about that. And that's why they are all simply going to wait until Trump is gone for anything significant.
Cause lord knows you will be unbiased
IF he does something I like and think it's good for our country I'll be among the first to admit it As of now ice I can say vetting foreigners into our country ,getting rid of non citizens who have committed illegal acts and tax reform are what I agree with It's just so hard to side with this pig of a man
No you won't.

You LOOK for bad trump stories to support you r views n don't care where they come from.

Justifying bate more important than being honest.
Iceberg I'm probably on this board among the least likely to lie One thing I'll never do ,,as ""some"" others here do is lie to themselves Know anyone like that ,,,,who praise trump who pat his back who believes he's honest and not a pervert???
The president is beginning his tour of a bunch of Asian countries, and he's already thrown away all his winning cards. The tour will be a bunch of photo ops and not much else.

When he arrives in China, he might have said, "I represent the 12 nations of the TPP. We represent about 40% of the world economy. If you don't stop trading fuel and materials across the N. Korea border that they can use to make nukes and icbms, we in the TPP will greatly reduce our trade with you, in order to reduce trade with N. Korea.

Or he might say, :The South China Sea is international waters that all of the TPP want to use as international waters. Please remove your militarized islands that you have created there, and allow us all free passage."

Or he might say, "Please protect the intellectual property of all TPP members, and protect TPP patents, and written material, or trade with China by TPP members will be greatly reduced."

But he can't because he has thrown away the TPP card. Everyone is now on their own, and many Asian countries can't afford to go it alone against China. No country, including the USA, can compete economically with China alone.

And as far as Russia is concerned, we still don't know what cards he has given to Putin, but clearly the president has given away all his cards there as well. So many that the president is clearly scared to say or do anything that might bother Putin.

A good negotiator? Really?? It's hard to negotiate anything when you don't have any cards. Of course, he might just say, "I'm crazy, do what I say or else." I'm sure every country, everywhere has already tough about that. And that's why they are all simply going to wait until Trump is gone for anything significant.
Cause lord knows you will be unbiased
IF he does something I like and think it's good for our country I'll be among the first to admit it As of now ice I can say vetting foreigners into our country ,getting rid of non citizens who have committed illegal acts and tax reform are what I agree with It's just so hard to side with this pig of a man
No you won't.

You LOOK for bad trump stories to support you r views n don't care where they come from.

Justifying bate more important than being honest.
Iceberg I'm probably on this board among the least likely to lie One thing I'll never do ,,as ""some"" others here do is lie to themselves Know anyone like that ,,,,who praise trump who pat his back who believes he's honest and not a pervert???
And do I hate him?? Of course I do, I hate this pig of a man becoming our president and doing his best to f up this country Am I supposed to smile when the blue states are singled out in his BS tax program???
My point is and has always been people just hate with out reason or thought.

Like the MSNBC reporter who on the air critisized trump for not demanding the death penalty for the Vegas shooter.


The ass.
My point is and has always been people just hate with out reason or thought.

Like the MSNBC reporter who on the air critisized trump for not demanding the death penalty for the Vegas shooter.


The ass.
IMHO why keep any of those murderers alive ? Put em in the ground,,,,in shallow graves
My point is and has always been people just hate with out reason or thought.

Like the MSNBC reporter who on the air critisized trump for not demanding the death penalty for the Vegas shooter.


The ass.
IMHO why keep any of those murderers alive ? Put em in the ground,,,,in shallow graves
Eddie the mother fucker was killed in the room!!!

See what I mean? You MAKE SHIT UP to get mad about.

I'm done. You refuse to be fair, reasonable or honest about trump so pointless to talk.
The president is beginning his tour of a bunch of Asian countries, and he's already thrown away all his winning cards. The tour will be a bunch of photo ops and not much else.

When he arrives in China, he might have said, "I represent the 12 nations of the TPP. We represent about 40% of the world economy. If you don't stop trading fuel and materials across the N. Korea border that they can use to make nukes and icbms, we in the TPP will greatly reduce our trade with you, in order to reduce trade with N. Korea.

Or he might say, :The South China Sea is international waters that all of the TPP want to use as international waters. Please remove your militarized islands that you have created there, and allow us all free passage."

