Trump,a man with no cards to play

Remember Barry Hussein's foreign trips? All he ever did was apologize for America's contribution to global warming and bow to every two bit dictator on the planet while the GDP stagnated back home and the Military was used as a social experiment. The only cards Hussein had left were racial hatred and threats of anarchy and violence. The Secret Service does a background check on every potential associate of the president so Hussein must have known about his pal Harvey Weinstein's sexual abuse and yet there are dozens of photos of them together. Like most democrats Hussein was a garden variety hypocrite.
its good times Eddie !!
If good times relates only to making big bucks you'd be right But I don't think thats how we should view the condition we're in with our allies and neighbors
Doesn't matter though as we have President Trump !! And hilary lost , mrobama is gone , his obamacare is being messed with [Ask poster MONK] , illegals are being chased and deported , guns are untouched so far , Supreme Court has Gorsuch and mrobamas legacy is being dismantled , norks are being threatened rather than fed , muslims in war zones are being destroyed and everything is pretty cool . Icing on the cake is that eventually 'iran' will need to be dealt with Eddie !!
Yeah Iran and NK how many are you prepared to lose there??? trump doesn't care as long as he wins
---------------------------------------------------------- previous admins both repub and mrobama kept feeding the 'norks' and looks like American President Trump gets to deal with them both in a hopefully American old style way Eddie .
its good times Eddie !!
If good times relates only to making big bucks you'd be right But I don't think thats how we should view the condition we're in with our allies and neighbors
--------------------------------------- all the allies and neighbors need do is to get in line , remember , its America FIRST Eddie !!
Doesn't matter though as we have President Trump !! And hilary lost , mrobama is gone , his obamacare is being messed with [Ask poster MONK] , illegals are being chased and deported , guns are untouched so far , Supreme Court has Gorsuch and mrobamas legacy is being dismantled , norks are being threatened rather than fed , muslims in war zones are being destroyed and everything is pretty cool . Icing on the cake is that eventually 'iran' will need to be dealt with Eddie !!
Yeah Iran and NK how many are you prepared to lose there??? trump doesn't care as long as he wins
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if the President Trump wins then I and my kids , grandkids and America wins Eddie !!
just for fun , Russia in the thread and 'mrobama' kissing Russian azz . --- ---

President Obama was negotiating. As is the authority of all Presidents
He merely pointed out the reality of our political system

Trump negotiated for support to steal an election

------------------------------------------------------ thanks RWinger , and i suppose that you also think that 'juan mcstain' is also a hero eh .

John McCain has sacrificed much for his country and has served for thirty years in Congress

A great American
its good times Eddie !!
If good times relates only to making big bucks you'd be right But I don't think thats how we should view the condition we're in with our allies and neighbors
--------------------------------------- all the allies and neighbors need do is to get in line , remember , its America FIRST Eddie !!
yes but it's trumps way for America ONLY
just for fun , Russia in the thread and 'mrobama' kissing Russian azz . --- ---

President Obama was negotiating. As is the authority of all Presidents
He merely pointed out the reality of our political system

Trump negotiated for support to steal an election

------------------------------------------------------ thanks RWinger , and i suppose that you also think that 'juan mcstain' is also a hero eh .

John McCain has sacrificed much for his country and has served for thirty years in Congress

A great American

and not afraid to tell it like it is
and i just had a fine breakfast [burp] Eddie !!

Jim Beam for "breakfast".....again???.............LOL
-------------------------------------- naw , 4 poached eggs and thick cut slab bacon , 4 toast . And hey i got close to 2 pounds of slab bacon Nat !!
Eggs Benedict is my favorite with corned beef hash on the side with cream cheese on my toasted English and a bloody mary to start with
its good times Eddie !!
If good times relates only to making big bucks you'd be right But I don't think thats how we should view the condition we're in with our allies and neighbors
--------------------------------------- all the allies and neighbors need do is to get in line , remember , its America FIRST Eddie !!
yes but it's trumps way for America ONLY
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ America is the ONLY country that matters to me Eddie .
its good times Eddie !!
If good times relates only to making big bucks you'd be right But I don't think thats how we should view the condition we're in with our allies and neighbors
--------------------------------------- all the allies and neighbors need do is to get in line , remember , its America FIRST Eddie !!
yes but it's trumps way for America ONLY
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- is that what the problem is , are you a fureigner / foreigner . I can make you an 'honorary American' if you start expressing a proper American attitude in yer posting for a few years and after you pass a test Eddie .
its good times Eddie !!
If good times relates only to making big bucks you'd be right But I don't think thats how we should view the condition we're in with our allies and neighbors
--------------------------------------- all the allies and neighbors need do is to get in line , remember , its America FIRST Eddie !!
yes but it's trumps way for America ONLY
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- is that what the problem is , are you a fureigner / foreigner . I can make you an 'honorary American' if you start expressing a proper American attitude in yer posting for a few years and after you pass a test Eddie .
Born American and served my country in the Army for 2 years and I still despise this President
The president is beginning his tour of a bunch of Asian countries, and he's already thrown away all his winning cards. The tour will be a bunch of photo ops and not much else.

When he arrives in China, he might have said, "I represent the 12 nations of the TPP. We represent about 40% of the world economy. If you don't stop trading fuel and materials across the N. Korea border that they can use to make nukes and icbms, we in the TPP will greatly reduce our trade with you, in order to reduce trade with N. Korea.

Or he might say, :The South China Sea is international waters that all of the TPP want to use as international waters. Please remove your militarized islands that you have created there, and allow us all free passage."

Or he might say, "Please protect the intellectual property of all TPP members, and protect TPP patents, and written material, or trade with China by TPP members will be greatly reduced."

But he can't because he has thrown away the TPP card. Everyone is now on their own, and many Asian countries can't afford to go it alone against China. No country, including the USA, can compete economically with China alone.

And as far as Russia is concerned, we still don't know what cards he has given to Putin, but clearly the president has given away all his cards there as well. So many that the president is clearly scared to say or do anything that might bother Putin.

A good negotiator? Really?? It's hard to negotiate anything when you don't have any cards. Of course, he might just say, "I'm crazy, do what I say or else." I'm sure every country, everywhere has already tough about that. And that's why they are all simply going to wait until Trump is gone for anything significant.
Cause lord knows you will be unbiased
IF he does something I like and think it's good for our country I'll be among the first to admit it As of now ice I can say vetting foreigners into our country ,getting rid of non citizens who have committed illegal acts and tax reform are what I agree with It's just so hard to side with this pig of a man
No you won't.

You LOOK for bad trump stories to support you r views n don't care where they come from.

Justifying bate more important than being honest.

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