Or he might say, "Please protect the intellectual property of all TPP members, and protect TPP patents, and written material, or trade with China by TPP members will be greatly reduced."

But he can't because he has thrown away the TPP card. Everyone is now on their own, and many Asian countries can't afford to go it alone against China. No country, including the USA, can compete economically with China alone.

And as far as Russia is concerned, we still don't know what cards he has given to Putin, but clearly the president has given away all his cards there as well. So many that the president is clearly scared to say or do anything that might bother Putin.

A good negotiator? Really?? It's hard to negotiate anything when you don't have any cards. Of course, he might just say, "I'm crazy, do what I say or else." I'm sure every country, everywhere has already tough about that. And that's why they are all simply going to wait until Trump is gone for anything significant.
Cause lord knows you will be unbiased
IF he does something I like and think it's good for our country I'll be among the first to admit it As of now ice I can say vetting foreigners into our country ,getting rid of non citizens who have committed illegal acts and tax reform are what I agree with It's just so hard to side with this pig of a man
No you won't.

You LOOK for bad trump stories to support you r views n don't care where they come from.

Justifying bate more important than being honest.
They are all bad
My point is and has always been people just hate with out reason or thought.

Like the MSNBC reporter who on the air critisized trump for not demanding the death penalty for the Vegas shooter.


The ass.
IMHO why keep any of those murderers alive ? Put em in the ground,,,,in shallow graves
Eddie the mother fucker was killed in the room!!!

See what I mean? You MAKE SHIT UP to get mad about.

I'm done. You refuse to be fair, reasonable or honest about trump so pointless to talk.

Have you been fair, reasonable or honest about Hillary Clinton? If so when?

I started following Trump in the 1980’s when he first came to public attention. Rich society boy moving up the ladder. He built Trump Tower which was very impressive. It remains his one and only genuine accomplishment.

What followed was failure after failure and a lot of self promotion. Then came the bankruptcies. Trump bragged about walking away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million dollars. His small investors lost everything.

Throughout the 1990’s I watched as Trump stiffed small contractors. He’d hire some smaller local people for his mega-projects. For them it was the opportunity of a lifetime - a chance to swim with the big fish. Until the gave him their bills for the work they’d done. Suddenly the work wasn’t good enough. He looked for excuses not to pay. He’d offer them 1/3 of what he owed. If they sued, he’d drag it out. Many of these small guys had mortgaged their homes or businesses to get the capital to finish these projects. Many lost their businesses as a result. A few committed suicide.

I lost all respect for Donald Trump the day he bragged about making walking away from his bankruptcy with $40 million. Stiffing contractors made me loathe him. I worked in construction law. Predatory contractors like Trump are a fact of life and it’s always the sub-trades who get screwed. Decent hardworking guys just trying to get ahead and keep their guys working.

Since the 1990’s Trumo has made a comeback. With his TV series and the help of selling real estate to Russian oligarchs, he’s semi-solvent but he several of his projects have gone bankrupt - 7 in total. Including one where he stiffed the Puerto Rican government for $33 million for the infrastructure they built for his resort. Now he stiffing then again on disaster relief.

So tell me how is it not fair, reasonable and honest to think that Donald J. Trump is a lowlife piece of shit that no decent human being should ever trust?
dragon,,,,, Ice is oblivious to any of the low life trumps escapades If its not libeling hillary or obama he won't listen
My point is and has always been people just hate with out reason or thought.

Like the MSNBC reporter who on the air critisized trump for not demanding the death penalty for the Vegas shooter.


The ass.
IMHO why keep any of those murderers alive ? Put em in the ground,,,,in shallow graves
Eddie the mother fucker was killed in the room!!!

See what I mean? You MAKE SHIT UP to get mad about.

I'm done. You refuse to be fair, reasonable or honest about trump so pointless to talk.

Have you been fair, reasonable or honest about Hillary Clinton? If so when?

I started following Trump in the 1980’s when he first came to public attention. Rich society boy moving up the ladder. He built Trump Tower which was very impressive. It remains his one and only genuine accomplishment.

What followed was failure after failure and a lot of self promotion. Then came the bankruptcies. Trump bragged about walking away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million dollars. His small investors lost everything.

Throughout the 1990’s I watched as Trump stiffed small contractors. He’d hire some smaller local people for his mega-projects. For them it was the opportunity of a lifetime - a chance to swim with the big fish. Until the gave him their bills for the work they’d done. Suddenly the work wasn’t good enough. He looked for excuses not to pay. He’d offer them 1/3 of what he owed. If they sued, he’d drag it out. Many of these small guys had mortgaged their homes or businesses to get the capital to finish these projects. Many lost their businesses as a result. A few committed suicide.

I lost all respect for Donald Trump the day he bragged about making walking away from his bankruptcy with $40 million. Stiffing contractors made me loathe him. I worked in construction law. Predatory contractors like Trump are a fact of life and it’s always the sub-trades who get screwed. Decent hardworking guys just trying to get ahead and keep their guys working.

Since the 1990’s Trumo has made a comeback. With his TV series and the help of selling real estate to Russian oligarchs, he’s semi-solvent but he several of his projects have gone bankrupt - 7 in total. Including one where he stiffed the Puerto Rican government for $33 million for the infrastructure they built for his resort. Now he stiffing then again on disaster relief.

So tell me how is it not fair, reasonable and honest to think that Donald J. Trump is a lowlife piece of shit that no decent human being should ever trust?
Trump has made a living marketing his name and Trump brand
As a businessman, he has no scruples
Same as his presidency
My point is and has always been people just hate with out reason or thought.

Like the MSNBC reporter who on the air critisized trump for not demanding the death penalty for the Vegas shooter.


The ass.
IMHO why keep any of those murderers alive ? Put em in the ground,,,,in shallow graves
Eddie the mother fucker was killed in the room!!!

See what I mean? You MAKE SHIT UP to get mad about.

I'm done. You refuse to be fair, reasonable or honest about trump so pointless to talk.

Have you been fair, reasonable or honest about Hillary Clinton? If so when?

I started following Trump in the 1980’s when he first came to public attention. Rich society boy moving up the ladder. He built Trump Tower which was very impressive. It remains his one and only genuine accomplishment.

What followed was failure after failure and a lot of self promotion. Then came the bankruptcies. Trump bragged about walking away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million dollars. His small investors lost everything.

Throughout the 1990’s I watched as Trump stiffed small contractors. He’d hire some smaller local people for his mega-projects. For them it was the opportunity of a lifetime - a chance to swim with the big fish. Until the gave him their bills for the work they’d done. Suddenly the work wasn’t good enough. He looked for excuses not to pay. He’d offer them 1/3 of what he owed. If they sued, he’d drag it out. Many of these small guys had mortgaged their homes or businesses to get the capital to finish these projects. Many lost their businesses as a result. A few committed suicide.

I lost all respect for Donald Trump the day he bragged about making walking away from his bankruptcy with $40 million. Stiffing contractors made me loathe him. I worked in construction law. Predatory contractors like Trump are a fact of life and it’s always the sub-trades who get screwed. Decent hardworking guys just trying to get ahead and keep their guys working.

Since the 1990’s Trumo has made a comeback. With his TV series and the help of selling real estate to Russian oligarchs, he’s semi-solvent but he several of his projects have gone bankrupt - 7 in total. Including one where he stiffed the Puerto Rican government for $33 million for the infrastructure they built for his resort. Now he stiffing then again on disaster relief.

So tell me how is it not fair, reasonable and honest to think that Donald J. Trump is a lowlife piece of shit that no decent human being should ever trust?
Trump has made a living marketing his name and Trump brand
As a businessman, he has no scruples
Same as his presidency

I didn’t even cover his cheating on his wives, his admission that he sexually assaults women, the Trump University Fraud, the racial discrimination suits, or all of the issues with his so-called charitable foundation, or his 5 year birther lie.

There is nothing about this man that should lead any decent person to vote for him. Leopards don’t change their spots. And with his abuse of taxpayer dollars going golfing every fucking weekend and billing all SS expenses at his golf clubs, we see him scamming the public.
My point is and has always been people just hate with out reason or thought.

Like the MSNBC reporter who on the air critisized trump for not demanding the death penalty for the Vegas shooter.


The ass.
IMHO why keep any of those murderers alive ? Put em in the ground,,,,in shallow graves
Eddie the mother fucker was killed in the room!!!

See what I mean? You MAKE SHIT UP to get mad about.

I'm done. You refuse to be fair, reasonable or honest about trump so pointless to talk.

Have you been fair, reasonable or honest about Hillary Clinton? If so when?

I started following Trump in the 1980’s when he first came to public attention. Rich society boy moving up the ladder. He built Trump Tower which was very impressive. It remains his one and only genuine accomplishment.

What followed was failure after failure and a lot of self promotion. Then came the bankruptcies. Trump bragged about walking away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million dollars. His small investors lost everything.

Throughout the 1990’s I watched as Trump stiffed small contractors. He’d hire some smaller local people for his mega-projects. For them it was the opportunity of a lifetime - a chance to swim with the big fish. Until the gave him their bills for the work they’d done. Suddenly the work wasn’t good enough. He looked for excuses not to pay. He’d offer them 1/3 of what he owed. If they sued, he’d drag it out. Many of these small guys had mortgaged their homes or businesses to get the capital to finish these projects. Many lost their businesses as a result. A few committed suicide.

I lost all respect for Donald Trump the day he bragged about making walking away from his bankruptcy with $40 million. Stiffing contractors made me loathe him. I worked in construction law. Predatory contractors like Trump are a fact of life and it’s always the sub-trades who get screwed. Decent hardworking guys just trying to get ahead and keep their guys working.

Since the 1990’s Trumo has made a comeback. With his TV series and the help of selling real estate to Russian oligarchs, he’s semi-solvent but he several of his projects have gone bankrupt - 7 in total. Including one where he stiffed the Puerto Rican government for $33 million for the infrastructure they built for his resort. Now he stiffing then again on disaster relief.

So tell me how is it not fair, reasonable and honest to think that Donald J. Trump is a lowlife piece of shit that no decent human being should ever trust?
Trump has made a living marketing his name and Trump brand
As a businessman, he has no scruples
Same as his presidency

I didn’t even cover his cheating on his wives, his admission that he sexually assaults women, the Trump University Fraud, the racial discrimination suits, or all of the issues with his so-called charitable foundation, or his 5 year birther lie.

There is nothing about this man that should lead any decent person to vote for him. Leopards don’t change their spots. And with his abuse of taxpayer dollars going golfing every fucking weekend and billing all SS expenses at his golf clubs, we see him scamming the public.
AND people like Ice will say all you see is the bad , without realizing that's ALL that trump is an evil cheating pervert
My point is and has always been people just hate with out reason or thought.

Like the MSNBC reporter who on the air critisized trump for not demanding the death penalty for the Vegas shooter.


The ass.
IMHO why keep any of those murderers alive ? Put em in the ground,,,,in shallow graves
Eddie the mother fucker was killed in the room!!!

See what I mean? You MAKE SHIT UP to get mad about.

I'm done. You refuse to be fair, reasonable or honest about trump so pointless to talk.

Have you been fair, reasonable or honest about Hillary Clinton? If so when?

I started following Trump in the 1980’s when he first came to public attention. Rich society boy moving up the ladder. He built Trump Tower which was very impressive. It remains his one and only genuine accomplishment.

What followed was failure after failure and a lot of self promotion. Then came the bankruptcies. Trump bragged about walking away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million dollars. His small investors lost everything.

Throughout the 1990’s I watched as Trump stiffed small contractors. He’d hire some smaller local people for his mega-projects. For them it was the opportunity of a lifetime - a chance to swim with the big fish. Until the gave him their bills for the work they’d done. Suddenly the work wasn’t good enough. He looked for excuses not to pay. He’d offer them 1/3 of what he owed. If they sued, he’d drag it out. Many of these small guys had mortgaged their homes or businesses to get the capital to finish these projects. Many lost their businesses as a result. A few committed suicide.

I lost all respect for Donald Trump the day he bragged about making walking away from his bankruptcy with $40 million. Stiffing contractors made me loathe him. I worked in construction law. Predatory contractors like Trump are a fact of life and it’s always the sub-trades who get screwed. Decent hardworking guys just trying to get ahead and keep their guys working.

Since the 1990’s Trumo has made a comeback. With his TV series and the help of selling real estate to Russian oligarchs, he’s semi-solvent but he several of his projects have gone bankrupt - 7 in total. Including one where he stiffed the Puerto Rican government for $33 million for the infrastructure they built for his resort. Now he stiffing then again on disaster relief.

So tell me how is it not fair, reasonable and honest to think that Donald J. Trump is a lowlife piece of shit that no decent human being should ever trust?
You are right. I hate Hillary.

Now show me my unending bashing of her thread after thread. Show me shouting out every time she says anything at all how I feel about her and then show me lobbing Hillary shitballs on the wall daily.

When I do that THEN you have a point.
dragon,,,,, Ice is oblivious to any of the low life trumps escapades If its not libeling hillary or obama he won't listen
And you ignored that you bought n sucked up bullshitting news about trump cause you hate him.

I rest my case n have a good life. You continue to take my asking to stop eating billshit lies as defending trump.

You see what you want and I just got no time for that anymore
dragon,,,,, Ice is oblivious to any of the low life trumps escapades If its not libeling hillary or obama he won't listen
And you ignored that you bought n sucked up bullshitting news about trump cause you hate him.

I rest my case n have a good life. You continue to take my asking to stop eating billshit lies as defending trump.

You see what you want and I just got no time for that anymore

What do you mean by bullshitting stories about Trump. Because quite honestly, there’s not much good to say about the guy. There never has been.

His school roommates have no kind words. His professors at Wharton called him lazy and stupid. He was tossed out of two military prep schools, places you send a kid with discipline problems. He lies about everything.

What is it that makes you think that Trump is a wonderful human being because the rest of the world is just not seeing it.

How God damn blind are you? All economic indicators are going UP NOT DOWN.

Now, isn't THAT amazing, while Trump has done NOTHING legislatively to help the economy?.......Should you be thanking someone else's policies?

Ho on., its allowed.......LOL

Bullshit, he's signed 13 CRAs that eliminated job killing regulations and his agencies have eliminated many more with more in the pipeline. Speaking of Pipelines.............. LMAO at commiecrat propaganda.

Last edited:
Another sad 'butt-hurt' thread...

Trump is in Asia ... AS PRESIDENT.

Hillary is in the US ... being SHAT UPON by Donna Brazile and her own party.


Brazile is beating Hillary like a Pinata right now, exposing her scandals, corruption, and crime.

She could be the DOJ's primary witness against Hillary.

My point is and has always been people just hate with out reason or thought.

Like the MSNBC reporter who on the air critisized trump for not demanding the death penalty for the Vegas shooter.


The ass.
IMHO why keep any of those murderers alive ? Put em in the ground,,,,in shallow graves
Eddie the mother fucker was killed in the room!!!

See what I mean? You MAKE SHIT UP to get mad about.

I'm done. You refuse to be fair, reasonable or honest about trump so pointless to talk.

Have you been fair, reasonable or honest about Hillary Clinton? If so when?

I started following Trump in the 1980’s when he first came to public attention. Rich society boy moving up the ladder. He built Trump Tower which was very impressive. It remains his one and only genuine accomplishment.

What followed was failure after failure and a lot of self promotion. Then came the bankruptcies. Trump bragged about walking away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million dollars. His small investors lost everything.

Throughout the 1990’s I watched as Trump stiffed small contractors. He’d hire some smaller local people for his mega-projects. For them it was the opportunity of a lifetime - a chance to swim with the big fish. Until the gave him their bills for the work they’d done. Suddenly the work wasn’t good enough. He looked for excuses not to pay. He’d offer them 1/3 of what he owed. If they sued, he’d drag it out. Many of these small guys had mortgaged their homes or businesses to get the capital to finish these projects. Many lost their businesses as a result. A few committed suicide.

I lost all respect for Donald Trump the day he bragged about making walking away from his bankruptcy with $40 million. Stiffing contractors made me loathe him. I worked in construction law. Predatory contractors like Trump are a fact of life and it’s always the sub-trades who get screwed. Decent hardworking guys just trying to get ahead and keep their guys working.

Since the 1990’s Trumo has made a comeback. With his TV series and the help of selling real estate to Russian oligarchs, he’s semi-solvent but he several of his projects have gone bankrupt - 7 in total. Including one where he stiffed the Puerto Rican government for $33 million for the infrastructure they built for his resort. Now he stiffing then again on disaster relief.

So tell me how is it not fair, reasonable and honest to think that Donald J. Trump is a lowlife piece of shit that no decent human being should ever trust?
Trump has made a living marketing his name and Trump brand
As a businessman, he has no scruples
Same as his presidency

I didn’t even cover his cheating on his wives, his admission that he sexually assaults women, the Trump University Fraud, the racial discrimination suits, or all of the issues with his so-called charitable foundation, or his 5 year birther lie.

There is nothing about this man that should lead any decent person to vote for him. Leopards don’t change their spots. And with his abuse of taxpayer dollars going golfing every fucking weekend and billing all SS expenses at his golf clubs, we see him scamming the public.
Trumps lack of character has been evident for decades
dragon,,,,, Ice is oblivious to any of the low life trumps escapades If its not libeling hillary or obama he won't listen
And you ignored that you bought n sucked up bullshitting news about trump cause you hate him.

I rest my case n have a good life. You continue to take my asking to stop eating billshit lies as defending trump.

You see what you want and I just got no time for that anymore

What do you mean by bullshitting stories about Trump. Because quite honestly, there’s not much good to say about the guy. There never has been.

His school roommates have no kind words. His professors at Wharton called him lazy and stupid. He was tossed out of two military prep schools, places you send a kid with discipline problems. He lies about everything.

What is it that makes you think that Trump is a wonderful human being because the rest of the world is just not seeing it.
Show!me where I've said much of anything good about trump. But much like many binary single minded libs, if I don't join the the mindless bashing, I love the guy.

Which is as stupid as most of your posts.
My point is and has always been people just hate with out reason or thought.

Like the MSNBC reporter who on the air critisized trump for not demanding the death penalty for the Vegas shooter.


The ass.
IMHO why keep any of those murderers alive ? Put em in the ground,,,,in shallow graves
Eddie the mother fucker was killed in the room!!!

See what I mean? You MAKE SHIT UP to get mad about.

I'm done. You refuse to be fair, reasonable or honest about trump so pointless to talk.

Have you been fair, reasonable or honest about Hillary Clinton? If so when?

I started following Trump in the 1980’s when he first came to public attention. Rich society boy moving up the ladder. He built Trump Tower which was very impressive. It remains his one and only genuine accomplishment.

What followed was failure after failure and a lot of self promotion. Then came the bankruptcies. Trump bragged about walking away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million dollars. His small investors lost everything.

Throughout the 1990’s I watched as Trump stiffed small contractors. He’d hire some smaller local people for his mega-projects. For them it was the opportunity of a lifetime - a chance to swim with the big fish. Until the gave him their bills for the work they’d done. Suddenly the work wasn’t good enough. He looked for excuses not to pay. He’d offer them 1/3 of what he owed. If they sued, he’d drag it out. Many of these small guys had mortgaged their homes or businesses to get the capital to finish these projects. Many lost their businesses as a result. A few committed suicide.

I lost all respect for Donald Trump the day he bragged about making walking away from his bankruptcy with $40 million. Stiffing contractors made me loathe him. I worked in construction law. Predatory contractors like Trump are a fact of life and it’s always the sub-trades who get screwed. Decent hardworking guys just trying to get ahead and keep their guys working.

Since the 1990’s Trumo has made a comeback. With his TV series and the help of selling real estate to Russian oligarchs, he’s semi-solvent but he several of his projects have gone bankrupt - 7 in total. Including one where he stiffed the Puerto Rican government for $33 million for the infrastructure they built for his resort. Now he stiffing then again on disaster relief.

So tell me how is it not fair, reasonable and honest to think that Donald J. Trump is a lowlife piece of shit that no decent human being should ever trust?
You are right. I hate Hillary.

Now show me my unending bashing of her thread after thread. Show me shouting out every time she says anything at all how I feel about her and then show me lobbing Hillary shitballs on the wall daily.

When I do that THEN you have a point.
Republicans have been after her ass for 25 years or so Bashed her left and right Got so bad she could have discovered a cure for cancer and republicans would've bashed her Now maybe you haven't done that dirty work yourself BUT please don't tell me the rest of this crowd hasn't

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